#amber heard is a liar



If you thought I was disgusted by Warner Bros. before, I am beyond disgusted now.

Mocking an emotional and physical abuse victim after ignoring all the facts and evidence.

Good fucking God, if even one person steps into the theater to see fantastic beasts or even any Warner Bros. film ever again, so help me God.


Look, if you’re gonna spout shit and nonsense about how Johnny Depp is abusive and an asshole, or about how Amber Heard is a sweet innocent woman being attacked by “the Monster”, you can unfollow me or block me right now.

If you’re gonna ignore all of the evidence that points out that he was NOT the abuser BUT the abused, and if you’re going to ignore how Amber Heard has admitted ON AUDIO TAPE that she was hitting him and called him a “fucking baby” and a “coward” for running away from her, unfollow or block me right the fuck now.

If you’re willing to ignore everything that the witnesses are saying, all the proof he’s submitting, /just/ because he is a man and she is a woman, go fuck yourself right now, and unfollow or block me.

Male abuse survivors exist and they deserve better. They deserve to be heard, to be believed, to be loved, and they deserve respect.

Female abusers exist and they deserve jail time. In a truly equal world, their crime should be punished in EXACTLY the same way of male abusers.

Abuse doesn’t have gender.

Abuse doesn’t have gender.

Abuse doesn’t have gender.

Amber Heard stans and anti-JD DO NOT interact.

In light of the trial that has started this past week, I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of my followers that this is a pro-Johnny Depp blog.

I support Johnny Depp



Rare footage of Ambuser telling the truth.

All I’m saying is that, this interview, was definitely foreshadowing what she would be like on the stand.

She has those same mannerisms in that video (which was universally hated while she was in a much better light) like she does when she was on the stand.

The list on who’s on the final jury in the Depp v. Heard civil trial that is currently ongoing in Fairfax, Virginia.

(demonstrations from CourtTv & Rob from @Law & Lumber, one to show the full jury & the other to show the dimssed alternates)

The two alternates were Juror #2/B & Juror #8/H. Juror #2 is a Asian male, who is in the mid 20s. Juror #8 is a older White woman, who’s in her fifties. They were both assumed by lawyers and reporters, Ian (@.RunkleOfTheBailey), Larry @.DUI Guy), Rob (@.Law&Lumber), and James, (@JamesFromCourt) to be Pro-Johnny.

The remaining jury are these 7 individuals in total below.

1. Juror #1/A, a Asian male, assumed to be in his mid 20s to early 30s.

2. Juror #3/C, a Asian male, assumed to be in his mid 30s.

3. Juror #4/D, a Black woman, assumed to be in her mid 40s to early 50s.

4. Juror #5/E, a Asian woman, assumed to be in her early 30s.

5. Juror #6/F, a White man, assumed to be in his mid 60s.

6. Juror #7/G, a White man, assumed to be in his late 20s to early 30s.

7. Juror #9/I, a Asian man, assumed to be in his 40s. Interesting enough, this juror is assumed to be very Anti-Amber, to point of out right give her a scrawl when she was on the stand.

5 men, 2 women.

All of these 7 jurors must come to an unanimous decision to reach a verdict in this case.


Australian citizen comments about the crime of glassing (using glass as a weapon) something that can give you three years minimum of jail. AH severed JD’s finger in Australia and his team flew her away because if had Ben King reported it, she would have been in jail. This is way Johnny lied about his injury being done by a door.


“Well Johnny said horrible things in texts”

Let me make this crystal clear, I. Do. Not. Care. A. That’s common in abuse victims, when you’re being tormented everyday, having fucking cigarettes stomped out on your face, being spit on, nearly dying of MRSA three times, you’re gonna be angry. But when you’re not allowed to be angry, when you have to maintain a brave face in front of everyone, when you’re laughing off your pain and hiding it under layers of drugs, it’s going to bubble up. And when you’re so committed to not being violent as Johnny was, it’s gonna come out in words. Bad words, vile words, disgusting and grotesque words. B. The texts he sent. Weren’t. To. Amber. If he wasn’t sending it to her, if he never thought she’d SEE it, it’s not psychological abuse inflicted on her.


People saying “They were both abusive/shitty to each other.” Is just a watered down version of “A man is not allowed to defend himself or express discomfort when being abused by a woman.” And it shows. Self defense is not mutual abuse. And for the love of fuck if anyone goes “But the texts!” I will personally put a lego in your shoes.

Ambuser:“I had a mountain of evidence but it still wasn’t enough.”

Elame:“She had a mountain of evidence but it was suppressed by Mr. Depp’s team.”

An overlap of the duplicate photos Ambuser perjured herself by insisting were two completely different photos taken at different times under different lighting





Like women just lost 1st amendment rights lol.

Like women just lost the right to make public allegations about someone physically and s*zu ally abusing them when said allegations are FALSE and can be proven FALSE**

It’s ok, I know you didn’t actually review any evidence, here’s some for you!

“I, of course, pounded and displayed ugly colors to Amber on a recent journey.”

“Let’s drown her before we burn her!!! I will fuck her burnt corpse afterwards to make sure she’s dead.”

“She is begging for total global humiliation. She’s gonna get it.”

“Will do I’ll smack the ugly cunt around before I let her in, don’t worry”

“I have no mercy, no fear and not an ounce of emotion or what I once thought was love for this gold digging, low level, dime a dozen, mushy, pointless dangling overused flappy fish market.”

“I’m so fucking happy she wants to fight this out!!! She will hit the wall hard!!! And I cannot wait to have this waste of a cum guzzler out of my life!!!”

“Hopefully that cunt’s rotting corpse is decomposing in the fucking trunk of a honda civic.”

“I want her replaced on the WB film” - to sister, a film producer who had influence with WB who is making Aquaman

“Is the slippery whore that I donated my jizz to for a while staying there?”

“I become irrational when you’re doing movies, I become jealous and fucking crazy and weird and we fight a lot more”

It’s okay, I know you didn’t actually watch the 6 week long trial, so here’s some fun facts for you! <3

1. The cherry picked texts used to prove how horrible Johnny was to Amber were instances of him venting to his friends about his abuser. None of them were said/sent to Amber, nor were they acted upon like Amber admittedly acted upon her violent thoughts. If the shoe was on the other foot and a female dv victim was saying the absolute WORST shit imaginable to her friends about her male abuser you’d be saying it was justified after everything he put her through.

2. The photos of Amber’s “injuries” were proven to be edited. She submitted duplicates of the same photos but messed with the contrast to try and make the marks on her face (note the complete absence of any accompanying swelling) look darker and more severe, meanwhile denying the duplicates were the exact same photos that had been edited (she did the same thing with alleged property damage). There was also no way to prove when the photos were even taken bc she submitted backups of copies of copies and not the originals.

3. The texts from Johnny’s assistant were the result of Johnny asking him to placate/pacify Amber, as he, and so many other victims of abuse often do bc they don’t want to enrage their abuser further by saying they’re lying or that they didn’t do anything wrong. All it proves is that he tried to deescalate the situation after she had an outburst or was mad at him about something, which contradicts her claims of him refusing to take accountability for anything and flying off the handle if he was disagreed with, criticized or accused of something.

4. There are multiple audio recordings of Amber admitting SHE was the physical aggressor and mocking and taunting Johnny for “running away from every fight.” She even says “I can’t promise you I won’t get violent again, I just get so mad sometimes I fucking lose it. But I promise you I’ll try and change.” She also calls him a baby, a coward and a pussy for complaining about her ADMITTEDLY physically abusing him, yelling “I DIDN’T HURT YOU, YOU’RE FINE, GROW TF UP.” Now reverse the genders and tell me you wouldn’t be OUTRAGED if a man said and did that shit to a woman.

Amber (07:08): “every time you don’t like what I say, and you f**king run away, we never work out anything. You can’t run away every fight. You can’t.It’s easy. It’s not brave. It’s not strong.”

Amber: “But I haven’t even been able to have, like, a fight with you beyond, in any real talking kind of speaking context in so long because any time anything goes wrong, you split. I feel like it’s your first thing. And it’s unnecessary. It’s not always you’re splitting because there’s blows or because there’s yelling or anything. You split many, most times when I’m still speaking in this volume, and nothing has been thrown or hit or anything.”(28:56)

5. The photos of the mirror were taken after she smashed a vodka bottle on his hand and severed his fucking finger after chasing him to 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms when he was trying to escape an attack. But yeah no, shame on him for being understandably pissed about that and taking out his frustrations on a mirror by writing some nasty shit to her on it when he was in the midst of a literal nervous breakdown. Bc that’s SOOO much worse than relentlessly chasing after someone who’s desperately trying to get tf away from your aggressive ass, launching a vodka bottle at their head, severing a digit and stomping a cigarette out on their fucking cheek, right?

Johnny after Amber punched him in the face.

Amber after Johnny headbutted her at full force, broke her nose and gave her two black eyes and a busted lip.

Johnny after Amber threw a vodka bottle at his hand and severed his fingertip.

Amber after Johnny wound up his arm like a baseball pitcher and threw a phone at her face at close range.

Johnny after Amber put a cigarette out on his face.

Amber after Johnny repeatedly whacked her in the face with multiple chunky metal rings on and injured her nose so badly she thought it was broken (again).

Johnny after Amber punched him in the face.

Amber with a bruised jaw and cuts all over her arms after Johnny clocked her in the face multiple times and held her down against a countertop covered in broken glass.

Notice the difference?


She is an evil, evil Oxygen Thief and anyone supporting her because of her gender should be ashamed of themselves for perpetuating her utterly repugnant lies.


“I like how the same people saying "happy pride month” are happy a bisexual woman lost against her heterosexual male abuser" (deadass, someone said this)

Did we all watch the same court? Was I- was I fucking dreaming? Did I make up the photos? The audio recordings? The fucking eyewitness accounts and expert testimonies? Amber is the abuser, and I’m baffled that anyone with eyes and ears can’t see that. Also NEITHER OF THEIR SEXUALITIES HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH WHETHER OR NOT THEYRE CAPABLE OF ABUSE. AMBER IS NOT A REPRESENTATIVE OF EVERY BISEXUAL PERSON AND JOHNNY IS NOT THE EPITOME OF EVERY STRAIGHT MAN EVER. WHAT THE FUCK.



these people saying they’d beat Johnny depp make me sick to my fucking stomach. if you are on amber heards side, you are absolutely disgusting.you are a vile human being and I hate you.

fucking choke holy shit I am SO heated. it’s always “believe the victim” until it’s a fucking guy. you people are sick.

edit: I am literally sick to my stomach just thinking about this /srs


If you side with a woman who admitted committing DV, a woman who stole another woman’s SA story, a woman who edited pictures in order to frame Johnny Depp, a woman who despite allegedly being beaten to within an inch of her life and then appeared on TV the next day without a scratch, a woman who was the reason Johnny lost part of his finger, a woman who caused structural damage to a bed base with a pen knife and blamed Johnny’s boot, a woman who gaslighted & mentally abused a vulnerable man, a woman who accused several doctors, nurses, police officers, security guards of lying, a woman who threw her own legal team under a bus, a woman who is being investigated for perjury in more than one country, a woman who alerted news outlets of her divorce then lied about it, a woman who refused to believe anyone’s version of events but her own despite the overwhelming evidence, a woman with previous criminal records for DV then please, please, I beg you…

Get. The. Fuck. Off. My. Blog.

Thank you. 

Look if at this point you’re trying to argue that Amber Heard lost because of sexism or misogyny or powerful men or social media or or or, you just need to sit down.

She lost because she lied. She lost because those lies were exposed. She lost because she defamed Johnny Depp with malice and he proved it.

I’ll talk about this with anyone who has questions but if you think Amber Heard lost because of any reason other than her flaming pants carry on because I have no patience for bad faith actors.

Hi please consider signing this petition to remove Amber Heard from Aquaman 2 and any other future movies from Warner Bros.

Johnny Depp has been unfairly asked to step down from his role as Grindelwald in Fantastic Beasts, while Amber, the abuser, has not been removed/asked to step down.

This is unjust and Johnny Depp is innocent. Let’s show him that we support him by joining the 500,000+ people and signing this petition.

There’s still people defending Amber Heard.

Honestly they must be on their LAST REMAINING BRAIN CELL or genuinely mentally not there? Or just a fat simp???

She took someone else’s rape story to use against Johnny

She SHIT on the bed - although that might give the simps a semi so better not bring that one up

She countless times came out with ‘bruises and cuts’ on her face but then those mysteriously vanished and so many people have said there was nothing there when they saw her the next day whereas there’s so many image of johnny’s bruises, cuts, cigarette mark when she PUT IT OUT ON HIS FACE after CHOPPING HIS FINGER TIP OFF

Find any image of Johnny during their feckin marriage and you can SEE the pain he is in

Y’all are fucking DUMB omfg

Abuse supporters. Fucking weirdos

You wanna talk about shit that chills you?

Amber Heard going full unhinged psycho after Johnny leaves because she flipped out on him for visiting his friend for too long. The gaslighting, blaming, threatening. It’s unreal.

And then she chases him down. Shows up to his escape house because she CANNOT LEAVE HER VICTIM ALONE.








“you don’t UNDERSTAND Amber CAN’T just MOVE ON with her LIFE”

Meanwhile, Turd, for the last six years:

Poor baby

Your contention is she has an Instagram feed? Wow what a fucking big brain take you got there.

Your right poor Amber only spent six years traveling the world and chugging wine by the barrel and doing photoshoots and L'Oreal events and making movies and charging 33k to be a public speaker and basking in the glow of her fake victimhood and gleefully documenting every moment of it

I’m sorry your smooth brain is only capable of forming the most base attempts at understanding that tho

Talcom Tonto dick riders not even once. Listen Geronamayo hatchet wound, i don’t know if you’ve been on the internet for the past 6 years but no one believed her. Because shit stains like you. And the only talking points you have where spoon fucking feed to you but a Russian oligarch via a fuck ton of bots and paying off right wingers on YouTube.

But yes her Instagram feed is true smoking fucking gun here.

Also cute tags. Too bad LEGALLY Johnny Depp is a wife beater.

Oof going straight to dropping slurs and conspiracy theories? Bestie go to sleep, nobody can with that sort of nonsense.

So apparently we all missed the fact that TMZ NAMED AMBER AS THE VIDEO LEAKER when it originally dropped.



“you don’t UNDERSTAND Amber CAN’T just MOVE ON with her LIFE”

Meanwhile, Turd, for the last six years:

Poor baby

Your contention is she has an Instagram feed? Wow what a fucking big brain take you got there.

Your right poor Amber only spent six years traveling the world and chugging wine by the barrel and doing photoshoots and L'Oreal events and making movies and charging 33k to be a public speaker and basking in the glow of her fake victimhood and gleefully documenting every moment of it

I’m sorry your smooth brain is only capable of forming the most base attempts at understanding that tho

So according to Fartlow:

- sneaking men into your martial home the day after being BRUTALLY BEATEN is normal victim behavior

- saying you need to be added to your husband’s car insurance the day after being BRUTALLY BEATEN is normal victim behavior

- inviting your friends to a pool party the day after you’ve been BRUTALLY BEATEN and your husband has been MUTILATED is normal victim behavior

- dropping a deuce in your marital bed, packing up a bunch of drugs, and jetting off to Coachella with your best friends the day after being BRUTALLY BEATEN is normal victim behavior

- aggressively staring down your A-list movie star husband and pulling him away from his fans at a red carpet event the day after being BRUTALLY BEATEN is normal victim behavior

- calling the paps to photograph you shopping at Tiffany’s the day after being BRUTALLY BEATEN is normal victim behavior

- arranging for a island photoshoot the day after being BRUTALLY BEATEN is normal victim behavior

- demanding you be called as a witness for a trial in the UK then spending every night clubbing, drinking, attending dinner parties with former employees of the attending judge, etc. etc. is normal victim behavior


Will literally never get over Fartlow telling the media that Amber “Johnny beat me so bad I should be dead and I have PTSD from how scared I am” Heard was ‘dehumanized’ by Johnny -

*checks notes*

- refusing to look at her.

Amber has had ONE successful starring role and she ONLY got it because of JOHNNY DEPP.

But sure, keep telling yourself that he sabotaged her career when she was never more in demand than during their marriage

“you don’t UNDERSTAND Amber CAN’T just MOVE ON with her LIFE”

Meanwhile, Turd, for the last six years:

Poor baby

So Fartlow is out here live posting Johnny’s location and encouraging people to harass him.

Sad clown behavior.

But then.

Oh, we shouldn’t see this Fartlow? Is that why you retweeted it? Gotta get that Streisand Effect moving?

We shouldn’t hear about Amber “I can’t fulfill my DONATIONS because I have no money because I’m being sued” Heard moving into a million dollar home?

Probably Mollusk’s money tho.

Wait. Hold the fuck up.

Rolling Stones?

Paul McCartney??


Make it make sense.

Anyway probably not the reaction Turd was hoping for.

And for the “this is DANGEROUS she has a BABY” crowd:

Funny how nobody ever had concerns about Lily or Jack’s safety when Turd and her cronies were calling their dad a wife beater and encouraging violence against Johnny.


Important to note that Depp actively sabotaged her career while they were married. Check out this text he sent telling her she wasn’t allowed to take meetings or audition for movies. Who would support a man who talks like this?

LMAO so he’s shown a message he supposedly sent to Amber, the woman who routinely snooped through his phone looking for things to harangue him about, and he can’t remember it.

That’s assuming it was a text pulled from the phone itself using a legitimate extraction method and not just a screenshot, as Turd likes to use. Because this smells fake as shit.

Also Kristina Sexton is a liar, we know that for a fact.

The jury have gone home for the day with no decision made. And I think we, on both sides of this case, can for once agree that this decision should ABSOLUTELY be made with the most thorough care. That the jury should absolutely take their time and consult the evidence and their notes. It is their duty to render a verdict, but it is not their obligation to do it quickly to satiate us.

But holy fuck, the theories already flying out of the Turd camp are UNREAL. Fartlow and the Stain cronies just make me ‍♀️

“The jury will be making this decision under duress.”

“If Amber loses it will be because the jury knew they were in danger if they came to a decision against Depp.”

“If Depp wins it’s only because the jury is afraid of ruling against a powerful man.”

Please just shut the fuck up.

This just proves what we already knew. That Amber and her Stains will absolutely not, under any circumstances, accept that a loss will be the result of an entire jury realizing that she lied. They will never under any circumstances accept that Amber is a liar, and an abuser, and that she briefly duped the world with her grand tale of fake victimhood and was subsequently exposed as having carried out a large but ultimately unsuccessful and unbelievable hoax. It will always be sexism, or misogyny, or some other outside force’s fault. Never Amber’s. It could NEVER be the consequences of her actions; because she’s a frail little white blonde woman, and if we don’t believe all women than we’re failing all women, even if we have to call a dozen+ other women liars for this one woman to be somewhere believable.

“What did Ms. Heard capture of this supposed rampage? Mr. Depp moaning in distress? What sort of person records something like that?”



“Kate Moss is most definitely not on Mr. Depp’s payroll.”


Internal anger.

Guess she shouldn’t have accused super model A-list superstar Kate Moss as just “coming out of the woodwork”, eh?

“You’ve heard her admit to abuse.”



She HONEST TO GOD gets off on hearing about hurting people.

“Abuse that would be truly brutal, horrific, if true.”

Amber actually nods when Camille says this ‍♀️ so she knows that she would have had visible, horrific injuries if any of her tales were true.
