#kenma kozume imagine


three step plan — 3.30 (final)


— With Kodzuken’s fans speculating about his relationship status, his friends start shipping him with Y/n. Falling in love is a three step plan, right?

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three step plan — 3.28 (and there was only one bed)


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It was dark by the time the two of you ended the livestream. It hadn’t seemed like you’d been streaming that long, but hours had passed before either of you’d realized that.

“Finally over.” Kenma’s voice was rough when he spoke, maybe from his lack of sleep or the fact that he’d been talking for hours now.

“Yeah,” You said with a smile. You stood up from the chair and stretched, Kenma following suit soon after.

“We can order take out if you want, too tired to cook right now.”

He looked so worn out, and even though you were too, you wondered if he’d gotten any sleep the previous night. Fatigue was written all over his face, etched in the dark circles under his eyes and the flutter of his eyelids as he struggled to keep his eyes open.

“I should get home actually, it’s getting… well it’s dark out.”

Kenma hummed at that, looking towards his bedroom window as though the dark room didn’t give the time away.

In fact, the only light in the room was that coming from his monitors. And with the white outline that traced one side of his face and his features, you couldn’t help but notice how pretty he was.

“You can stay here if you want to. You don’t exactly live close to me, it’ll be easier.” He said.

“You don’t mind?”

“Nah, but you’re paying for dinner.”


“You can take the bed, the couch is comfy.” Kenma said, walking over and grabbing one of the pillows off of his bed.

“It’s your house. If the couch is so comfy, I can sleep there.”

Kenma frowned at you. As much as he would like to act as though he didn’t care, he’d feel guilty sleeping on the bed. Especially when you were sleeping on the couch… unless you didn’t have to sleep there.

“Fine, then we share the bed.”


“Unless you want to admit defeat and take the couch?” He asked, a playful smile appearing on his lips.

You narrowed your eyes at him and snatched the pillow from his hand. You put it back down on the bed and crawled under the sheets, the warmth around you already putting you to sleep.

“Dumbass,” Kenma said, lovingly. “are you going to sleep in your day clothes?”

You were about to say that yes, you were, but he was already pulling a pair of his sweatpants out of his drawer.

“Put these on, I have a shirt too if you want that. I’m not sleeping in the same bed as you if you’re gonna wear that to bed.”

“Admitting defeat?”

He narrowed his eyes at you, but tossed his clothes to you and walked out of his room so you could change.

Maybe it was wrong, yet you loved the way his clothes felt. You tried to convince yourself that it was just the material that made you think that, but that doesn’t make a feeling like home wash over you.

“You done yet?” Kenma called from the other side of the door, his words a little slurred with enervation.

“Yeah.” You answered, and got back into the bed. You barely registered the dip in the bed from Kenma’s weight before you slipped into sleep.

When you woke up the next morning, the first thing you noticed was the smell of vanilla. Then it was the arm thrown lazily over you and Kenma’s face buried into your neck.

You felt a little guilty about waking him up being that you knew he needed sleep, but the clock reading 10:38 A.M. told you that you should be getting home.

“Morning, sunshine.” You said with a small laugh. Yet a part of you really found it adorable. Golden eyes fluttered open just slightly before snapping open completely, Kenma almost falling off of the bed in his attempt to move himself away from you.

“I… I did not mean to do that. I move in my sleep.” He said, staring down at his sheets instead of at you. In fact, he wondered how he was ever going to look at you again.

“No worries. I’ve got to go though, I promised I’d meet one of my friends today. I’ll change and leave your clothes on the bathroom counter before I leave. Get some sleep.”

And you did. But you didn’t know that Kenma walked to get his shirt, just so he could sleep with it. He couldn’t help it if even the ghost of your presence was calming.
