#yelena x kate










Could we crash tumblr if we all posted the word “crash” on the 1st of april 2022, 12:35 EST?

Everyone schedule


Doing it again since I accidentally put the wrong time zone

So everyone can find their time :3

You may ask, “Jenna, why do you want this? Isn’t there enough suffering in the world?” Well, you are right. But I want to scare the owners of this site. Not @staff, you know damn well they don’t actually call the shots. No, i want to scare the people who make decisions. I want them to know that we can act as a unit and wreck shit on our own accord, that this community can move mountains. I want them to hesitate next time they make an announcement. Popular sovereignty,motherfuckers.

I know most people know this but some people in the notes don’t, so reminder that you don’t have to wake up or anything to post it, just schedule the post like this:

now you just hit the blue schedule and forget about it until the day it happens

oh hell yeah im doing this gamers join us



Kate: … Did you break in and sleep on my couch again?
Yelena: I did not! I took the spare key the LAST time I broke in. I did sleep on your couch, though, yes.
Kate: And you borrowed my hoodie.
Yelena: Borrowed? *laughs* Oh, Kate Bishop… You’re not getting it back.


“I hate you so much here is the stupidly disgusting coffee you always get!” And “Fuck you and your cute cat, whom I’m the one only able to give belly rubs to besides you” And “Shut up! don’t you have a mom to give white tulips to, cause that were the flowers your dad gave her on their first date?“

kind of ship just hits different.


i read and reread @c–and–b ’s fic its so good and wholesome i loved it pls go read it <3




@um213 this is crazy good! I love how off guard they both look as well, as if someone took a picture and they’re both confused as to why

Excellent as always.


Kate *entering the room in Princess Leia cosplay*: May the 4th be with you Yelena.

Yelena*confused*: What?

Kate: You know… happy Star Wars day!

Yelena: What war day?

Kate*panicking*: Yelena, sweetie. Do you not know what Star Wars is?

Yelena: Star Wars? What is this war you keep mentioning?

Kate: Okay! We have a lot of work to do and let’s hope Peter doesn’t get a tingle about this!

Yelena: Why would Parker tingle over this?

Kate: Because it’s Pete!


Peter *post tingle*:what do you mean she doesn’t know what Star Wars is?

Kate: Pete I can explain…

Yelena *reading the blurb on the case*: Oh it is silly film for children, pass!

Kate: Oh no!

Peter *screeching like a pterodactyl*

Yelena: Even the character names are silly. Han Solo? Is he moody loner?

Kate: Well…yes

Peter: But so COOL!

Yelena: Luke Skywalker? Does he have head in clouds, daydreaming?

Kate: Uh…

Peter: But he has TRAUMA.

Yelena: And, Darth Vader. Evil dad. So dumb.

Peter: Watch your mouth! Vader will F*CK you up!

Kate: *to Peter* That’s enough. *to Yelena* What about Princess Leia?

Yelena: You’re perfect, Angel. But she looks brassy.



Laura : hey guys, I discovered a new drug.

Laura : it’s called ‘your relationship’ and I’m high on it.


Kate: What did you expect from me?

Clint*exasperated*: Not to flirt with the enemy and stay focused on the mission!

Kate: I was focused on the mission, I took Yelena out

Clint *having a breakdown*: I said take her out as in take her down not out on a date!

Kate: Hey! I achieved both in a non violent manner and if you’re curious she did indeed go down in the end.

Clint *now crying*: I didn’t want to know that!



inShould we fight or should we talk


Kate : A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it.

Kate : And I started thinking.

Kate : Like, it was just trying to get food.

Kate : What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck?

Clint : Are you ok?

Nat : What-

Yelena : *with a smile* I can’t believe I’m dating this idiot
