#kate x yelena



“kate bish…”

(painted version)


My brain went “Kate Bish-ope” as in like “ope, didn’t see that coming”, but also the end of her name is up and I am so disappointed in myself for this


“I know what you’re trying to do Kate Bishop…It’s working”


Kate *tries to befriend Yelena*

Yelena *still plotting a Clint *

But they’re gonna be besties eventually, right?!

IG: mintysarts


“kate bish…”

(painted version)



watched Hawkeye ! enjoyed the gals in it :)


“I know what you’re trying to do Kate Bishop…It’s working”


great coats great dogs : )




@um213 this is crazy good! I love how off guard they both look as well, as if someone took a picture and they’re both confused as to why

Excellent as always.


“I love you, always.”


Yelena: I got a new jeweled key for the back door.

Kate: Why is it jeweled?

Yelena: So it is nice to look at when I put it in and take it out.



Kate: I don’t have a back door.

Yelena: Don’t worry, Angel. I’ll show you where it is.

Yelena: Why are you so tall Kate Bishop?

Kate: It’s my genes.

Yelena: Your jeans make you tall?


Yelena: I want to buy same jeans.

Kate: My genepool is very small.

Yelena: Now I have to go swimming for jeans?

Kate: Yes, Lena. The kiddie genepool.

Yelena: *mumbles under breath* Kate Bishop has chosen the little death.

Kate: Yelena, you’re too flat. Hi and low.


Kate: We need to enhance your-

Yelena: Tread carefully, Kate Bishop.

Kate: Singing voice.



Hand kissing.




“I have missed you, Kate Bishop.”


Kate *entering the room in Princess Leia cosplay*: May the 4th be with you Yelena.

Yelena*confused*: What?

Kate: You know… happy Star Wars day!

Yelena: What war day?

Kate*panicking*: Yelena, sweetie. Do you not know what Star Wars is?

Yelena: Star Wars? What is this war you keep mentioning?

Kate: Okay! We have a lot of work to do and let’s hope Peter doesn’t get a tingle about this!

Yelena: Why would Parker tingle over this?

Kate: Because it’s Pete!


Peter *post tingle*:what do you mean she doesn’t know what Star Wars is?

Kate: Pete I can explain…

Yelena *reading the blurb on the case*: Oh it is silly film for children, pass!

Kate: Oh no!

Peter *screeching like a pterodactyl*

Yelena: Even the character names are silly. Han Solo? Is he moody loner?

Kate: Well…yes

Peter: But so COOL!

Yelena: Luke Skywalker? Does he have head in clouds, daydreaming?

Kate: Uh…

Peter: But he has TRAUMA.

Yelena: And, Darth Vader. Evil dad. So dumb.

Peter: Watch your mouth! Vader will F*CK you up!

Kate: *to Peter* That’s enough. *to Yelena* What about Princess Leia?

Yelena: You’re perfect, Angel. But she looks brassy.



Laura : hey guys, I discovered a new drug.

Laura : it’s called ‘your relationship’ and I’m high on it.


POV: your partner’s an idiot and takes a blow for u even tho u can take care of urself

This is brilliant. The day is looking up.


Kate: What did you expect from me?

Clint*exasperated*: Not to flirt with the enemy and stay focused on the mission!

Kate: I was focused on the mission, I took Yelena out

Clint *having a breakdown*: I said take her out as in take her down not out on a date!

Kate: Hey! I achieved both in a non violent manner and if you’re curious she did indeed go down in the end.

Clint *now crying*: I didn’t want to know that!
