#keigo takami x fuyumi todoroki



Here’s my first work for bnha rarepair month. I liked the way it came out but maybe it could be better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Some parts might be a bit slow but sometimes describing scenes gets a little hard for me hehe. I’m also really not sure how much of the days I’ll participate in because huehue *finger guns* I’m uncreative when it comes to one-word prompts.

Prompt: Day 1 - Meetup

Pairing: Huwumi (Hawks x Fuyumi)

Word count: 1,000 words


Fuyumi stared at the blinking, neon red numbers at the top of the elevator, anxiously waiting to hear the sweet ding noise to let her know she was at the right floor. How many floors were in here anyway? She adjusted the large stack of papers crumpled between her hands and her chin to realize her wrist was cramping from the weight of the heaping mound of files and reports.

The elevator made that classic bing! noise and the doors opened, revealing a crowded room full of desks and busy Pro Heroes running from one room to the other, answering calls and running past her to get to the elevator to an emergency call. Fuyumi self-consciously straightened her posture in front of the sidekicks, her eyes frantically switching between staring at the two very large double doors at the end of the room or the loud and bustling heroes surrounding her at all angles with only a few stopping to glance at her.

One person, a tall man with brightly colored orange hair and cargo pants, ran past her and bumped her shoulder at unfair speeds, causing the top file to fall from her neat tower to the ground with a disappointing smack.

Fuyumi frowned at the dull cream colored file sitting on the darkly colored carpet. The stack of papers wobbled in her arms as she made for the thick file. “Need a hand?” a voice casually said, picking up the untidy folder before her.

He met her at eye level (but he was still taller than her, merely looking down since he was a head taller) and smiled kindly. “Oh, thanks!” Fuyumi says nervously.

“No problem.” he says, holding the file loosely in one hand. The sunlight that was streaming in through the windows almost matched his golden hair. The warm hue was a contrast to his huge red wings that stretched around them like a wall of soft feathers. Fuyumi guesses his wings have something to do with his quirk.

“I’m Fuyumi.” she’s able to move the stack into one barely supportive hand and reaches her other hand out, her abrupt motion causes her over sized glasses to slide down her nose.

He reaches for her hand and shakes. “Hawks. You work here?” She assumes he’s a Pro.

“Nope.” she pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose then readjusts the papers into both hands again. “I’m just making a delivery. My Dad’s Endeavor, he left all of this at the house and he needs them today.”

Hawks nods understandingly. If he was being honest, he wouldn’t have guessed Endeavor had a home, much less a family. “You need any help with it?”

“Huh–oh, carrying this? Um, sure.” she hesitantly extends her arms out so he can grab at the heavy stack, suddenly relieved that it was lighter now. “Do you work here?”

“Not yet,” he jokes with a grin plastered across his face. “I’m a work study for now.”

“Oh?” she thinks. “What’s it like working here?”

“Hm, boring.” Hawks shakes his head dramatically. “I’m Endeavor’s errand boy for now.” he leans closer to white haired girl. “But I think he’s afraid I’ll surpass him.”

She let herself smile; however she was nervous even coming here and it was even worse she had to interact with him. Here’s to hoping he’s on patrol. Fuyumi mentally held up a champagne glass. “Are you in the hero course? You know, since you’re Endeavor’s daughter and all.” his words catch her off guard.

Fuyumi shakes her head, clutching the already crumpled papers. “I’m not.” she focuses her eyes on the doors that seem miles away. “I’m planning on going to school to get a degree in child development.”

Hawks nods his head again. With every other word and lively movement, the skirt of her jersey dress bumps around herself. She was like an awkward, expressive bouncy ball of nerves. “Here we are.” he says, opening one of the large doors to her father’s office, letting her in first.

There’s a few windows in the room with all except one covered by deep red curtains that match the carpet. She’d never been in his office, or his agency for that matter. He sits behind his desk, a ball of orange flames going over paper work. “Uh, hey, Dad.” Fuyumi says, almost in a quieter tone to when she was talking with the other boy, conveniently looking away from the No.2 Hero as Hawks drops his bundle on the desk (which he proceeds to lean against). “I got all your things.”

He drops his pen against the dark oak desk and then looks in between his daughter and intern. “Thank you, Fuyumi.” he says, flicking his hand to let her know to set her half down then sends the winged student a less than threatening glare.

She carefully set her stack beside a (more likely than not) fake plant and stared at her feet. “You can go now.” Endeavor clicks his pen open again and continues to harshly fill out the paper work.

The winged boy flicks his yellow eyes between the two. Fuyumi turns around to leave and Hawks follows her out, making subtle glances at the hero behind him. He closes the door as she adjusts her loose fitted cropped shrug back on her pale shoulder. Hawks thought the whole interaction was just weird. Is he that detached? “So, you coming back again or something?” Hawks asks, nonchalantly.

Fuyumi has a look on her face as if she was just snapped out of a trance. “Oh no, probably not.” she purses her pink lips. “This is actually my first time here.”


“I should get going.” Fuyumi flashes him a polite smile before holding up a hand to wave him bye. “It was nice meeting you, Hawks.”

Hawks waves and aims a small smile at the girl as she turns her back to go through the jumble and bustle of the office floor. “I’ll see you around Fuyumi.”

