#kierra obx



Based On: Outer Banks

Characters: JJ x Reader, Kie, John B, Sarah, Pope

Warnings: Language

w/c:1.7 k 

Request ( @eatingchocolatecroissants):Hey! I was wondering or you could do an outer banks imagine where like in season one the pogues leave kie, Sarah and reader on a boat, and the reader is the one getting stung by a jellyfish. The night goes on and she starts having an allergic reaction the jellyfish sting and her breathing starts to go bad and all dizzy. The girls have to call a mayday. And the sheriff/ambulance boat? Comes and gets her or the pogues come back the next morning and she is not well at all. Then hospital. The pogues feel really bad Maybe reader x jj?

Thank you you’re so sweet!! <3 so sorry this took me so long to write, hope you like it !


"Hmm,” you looked up from your spot on the floor, bored while Kie was on her knees inspecting the engine that JJ and John B had said wasn’t working.

“They’re screwing with us,” she sat up, brushing her hair out of her face with an unamused look, “There’s nothing wrong with the spark plugs- there are no spark plugs,”

“JJ! John B! What the hell?” you spin around to look for the boys, but they were already in the water swimming towards the HMS Pogue with Pope already running the engine.

“Sayonara!” John B gave the two of you a wave as Pope pulled him and JJ on board. 

“Oh, you son of a…” you started tugging at your shirt, ready to swim after the boys in your anger.

“What was that?”

You stopped what you were doing and glanced at Kie, waiting for an explanation. That’s when you heard it.

“John B! John B, let me out!” Sarah’s voice was muffled as she screamed for him below deck, “This isn’t funny anymore- open it!”

“You’ve gotta be kidding me,”

You unlatched the door leading to the deck below, coming face to face with a confused Sarah, “What the hell?” she pulled herself out, scanning the water for John B, “You asshole!” she screamed as the boys grinned back at her. 

“Get your asses back here!” Kie demanded.

John B shook his head, “We can’t, not until you guys figure it out!”

“See y'all later!” Pope waved as he drove the boat off, leaving the three of you bitter and stranded. 

“You can’t just leave!”

“JJ, you better turn that boat around or so help me…!” you trailed off, fuming as they drove off too far to hear your threats. 

“When they come back, I’m going to kill them,” Kie announced, her back sliding against the side of the boat as she took a seat and accepted that you were stranded. 

“What the hell- ugh!” Sarah yelled in frustration, turning back around to face you and Kie, “This is ridiculous!”

“God, I can’t with you, Sarah,” You rolled your eyes, pulling off your t-shirt and shorts, leaving you in your bathing suit.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Leaving,” you said simply. 

Kie stood up from where she had been sulking, “Y/N, don’t be dumb,” she said, her voice irritated, “Look at the weeds- there’s going to be jellyfish,”

“Honestly,” you said, kicking off your shoes, “I’d rather be stung than stay on this boat with Ms. Kook Princess over there,” You turned on your heel and dove off the side of the boat, determined to swim off.

“Where are you even going to go?” Sarah scoffed from the boat, “It’s miles to the shore,”

You ignored her and kept your head down as you continued swimming. 

Sarah rolled her eyes and sat down on the deck, ready to wait in silence for however long it took for the boys to return. Kie made a point to sit on the opposite side of the boat, glaring at Sarah as she did. 

“Oh shit!”

Kie and Sarah both jumped up at the sound of your cry of pain, “Y/N?” Kie called out, worry evident in her voice as she leaned off the side of the boat to get a good look. 

“Shit,” you doggy-paddled back to the boat. If your side hadn’t been in so much pain, you would have been too embarrassed to turn back from your swim. 

“Did you get stung?” Sarah asked, leaning over the deck to watch as you heaved yourself back onto the boat.

“Obviously,” Kie huffed under her breath, offering a hand to help you up.

You rolled onto your back, gasping for air and wincing at the pain, “How bad is it?” you asked through gritted teeth.

Kie did little to hide the concerned look on her face. The entire right side of your abdomen was red and inflamed from the sting. It looked much worse than any other jellyfish sting she had seen before, “I’m not gonna lie, it looks kinda bad. Have you been stung before?”

You tossed your head back onto the deck, groaning slightly at the burning sensation that felt like it was getting worse by the second, “Nope.”

“Do you want me to pee on it?” Sarah offered.

You and Kie looked up at Sarah simultaneously, giving her a glare. “That’s for a stingray, you dumbass,”

Sarah raised her hands in surrender with an eye roll, “Sorry, I was just trying to help,”

You winced, trying to breathe through the pain. Suddenly becoming aware that it was getting more and more difficult to take a solid breath. “Uh, guys?” Panic rose in your voice as you realized it was getting pretty hard to breathe, “I-I think I’m having some kind of reaction or something,”

Kie furrowed her brows, taking a closer look at your face, “Oh God… I think your face is swelling up. Maybe you’re allergic- Sarah! Sarah Quick, get the emergency radio and call for help!”

“Is she gonna be okay?” Sarah asked, her voice rising as the situation got more serious by the second.

“I don’t know, just call for help!” Kie demanded, waving Sarah away to go get help.

“It’s fine, Kie… I’m fine,” you sneezed out, still struggling to catch your breath as the pain grew, “I’m gonna be fine,”

Kiara laughed nervously, “You’re the one who’s hurt. I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to be the one comforting you, not the other way around,”


The boys were only a few minutes behind your arrival at the hospital. Kie had used a phone on the paramedic’s boat to call John B to tell him and the others what had happened to you… as well as chew them out for being to blame for the entire situation in the first place. 

The five sat outside your room, anxiously waiting for any news about how you were doing. Jj had his head in his hands, his leg bouncing nervously. 

“Hey,” Kie placed a hand on his back to comfort him, “I think she’s gonna be alright, it was scary for a minute, but she’s here now, and the doctors will be able to fix it,”

JJ looked up, eyes blurry and red from crying, “This is all my fault. I-I never should have suggested leaving you guys on the boat,” he said, running a hand through his disheveled hair.

“J, this isn’t your fault. You guys just wanted us to get along,” Kie assured. 

JJ opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it when a doctor walked out of your room, “Are you Y/N’s friends?” she continued as they nodded, “Well, she’s pretty sore from the sting, but she’s gonna be fine,” she smiled, gesturing toward the door, “You all are welcome to go see her if you’d like,”

Kie was first to the door, JJ and the others only steps behind, “Y/N?”

You looked up from the hospital bed, grinning when you saw your friends crowding the doorway, “Hi guys. Are you gonna come inside or…”

Kie laughed slightly, running toward you and nearly jumping on top of you as she hugged you. The rest of your friends were quick to follow, nearly dogpiled on top of you as they asked you a million questions at once.

“Are you okay?” “Does it still hurt?” “Is it gonna scar?” “We were so worried,”

“Yeah,” you winced, “It definitely still hurts- maybe you can hug me later?”

“Oh, shit-” they nearly jumped off of you, spewing out “sorrys” as they crowded around your bed instead. 

“Well, good news… I’m totally fine, and they don’t think it’s gonna scar. Bad news… I can’t swim with jellyfish anymore,”

“I’m glad you’re okay,” Sarah smiled and slightly squeezed your arm. 

You thanked her, feeling a little less inclined to hate her at the present moment.

“Anybody else starving?” John B interjected, “I say we go pick up some food from The Wreck. Then we can bring it back and eat with Y/N,”

“I’m starved,” Kie admitted.

“Sounds good to me,” you agreed.

“Me and Sarah will go! Be back in like half an hour, tops,” John B promised, placing a kiss on top of your head before walking out.

“I’ll come too,” Kie offered, giving you one final hug that was more gentle this time and following them. 

“Me too!” Pope was close behind, stopping in the doorway to look at you before he left, “Thank God you’re okay, Y/N, we were so worried about you,” Pope said, giving you a small smile, “Some of us maybe a little more worried than others…” his eyes fell on JJ before he disappeared from the doorway, leaving you and the blonde boy alone. 

You glanced up at JJ, finally getting a real look at him after the chaos the pogues had brought into your room. His eyes were red, and he had clearly been crying recently, “J… JJ, what’s wrong?” you grabbed his hand, pulling him down so he was sitting on the edge of your bed.

He looked away from you, fresh tears pricking his eyes, “This is my fault,” he shook his head, his eyes facing the ground, “This was my idea- it was so stupid. I shouldn’t have left you out there. I’m so sorry,”

“JJ,” your eyes softened, and you tightened your hold on his hand, “JJ, look at me….” He finally looked up, regret and pain filling his blue eyes. “This wasn’t your fault at all hell, it was a good idea. The three of us were being immature,”

“No,” he shook his head, “It is my fault, if I had just-”

“J, stop. Please. I’m going to be perfectly fine,” you promised, “Please don’t blame yourself, you were just trying to help. Plus, Kie told me I was gonna get stung, I was the one who was too stubborn to listen,” you stifled a small laugh, “I’m surprised she didn’t tell me ‘I told you so’ yet,”

JJ didn’t laugh at your attempt to lighten the mood, “Y/N-”

“Nope. No more,” you said simply, pulling back the covers of your bed and patting the space next to you, “Get in. We’re watching a movie until they get back,”


“Nope,” you popped the “p” this time and shook your head, “I’m the one in the hospital, that means you’ve gotta do what I say,” you grinned as he crawled in bed next to you. You wrapped your arm around him, pulling him close and placing a kiss on his forehead. “Now,” you grabbed the remote from the table next to you, “What should we watch?”


OBX Taglist

@tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar@http-cherries@ad-infinitums@thefangirl05@obxmxybxnk@jaazzzzz@littlecxtiee@colie-babi@g000d–vib33zzz@coloradogirl07@thebendslikebendover@danicarosaline@meaganjm@shy-1234@mendesmaybank@starkeybabie@ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch@xtarkid@jeyramarie@talksoprettyjjx@asapkyndall@lovelymaybankk@outcrbcnks @popeheywardssecretgf @l-o-v-r-s @masteroperator@dad0yzgurl@lemur46@colbysbrocks


Girl Like You

Based On: Outer Banks

Characters: Kie, Reader (Kie’s sister), JJ x reader (kinda)

Warnings: none

Word Count: 300

A/N: maybe i’ll do a part 2 ? lmk !

Request (anon): reader (kie’s sister) being afraid to tell jj that she likes him cause she feels like he doesn’t like her back and when kie notices she asks her sister questions and she (reader) says that she always compared herself to kie cause she thought that jj would like a girl like kie and not her


You stared at the fire, chewing at your thumbnail as you let your mind trail off. The rest of the pogues were all deep in conversation about an upcoming party. They were all too engulfed in their convo to notice how out of it you were- well, all except your sister.

Kie had noticed the last few weeks you had been abnormally quiet and too caught up in your own thoughts to really pay attention to those around you. But what had really tipped her off was that you had started biting your thumbnail again- an old nervous habit you had broken long ago.

“I’m gonna go grab some more snacks,” Kie announced, standing up and turning to the house, “Y/N, do you mind helping me?”

“Huh?” You snapped out of your daze, looking at your sister with furrowed brows as you tried to decipher what she had just said.

“Will you help me grab snacks?” She repeated with an eye roll.

“Oh yeah- sure,” you said quickly, standing up and following Kie inside.The second the door shut, she turned around to face you, “What’s going on with you?”

“What? N-Nothing,” you said, ignoring the blush forming on your face.

Your sister gave you an unamused look, “Y/N/N, come on, you’re not fooling me,” she deadpanned, “Now just tell me, what’s been going on,”

“It’s nothing really… I just,” you sighed, brushing your hair out of your eyes, “I just don’t know what to do,”

About….” Kie dragged out the word as she pried, trying to get you to tell her the truth about whatever had been going on.

“I like a guy,” your voice came out as a whisper, and you could barely look her in the eye as you said it.

“Seriously? All this over a guy?” Kie laughed, a grin across her face, “Aw, little Y/N’s got a crush!” She teased, wrapping her arm around you and giving your shoulder a squeeze.

You shook your head, “No, Kie… it’s not just any guy, okay…

"Oh, come on, Y/N,”

“It’s JJ,” you blurted out. It felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders as you finally told someone about what had been gnawing at you for weeks.

“Really?” She said, raising her brows in shock as you came clean.

You rubbed the back of your neck, “I know, I know, it’s stupid- but I can’t stop thinking about telling him how I feel. I just wanna get it off my chest,” you took a breath, “But I could never do that, ‘no pogue in pogue macking’…” you repeated the rule solemnly, “Plus, it’s not like JJ would ever like a girl like me

Like a girl like you?“ Kie gave you an odd look, "Y/N, what do you mean? Any guy would be more than lucky to have you,”

“Oh come on, Kie,” you rolled your eyes at your sister’s attempt to make you feel better, “How would JJ ever even look at me like that when you’re here,”

“Y/N,” Kie’s eyes softened as she saw how much this was bothering you.

“I can’t compete with you, Kie,” you felt tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, “You’re basically perfect- you’re funny, and gorgeous, and sweet, and-”

“Y/N,” she cut you off. “Y/N/N, don’t compare yourself to me, or anyone else. You’re gorgeous- and hilarious and one of the kindest people I know. And any guy would be insane not to see that,” she gently wiped the tears from your eyes and pulled you into a hug.

“Thanks, Kie,” You said, your voice muffled by her hair.



@tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar@http-cherries@ad-infinitums@thefangirl05@obxmxybxnk@jaazzzzz@littlecxtiee@colie-babi@g000d–vib33zzz@coloradogirl07@thebendslikebendover@danicarosaline@meaganjm@shy-1234@mendesmaybank@starkeybabie@ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch@xtarkid@jeyramarie@talksoprettyjjx@asapkyndall@lovelymaybankk@outcrbcnks @popeheywardssecretgf @l-o-v-r-s @masteroperator@dad0yzgurl@lemur46@colbysbrocks


Car Troubles

Based On: Outer Banks

Warnings: None

Characters: JJ x Reader

Word Count: 300

Summary:JJ saves the day and helps Y/N when she has some car troubles.

You groaned, pulling over to the side of the road as your car slowed to a stop, “Dammit,” you slammed your palm on your steering wheel in frustration as you opened your door to look at your car, immediately noticing that your back wheel was flat. You rested your head on your steering wheel in defeat as you realized there was no way you’d make it to the airport in time.

You snatched your phone up from the driver’s seat, catching a glimpse of a text message from JJ, “text me when you get on the plane. miss you already :)”

You clicked on his contact and called him, preparing yourself for the crap he was about to give you for needing help fixing a tire.

“Y/N? Is everything okay?” He answered.

“Hey,” you sighed, “I got a flat… can you please come help me?” Though you couldn’t see him, you could picture the cocky grin on his face.

“You don’t know how to change a tire?” He said, poking fun at you, “Wow, if only you had a boyfriend or someone who could have taught you how to do that…” He joked, referring to the many times he had tried to teach you how to do things like change a flat.

You could practically hear your earlier conversations, “It’s an important thing to know Y/N. What if one day I’m not there to help you?” You’d always brushed him off before, but you were greatly regretting your decision to now.

“Please JJ,”

“Of course JJ,” he laughed softly, “I’m on my way, I’ll be there in like twenty,”

“Thanks,” you sighed, shutting your door and preparing to wait for his help.

“And hey,” JJ added, “Sucks that you missed your plane, but that just means you get to come over tonight… you’re gonna owe me for fixing your tire,”
