#karen jones

Took some pictures at Sean’s party.Took some pictures at Sean’s party.Took some pictures at Sean’s party.Took some pictures at Sean’s party.Took some pictures at Sean’s party.Took some pictures at Sean’s party.Took some pictures at Sean’s party.

Took some pictures at Sean’s party.

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Yeehawgust Day 21: Barkeep

January 1920

Deer River, Alaska

“Well,” Sean said with a sigh and a raised glass, “Prohibition, eh?  Here’s to the end of fun for the rest of America.”

“They just get to experience what we have for the last two years,” Karen pointed out dryly.  The territorial legislature, in all their almighty wisdom, had voted to ban alcohol here two years ago.  “And I’m sure they’ll figure out the same way to deal with it, just like here.”  Runs over the Canadian border, fishing boats bringing booze in from Canada as well, and stills popping up everywhere like some kind of drunk mushrooms.  “Dry ain’t ever gonna be dry.  It’s human nature.”

It didn’t hurt that the law was so thin on the ground up here in Alaska that people were mostly left to their own devices, which was how many preferred it.  It was certainly how the former Van Der Linde Gang preferred it, and though she expected the law would still think of them that way, she hadn’t thought of them by that name in years.  They’d left Dutch to find that peaceful place away from everything that they wanted, and they’d come and found it here.  Dutch?  For all his talk about an unspoiled haven for them to make their own, it seemed he’d wanted something different in the end.

The law had finally caught up with him nine years ago.  News made its way slowly to Alaska sometimes, especially away from bigger towns, but it made it here all the same.  It had been so long, but still–there was a finality to that news.  The end of something, grieving more the idea of Dutch that had turned to ashes more than the man he’d proved to be. Because now there was no chance Dutch could ever live up to the sparkle and shine of that promise, mere fool’s gold that had fooled them all.  She’d seen Arthur on the front porch of his and Sadie’s cabin that night, looking out into the distance, and seen Sadie there with him, her arm around him.  Of course he’d take it hardest, as he had back then.  He’d been with Dutch the longest.

But they’d made their choice twenty years ago, and they hadn’t regretted it.  Sean got that grin of his that she knew meant some outrageous idea was about to happen, and she couldn’t help but smile herself at it, waiting for what he’d say.  “Lenny and Tilly are clever ones with designing things, and Arthur and Sadie are good at tinkering just about anything up.  We all know it.  We’ll get something built.  But just enough to keep us with a bit of life, that’s all.  Don’t want no trouble, hey?  We saw how being in the moonshine selling business goes rotten with those Braithwaites back in Lemoyne.  No thank you, sir, to all that.”    

She reached out and ruffled his hair, as much grey as ginger now, her fingers instinctively seeking and finding the scar that marked where a Grey bullet had creased his head long ago in Rhodes.  An inch further over, Sean not turning to answer Arthur–that was the difference between life and death. She still remembered how shaken he’d been at camp that day, talking about how close he’d come to being another casualty of the day.  Sean being Sean, his irrepressible high spirits came back eventually, but seeing him that shocked and sober had stayed with her. 

Yes, better to not end up in some kind of war like the Braithwaites and Greys.  They might want to thumb their nose a little at stupid laws, but there was the difference in that and deliberately waving a red cape in front of the lawmen.  They’d learned the latter at painful cost in those dark days of 1899.  She teased him, “You gonna be our barkeep, Seannie?  You talk enough to be one.”

arthur play drunken harlot. karen play little girl lost.Red Dead Redemption 2 チャプター3になるとキャンプで暇すぎてスーザ

arthur play drunken harlot. karen play little girl lost.

Red Dead Redemption 2 チャプター3になるとキャンプで暇すぎてスーザンの悪口ばっかり言ってた女子とのミッションがあって Sodom? Back to Gomorrah (世紀の銀行強盗)で勝負服が可愛いカレンと銀行強盗したんですけど あんたが居てくれて良かったとかカレンを評価してる感じ列車強盗情報もだし おじさんとか男共の情報より女子が持ってきた情報は確かなんだよね。でも古臭いお色気要員なのが引っかかる。 セイディとお買い物に行った時ルモワンの奴等に通行料よこせって言われて「これでもくらいな」って銃撃戦になってアサモちゃんが日記で「あいつやべぇ・・でも良い意味で」とか万が一日記読まれても良いようにフォロー入れてたのは良かったけど。

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 red dead redemption 2 クレメンスポイント行ってから帰る度arthurちゃんのテントの隣のダッチが愛人とご無沙汰だとか大声で生々しい喧嘩しててすげー気まずかったけど愛人への当てつ

red dead redemption 2 クレメンスポイント行ってから帰る度arthurちゃんのテントの隣のダッチが愛人とご無沙汰だとか大声で生々しい喧嘩しててすげー気まずかったけど愛人への当てつけか物わかりの良いスーザンとダンスしてたんで年齢的にそっちの方がお似合いだぜと思って暢気に眺めてたらカレンがダンスに誘ってきて「いやショーンじゃなくて?地味な服だし小汚いし何なら返り血とかついてんのに着替えさせてー!」ってなってしまった。ネットでメアリー・ベスは知ってたけど ノーマークだったわ~。アサモちゃんのぎこちないお辞儀可愛かった~。

カレンとアサモってどっちもダイナマイトボディーで兄妹みたいよね。胸開けてイノシシの牙のタリスマン付けた途端自動的に ボタンが全部閉まるの何で? カレンのチョーカーみたいにしたいのに !

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Photographing gang members is my favourite past time.


Miss Jones ⚘
