
Sorry for being inactive, I really have no excuse than it’s been hard to manage more than two socialSorry for being inactive, I really have no excuse than it’s been hard to manage more than two socialSorry for being inactive, I really have no excuse than it’s been hard to manage more than two socialSorry for being inactive, I really have no excuse than it’s been hard to manage more than two socialSorry for being inactive, I really have no excuse than it’s been hard to manage more than two social

Sorry for being inactive, I really have no excuse than it’s been hard to manage more than two social media accounts. I am a terrible multitasker >< Here is a dump of pencil sketches I did on instagram for practicing and getting back into drawing on real paper. Will try to keep this place updated with more stuff!


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A Sano drawing I made for a friend who sent me an encouraging Kenshin-themed note. He’s her favorite

A Sano drawing I made for a friend who sent me an encouraging Kenshin-themed note. He’s her favorite. :)

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Happy Birthday Kenshin!

How do you plan to melt his icy heart?☃

Celebrate by

✨drawing fanart

✨writing him a love note

✨reading his b-day story Shape of Love!



Google Play: http://goo.gl/itEXwP

It’s Kenshin’s birthday soon!

This year your b-day surprise channels Kenshin’s fantasy of tying you up~

Find out the extra seductive ending in Kenshin’s B-Day Fest!

Google Play: http://goo.gl/itEXwP

the-stray-liger:Guess what my gay ass has been rewatching lately


Guess what my gay ass has been rewatching lately

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I really love this story, I’m so glad I got the bonus story from Kenshin’s B-Day Fest 2022. It’s so sweet and has a lot of things that I like when they include them in IkeSen

Welcome! It’s been a few years since I visited the Joetsu Archaeological Center at the foot of the K


It’s been a few years since I visited the Joetsu Archaeological Center at the foot of the Kasugayama Castle site.
Look who was my personal tour guide!
Local medieval war hero Uesugi Kenshin, himself.
Tables full of ancient pottery artifacts, even today still being unearthed, is the archeological science that takes place here. I’ve carved out and sanded an ancient medalist replica out of sandstone here with I CAN kids more than a few times. But since the last time I was here, the curators have upped the entertainment with the Omotenashi Butai (welcoming brigade?) from Kenshin’s era, and more user-friendly exhibits, including a 3-D virtual reality experience of the Battle of Kawanakajima (as enacted up the street during the highlight of the Kenshin Festival in August).
So happy that the friendly hosts were there to give me a personal tour! #joetsu #kenshin #kasugayama #maizo #bunka #omotenashi

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Guuuyyysss there’s going to be a Rurouni Kenshin anime reboot!!!! Will we finally have a season 3 and a good Jinchu arc??? I’m so psyched!!!
