#katsuki bakugo x reader


Minori sat in disbelief as her face washed blank with confusion like her brain cogs couldn’t turn fast enough to take in the information from her wide eyes. When she finally processed the words fallen from the ash-blonde, she turned away from him, too slowly to be normal. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, her voice trailing slowly like her words are unwilling to take flight. “I didn’t say anything.” 

“I’m not an idiot,” he sighs exaggeratedly, “unlike you.” 

“I’m serious,” Minori rebutted, looking up at him. “You must’ve misheard me.” Minori pulled at her bottom lip; even from her own ears, she could hear her voice waver unconvincingly.  

Silence clung to them like a poisonous cloud that, at any moment, could choke the life from them. The hairs on her body all stood up in fear that Tatsumaki wasn’t some nightmare that only she could see and hear; that maybe she was just going crazy, perhaps that would be better. 

“Listen,” Bakugo interrupted, the low baritone of his voice bouncing off the walls of the room. “Everyone is worried about you, but those dipshits won’t understand what you’re going through,” he grumbled, frowning. “You were taken with me, so out of everyone here– talk to me. I’m the one who ended All Might’s career anyways.”

Minori’s heart clenched at his confession. She watched as his typical scowl morphed into a frown as his lips slightly jutted outwards. Here she thought no one would be able to understand the pain eating up at her, the loneliness that consumes her like a vice, squeezing with just enough pressure to be a constant pain. 

Guilt, the ghastly beast that kills the two every day just a little more, takes what was once their inner light and replaces it with a darkness that overshadows each moment, leaving them traumatized. Right then and there, Minori acknowledged that Bakugo and her are actually two sides of the same coin. 

“You didn’t end All Might’s career,” she scolded softly. In response, Bakugo simply rolled his eyes at her remark. Clearly, he didn’t believe her, which aggravated Minori more than she would like to admit. Huffing in annoyance, Minori took hold of her pillow and threw it toward the male, hitting him square in the face. Bakugo staggered in his place, his eyebrows shooting upwards as he held onto the pillow with so much force that Minori was sure he’d leave a handprint in the foam. 

“The fuck?!” He roared, but before Minori could open her mouth to explain herself, she fell backward onto her bed as a breathless “oof” escaped her lips. Removing the pillow that felt more like a brick from the force Bakugo hurled the thing from her face; she sits up and gawks at him. 

It seems that even Bakugo wasn’t aware of how hard he managed to throw the pillow because he stood frozen before her, his sharp eyes unblinking as neither of them removed their gaze from each other. The corner of Minori’s lips twitches as she forces herself not to laugh. Instead, she shrugs and pats the spot beside her for Bakugo to sit down, warranting him to raise his brows.  

When he didn’t move, she sighed. “Sit down, Katsuki.” Finally catching the memo, the ash-blonde shoved his hands in his pockets as he sat down, slumping forward. “So are you going to speak or what?” he asks. 

“Yeah.” Pulling the pillow closer to her chest, Minori sighs as she stares at the socks at her feet. “When we escaped the L.O.V, I saw her. At first, I was in denial. I thought that couldn’t be her. She disappeared; she’s gone. There’s literally no reason for her to return,  but that spout of air felt too similar, and the hair–.” Minori shuttered, grabbing a strand of curls before tugging it away from her line of sight; repulsed by the color, she bit her lip. “That hair is the exact same as mine.” 

“I haven’t told anyone because I was too scared. If I’m honest, I probably wouldn’t have told anyone if you didn’t overhear me. I know it sounds fucked up, but I just thought that if I said something, they’d lock me back up– and I can’t go back there.” Minori’s large orbs connect with vermillion red ones. Staring back into his, she allowed herself to continue because behind his intimidating aura, his gaze was the promise of protection and more. “I’ve worked so hard to get where I am right now, it’s not much to some, but this is everything for me. But I can’t shake the feeling that everything is going to be taken from me.”

“When friends feel like paper chains in the rain susceptible to fall apart, and the sky holds nothing but the promise of more storms, life is lonely. When all I want is a hand to hold or an arm around my shoulders, and none comes, the world becomes cold and empty. That’s what my life had been for so long until I came here to U.A.– I don’t want to lose this,” she heaves, her orbs glistening. 

“I just–” her eyebrows furrow as the lump in her throat builds– “why? Why is she back? Why did she cause a massacre? Why did she leave me the burden to deal with it.” Tightening her arms around the pillow, she asks the question that has internally been consuming her for years aloud, “why do people blame me?” A single drop falls from the corner of her eye, and soon after, her face crumples, the salt of her soul pouring from her eyes. 

There was a brief moment of silence as Minori cried to herself before Bakugo gently grabbed her wrists, removing her hands from her eyes. “They’re all dumbasses for ever blaming you, and even worse if they still are,” he grumbled. Minori’s eyes widened at his words as she sat, stunned and speechless. The two simply looked back at one another, and she picked up on the way Bakugo looked back at her with a hint of tenderness behind those fiery orbs of his. “Your mom sucks,” he adds, his eyebrows furrowing as he pouts, and Minori can’t help but giggle softly at his unique way of comforting. 

“Yeah, she really does,” she nods with a gentle smile gracing her features, moving her hands that are still wrapped around Bakugo’s calloused fingers, and wipes the remaining tears away.

At the sudden realization that he’s still holding onto her, Bakugo hurriedly retracts his hand away, behind his back, and lowers his head as his face blooms in a mixture of bewilderment and embarrassment as the tips of his ears tinge a light pink. 

Minori dismisses the sudden addition of color to his face and leans forwards, her smile never faltering. She never thought that she could be able to smile as genuine and laugh with no worry after the sudden sight of her mother. Placing her hand atop of his knee, she tilted her head slightly to look the male in the eye. “Thank you,” she says genuinely, a surge of happiness flourishing in her. 

Thank you for listening. Thank you for understanding. Thank you for shining a light in my forever darkness. 

Bakugo’s mouth slightly drops open in surprise before he blinks and shakes his head. “No problem,” he mumbles, removing her hand from his knee, getting up. “I’m going to bed now.”

Minori’s brows pull in confusion as she glances at the clock on a nightstand. “It’s only 8pm.”

“Your point?”

“But what about you opening up to me?” she pouts, throwing her arms up in exasperation only to have Bakugo snort. 

“Some other time.”

“You promise?” Rolling his eyes, he nods, the tips of his ears still tinged a bright pink. “Pinky promise? Mina says that these are unbreakable.” Minori points out her pinky, innocently waiting for her friend.

“Mina is a fucking idiot,” Bakugo huffs as he interlocks their pinkies, making Minori’s lips stretch out into a toothy grin. 

“Goodnight, Katsuki.”

His crimson orbs narrowed slightly as he hesitated at the door, and she got the sense that he wanted to say something but instead simply said his goodbyes for the night. “‘Night.”

A/N: Y’all have waited long enough. I’m dropping these bad boys on ya. Enjoy! ;)

Taglist:@tonijaee​​@x-bakudeku-x@angeldraw@alex-hale666@iambashfulperson​ @kjakiwi @somanyfandomsidek​ @lowkeyunhappy @sir-knight-slytherdor@seokookchan@namutheestallion@avengershavethetardis​ @gheyboux @honeybacon@fckngbored​ @youareloved-x @ineedmyownname@myaaa-xoxoxox@httpglxssy@coconutxraikage@mega-bastard@succulent-momma@can-i-just-like-it​ @soa1eater @killuaking@ya-local-bruja​ @woosuckk @raiinyrxse

Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight supremacy (nsfw-ish/suggestive themes ahead!)

he traps you against the wall between both of his muscular arms, inching closer to your personal space so you wouldn’t have any chances of escaping. his usual spiky blond hair is down, droplets of water falling down and wetting him and yourself.

you involuntarily make yourself smaller than you already were with katsuki bakugo.

he looks like a predator taunting its helpless prey before they eventually feast on them. you see his lip tug upwards — a playful smirk. oh.

you want nothing more than to hide your face right now, and he’s out here having fun seeing you miserable.

“say it.”

he whispers near your ear, earning a shaky exhale from you when he lightly grazes his teeth on your earlobe.

refusing to succumb to his wish, you shake your head and placed your hands on his chest to push him away and create distance. your effort is futile though as he doesn’t even move from where he was standing.

curse his amazing sturdy ripped body. that tank top he’s wearing should be illegal.


he lets one of his hands wander agonizingly slow from your neck. your shoulder. on your arm. your waist. and then it stays still on the flat of your back. his gentle touches succeeds in making your body pliant for him. he hums in approval when he catches you staring at the way his mouth moved to say your name.

“i’m waiting.”

resisting becomes harder for you when he kneads softly at the area which his hand was on. he positions himself yet again closer to you until there’s no more space left in between you both. you could now feel his hot breath fanning your face more so than earlier. it begins to affect you, spreading the warmth he brings to your entire being.

“or would you rather let me force the words out of you?”

gulping harshly, you gathered the courage to gaze at his sharp dark crimson eyes (that’s already eyeing you so intensely you swear you can melt right there and then).



you licked your bottom lip in nervousness. you see the way he huffs after your little action and how he pushes you more to him. gosh you really wish you could ignore the clear indication of katsuki’s want for you but it’s difficult when it’s obviously pressed up against you. and good lord it’s still as massive as ever. it’s embarassing how it starts making you rub your thighs together, excited for what it is that’ll soon happen.

you hate your body for betraying your goal to get out of this predicament you’ve found yourself in.

of course katsuki notices this — he always does from your reactions — and spares you the relentless teasing in favor of hearing you utter the words you ‘jokingly’ texted you said you’ll tell him in person. you should’ve known this explosive boyfriend of yours would do whatever it takes to get what he wants.

with your heart hammering loudly in your chest and your hands gripping tightly on his shirt, you shut your eyes and finally caved in.

“please make me your g-good little girl.”

you could only yelp in surprise when he suddenly hoists you up in the air, your legs and arms wrapping around his waist and neck for support. when you looked back down at him, katsuki’s red eyes were glowing with pure promise of chaos and mischief towards you. he sends you a deep chuckle with his gruff voice and runs his own tongue on his teeth, preening at the way you unconsciously let out a slight whimper.

“happy birthday to me.”

okay now please stop bothering my thoughts porcupine i feel bad for not posting anything on the april 20th *cries*
