#kevin atwater


look at burzekwater solving the entire case and probably the biggest drug bust in chicago history. detective promotions here we come.

Words: 1286
Warnings: None?

Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4 |  Part 5|Part 6|Part 7|Part 8|Part 9|Part 10|Part 11|Part 12|Part 13 |Part 14

“What do we got?” Voight asks as Intelligence gathers around him. Kevin grabs his notepad, flicking the pages to the beginning.

“The Emergency Center was heavily sabotaged, their servers have been completely destroyed, thus explaining the inability to respond to calls.”

“What about the fire here? It’s very odd for a building to randomly catch fire in the middle of the winter.” Voight continues.

“Severide says it’s foul play, for sure. Mainly with the bomb.” Jay says, leaning against his table. “It’s very weird, mainly with the fact that it would only catch the firefighters, because most of the researchers are home for the holidays.”

“What if it was directed at the firefighters?” Kim suggests hesitantly, earning confused looks from the rest of the team. She looks at Adam before she continues. “We got that package about (Y/N)… Maybe it was Eric. He has a weird grudge towards her because she knows Jay.”

“Are you sure?” Voight asks, noticing the distraught look on Jay’s face.

“Not sure, but it’s the best theory we have.” She says, wringing her hands together. “And Adam’s CI said he heard a buzz about the whole university ordeal being planned.”

“Why go after her and not me?” Jay asks, anger seeping into his voice. “His problem is with me, not her.”

“He wants to get to you, to anger you, make you drop your guard.” Adam says, crossing his arms. “He knows you’re pissed at this, and he’s counting on your anger to make you be brash and create an opening for him to get to you.”

“Well, he’s succeeding.”

“Jay, why don’t you get to the hospital? I think (Y/N) would really like to see you when she wakes up.” Voight suggests, noticing the weight on the younger detective’s shoulders. “I can give you a ride there on my way to question my CIs.”

“What?” Jay’s brows furrow in confusion. “I can take my truck.”

“I want your truck to be inspected. He rigged a random room to get to (Y/N) and was able to, I don’t want to risk your car being tampered with in any way.” Voight explains, grabbing his jacket and keys.

Jay grabs his jacket and beanie, rubbing his hands on his face as he goes down the stairs after Voight. Trudy sends him a sympathetic look as he follows Voight through the main lobby, and he nods at her in an appreciative way.

The trip to the hospital is quiet until Voight stops his car by the ER door and turns towards Jay.

“I know how you’re feeling right now, like it’s your fault.” The Sergeant says, making Jay look at him. “But it’s not. Eric’s twisted in his head, there was no way we could have predicted or prevented it. You went above and beyond, there was nothing more you could have done.”

“Will says she’s not out of danger yet.” Jay mutters. “That the rod did quite a bit of damage, she lost a lot of blood, the gash on her leg severed a muscle. She’s still in ICU and unconscious, and they don’t know if she’s going to be able to keep on being a firefighter, much less part of Squad.”

“Halstead, none of that is your fault. You helped her the most you could and quite probably saved her life. And now you’re going to be there for her through the recovery, and we’ll nail that son of a bitch down.” Voight says, nodding towards the hospital. “Be there. We’ll let you know if there’s any developments.”

Jay nods and exits the car, entering the ER and spotting Will almost immediately. The older brother leads the youngest into the waiting area filled with firefighters. Their heads turn as they see the brothers come in and Boden, Casey and Severide seem to have a silent conversation before nodding.

“51.” Boden calls, making everyone turn to him. “We have to get back to our job. Jay will stay with (Y/N) and keep us updated. Let’s go.”

The firefighters clap Jay’s shoulder or nod at him as they go by, recognizing him as a trustworthy person to stay and “keep guard” on you. It makes him feel weird on the inside, but he pushes it aside as Will guides him into your room.

He sucks in a breath as he sees you laying in the hospital bed, pale, unmoving, hooked up to numerous machines.

“This looks worse than what you told me on the phone, Will.” Jay manages to say, gingerly sitting at the foot of the bed and resting one hand on your shin. He feels the guilt gnawing at his mind along with an anger he can’t contain; he’s sure that if he’s the one to catch Eric, he won’t make it to prison.

“It does, but it’s mostly preventive.” Will says, looking between Jay and you with a confused face. “I didn’t know you knew her.”

“I’ve known her for longer than you.” Jay chuckles, spotting your dog tags on the small table by the bed and pointing at them. “We served together on my last tour.”

Will’s brows knit in confusion as he approaches his brother, leaning against the foot of the hospital bed.

“You never told me about her.”

“Well… It’s complicated.”


A couple of days later and Jay feels at his wit’s end: they have nothing on Eric and you still haven’t waken up. He’s sitting on the crappy hospital chair, laptop atop his legs, left hand scrolling through the little information they have on Eric while his right hand holds yours. His right leg bounces as he feels his patience dwindling and his desperation nipping at his subconscious.

Will walks into the room, making his normal rounds and taking in his brother’s nervous behavior.

“If you bounce that leg more, the laptop is going to fall.” He remarks, marking your vitals on the chart.

“Shouldn’t she be awake by now, Will?” Jay asks, the desperation evident in his voice. Maybe the coffee Mouse had brought him wasn’t such a good idea after all.

“Jay, this is a game of patience. It will take some time for her to recover even after she awakes. The wounds are closing up nicely, but they still did a lot of damage that needs to be reversed with physical therapy.” Will says, setting the chart back on its’ spot. He watches as Jay runs a hand through his face, the bags in his eyes evident, as well as the longer beard. “Shouldn’t you go home and rest for a bit?”

“I’m fine, I just don’t want to leave her side.” Jay admits, earning a nod from Will.

“You know where to find me if you need anything.” Will says, leaving the room.

Jay closes the laptop and sets it on the floor, turning to you and holding your left hand with both of his, leaning his forehead against them.

He stays like that for a few moments, listening to the steady beeping of the machines until his phone starts buzzing in his pocket. He fishes it out, unlocking it and looking at the text on the screen.

Ruzek: We got a lead. Will text details later.

Jay’s heart jumps in his chest at the news, his free hand gripping your tighter as he types back a reply.

Jay: If you get him, let Voight do his thing and let me know.

He feels excited in a weird way that makes him feel guilty for a brief moment before he looks at you again; Eric had put you in an hospital bed, fighting for your life, and there is no way that Jay is going to let him get away with it.


@thexplosivegirl​ | @godohammers​ | @savingprivatecass​ | @princxss-fia | @fullwattpadmusictree​ | @bethii1​ | @doramstr​ | @annaallicce​ | @hehurst23​ | @dreamslove92 | @lostsoulwalking | @magicxshadows​ | @lookatallthefeels | @miranda0102​ | @killjoys-make-some-noise-na-na​ | @corebore123​ | @talicat713​ | @jayxuptons​ | @detectiveinchicago​ | @cozyfandoms​ | @justanotheronechicagofan​ | @redsmemories​ | @nocturnalherb16 (I can’t tag you anymore???) | @lovejessejay​ | @zizzlekwum​ | @music-is-my-escape71 | @inlovewith3​ | @panaitbeatrice​ | @goingwiththewind​ | @sesamepancakes​ | @caitoszmerlo​ | @rebel-without-care​ | @poguesvixen​ | @cookiecakeslive​ | @csigeoblue​ | @samantha-chicago


Can you do 39 “Well, my sibling never told me they worked with someone so attractive” with Ruzek’s sister and you can pick who you want to write it with.

Words: 1126
Warnings: None
Pairing: Kevin Atwater x Ruzek!Reader
A/N: Hope you like it, hun!


You waltz into the 21st Precinct, a spring in your step and a smile plastered on your face. The stony-faced woman behind the front desk stares you down, a scowl on her face, and her silver hair in a low ponytail. You slowly approach her, unable to hide your smile and grasping the strap of your purse.

“Hi!” You say, earning a scowl from the woman as she looks at you from above her glasses. “I’m here to see Adam Ruzek? I’m his sister, (Y/N) Ruzek.”

“And how is that my problem?” She snaps, making you blink twice in shock.

“It’s not, but I was wondering if you could help me, maybe?” You say, raising your brows hopefully.

She points behind you and you hear a buzz, turning around to see your brother come out of a cage-looking structure around a staircase. You wave excitedly at him and he laughs, opening his arms as you hop to him for a hug.

“You weren’t supposed to arrive so early!” He says, pulling away from the hug. “You could have called, I would have gone and picked you up.”

“I got an Uber, it’s no biggie. You’re here doing some big-shot police work, I couldn’t bring myself to pull you away from it.” You say, hearing a scoff come from the silver-haired woman behind the desk.

“He’s not a big-shot, hun.” She says, not even looking up from the forms on the table. You chuckle and turn back to him, seeing the sheepish look on his face.

“Thanks, Sergeant Platt. Ever so kind to me.” He mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck. “How’s the business treating you?”

“I got my own office now, it’s really nice. I feel like I’m actually helping people.” You say, grinning. “All those years slaving away at psychology textbooks paid off, finally.”

“That’s great!” He says, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you to him. “Want to come upstairs and meet the rest of the guys?”

You nod and he guides you to the small cage-like thing in the staircase.

“What’s this all about?” You ask, gesturing at the metal structure as he scans his palm and the door buzzes open. “You’re in a police station, this seems like overkill.”

“I don’t know either.” He admits, letting you through before closing the door behind the two of you. “But let’s go up so you can meet everyone, I was just about to get out to have some lunch anyway, you can meet them real quick before we go out and eat.”

“Sounds good to me!” You say, smiling as the two of you climb the stairs. He goes in front of you and pulls you behind him, quickly positioning you in sight for the whole team.

“Hey, guys!” He says, gathering the attention of everyone in the room. “This is my sister, (Y/N).”

You give a shy wave to everyone, bouncing on the balls of your feet as everyone looks at you. The two women in the team are the first to move forward to you, extending their hands.

“Hi, I’m Kim!” The paler woman says, and you narrow your eyes slightly.

“You look familiar.” You reply, cocking your head as she blushes.

“Yeah, Adam and I used to date…” She admits, making you gasp as you grab her hands.

“I’m sorry! I’m happy that you ditched him, he’s a pain in the ass.” You say, making her laugh as an offended huff sounds out behind you. The tanner woman outstretches her arm and you shake her hand, smiling at her.

“I’m Vanessa.” She says, a tight smile on her face.

“Nice to meet you, Vanessa.” You say, turning as the two women stand to the side and being replaced with three men. The oldest one intimidates you with the way he stares you down while you greet the light-eyed man.

“I’m Jay.” He says, giving you a small smile that you return. The older man outstretches his hand and gives yours a firm handshake, and you hope you’re being able to hide the uneasiness you’re feeling.

“Hank Voight.” He says curtly, making you only nod as you shake his hand back.

“It’s a pleasure.” You manage to mumble before he steps away, turning to look at your brother with wide eyes before turning back, doing a doubletake when you see the man in front of you. “Oh wow.”

You turn about 20 different shades of blushing when you realize that you said it out loud, the hysterical cackle coming from your brother eliciting even more embarrassment. The man has a couple of inches on your brother, making him the tallest person in the room; his width matches his height, his hair and beard are neatly trimmed and groomed, and the grin he throws at you makes your knees turn to jelly.

“I’m Kevin. Nice to meet you, Miss. And don’t mind Sergeant Voight, he’s always like that.” He says, gently shaking your hand.

“It’s doctor, actually.” Adam butts in, making you glare at him. “(Y/N) Ruzek, PhD in Psychology and Psychiatry, with her own office now!”

“Can you be any more embarrassing? I’m starting to think you take some sort of evil pleasure out of it.” You huff at him, poking your pointer finger in his chest before lowering your voice to a whisper. “Why didn’t you warn me about that hot piece of man right there?”

“What, Kevin?” He says loudly, smirking as you recoil like someone had just punched you in the stomach.

“Shut up Adam, I swear to God I’m going to kill your sorry ass.” You hiss, feeling the blood rushing up your neck and into your cheeks.

“He’s coming over. Own it.” The words barely leave his lips before you whip around and take a step back, ending up with your back against Adam’s arm and with barely two inches between you and Kevin.

“You guys called?” Kevin asks, and Adam nods towards you. If you had a hole nearby, you’d be hiding already.

“It’s just- ah- I- Well, er, Adam never told me he worked with someone so attractive.” You manage to choke out, mentally berating yourself for stuttering. Kevin blinks before he flashes you another dashing smile.

“I’m flattered to get that sort of compliment from someone like yourself, (Y/N).” He says, making you blush even further. “Say, do you have plans for later or would you be interested in going for a beer with me?”

“I’d love that.” You answer, feeling and hearing your brother beginning to argue before you elbow him in the stomach and make him double over, a sweet smile always plastered on your face as Kevin’s brows rise and he chuckles. “How does 8 work for you?”

summary: late nights with Kev when you don’t have to work the next day make you feel like you’re floating

word count: 2.6k

pairing: Kevin Atwater x black!reader

warnings: 18+ smut, no plot really, dives right in, inspired by caught a body by iniko, vaginal penetration, oral (both receiving), light daddy kink, squirting, use of a vibrator

a/n: while this is still a marvel blog, i want to venture out and write for other fandoms that i am a part of so I don’t lose my love for writing, so I don’t feel stagnant.



The rain hitting your window in the distance added to the sensual atmosphere you and Kevin had set. Candles lit along your dresser being the only form of light in the room. Feeling his hands run over your skin caused butterflies to erupt all over your body. Not many words were shared as you two let your bodies do the talking. It was addicting to feel him grinding into you over your panties. You already felt like you were floating before you even got to the intense part of all of this. 

Your lips were locked as you two rocked against each other, heavy breathing, needy hands grabbing each other. You felt his lips kiss down your neck and thank the heavens above that he’s going in the right direction, the direction where you need him the most right now.

“That’s right, baby,” you gasp as he plats kisses across your belly, you run your hand over his coils, spreading your legs wider, trying to tell him to go ahead and take your panties off. He didn’t want you to wait any longer because he didn’t want to. He wanted his lips on your clit. He wanted his tongue to taste when your body loved to offer him.

His tongue was perfectly warm, practically french kissing your pussy, tongue diving into you making you instantly arch your back. His hands never stopped caressing your legs and you began to mimic him, allowing your own hands to roam your body, nipples hard with arousal. You were grinding up into his mouth, tweaking your nipples every time he moaned around your clit. 

He moaned so loud while eating you out, you would have thought it was a plate of your famous home cooking that he’s feasting on, but no, it’s just you and you grew more sensitive with his beard tickling.

It began to feel like your mind was opening up to another dimension with all this pleasure you were experiencing. Your own hands make you tremble with his mouth devouring you. 

You looked down to see him already watching you. You let out such a needy whimper and saw the way he smirked at you. He was staring into your soul over your mound as his tongue maneuvered effortlessly through your folds.

“You eat it so good, baby,” your eyes lightly rolled, no one knows how much of a sucker Kev is for praise. He was so good at exploring you and making you feel good, your body was like a map and he always knew where he was going without any help.

He gave a hard suck and you can see the smirk on his face at your reaction of a loud gasp. It’s like he was sucking the life out of you to have you leave your body. You noticed him humping the bed while his face was buried between your legs, you needed to reciprocate this energy. You needed to treat ya man and feel the weight of him in your mouth.

“Get up here, baby,” you moan, “I need to suck ya soul out,” you sit up, meeting him halfway to taste yourself on his lips, slowly licking his mustache where it’s wet so you can collect your juices on your tongue and stick it back in his mouth so you two can share.

“I need that mouth,” he grunted. Kev loved to fall apart for you when you sucked him off. It really did feel like you sucked his soul out of him most times. You knew how to get him sensitive and whimpering, sweating and gasping right before you as you stared up at him like you were innocent and not doing anything.

He sat against the headboard and watched you lay on your stomach, taking your lip between your teeth as you watched his dick bob up and down with precum leaking down his gorgeous length. So veiny and thick, you can’t wait to feel the heartbeat of it against your tongue.

You started at his balls, softly licking, kissing, lightly sucking.

“Gah damn” he huffed. You hasn’t even gotten to the good part yet and he was ready to bust.

“That’s right. Let it out for me, daddy. It’s just us,” you kissed up his length until you got to the tip. You stared intensely for this. For the hissing and gripping of the sheets he does every time you first put him in your mouth.

“Swallow that dick, baby,” he wanted to badly to put his hand on the back on your head and make you take all of him right then and there. While you wouldn’t have minded, he wanted to enjoy the pace.

You worked your mouth down on him, using no hands as they were to occupied roaming his chest and thighs, setting his nerve endings on fire for you. You kept going until your nose was touching his pelvis and swallowed, moaning at the same time.

“You sucking me so good, shit!” He wiped the side of your mouth where he saw some spit, sucking it off the pad of his thumb.

“Mmmm,” you moaned around him, eyes fluttering at his actions. That fucking lip bite he does his causing you to drip onto the sheets. The shadow of the flames dancing behind their glass walls painted an imagine on his chest that made him look like a God. A God who was getting some candle lit head in his royal quarters.

You moved faster, wanting to get him worked up, which worked. His heels dug into the mattress and his fingers finally gripped your tight coils so he could thrust himself up into you, going deeper and feeling your gag. He felt so good in your mouth, veins creating the perfect soft friction against your tongue, creating the perfect tension in your throat. You look up to see his head tilted back, mouth hanging open and chest moving up and down quickly. He was grinding into your warm hole that was welcoming him so well. He looked down, eyes half lidded, gasping with need.

“Unless you want me to nut in ya mouth I expect you to come sit on my dick cause I can’t take no more,” his fingers pulled at your roots and gave a few more deep thrusts before pulling you off, smiling at your gasping figure. With his hand still tangled in your curls, he pulled you up onto him, pussy right above his dick as he shoved his tongue into your mouth.

“Don’t be selfish, lemme taste,” he said against your swollen lips. You tasted yourself off his lips, he might as well get the same right. The taste of his precum lingered in your mouth and it tasted so good. His hand wrapped around your throat as he sucked on the pulse point on your neck feeling it pound for him. You tried to sigh deeply but you couldn’t breathe when he gripped your throat tighter and pushed his fingers into your wet walls.

“Kev!” You shook against his chest. His fingers reached the perfect spots, curling just right.

“Before I fuck you so hard that you experience an ascension, I wanna feel you cum on my fingers. Grip me, baby. Make a mess on daddy,”

“Oh fuck,” a small squeal left you. Your hands held onto his forearm, feeling it flex beneath your fingers when he squeezed the sides of your throat a little harder. The wet sounds of your pussy filled the room and it was Kevin’s favorite song.

“Look at you, making a wet ass mess on my fingers already,”

“Yes! Yes yes! So good,”

He pulled you forward so your foreheads were pressed against each other and his eyes stared into yours. You always felt so vulnerable when he stared in your eyes like this and it almost brought tears to your eyes every time because he stared so intensely and all you could feel is love and admiration radiating off on him to fuel you.

Your clit needed some attention, so you reached down to run circles on your bud and moaned loudly right in his face.

“You gonna cum?” He smirks.

“Mhm! Mhm!” You frantically nod. He fingered deeper and harder, smirking at your twitching body, watching it prepare itself for the orgasmic wave that’s about to crash down on you.

“Gimme that shit, baby girl. Make daddy proud”

“Uh huuuh!” Nodding continuously until he gets you there, you felt it all in your bones, calling out for him when you cum all over his fingers. He helped you ride it out before pulling his middle and ring finger out of you, sucking one clean and giving the other to you.

“You taste so much better when you cum for me,” he emphasized. You taste good to him regardless but when he tells you to cum for him and you do? He doesn’t know why but you just taste different.

Your head fell against his shoulder, trying to catch your breath. You kissed his neck between breaths, licking up until you reach his ear so you can whisper.

“I’m ready for you,” without a warning, you take his dick in your hand, rubbing his tip against your soaking lips.

“Sit that pretty pussy on me,” his fingers dug into you thighs, moving his head back to watch you sink down on him. It’s always that feeling of him first entering you that brings tears to your eyes, the feeling was unreal, you would never get tired of feeling him within you, never get sick of the fact he became a part of you and wanted to remain.

You had your hands on the wheel so you were the one in control. You propped some pillows up under your knees so you could ride him better. You started slow, teasing yourself and him, it was easy to tell he wasn’t taking the teasing well and just wanted you to ride him into the horizon. It was comforting to feel him move your hands to your round, brown ass cheeks to squeeze so he could stay grounded.

“Stop playing,” he’s never whined with such need before in his life.

You kissed his cheek, leaning closer, hands on the top of the headboard behind him, “I gotchu, daddy. I’ll give you everything I got,”

“That’s what I like to hear,” the smack that landed on your ass is what prompted you to begin bouncing on him, the guttural moan that left him was feral and you took solace in that. You loved driving him crazy.

You felt him deep within you, his tip kissing your cervix, hitting all the hidden spots within your walls. The shadows your body created on the wall was beautiful enough to record, it was scenic and sensual and you wanted this to forever be engraved in your memory.

Kevin didn’t know if he wanted to shut his eyes because it felt so good or to look you deep in your eyes and talk you through riding him. You had him feeling like you were guiding him to ascension. His body was getting hit with pleasure from all directions.

You however, were tongue-tied as you watched him try to keep himself together. You weren’t doing your best at staying out together either though, especially not with him slowing you down for a second to get your pretty blue vibrator from the night stand, wasting no time to turn it on and tease your clit. It felt like your souls were in a different plane, both of you being pulled out of your bodies almost with how good all of this felt. That was something you and Kevin could never deny, your chemistry and energy were unmatched.

Kevin pulled you close to him so you could arch your back and ride him faster, he never moved that vibrator from your sensitive clit. You couldn’t hold back your moans anymore, the flames of the candles dancing to the tune of your outbursts.

“Y’feel so fucking good,” you peel back a little to look him in his eyes, seeing the red of the flames in his irises, letting it be a double entendre, letting it be a statement of the love, the hot, passionate love he holds for you every time he sees your face.

“Keep gripping me like that. Damn you feel so- fuck!” Kevin trembled when your walls clenched around him. You were sure you weren’t going to be able to last much longer, especially with the vibrations on your clit sending you to another dimension.

Before you knew it though, Kevin had you on your back, fucking you into the mattress, tucking the toy between you two so he could lay over you, forearms framing your head so he could get deep as he plowed into you.

“You gonna cum f‘me? Hmm?,” you ask him between moans, “I feel you pulsing. I can feel it, you’re gonna cum in me, aren’t you?,”

He couldn’t help but groan at your words because you were right, his balls were heavy, slapping against your ass each time he rolled and snapped his hips into you. He was ready but he wanted to get you there first. The way you cry out for him always pushes him over the edge.

“You better cum f’me first, baby,” his big hand found your neck, holding it tight in his grasp once more, he loved making you breathless, “You keep getting wetter, girl. I know you almost there. Be a good girl,”

“Yeah! Yes yes!,” you chant. He was grinding into you slow and hard now, the perfect amount of pressure, the perfect pace, “I’m gonna cum all over ya dick, daddy,”

“Don’t tell me, show me,” he grunted. He was ready for you. Your earthly body was no more at this point, you felt like you were just a bundle of raw nerves, experiencing a thousand things at once, ready to pop.

“Kev!!! Yes, yes yes!,” your legs wrapped right around him as you squirted again, his thrusts making it splash on his abdomen and thighs. He went faster, wanting to milk you of everything you had to offer to him. Your toes curled, heels dug into his ass, back arched high toward the ceiling, mouth wide open and body shaking.

“I’m almost there,” he gasped. Feeling you clench and pulse around him had sealed his fate, he was going to lose it and you loved it when he did.

“In me, cum in me,” you declare, turning the table and taking the advantage to flip him over and bounce on him to get him there, you don’t know how you still had energy to bounce on him so fast but the fact he would soon fill you up fueled you up from E to Full.

You wrapped your hand around his neck, squeezing as best as you could as you continued to ride him. His head dug into the mattress, matching his heels when he lifted himself up to meet you halfway.

“I’m ‘bout to cum, baby!”

“Give it to me! Gimme gimme,” you coaxed his nut out of him.

He let out your name with a roar, your mouth dropping into an ‘O’ shape, feeling him fill you up was always breath taking.

“That’s it,” you cry out. Your walls pulsing even more as if they were drinking up each last drop that he dropped into you.

“Gah damn,” he huffed, “Tryna kill me?” He voice fill with

“Just caught me a body and somebody got hit!” You laugh in his face. He can’t help but laugh with you.

You two have this inside joke about “catching a body” when you make each other cum because it feels so good it’s almost like you’re dying.

“Let’s get cleaned up and in bed, huh?” he slowly pulled you off him, sitting up to kiss you deeply. He always took good care of you, and you did the same.

The energy you two shared was omnipresent and no one could take that away from you two.


Not sure how many of my followers watch Chicago PD but I’m a Kevin Atwater sluuuuut so I hope y’all enjoyed anyway even if it’s not marvel!

Reblogs, comments and liked are always encouraged and appreciated!!!

tags:@blackreaders-assemble@mbaku-babygirl@babybubastis@honeyjasminetea@warmchick@valentinevirgo@persephones24@dumbchick@micki-smiles@here-for-your-bullshit@dayasvalkyrie@xye-weirdo@disaster-rose@dumbchickwrites@pastelastronomy24@baphomet-wears-gucci@buckybarnesplumwhore@valkryienymph@mariahthelioness29@taylortheeshowpony@alyssaj23@darkskin-buttercup@endlesslymedusa@areubeingserved@9daykrisr@missdforever@bitchacho25@ijustrepost@suchababie@queenoftheworldisdead @beautiful-loserr@the2daily4scoop@jin0@smoothy-ve@oh-nohoney@mistress-ofevil@sambucky8@princess-toshii@sebbyslut@titty-teetee@ilovefanfic86@topshopwhxre@seraphinaivy@fallinoutoforbit@berrybimbo