#k mutterings






People will make you second guess your decisions like ‘are you SURE you’re ready for the responsibilities of homeownership?’ As if they were anywhere close to ready when they bought their first house in 1980.

“What if your ac gets broken?” Charles, my ac has broken in every house I’ve ever lived in while renting and it takes 30 days to fix each time while complications of heat stroke lies firmly in a stranger’s hands.

“Homeownership can be very expensive is all I’m saying.”

I literally pay another person’s mortgage, Charles

My family would NOT SHUT UP about this while we were buying our house. I couldn’t make people who haven’t rented since the 80s understand the immense, desperate desire for home repairs to be my responsibility, rather than something that might eventually be done with subpar materials & skills if I harass them long and loud enough. Even if I can’t fix something bc we can’t afford it yet, that’s way less stressful because I have control over that choice and I am making that decision with my own interests in mind, instead of being at the whims of someone else trying to extract maximum profit for themselves.

Also, the satisfaction that the money I’m paying monthly is actually getting us something (equity in a home that belongs to us) instead of going to some house hoarder’s next fancy vacation, really can’t be overstated.

like, even if homeownership is more expensive than renting, you’re still ending up with more to show for your money.


I’m a little curious, so, if you’re comfortable doing so, rb with all the labels you use!

pia-soleildiddle:i started listening to Wicked again and So this boy?is named FiyeroAnd when we sing


i started listening to Wicked again and

So this boy?

is named Fiyero

And when we sing his name like that he comes running

i am still so pleased with myself

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