#katsuki bakugo x reader


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bakugo katsuki was a hardworking man. he worked his ass off to become number one, he did everything in his power to make japan as safe as he could and made sure that his daughter went to sleep knowing that her daddy was doing something good despite coming home late.

his agency was the best there was, housing heroes and sidekicks alike, all high in rank, and bakugo made damn sure that he be remembered.

so despite having the most top-of-line workers and most talented employees, bakugo katsuki did not expect to have somebody in the agency at 12:38 pm on a friday.

there was a lone light at the end of the agency, a computer keyboard clicking quickly as though it was normal this time of night.

he was alone as he trudged through the hallways, gauntlets heavy and clanking against his suit as he raised a tired eyebrow to see exactly which maniac was still in office.

and his eyes landed on you.

he’d seen you before, once, maybe twice, but he’d never really gotten the chance to know you all that well. he’s interviewed you once to be his assistant, and seeing that your family basically ran half the agencies in japan, he was quick to hire, not giving it much thought as you walked through the office a week ago. he was in desperate need of new assistants.

he watched for another second as you shuffled through some papers, your eyes drooping from obvious sleep deprivation as you stifled a yawn.

you rubbed your eyes, blinking each as you looked up, running a hand through your hair as you looked around the office, letting out the cutest yelp he’d ever heard when you saw him standing there.

“h-hello!” you gave a small, awkward wave, shuffling as you tried to clean up the mess that was your desk until you gave up seconds in, sighing as you shut your eyes, trying to revive yourself awake, “sorry sir, i’‘l just be um,” you bit the inside of your cheek as you winced at your clumsy tone, “i’m almost done,” you weren’t, and quite honestly you guessed your night was only starting.

bakugo gave a stiff nod and a tight-lipped smile as he walked away, your sighs of disappointment from your actions ringing in his ears and he tried not to smile, walking away as he got ready to pack up for the night.

his office was clean, yet he knew immediately when he walked in, that his desk was abnormally empty and his trash had been taken out when normally he did it himself at the end of the week.

he walked back out, looking at you through squinted eyes, trying to see if you could somehow telepathically tell what was going inside his head.

“d'you know what happened to my desk?” he asked, voice loud enough that you jumped in your seat, eyes wide in confusion as you looked over your computer to see what the hero meant.

“um,” you rubbed your forehead, trying to remember what he was referring to when you perked up, a grin on your face as you gathered a stack of papers from your desk, shuffling over as you proudly handed them over to him, “oh, here they are! i heard that you’re not a fan of, um, well, paperwork,” you sheepishly laughed as your fingers twirled with one another, “so i did them!” you tried to throw your hands up in the excitement but he still hadn’t taken the papers out of your grasp yet, hence causing them all the fall on the floor.

there was a beat of silence as you huffed out, a mix of once again embarrassment and tiredness on your part as you bent to pick them up, almost clanking heads with your boss as he gathered them up himself.

his eyes fell to your shoes, his annoyance quickly dissipating as he felt his lips tug upwards into a little grin as he noticed your slippers.

“nice shoes,” he commented gruffly, the green and black an obvious nod to his hero costume, and your cheeks heated up in embarrassment, stumbling to explain as he turned his back, walking back into his office as though he didn’t notice.

you sighed, rubbing your aching temple as you went back to your desk, fingers typing furiously again, as you somehow tried to beat the impending clock.

bakugo began packing his bag, a sigh of relief emitting from his chest as he realized the most dreaded part of his evening was done (the godawful paperwork they made him do after every mission) and you most likely had done it more correctly than he normally does, and he spared another glance out his office window towards you.

you were young, a couple years younger than him from what it seemed, but everybody seemed younger than him nowadays. even though he had his daughter early, he could tell that the gray hair and fine wrinkles were making way onto his face faster than most his age.

you peeked over your monitor, cheeks heating when you caught his stare, and stared at your screen, missing the little laugh that left his lips as he noted your skittish demeanor.

you took a drink out of your mug, and he squinted to see the picture on it, a soft smile gracing his rough face as he noticed it was a photo of you with your cat, a mug you probably had costume made yet made you look utterly adorable.

he went back to packing his bags, shedding off his hero costume as he looked around his cupboard for something more comfortable to change out of, and he glanced behind his shoulder to look at the clock only to once again catch your wide eyes staring at him.

he felt his body go red as you averted your gaze somewhere discreet, but it didn’t matter much because he already saw you, but he didn’t know why he was so flustered by it now when he was regularly okay with shedding his clothes to put on a sweatshirt.

it was his fraying nerves, he told himself, he was going insane.

so as he shrugged something on, filling up his bag with loose papers and folding up his costume that nestled inside comfortably, he looked around, glad his office was still clean as he stepped out.

he still could hear your keyboard typing even as he neared the office doors, so he stopped, looking behind himself as he called out.

“you should leave soon,” his voice was gruff as you glanced up at him, “it’s getting pretty late,” and it was as he checked his watch, reading a solid 1:00 a.m.

“huh? oh,” you glanced at the clock in surprise, “i’ll be out soon, maybe in like thirty minutes or so,” but as you looked at all the paperwork near you, you doubted that be the case.

his brows furrowed. 1:30? in the morning? he wasn’t dumb enough to know that even though this was the more pleasant side of town, 1:30 in the morning was not the best time to be out alone.

“how do you get home?” he asked, his hand holding onto his strap as he rested his weight on his left leg.

“i walk home!” you called back, hoping he could hear you in the large expanse of the office.

even better, he thought to himself, shaking his head as he walked closer towards you.

you watched as he neared, his footsteps resembling thumps as came to your desk.

“what'dya need to finish?” he asked, voice low yet different from how he normally was during the day as he glanced around your frenzied desk top.

“oh…” you trailed off, trying to think of what to say as he awaited your response, “not much, mister dynamite…” your voice trailed off in embarrassment as he cocked a brow at the name.

“come on,” he jutted his chin to all the papers, “what can i do?” and he wish he could just leave at the surprised look on your face, how your big eyes widened at his words.

“there’s no need! r-really!” and he almost would have believed if you didn’t yawn fifteen times in between those two sentences.

he grumbled to himself, dropping his bag off somewhere as he pulled in a chair so he could sit near the desk, taking a pile of paperwork into his hands so that he could see what he was dealing with despite your loud complaints of telling him you could do it yourself.

his brows scrunched together as he read the reports, confusion on his features as he flipped through the pages, looking at you as you waited for him to say something to break the awkward silence.

“these aren’t yours to do, y'know,” he said bluntly, through the papers back on the desk as he rubbed his eyes, fearful that he had actually hired an idiot as one of his assistants.

“i k-know!” you quickly said as you tidied them up, giving him a small smile as you pointed to the papers littering your desk, “i finished my work a couple hours ago, but yuma said that her daughter’s birthday was tomorrow and so she didn’t have time to finish them. a-and kei said that he was proposing to his girlfriend tonight so he didn’t have time either,” you explained, your face gentle in the bare light of the monitor, your features soft as bakugo felt his jaw tick.

“yuma doesn’t have a daughter,” he said, his voice thick as he watched your eyebrows scrunching together in confusion, “and kei’s girlfriend broke up with him two months ago so i have no fuckin’ clue who he’s gonna be proposing to.”

you took a second as you looked at your desk, deflating a bit as you let out a little laugh, “then i guess taichi doesn’t have a dog he has to take to the vet?” you watched as bakugo shook his head, “and riku doesn’t have a piano recital to go to tomorrow?” he shook his head no again as you chewed your lip, feeling stupid under the pressure of his stare boring into the side of your face.

“i’m not really gullible,” you muttered dejectedly, “if that’s what you’re thinking,” you glanced at him from the corner of your eyes as you let out a humorless laugh, “i just want the people here to like me, t-that’s all,” you gave yourself a sad smile as you jutted your chin to the little picture at the corner of your desk, a photo of your brother who bakugo was well aware of from his college years and your father standing side by side.

“they already think i got here because of my father, so,” you took in a shaky breath, “i just don’t want to be the office pariah my first week in, y'know?”

bakugo pressed his lips together into a thin line, already feeling guilty because he knew that was a leading factor that caused him to hire you.

“so, um,” you cleared your throat, rubbing your aching eyes as you gave him a tired smile, “i’ll just finish these last ones up and i’ll come back tomorrow to do the rest. have a good night mister dynamite,” you said as you gave him a small wave, ready to go back to your computer as he took the fat stack of papers to your right as he set them down on the desk in front of you.

“yuma can finish her shit on monday. so can kei,” you went to protest but he shot you a look and so you back down, not saying anything as he began returning the stacks of paper to their rightful owner, your desk getting significantly less busy.

“thank you,” you muttered as you gave him another smile, one that made him stop working for a second and made his heart run faster than any workout ever did.

he felt like a goddamn high school boy with the way he was reacting to your little expressions.

“mhm,” he hummed, going down to pick his bag, noticing how you were just standing up, stretching as you groaned, eyes shut as your bones oped and cracked, your face relaxing as you opened your eyes back again.

“come on,” he motioned, “i’ll drive ya’ home,” and you went to protest once again but he just shot you another glare that shut you up, “i wouldn’t be much of a hero if anything happened to you walking home. especially this late at night, okay?”

and so you nodded slowly, packing up your things as you quickly followed him out of the office, watching as he turned any remaining lights off and dug the key from his pocket, locking the door as you stepped out from behind him.

“where'dyou live?” he asked as he pressed the button to the elevation, walking in after your as he waited for you to yawn once again.

“downtown, near the um,” your eyes shut as you let out another yawn, “near the big park,”

you were vague but he knew where you were talking about, shaking his head as he realized just how far that was and somewhat relieved that he offered to drive you home.

“you can sleep at my place tonight,” he muttered, “i’m not drivin’ that far out,”

“i, sir, i don’t think,” you stuttered, shaking your head as you tried to think, “i really don’t want to invade-”

“you’re not invading, i’m inviting,” he said simply, stepping out after you as the elevator dinged open.

“but you have no room and i don’t really want to be a bother-”

“we have a guest room,” he said easily again, his ears going red at the little banter.

“but my clothes,” you tried again and he snorted.

“the guest room has guest clothes stocked up,” and you struggled to fight both him ad the exhaustion settling in your bones.

“but maybe your daughter-”

“will enjoy the guest,” he said as he opened the agency door for you to leave out of, “really,” he said, his hand gently on your back as he stopped you from falling down the concrete steps, “it’s no problem,” his breath fanned love your neck and despite your impending sleep your heated up at the proximity.

“sir, i really don’t want to cause any trouble for you or your family,” you said but he waved it off as he opened the passenger seat for you.

“you’re not causing us any trouble,” and said as you sheepishly stepped inside, “and call me katsuki, feel like i’ve known you long enough now,”

“um, well, katsuki,” he grinned at the way his name sounded coming from you, “are you sure? i really don’t want to cau-”

“i promise y/n,” the car revved to life as his one hand gripped the wheel, “really, think of it as company benefit.“


Alien Bakugou

Warnings: language, typical bakugou behavior just a little more feral

WC: 1172

Your widened eyes scanned over the figure, from head to toe. He was taller than you, much taller than you. Had to be a good 8 ft, maybe even a little more. What caught your attention were its eyes. Its irises were blood red, while its sclera was pitch black. They were the colors of nightmares and war. Despite the dark association, you couldn’t help but think they were beautiful. Surrounding its eyes was a lighter shade of black, not gray per se but more of a licorice black. The color outlined its face like a mask, filling in its area. Your eyes moved to the side. With this angle, you could see part of its back, and oh boy, were you not prepared to see it. Trailing along its back were spines. The spikes were multicolored, black with tips of red on them. They weren’t really long, but they were sharp as if one placement of your finger would cut you and cause blood to pool. Your eyes squinted as you took notice of a bright light behind him that was pulsating, going in and out as it looked like it was flickering. You could see chunks of some type of metal from the light radiating from it. Was that a… spaceship? You gulped nervously.

Your face pales as the figure is standing right in front of you, gripping the bat, mid-swing, to the point where it caves in on itself. “What. The. Fuck,” you think to yourself.

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