#justice for johnny depp




They changed their minds and now they don’t know how to get out of the situation???

Tell me you picked the wrong side without telling me you picked the wrong side .

“Doesn’t negate the pattern of abuse that she’s claimed happened in their relationship,” it does when she lied about it and used your movement to add fuel to her dumpster fire. You’d think a movement based around abuse would know what the hell reactive abuse is .

The date says February 2020…I’m confused as to how they knew she lied back then, was this over the UK trial?



I have mixed feelings about this because while she did make jokes, her tactics weren’t the best and she was arguing with the witnesses, I DO feel sorry for her because I have the feeling that Amber was rude to her team like a spoiled brat and we all saw how difficult she was as a client. I mean she threw them under the bus when asked about the evidence and said “that’s not my job” ??!!!!! It must be hard to work with what she gave them.

If she loses I hope nothing happens to them, even the damn Rottenborn.

Her crying might likely be because Rob from Law and Lumber claims it was overheard that AH literally tore her a new one for “doing horrible on cross” and Elaine wasn’t taking it.

I’d cry too, honestly. Your own client yelling at you and telling you to do better? Why bother hiring a team to begin with if you think you can do the job better? Represent your fucking self then, ya big baby .

Amber most likely chewed her out, their speeches weren’t up to par for her likings.

An AH supporter Reblogged I guess they can’t read…damn it. Everyone a moment of silence.



This person just comments. I’m legit confused since I put DNI, I question them on that. They go:

• This person uses #Johnny Depp in their reblogs and they don’t understand how our posts could be showing up?? If you don’t want to see it put #anti Johnny or something Lmao

• Why not block all of us if it’s such a pain?

I kept their name in so you guys could help them out by blocking so they don’t have to see our horrible posts. Why is it so hard from anyone not wanting to see the posts?

DNI if this helps you guys in the future since you can’t read tags.

Does no one on this god forsaken website know how tags work? Like your shit is showing up in this tag. Almost like it’s broken system.

Doesn’t mean someone should comment on my posts? It’s not MY problem. And my brain isn’t made of soup, I clearly also said to block any of us if you don’t like it? Silly.

Here’s another to block guys~

Funny how AH’s team whine about unprofessionalism with the way Camille conducts her ending words. Yet these are the same people whose questions to any JD witness was “You did this for your 15 mins of fame right?”


Damn. 83 times? Like, you counted? Did you count on your fingers oooorr…? Maybe you tallied on a sheet of paper? 83 time, folks. Welp. Guess we’re in trouble now.

I’m curious. What did you think the case was about? Because it’s listed as a defamation case. Meaning the op-ed is pretty important… yikes, bestie.

Kept their names in so everyone can go ahead and pre-block them ❤️. Please don’t send hate! I don’t think anyone would but just in case a rogue sends them something, I covered my ass.


I’m honestly getting sick of Amber Heard supporters thinking we only support Johnny Depp because he looks hot or because we hate women or because we are brainwashed. Like no. We watch the trial, we make our own decisions, we think for ourselves and don’t just follow the medias narrative. And we’ve all (almost all) come to the conclusion that Johnny Depp is innocent and that Amber Heard is the abuser.


I’m legit so pissed off by some Amber Heard stans. To be respectful, I won’t name them, but ISTG. They’re over here saying shit like this then get mad when we bad mouth Amber Heard bc she is a POS.


“That’s why I wrote the op-Ed because I knew how many people would come out of the woodwork for him.”




You just admitted the op-ed was about Johnny.


“Quit wiping those fake ass tears, bitch, you got hay fever or something.”

-My wife while watching AH fake cry during Johnny’s cross with Rottenborn who doesn’t know drug street names.

Yeah I did , because one minute she’s laughing and smirking then the moment the topic changes she’s wiping nothing from her dry ass eyes. She’s crazy man, she’s the girl who flips a switch at the drop of a dime and gets scary then after laughs like the wicked witch of the west.


“After the DeppWaldman statements?”



“Yes, after the Waldmanstatements.”

Fucking love it.

The fact she tries to say Morgan was a fan all because back in the 90s Johnnys first wife before he even became famous worked as the make up artist on Morgan’s movie, was such a stretch on her part. Because even if he was doesn’t mean he’d lie, if I saw Johnny hit Amber I’d tell the truth. Yes he’s one of my favorite actors, but abuse isn’t something I take lightly. So I highly doubt this guy would make up him cowering. He’s also an abuse survivor, so why would he lie?

Elaine was mad he witnessed Amber as the aggressive one that night, that she was acting jealous not him.



Apparently if anyone talks bad about Elon it’s in connection with Amber.

Of course because it’s impossible for things to not involve AH! She’s the main character!

“Objection! Relevance!”

Apparently if anyone talks bad about Elon it’s in connection with Amber.

Elaine needs hair extensions or something, her haircut is just getting on my nerves. Flopping around all obnoxious like.

Interesting that Elaine moves to strike another abuse male victims statement.


“As I sit here now, I can’t think of a Marvel type movie that I’ve worked with no.”


Aquaman man man


AH needs to understand the difference between freedom of speech and making up lies to ruin a man’s life. The verdict isn’t a setback for women. Her lies are what made it harder for women to be believed. This has proven that both women and men can be victims of abuse, and when you come forward, do it with the truth.
