#rudy pankow imagine


Car Troubles

Based On: Outer Banks

Warnings: None

Characters: JJ x Reader

Word Count: 300

Summary:JJ saves the day and helps Y/N when she has some car troubles.

You groaned, pulling over to the side of the road as your car slowed to a stop, “Dammit,” you slammed your palm on your steering wheel in frustration as you opened your door to look at your car, immediately noticing that your back wheel was flat. You rested your head on your steering wheel in defeat as you realized there was no way you’d make it to the airport in time.

You snatched your phone up from the driver’s seat, catching a glimpse of a text message from JJ, “text me when you get on the plane. miss you already :)”

You clicked on his contact and called him, preparing yourself for the crap he was about to give you for needing help fixing a tire.

“Y/N? Is everything okay?” He answered.

“Hey,” you sighed, “I got a flat… can you please come help me?” Though you couldn’t see him, you could picture the cocky grin on his face.

“You don’t know how to change a tire?” He said, poking fun at you, “Wow, if only you had a boyfriend or someone who could have taught you how to do that…” He joked, referring to the many times he had tried to teach you how to do things like change a flat.

You could practically hear your earlier conversations, “It’s an important thing to know Y/N. What if one day I’m not there to help you?” You’d always brushed him off before, but you were greatly regretting your decision to now.

“Please JJ,”

“Of course JJ,” he laughed softly, “I’m on my way, I’ll be there in like twenty,”

“Thanks,” you sighed, shutting your door and preparing to wait for his help.

“And hey,” JJ added, “Sucks that you missed your plane, but that just means you get to come over tonight… you’re gonna owe me for fixing your tire,”

The Other Side: Part 4

Part 1Part 2Part 3

Based On: Outer Banks

Warnings: None

Characters: JJ x Reader, John B, Kie, Pope, Rafe

Word Count: 300

Summary: JJ and Y/N clearly feel something for each other, though Pogues and Kooks are never supposed to be together. 


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a/n:sorry guys i kinda went MIA for a while! hoping to get back into writing and keep updating! thanks for supporting

You sat on the HMS Pogue, a smile wide across your face as the wind whipped through your hair. You glanced to JJ who was sitting beside you, his smile just as wide as yours.

He looked over, catching your eyes, “Wanna drink?” He asked, raising a brow.

“Yeah, sure,” you shrugged.

JJ nodded, reaching over you toward the cooler that you hadn’t noticed before on your left.

“Oh sorry, I can grab-” your offer was cut short and you trailed off as JJ’s other hand landed on top of your thigh as he finally managed to grab the drinks. Your stomach did a flip at his touch and you had to stop yourself from gasping out loud.

“Here,” he handed you a can and kept one for himself. Leaving his hand sitting gently on your thigh, “You alright?” He asked, looking at your flushed cheeks and parted lips with a grin- knowing exactlywhat he was doing.

“Y-Yeah… Yeah, I’m great,” you breathed. JJ smiled and opened his mouth to say something, but a loud splash interrupted the moment.

“JJ! Y/N! Are you guys getting in or what?” John B hollered, then jumped into the cool water to join the rest of the pogues.

You laughed softly, standing up with JJ. You pulled off your shirt, leaving you in your favorite striped bathing suit and followed JJ to the front of the boat.

You were about to jump into the water when JJ laced his fingers into yours, “Y/N,” You looked back at him, a smile still across your face.

“I just wanted to say, this has been a lot of fun- you’ve been a lot of fun,” JJ blushed slightly and looked away for a second, “Do you think you’d wanna do it again sometime?”

“JJ,” you paused, took a breath, and before you could convince yourself not to, leaned in and pressed your lips to his.

JJ hesitated for a moment, clearly surprised by your response, but he quickly regained his confidence. His hands dragging down around your waist, pulling you into his body as he deepened the kiss.

The two of you pulled away for a moment, catching your breath, “Was that a good enough answer for you Maybank?” You asked, still a little breathless from the kiss. JJ laughed softly, unable to stop his smiling as he went in for another.

You stifled a laugh as you heard the Pogues in the water hollaring at the two of you.

“Get a room!” Pope joked, earning the finger from JJ as he pulled you even closer to him.

You couldn’t help but think of Rafe as JJ kissed you.

Not because you were missing him, but because you wondered if this was what it’s supposed to feel like. This spark, the constant butterflies- was this love?

How had you been foolish enough to think that what you had with Rafe was anything close to love?

Thank God for JJ Maybank.


Based On: Outer Banks

Characters: JJ x Reader

Warnings: Drug Use, Alcoholism, Langauge, Terrible Coping Mechansims, Death, Angst

Word Count: 500

Summary:Everyone copes in different ways, some are healthier than others. Unfortunately, JJ isn’t the best with dealing with the loss of a best friend.

A/N:not sure if im ready to start writing as much as i used to yet, but i was inspired and wrote this tonight, so enjoy.

i didnt proofread (sorry) so all mistakes are mine

You took a shaky breath, standing in front of the chateau. You’d been there hundreds of times, shared so many memories with your best friends, and come to love the house and the people inside as your own, but things were different now.

You shook your head at yourself, deciding it was better not to think about it and let yourself inside.

“JJ,” your voice called as you peered around the front room. You sighed, your mind trailing off to the many laughs you and your friends had experience under this roof, “J?” You repeated, stopping in front of the guest room JJ usually stayed in.

You softly tapped on the door, but received no reply. “JJ?” You let yoursef in to see the mess that JJ was living in.

Discarded beer bottles littered the room and the strong smell of weed seemed to be seeping from the walls. Blankets and dirty clothes were strewn across the room, and some of the pictures that had previously lined the walls had been ripped down by an angry force. But what really caught your eye were the small orange bottles lined up on the nightstand.

“Y/N?” JJ muttered, clearly out of it as he lifted his head up so he could get a better look at your figure in the doorway.

“The hell is that?” You snapped, startling him at your change of attitude as you walked over and snatched on of the bottles from the table, only to discover it was empty.

“God- Y/N, screw off!” JJ groaned, rolling his eyes as he rolled over so his back was facing you.

“You’re joking right JJ?” You glared daggers into his back as you spoke, “After everything, you do this?” You shook your head, eyes filling with tears, “JJ, you know what this shit can do! You’ve seen how it hurts people! How… how could you?” You seethed at the boy who was now sitting up slightly and looking at you with an emotionless expression. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you thought of what your dad had put you through with his addiction. JJ had seen firsthand how it broke you, and he had been there to pick up the pieces and put you back together. How could he do this knowing how much hurt it had caused you?

You gathered the rest of the bottles in your hands and stormed out of the room toward the bathroom.

“Y/N! Hey! Stop- What are you doing?”

You ignored JJ’s yells as you slammed all the bottles except one onto the sink. You held the one in your hand with and iron grip, anger and hurt coursing through your veins and you untwisted the cap and dumped the contents into the toilet.

“HEY!” JJ snapped from the bathroom’s doorway, “What the hell, Y/N?”

You grabbed another bottle, but this time JJ grabbed hold on your wrist, forcing you to face him, “Cut it out,” his voice was low and his eyes were wild as he eyed the pills in your hand.

“JJ, I can’t let you do this to yourself… JJ, you know what happened to my dad, I can’t let-”

“It’s not your job to take care of me, I can do that myself,” JJ spat, “And anyways, I’m fine-”

“You’re fine?” You mocked, “You’re popping pills and drinking instead of actually coping! Kie and I haven’t seen or heard from you in weeks-”

“Don’t come in here and act like you’ve got you’re shit together!” JJ cut you off, “You’re really gonna lecture me after you just dropped off the face of the Earth the second we heard about John B- did you ever think about us… about me? How maybe I needed you-”

“Oh,” you scoffed, “So you’re saying this is my fault? I needed a break and you fell apart because I wasn’t here to hold you together?” You laughed dryly, “We were all falling apart JJ- not just you. And last time I checked, none of us decided to give up and become alcoholics or drug addicts-”

“Screw you Y/N!” JJ screamed, your words clearly leaving a mark.

You wiped your tears and took a breath, “I love you JJ, I really do, and I want to help you, but this…” You shook your head, defeated, “I can’t help you when you refuse to help yourself,”

JJ opened his mouth to say something, but you didn’t give him the chance to speak.

You threw the orange bottle at his chest, “Keep you’re stupid pills. But when things get bad- and trust me, they will get bad, I can’t promise I’ll be here for you,” you turned back on him and left before more tears began to fall, feeling like you were about to loose another best friend.

The Blip- JJ Maybank

Gif credit @toesure

Marvel x Outer Banks AU !

Summary: your best friend disappears after ‘the blip’ only to return 5 years later.

Word count: 1,554

Warnings: none

For the last few years, JJ Maybank had been babysitting you, his younger neighbor. When you first met him, he was only 15 years old. You shyly walked up to him, asking if he would play house with you since your mother never paid attention to you.

Ever since then whenever you needed JJ, he would go over and take care of you or you would be at his house. Your mom never cared how long you stayed at his, she was too busy drinking at bars. He loved you and was always there for you.

You were currently 13 years old when JJ was helping you get ready for the middle school dance. JJ leaned against the doorframe of your room, grinning as you took one final look at yourself in the mirror. “JJ, this looks amazing! How did you manage to do my eyeliner perfectly?” You asked, pointing out just how good his makeup skills were.

“I’m not gonna lie, I practiced for a bit because I figured there be some time you’d wanna give me a makeover or something.” He laughed, shoving his hands into his pockets. He walked up behind you, almost falling to the ground as you tackled him in a hug. “Thank you JJ, you’re the best!” You grinned, thankful to have him as a friend. 

A shiver was sent through JJ’s spine as he released you. He stood there uncomfortably, his hands out by his side. “Are you okay, JJ?” You asked, stepping back before realizing his fingers were starting to disintegrate into thin air. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as your mouth fell open in horror. 

JJ fell to his knees as he held his hands out, watching his own body disappear. Falling to your knees, you held his elbows in your hand. “Y/N? Y/N, what’s happening to me?” JJ cried out, collapsing in your arms. “You’re gonna be okay JJ. I got you.” You panicked, tears squeezing out of your eyes as you watched your best friend slowly slip away from your arms. 

He locked eyes with you, “you’re gonna be okay Y/N. You’re strong, you’re gonna go through life and you’re gonna be okay-” JJ’s sentence ran short as he disappeared in your arms, you covered your mouth with your hands as you let out a soft cry. You pulled your knees up to your chest, your once soft cries turned into loud sobs. Your best friend was gone, and there was nothing you could do to get him back.

You chose to skip the dance, deciding to lock yourself in your room. Your heart ached knowing that JJ wouldn’t see you grow up, you would have to deal with your problems by yourself which scared you.

Nothing could have prepared you for this, you slowly sat down on your bed and began to cry into your comforter.


5 years later.

You sat on your legs criss crossed on your bed as you were watching another episode of Friends as you scrolled through your phone. Your breath hitched in your throat when you came across a picture of you and JJ from years ago before the blip happened. JJ wasn’t the only one who disappeared that day, apparently half of the population disappeared as well. You missed him everyday and prayed that he would come back safe.

The sound of something falling onto your floor made your head snap up from your phone. You let out a small shriek at the sight of a body on your floor. “Who the fuck are you?” You asked, grabbing the baseball bat from the side of your bed and standing on the floor.

The person turned around on the ground to face you, their hands raising up in defence. “Please don’t hit me I’m sorry!” You immediately froze in your steps at the familiar voice. Turning on your bedside light, you nearly dropped the bat at the sight of JJ Maybank on your floor.

The bat slowly fell from your hand and onto the floor. JJ looked at you and slowly stood up, trying to figure out whose room he mysteriously popped into. “JJ?” You asked, walking towards him. He shoved his hands into his front pockets, a habit he used to do. 5 years later and he’s still doing it which you thought was cute.

“I am so, so sorry! I didn’t mean to just show up in a stranger’s house I was literally just sitting-” you cut him off, “JJ! It’s me, Y/F/N Y/L/N!” JJ’s eyes widened in disbelief. “No there’s no way!" 

You gasped, your heart racing a mile a minute as he smiled brightly, holding out his arms open. You jumped into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist. He held you tightly as you entangled your fingers into his hair. He laughed loudly as he looked into your eyes. "Y/N I missed you too but it’s only been a day since I last saw you, how did you grow up so fast?” He mumbled in the crook of your neck.

You untangled yourself from him as you started up at him with a serious expression. “What?” He asked. “J, It’s been 5 years.” The truth seemed to have knocked the breath out of him.

“W-what? Wait, woah. Okay, so uh, so that means I’m still 18 but you’re….” he trailed off, “18.” You nodded your head as you invited him to sit on your bed. “Wait, that means I missed 5 years of your life?” He asked, furrowing his eyebrows as a wave of sadness rushed through his body. You leaned forward, resting your hand on his knee.

“Hey, the point is you’re here now, okay? So, tell me about what happened in your day.” You told him, shifting in your seat to hear his story. Sitting criss crossed, you rested your elbows on your knees while your chin layed on your hands.

“I honestly don’t even know where I was. But there were so many people there. I couldn’t recognize anybody. I was just standing there by myself when I met this guy, his name was Peter Parker. He’s from Queens and he’s a total dork but you’d like him. Really friendly. I told him I missed you and he asked if I had a picture so I pulled out my wallet and showed him. He said you were so adorable.  Anyway I told him I’d visit him if I ever got out of there. I also met this guy James but a few people there called him Bucky, we didn’t talk much mostly just cause he looked really angry. Then this guy Stephen Strange complimented my hair which was odd but I like the guy. But was it really a whole 5 years?” He rambled on until he was out of breath.

You leaned against your bed frame and sat up straight to look at him, you nodded your head. “ whole 5 years of people mourning, people trying to move on, but I just sat here missing you,” you paused to take a shaky breath. “5 years of begging to someone out there to bring you and everyone back. 5 years of feeling stupid for having a silly crush on you my entire life. 5 years of just… a hole in my chest.” You mumbled, looking down as you picked at your nails.

A tear slowly trailed down your face as you laughed softly, swiping the tear with your thumb. JJ leaned forward and cautiously held the side of your cheek, wiping away the excess tears. “I’m here now Y/N and I’m not going anywhere.” You melted into his touch, your hand holding his in place against the side of your face. 

 His gaze went outside of your window, realizing it was still dark out. “Wait, what time is it?” You checked your phone, “3:57 a.m.” you answered. His eyes widened, “why are you still awake?” He questioned, lightly snacking your shoulder 

“Hey man, having someone you care about disappear takes a toll on you okay.” You defended yourself, still not believing that JJ was in front of you. JJ laid down in your bed, making enough room for you to lay down with him. You took the space next to him, his arm immediately resting around your waist. “This is okay, right?” He asked looking down at you. You quickly nodded your head, resting it against his chest.

“You had a crush on me?” JJ broke the silence causing you to groan in embarrassment. “Shut up. Shut up I didn’t mean to say that.” You squeezed your eyes shut, hitting your head on his chest. He laughed quietly, lightly scratching your back; something he used to do when you were upset. 

“I hope you know we’re gonna talk about that later. But for now just get some sleep, I’m right here.” He mumbled. You let your eyelids flutter shut, hearing the faint sound of his heartbeat. You let the sound be the only thing you focused on as you tried to fall asleep, feeling blessed to have him back.

JJ planted a kiss to your forehead before whispering a soft “goodnight Y/N.” You couldn’t help but smile as you snuggled closer to him. “Goodnight JJ." 

Johnny Boy - JJ Maybank

John B x sister!reader, JJ Maybank x reader

Summary: you don’t make it out after the shooting at the Cameron’s runway, leaving your death on the shoulders of your friends.

Word count: 2,891

Warnings: Guns, violence, mentions of blood, death and sadness :(

Nothing was ever ‘normal’ in the Pogues’ lives after your brother, John B had brought up the gold of the Royal Merchant. Never in your whole life of living there would you imagine sitting in his van, watching Ward Cameron’s private plane fly right towards you both.

Never in your life would you imagine square groupers shooting at your friends on a boat. Never in your life would you imagine how dangerous a simple treasure hunt truly could be. Never in your life would you imagine yourself lying on a concrete roadway, blood covering your clothes. Never in your whole life would you pictured your life to end so soon. 

You stood outside the van with John B and Sarah, watching as Officer Peterkin forced Ward Cameron onto his knees with his hands above his head. “You’re under arrest for the murder of 'Big John’ Routledge.” You let out a large sigh of relief as your tears welled with tears. John B held you in his arms, rocking you back and forth. “We did it Y/N, we did it.” He grinned down to his sister.

You released your brother, allowing him to comfort Sarah as she watched her father get handcuffs placed on his wrists. Ward pushed away from officer Peterkin, causing her to draw her gun out of her holster. You stepped forward, making sure he wouldn’t be able to run away. John B protected Sarah in his arms, turning her away from the gun.

A loud gunshot echoed through the air, your body experiencing a sharp pain in your chest. “Y/N.” John B whispered from behind you. You and Peterkin locked eyes before looking at each other’s gunshot wounds. You fell to your knees, your chest heaving as you suddenly felt all the air in your body leave your body. 

You remained on your knees for a moment before watching Rafe Cameron appear from behind the plane. John B couldn’t remove his eyes from you, his grip tightening on Sarah, watching you bleed out on the cement. You fell onto your back, the bright blue sky looking more beautiful than ever. 

You heard your brother shuffle towards you and Peterkin. The officer quickly shook her head, “help your sister.” John B fell to his knees, his hand finding the gunshot on your chest and applying pressure to it. “Call!” Peterkin wheezed out loud. Sarah took John B’s place next to you, using your brother’s bandana as something to stop the blood from pouring out.

Sarah hovered over you, “it’s okay Y/N,” she cried out, “it’s gonna be okay.” She tried to reassure you. John B attempted to grab the officer’s radio, only to get it taken by Ward. John B took his spot next to you, his fingers brushing your hair away from your face. A tear rolled down the side of your face as you reached your hand up to cup the side of his face.

“You need to go find everyone.” You said, your voice barely audible. He shook his head, his tears already spilling out of his eyes. “No, please you’re all I have left of our family.” He begged, his hands shaking. You carefully reached up and untied the bandana that was around your neck. When John B bought his first bandana, he got you a red one knowing that was your favorite color.

You grabbed onto his hand, placing the fabric into his palm. He clutched it in his hand and held it to his heart. “I love you Y/N.” He sobbed, resting your head in his lap. “Dad and I will be watching over you. You’ve been the best brother I could ever ask for. I love you Johnny boy.” You said, having a feeling these words would be the last ones you would say to him.

He leaned down to give you a kiss on the forehead before running away. He hesitated and did a double take to look at you before booking it away from the scene. Sarah fell to her knees next to you, her hand holding your head up. 

 "I’m gonna die aren’t I?“ You asked mindlessly, your mind thinking about your boyfriend JJ. Sarah sobbed at your question. She held onto your hand, "no, no it’s okay. You’re gonna be okay and John B is gonna be okay. You got this.” She tried to reassure you.

“Sarah, please don’t break my brother’s heart. He really loves you.” You admitted, feeling as if your body was burning. Your mouth had gone dry and you couldn’t stop coughing as blood filled your lungs. Your eyes slowly started to flutter shut, Sarah gently shook your head. “I won’t Y/N, please just stay with me!” “Tell JJ I love him.” Was the last thing you said before giving into the bright light that shines above you.


“Y/N Routledge?” John B, Sarah and the rest of the Pogues all stood up from their chairs, all of them tapping their feet. “We’re so sorry for your loss.” The words easily left the doctors mouth, but impaled everyone’s hearts. 

JJ felt as if the breath had been knocked out of him as he reached to sit down in his chair so he wouldn’t fall over. “Wh-what?” Was all his mouth could say. 

“She was losing too much blood, as soon as she was injured there was no going back. We tried everything we could.” The doctor explained.

Pope held onto Kiara as they both began to cry. Losing someone who was like a sister to them, someone who would drop whatever she was doing and go spend time with them. Someone who made so many memories with them, and they’re gone now.

JJ put his hand on John B’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. JB’s mouth had fallen open, “no, no that can’t be right.” John B spoke as he shook his friends hand off of his shoulder.

“JB-” He cut JJ off, “No! No! She was supposed to grow up with me! She promised when we grow older she would help me plan my wedding with Sarah, help me find a house, she promised me. She-she can’t be gone.” He sobbed loudly as his body suddenly felt weak. 

John B stood there after his shout, his body felt like static. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream so loudly it’d break glass, he wanted to make the pain go away. But all he could do was stand there, he didn’t want to believe this was it. 


The funeral

John B took in everyone’s appearance as they gathered around the hole that held the wooden casket. Black. Black dresses, black shirts and pants, everything was dead. The only family you had that cared about you was John B, Sarah, and your Pogues you considered family as well. No one there had not been able to stop crying, none of them had gotten sleep. 

John B twirled a single white rose in his hand before reaching down and placing it in the hole in the ground. His free hand clenched the bandana you had given him in his hand. The brother had his friends around him, all of them putting rose’s on the lid of your casket.

John B asked JJ to speak about you, knowing he wouldn’t be able to speak once he stood up there. JJ didn’t want to lie, he was terrified. Not of public speaking, but if he spoke about you then he would realize you were actually dead. But there he stood at a wooden stand, in front of a small crowd of people.

His hands clutched onto the sides of the stand, so hard that his knuckles were turning white. He had attempted to write out what he wanted to say on paper, but he could never get the words right of what he wanted to say.

“My name is JJ Maybank, and Y/N Routledge is- was my girlfriend. She wasn’t only my girlfriend, but my best friend. My whole life I was making stupid decisions, hanging out with the wrong crowd, not doing well in school, etc. But she was right by my side to help me through all my mistakes and failures. She was always there to be a shoulder to cry on and a person to hug. She would always let me lay my head in her lap and she would play with my hair when she knew something was up with me.” His voice wavered as he looked up to the sky to hold back his tears.

“Y/N Routledge was not only a beautiful woman, but she had a heart of gold. She had a soul so pure Angel’s are jealous they can’t have that sort of kindness. She put people before herself, but always knew when to focus on herself. She would drop everything she was going and run to her brother or any of her friends if they needed her help. I hate having to use past tense- I never thought her life would be taken so soon.” JJ mumbled the last part as a tear slipped from his eye.

“I wish I could have saved her- I should have saved her. And I’m sorry I let you all down because here we are. Y/N Routledge was and will forever be in our hearts, our memories, our lives no matter what. I have cherished so many moments with her that I know I will never forget. She’s the love of my life, and I wish we all could have had our happily ever afters.”


After the funeral

John B walked up to JJ with a folded piece of paper in his hand. “Y/N left this for you.” JJ’s throat tightened as he took the paper out of his friends hand. “How did you find this?” “It was in her desk drawer.”

“She left one for all of us.” John B said before walking away from him. JJ hesitantly opened the paper as he began to read it.

“Dear JJ,

Hi my love. If you’re reading this, that means something happened to me and I died. I don’t know what you’re thinking right now, but I know one thing you’re thinking is 'why did she write this?’ Ever since the first encounter with the square groupers shooting at us in the marsh, I know life here at the OBX was not going to be easy. So I started writing this incase something were to happen to me. I pray to God that you never actually have to read this, but you never know. But I do know you, and I know you’re probably blaming yourself. JJ listen, do not blame yourself over anything that happens to me. You were the love of my life, the reason I woke up everyday with a smile. My whole life I only felt true love when I was with you, and I will never forget those feelings you gave me, and I hope you don’t forget the feelings I gave you. Thank you for being my partner and crime, my best friend, my love, and my life. Please take care of yourself, don’t let this stop you from living your life, I don’t want you guys mourning. This is life, people come and go, everything will be okay in the end. If anyone could have saved me, it would have been you. Because you, JJ Maybank, have saved me from everything else.

Your love,

Y/N Routledge♡

JJ ripped his eyes away from the paper as he let out a loud cry. He read the whole thing in your voice. He could practically hear every tone you would have used if you actually read that aloud. He felt broken, he felt lost, he wanted you back so badly. But sadly, there’s nothing to fix the fact that your journey has already come to an end.

The other letters:

Dear Kiara,

My big ball of energy, and confidence! God I wish I didn’t have to write this, but every day may be the last and I want you to hear my words. You, my best friend, are such an amazing person. When I first met you and found out you were a Kook, I thought you would hate me. But you Kiara Carrera, were nothing what I expected you to be. When my brother introduced me to you, I knew we would become best friends. Not because my brother made us but because you are one of my favorite people ever. You never failed to make me smile, you always talked to me when I needed you, you’ve helped me make so many memories and I will forever be thankful for you. When I first saw you smile I felt this warm vibe radiating off of you. I felt absolutely blessed to be able to view you as a sister. You always showed me love, you stood up for me, you made me laugh when I needed it. In my eyes you are a complete angel, and I know sometimes you doubt that, but I want you to know that nothing will change what we think about you. I’m sorry I left so soon, I wanted to be able to go to the bar with you and maybe even move in together. Thank you for everything you have done for John B and I, I will forever be grateful for you. I love you so much hun, always and forever♡

With much love, 

Y/N Routledge


Dear Pope,

I watched you grow up since you met my brother back in elementary school, and I’m proud of you, so fucking proud. You have not only grown but matured while still acting like the dork you are. I remember on my 14th birthday you didn’t know what to get me so you asked JJ and John B for opinions. Then you showed up to my house with a basket of all my favorite foods. That was the night I got sick from eating too much :) you have done so much for me, from bringing me good when I was on my period to literally pulling me out of a well in the basement of some creepy lady. I know you’re gonna do amazing things with your life, I know you’re aching to get into college with scholarships. I know for a fact that you will get into anything you put your mind to because you are the smartest person I have ever met. Don’t give up Pope, you got this.♡

Love you so much,

Y/N Routledge


Dear Sarah,

When I first met you, I thought you were just another Kook that loved showing off daddy’s money, but I was so wrong and I apologize for that. You have been nothing but an angel to my family of Pogues. You have made me laugh so easily when I needed it. You took my mind off of things that hurt me. You drove us around town at 2 in the morning because we both couldn’t sleep. I can’t even tell you how thankful I am to know you’re dating my brother, he’s in good hands. He really does love you, you know. He always grins whenever your name comes up in conversation, he will defend you in a heartbeat if he has to. Please take care of his heart. I know we only recently became friends, but I just want you to know I appreciate everything you have done for me. You have a heart of gold, Sarah Cameron, never change for anyone. ♡

Sending love,

Y/N Routledge


Dear Johnny Boy,

John B, I’m so sorry you’re reading this. I wish there was some way I could prevent you from ever reading this but life throws wild cards at you from every position. Johnny you were my best friend in the whole world. Since we were born you and I have been attached by the heart. I feel so honored to have watched you grow up into who you are today. An intelligent, kind, loving, and handsome teenager. You have such a bright future ahead of you and you are going to absolutely own your life. I am so happy you found Sarah before something happened to me, I know Sarah will do anything to show you she loves you. You are the best brother anyone could ask for. You’re my favorite person to go to the playground with, my favorite person to watch horror and sci fi movies with, my favorite person to binge eat all of the food in the fridge. You have helped me through it all even from a young age. Thank you for that. I’m sorry dad hasn’t seen you grow and develop within these last few months, but I know he would be proud of you, of us. I’ll tell him you said hi when I see him. Take care of the Pogues and yourself please. I want to see all of you thrive in the future, okay? Promise to me and yourself that you will wake up every day, drink water, and eat. I love you Johnny boy. Forever and always. Thank you for being the best brother ever♡

Love your favorite (and only) sister,

Y/N Routledge

Prompt list 2

Prompt list 1 here

Hi guys! I just wanted to say thank you for liking my writing and commenting and sending me requests! I didn’t think these would get any attention but I’m so thankful for it! I can’t wait to continue writing for you guys!

97. “Give me your jacket, I’m freezing.”

98. “These shoes were made to kick you in the ass!”

99. “Are you okay?” “I don’t know how to answer that.”

100. “It’s no big deal, its just a few scratches.”

101. “I’m so cute, I don’t see why you aren’t dating me.”

102. “We made a deal and you’ll keep your end, one way or another.”

103. “You look cute when you smile, you should do it more often.”

104. “Why are you blushing?”

105. “I’m always here and you just ignore me.”

106. “I’ve worked my ass off to get you in this position.”

107. “Grab my hand!”

108. “No, listen to me.”

109. “I don’t know if I can keep going like this.”

110. “There’s no shame in taking a step back.”

111. “I’ll kill you, you sick bastard. I’ll killyou, you’re a fucking monster who deservesto die.”

112. “Is that… a dog?” “No, Its a fucking horse. Of course its a dog, dumbass.”

113. “I walked here to you in the rain, this is how much I love you.”

114. “You are quite the mystery, aren’t you?”

115. “Let go of me!” “I’m barely touching you!!”

116. “You’re so cute when you’re mad.”

117. “Do you believe in love?”

118. “Put me down!”

119. “You’re so small, it’s adorable.”

120. “Look, this isn’t a guilt-trip: I just genuinely want to know if you dislike me so I can stop bothering you.”

121. “We can’t be friends anymore.”

122. “Open your fucking eyes, it’s so obvious that I’m in love with you!”

123. “Don’t you dare touch him/her.”

124. “Please don’t be mad at me.”

125. “Don’t do anything stupid, I’m gonna help you.”

126. “They say less is more, but when have I lived by that?”

127. “Hey, don’t touch anything. I don’t know how stable it all is.”

128. “I hate how you’ve made me broken.”

129. “I’m a screamer. Not sexually, just at life in general.”  “I can make that sexually.

130. “This isn’t one of my more subtle plans, but considering how long it’s been since I ate or drank or slept, I think I’m doing pretty good.”

131. “If I wanted you dead, this room would be a lot quieter.”

132. “Do you ever shut up?”

133. “You’re such an ass!” “But a fine looking one, yes?” 

134. “You’re safe now, I’ve got you.”

135. "Since when did you become a badass?”

136. “I don’t know why, but I think I’m in love with you.”

137. “Holy shit! You’re bleeding!”

138. “I’d like to talk to you when you have your pants on, okay?”

139. “If anyone could have saved me, it would have been you.”

140. “Everyone has a breaking point.” 

141. “I refuse to play along with this. No thank you, go away.”

142. “What now?” “I don’t know, I didn’t think we’d live this long.”

143. “They might not want you, but I understand you, and- well, I like who you are and I want you. Please don’t believe what they say.”

144. “Are you done staring?”

145. “Never let go.”

146. “You broke your promise, you can’t come back from that.”

147. “Hey, are you awake?”

148. “I love how we all use affectionate pet names and flirt with one another. It’s nice, having such a close knit group of friends, you know?”  “Okay but have you considered: fuckpile.”

149. “Stay here, I’m gonna go get help.”

150. “Despite what you think, I can actually express emotions just like any other person.”

151. “I’m so sorry-” “Then why would you do that to me?! You betrayed me!”

152. “It happened again.”

153. “I don’t like you, but for some reason you make me feel fuzzy.”

154. “Can I kiss you?”

155. “I don’t want to be okay without you.”

156. “Me? What about you?”

157. “Oh shit, okay. I’m gonna toss you over my shoulder and book it okay, no way I’m trying to fight these fools. Don’t bleed out onto my back, ‘kay?”

158. “I’ve been thinking about you. More specifically, where you fit in my future.”

159. “I didn’t ever think I’d fall for someone like you.”

160. “Stop fighting!”

161. “Don’t ever talk to me ever again.”

162. “Please, just give me a break. I’ve been so busy, trying so fucking hard- I’m doing the best I can. Please, please don’t ask more of me.”

163. “I wish I could lovingly craft the words together to describe how angry you make me.”

164. “Looks like we both have detention together.”

165. “It was over when you said goodbye to me.”

166. “I hate school and everyone in it.”   “Even me?”“You’re an exception.”

167. “Kiss me.” “No thank you- I don’t want your germs near me at all.”

168. “Oh, fuck off you piece of shit. You think I care about you? That I give a damn about your feelings? Fuck off.”

169. “Have sex with me.”

170. “Please make me feel alive.”

171. “You’re the only thing that is keeping me on this fucked up world.”

172. “Even on the shittest days, you’re always there to brighten them.”

173. “I love you just the way you are.”

174. “Your stretch marks are like tiger stripes, it makes you look fucking badass.”

175. “Stop asking me if I’m alright. My last answer was ‘no’, why would it change any time soon?”

176. “I will not leave you. No matter how hard it gets or how rough things are, I will always be here. I will not leave you.”

177. “You are such a fucking cliché.”

178. “Stay close to me.”

179. “I can’t do everything!”

180. “You’re art.” “But I’m nothing like your art.”

181. “I think I owe you an apology.”

182. “Have you seen-oh

183. “Did you do that for me?”

184. “That’s a weird way to say ‘I love you’.”

185. “Are you happy?” “Yes, very.” “Good … that’s good. That makes me happy.”

186. “Sorry to interrupt but you need to move your hands away from him/her before we have a problem.”

187. “When I first met you, I thought nothing of you, now you mean everything to me.”

188. “Please, I can’t live without you.”

189. "Surprise!”

190. “You told me it wasn’t my fault, so why are you blaming me now?”

191. “Shut up!” “Make me.”

192. “I’ll fucking kill him/her.”

193. “Are you jealous?”

194. “Are you flirting with me?”

195. “You know me better than I know myself.”

196. “What do you do when you realise you might not be the good guy?”

197. "Are you so oblivious to the fact that I’m in love with you? Or do you choose to ignore it?”

198. “Every night I’m with you, I just fall more in love.”

199. “The world could be ending right now, but it wouldn’t matter as long as I’m with you.”

200. “I like that you’re broken, like me. Makes me feel like I’m not alone.”

Breakfast with the Moon - JJ Maybank

Summary: Based on Breakfast With the Moon by Powfu

Word count: 3,736 (this has to be my favorite thing I’ve ever written!) 

Warnings: mentions of drugs, alcohol, spiking a drink, stealing, his abusive father

She wants me, I know it, even tho’ I’m broken. When she looks at me, I see that she’s also hopeless.

You cuddled into JJ’s chest, your fingers lightly tracing cursive letters on his chest in hope’s to calm him down. He showed up at your front door after he had a horrible fight with his father. You could immediately tell from his eyes that he felt broken, but you were right by his side to help him slowly pick himself up piece by piece.

“Y/N?” You looked up at JJ, his index finger tracing your jawline. Without comprehending it, you leaned into his touch. His eyes looked into yours, as if he were reading your thoughts. “You know how important you are to me, right?” You nodded your head, “yeah.” Your voice just above a whisper.

I notice her emotion flowin’ out, her heart is open because she trust me (I think she loves me)

JJ shifted in his spot, forcing you to look at him. “Don’t lie to me y/n/n.” You sighed, already feeling the tear sting your eyes. You were never one to openly talk about your struggles, only knowing people pitied you after you told them. But it was different with JJ, he understood what you were going through.

He wasn’t the kind to apologize, or say how you didn’t deserve to go through that you were going through. He was the kind to give you advice on how to overcome these feelings. The type of person who wouldn’t judge you after admitting things you’ve done. You trusted him with everything in you. 

I hold her close with passion, imagining what could happen. She acting like a bandage, she healing all my damage.

You sat on the couch with Kie, talking about how your days went before JJ stormed through the front door. You furrowed your eyebrows at the boy who bantly ignored his friends, marching into his room and slamming the door shut. 

Without hesitating, you got up from your spot, excusing yourself before walking in front of his door. You softly knocked, calling his name. When you got no response, you opened the door a crack to see his body face down, shaking as he cried into the bed. You quickly entered and shut the door after you, sitting next to his body.

He scooted forward, resting his head in your lap, hands squeezing your thighs as he cried. Your fingers combed their way through his hair, quietly humming a soft tune to calm him down. “I hate him. I fucking hate him.” He sobbed into your lap, tears dropping onto your skin. “Hey, hey look at me.” You mumbled.

JJ lifted his head up slightly, your heart ached at his red eyes. “You’re almost there sweetie. Once you turn 18 you can move out of there and never have to see him again If you don’t want to. I’ll even help pay for you to move out. It kills me to see the pain he puts you through everyday. You’re almost free, baby. You just have to keep fighting, okay?” Your words eased the hurt in his chest. 

You scooted down to be face to face with him. He wrapped his arms around your body, holding you close to him. “I’m right here. You’re safe.” You mumbled against his chest.

Yeah she’s the one I’ve been waiting for to land on my planet. Unlike them other girls she got my back and she won’t stab it.

JJ sat at a table at the wreck, checking the time on his phone every other minute. He had been waiting for his date to show up, only for her to never show. He waited there for 40 minutes before leaving the restaurant.

He showed up at your front door, his hands awkwardly in his pockets due to his embarrassment of being stood up. “Hey!” You welcomed him with a grin, inviting him inside the house. “How’d the date go?” You asked him as he sat himself down on your couch.

“It didn’t.” He pursued his lips together, your eyebrows furrowed together. “She never showed up.” He bit his tongue, hating at the sound of him admitting it. Your mouth dropped open, immediately wanting to fight the girl who stood him up. 

You thought for a moment before grabbing your purse and car keys. You held your hand out for him to grab, earning a questioning look from him. “Come on,” you nudge your head, “I’m taking you on a date." 

His heart skipped a beat at your words. He quickly held onto your hand as you led him to your car, making sure to open the passengers side door for him. It was times like this where JJ felt blessed to have you in his life. 

This is true love, no there’s not a plot twist. Knowing what she’s thinking, yes I’m friends with her conscience

You laid on your bed, curled up in a ball due to your cramps making your body ache with every move you made. Your bedroom door busted open, making you nearly fall off the bed. 

JJ marched to your bed with a McDonalds bag and soda in his hand. He sat himself down next to you, pulling a pill bottle from the bag. "I went to get you ibuprofen for your cramps but I figured you would want food as well. I got a 50 pack of mcnuggets with honey mustard sauce and a coke.” You bite your bottom lip as you grinned carefully sitting up. “I love you JJ Maybank.” You exhaled, grabbing everything out of his hands.

You scooted over, patting the spot next to you. JJ sat down with his legs crossed, his hand taking a nugget from the box. You threw your head back, taking the pill to help ease the pain. Resting your head on his shoulder, you shoved a chicken nugget into your mouth. “You always know what I’m thinking, Maybank. You’re the best.”

Clearing out my toxins every time we talkin’. Kiss me in the dark, middle of our movie watching.

“I swear it’s like every time I go home it’s like he puts a 500 pound rock on my chest.” JJ exhaled, rubbing his eyes with his fist. “But that’s why you’re always welcomed here. I hate seeing you this stressed J.” You mumbled into his chest. 

You two were hanging out in your room, lights off with Finding Nemo playing in the background. “Everytime I come here it’s like a weight is lifted off my chest. I love talking to you because you understand me. You like, I don’t know, you detox my mind.”

You looked up at him, his eyes trained on yours. As if JJ had the power to read minds, he read yours and began to lean in. Your heartbeat picked up speed as his hand cupped the side of your face. Holding onto his wrist, you guided him towards you, your grip loosening as he kissed you.

You the best thing and everything a friend could be. You got my heart locked up, I could never leave.

You danced in the moonlight with Kie, your body swaying to the music that played near you two. The group decided to throw a Kegger, just because they all wanted to have fun. Kie got pulled away by some touron as a hand tapped your shoulder.

Turning around, you saw there was no one there. Shrugging your shoulders, you turned back around to see a brunette boy, eyeing your body down. “Y/N! Hey, I missed you!” JJ’s familiar voice filled your ears. You turned around and got enveloped in a hug by the blonde. “The guy spiked your drink.” He whispered in your ear. 

The hairs on the back of your neck stood up. You turned away from the stranger and walked hand in hand with JJ away from the party. You flung the liquid out of the cup, throwing the cup in the trash. He led you to an isolated, broken tree stump that you two sat on. 

“Thank you for warning me.” You mumbled, looking at the moonlight that reflected off the waves. “Of course. You’re my girl, I gotta protect you.”

Staying up late at night when we textin’. My plate’s full, but time with you I’ll keep on spending.

Your eyes snapped open at the sound of your phone going off. Picking it up, your eyes squinted as you grinned to see JJ texted you a tweet he saw. 

Clicking the tweet, you nearly laughed as you read it in your mind. ‘Craving a hug is worse than craving sex because you can masturbate but you can’t hug yourself and that’s some real shit lmao.’

'Is that your way of telling me you need a hug?’ You texted him, checking to see the time was 4:31 a.m. He immediately read your message, three dots appearing on your screen. 'Maybe… I have ice cream for you if you do.’ You threw your sheets off of your body, not caring you were wearing an oversized t-shirt and shorts.

'On my way hoe.’ You texted back before sliding on your flip flops and sneaking out your window to your car. Speeding off to JJ’s house, you parked down the block before walking to his backyard.

You knocked on his window before pulling the screen up and crawling in. JJ stood in the center of his room with a wide grin on his face, a tub of ben and Jerry’s in one hand and two spoons in the other.

He put both items down as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He hugged you tightly, lifting you off the floor and spinning you around. You wrapped your legs around his waist as his arms adjusted themselves. He walked over to his bed, sitting against the headboard. You remained in his lap, your legs on both sides of his lap. Your hands entangled themselves in his hair, his hand on the arch of your back. 

You were about to pull away before his grip tightened. “Not yet. I don’t wanna let go just yet.” He mumbled.

I hate it when you’re not with me. 'Cause it feels like something’s missing.

You had left the Outer Banks for a trip to visit a college out of state. You knew you weren’t going to a college outside of your home, you just went to please your parents.

You were gone for a week. However to JJ that felt like a whole month and he was aching for you to come back. The entire week he has never felt more stressed. He felt like something big was missing out of his days. He wanted to call you, but he feared he would bother you. 

Without telling him you were home, you called his number. It rang 3 times before he picked up. “Y/N! You’re alive!” His voices yelled from the other side of the line. “Yes I’m alive and on my way to your house.”

“Oh-shit!” JJ yelled before you heard a loud thumping sound. “You fell off your bed didn’t you?” You asked him, driving down the streets. His dad’s car was thankfully gone, allowing you to pull in. Quickly exiting your car, you slammed your door shut.

Walking into his house, he nearly tackled you to the floor in a hug. “Wow, hi!” You laughed as he hugged you, rocking your bodies side to side. “That felt like the longest week of my life.”

I'ma show you everything and everything I hide behind. Tell you my whole story, I can take you back to '99.

JJ was currently asleep at your side, your legs intertwined. He asked if he could sleep over after his dad threw a fit after taking drugs. 

Your eyes never left his face as you remembered the first time JJ opened up to you about his abusive father. It was one night, 3 years ago. He showed up on your doorstep in the pouring rain, a fresh bruise on his face and a cut lip.

He tried to say he got caught up in a fight with a Kook, but you could tell by the look in his eyes that it wasn’t the truth. You didn’t beg him to tell you, you knew he had his own life and you didn’t want to pry. He loved that about you and knew it was time to tell you everything.

From how his mom left when he was young, then how his father became a drug addict and alcoholic. He brought up the first time he had been beaten, he was only 11 which broke your heart. He told you that acting like he was fine and just got into it with a Kook was easier than explaining about his dad. 

Loving you’s a sequence, keeps my heart beating. I'ma keep you warm even if it means I’m freezing.

You and JJ went to the movie theater, celebrating your birthday together. He had managed to sneak you two into the Kook cinema that had working air conditioning and reclining seats. 

He took you out to see a new movie, knowing that would make you happy. You told him you were gonna pay for food, but he stopped you before you could go up to the register. “I got it.” Was all he said before taking your hand and leading you to the right room.

He took you to the back row knowing that was your favorite spot. He shifted in his seat, pulling bags of snacks out of the hem of his pants and anywhere else he could hide it. You giggled to yourself quietly, your mouth dropping as he pulled a hoagie out of his pant leg. 

“Shut the fuck up.” You whispered, high fiving him as he set out the food. You pulled up the arm rest that sat between you two, scooting closer to him.

His arm immediately found its place around your shoulder, pulling you close as he ate half of the hoagie.

Your body shivered as you pulled JJ closer to you. He looked down at you, “are you cold?” “A little but it’s-” before you could finish your sentence, he was already taking his sweatshirt off and handing it to you. “Aren’t you gonna be cold?” He shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t care. That just means you’ll have to be the one who gives the cuddles.” You laughed quietly, slipping his sweatshirt on before opening your arms towards him.

He leaned down, resting his head on your chest as he laid down. His arms slid around your waist, his eyes fluttering shut as you kissed his forehead. 

Used to act reckless, then I met you. We both eatin’ breakfast underneath the moon.

Kiara had told you this story countless times, she would tell you the story of how JJ used to steal from stores, used to sleep with girls all the time, used weed and alcohol as a coping mechanism, but everything stopped as soon as you stepped into the picture.

You didn’t know he was doing those things until he admitted it to you the same night he opened up about his father. He wanted you to know how much of a positive impact you’ve made on him, and he appreciates you so much. 

It all changed one night after you and JJ had spent the night at John B’s. JJ was in the kitchen making pancakes at 3 in the morning. You hadn’t gotten any sleep, so you got out of bed and sat yourself down on the counter. “Morning sunshine.” He grinned at you, flipping the pancake in the air to catch it in the pan again. “Morning handsome. What’s with the breakfast foods?” You asked, eyeing the raw batter.

“I got hungry!” He said, pouring yet another spoonful of batter onto the pan. “I mean… are you gonna need help eating those?” You shyly pointed to the stack of pancakes. “I made them just for you.” He winked. He gathered the whip cream from the fridge and the syrup from the cabinet as the final one was cooking. An idea popped into your head. “I’ll be right back!” You called out to him.

You went into the closet and pulled out the old Christmas lights from a box. You grabbed two pillows and a large blanket as well. You walked outside and set up the lights along the trees, turning them on to see the beautiful colored bulbs light up. You put the pillows on one of the hammocks, laying the blanket to the side.

You dragged a wooden table put from one of the corners of the backyard to the front of the hammock where the food could go. You scattered back inside and stopped him before he could go into the backyard. “Stop! Give me the food and stay right here.” He hesitated before passing you everything you needed to complete the surprise. 

Placing everything in its spot, you ran back inside, “okay I need you to trust me.” You said before covering his eyes with your hands. You led him out the backyard and right towards the hammock. “And here!” You smiled, uncovering his eyes. He stood there in awe as he looked up to the lights and the cute decorations. 

“How did you do this in the span of 3 minutes?” He asked, sitting down in the hammock, passing you a plate stacked with pancakes from the table. “I have my ways.” You winked. JJ looked up from his spot, looking at the full moon that hovered above them. “Here’s to eating breakfast underneath the moon.” He raised his fork that had a chunk of pancake on it. You raised your, clinking the metal. “To eating breakfast underneath the moon.”

People think we crazy from the stupid things we do. I love it when you’re weird, 'cause I know I’m weird too. 

You leaned back in your chair at the Wreck, Kie and Pope sitting at your sides, JJ and John be in front of you. “Kie, your father is a blessing.” You complimented her father after he gave the group free food. The restaurant was empty since it was 10 p.m. only leaving the group and Kie’s father. You stood up from your seat, collecting the plates and any garbage from their seats, helping clean up.

JJ got up from his spot, lifting his shirt up past his abs. “I have approximately 5 food babies in my stomach.” Your cheeks flushed pink as you quickly looked away. “Y/N! Come here.” You walked over to him, he watched as you, waiting for you to mimic him. You jokingly rolled your eyes before lifting your shirt up past your stomach. He reached his stomach forward to touch yours. “Our food babies will now become one.” You said, ignoring the weird looks from your friends.

“What?” JJ asked, rolling his shirt back down. “You guys are fucking weird.” Pope laughed. “You’re just jealous you’re not having a food baby with us.” You flipped your hair over your shoulder, placing your hands on JJ’s stomach. “We should get maternity pictures like this.” JJ stood behind you with his hands on your stomach, his fingers forming a heart. 

Yeah, that’s just how we live, acting like some kids. Running with the bugs through the grass in the mist. 

“Y/N I know we told John B we would go help him with the boat but can we PLEASE stop at this playground. There are no kids and it’s been like 20 years since I’ve been on a playground.” You chuckled at him, “JJ, first off you’re 16, and yeah yeah I’m going!”

You parked in the lot, JJ jumping out of the car before you even stopped. You easily hopped out of the car, JJ grabbing your hand as you ran through the grass. The night before it thunder stormed, and it was 90° that day, causing a light miss to fill the air. You laughed loudly with him, finding your ways to the swingset. You sat on the swing as JJ stood behind and pushed you to get started.

You two had a bet on who could jump farther once you both had reached a high enough swing. “Ready? One, two, three!” You two jumped off the swing at the same time JJ landed just a few inches farther than you. “Ughhhhhh.” You groaned, immediately stopping.

“There’s a ladybug on your chest.” You laughed, pointing to the small red insect. JJ carefully placed his hand near it, watching the delicate bug crawl onto his finger tips. You two watched it crawl on his hand before another one landed on your arm. You held your arm up to JJ’s hand, the lady bugs getting together before flying off his hand. “That was the cutest thing ever.”

Girl I’ll give you everything, that’s my final offer. I can be your knight, protect you from the monsters.

Your eyes snapped open at the sound of a ding coming from your phone. You opened the message to see it was from JJ.

Hi Y/N!!!! I’m not gonna lie, I’m extremely high right now, but I just wanted to get this off my chest because I’ve been wanting to say it FOREVER! I really fucking like you. I’ve liked you since the day I first met you and God, everyday with you is adventure within itself. you are my rock and I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me. You have been by my side through so much and given me memories I’ll never forget. I want to call you my girlfriend. I want to be able to show you off and call you my girl. I wanna give you everything I can. I’ll be like, like your knight in shining armor. I’ll protect you from bad guys and I’ll kiss you whenever you want attention. I just want to be with you because I hate it when you’re not with me. it just feels like something’s missing and I hate it. Let me call you mine and I’ll never say goodbye. 

You beamed brightly as your eyes skimmed his text. Your thumb hovered over his contact before calling him. “JJ? Hey listen, I’m all yours." 

Good Old Days - JJ Maybank

Gif credit @toesure!

Summary: you and JJ meet once again after a harsh break up.

Word count: 1,982

Warnings: cheating, angst underage drinking, implied sex at the end. I do NOT condone the action of going back to someone who cheated.

You sat alone in a booth at a local restaurant, diagonal from where your friend Nicole sat with an unfamiliar boy. You had offered to ‘be a look out’ for the girl when she brought up how her friends had helped her get a blind date. Nicole had the fear that she might embarrass herself or something might go south, so you decided to lend a helping hand to calm her down.

You subtly flicked your eyes up and down from the menu to your friend as a waitress came up to you. “What can I get you hun?" 

"Just a vanilla milkshake and fries please.” The lady nodded and took the menu from your hands. You reached inside of your bag and pulled out your notebook. Finding a pen, you began to mindlessly draw little doodles of whatever came to mind. 

You were actually enjoying the peace and quiet until the front door bell chimed. Before you could react, JJ Maybank took the spot right across from you. “Can I help you?” You scoffed, closing the notebook. 

“Nope. I’m helping my friend out and it looks like you happen to be doing the same thing for your friend too.” JJ said, looking behind his shoulder to see his friend give him a thumbs up. You rolled her eyes, defensively crossing your arms.

“Okay, well how about you move to the other booth where you can 'help’ by yourself.” JJ dramatically put his hand to his heart, “does Y/F/N Y/L/N not want to spend time with me?” “The last time I was near you it didn’t end well.” You hissed. JJ immediately got quiet as the waitress came up to deliver your order.

“Oh! Would you like anything dear? On the house for the couple!” The waitress smiled, “oh no we’re not-” “actually I would love a hamburger and a chocolate milkshake please!” JJ grinned. “Coming right up." 

"Seriously JJ why can’t you just sit somewhere else?” You asked as you dipped a fry into the milkshake. JJ furrowed his eyebrows as he watched you take a bite. “What? It’s good.” You defended.

“See I could, but Steve made me promise to help him out. And now I get to talk to you which is exactly what I want to be doing on my Friday night.” Sarcasm dropped from his voice as you bite your tongue.

“Well you can leave. You never were good at keeping promises anyway.” You seethed, taking the cherry out of the milkshake and popping into your mouth. JJ became quiet once more as the sudden flashback hit him.


2 years. 2 years was all it took for something so positive and bright, to turn into something dead. 2 years was all it took for JJ Maybank to own, and then break your heart. 

You two had been dating for a full two years, both of you guys admitting you were in love. Making promises that you two couldn’t keep. One of them being, 'I’ll always love you.' 

JJ broke that the minute his lips touched some tourons at an end of the year school party. You had lost sight of your boyfriend in the middle of the party after telling him you were going to the bathroom. It took you 10 minutes to find him with the unknown girl. 

“Have you seen- oh.” Your words slipped your mind as you saw a boy and girl break away from a kiss. Only to reveal that face that made your heart break. “I better… I better g-go.” You stumbled over your words, your legs moving as fast as they could out of that house and far away from JJ.

You didn’t know what to do, what to think, how to act, what to say, everything just became numb. Like someone had just ripped your heart from your chest, and dangled it in front of your face as if it were mocking you. So you just ran, and ran all the way to your house. Dried tears stained your face as you were panting, on the verge of passing out. 

Your mind felt fuzzy, as if it were an old TV and an antenna was knocked loose, like all you heard was static and a ringing. You shook your head frantically as you paced in the living room. A rapid knock echoed in the silent room as you let out a sob. You slowly walked to the door, your hand shaking as it hesitantly reached out.

You twisted the handle and pulled the door open to reveal a frantic JJ. “Y/N please let me-” “Don’t even fucking start JJ.” You said, cautiously backing away from the door. JJ walked into the house as he tried to grab hold of your wrists. 

You pulled your wrists back from JJ’s grip as you began to have trouble breathing. “You fucking kissed some random girl. Who knows what the fuck would’ve happened if I didn’t walk into that room.” You mumbled to yourself as your head began to ache.

“Y/N you know I wouldn’t do that!” “When you’re in a relationship you don’t fucking kiss somebody else! I didn’t think you’d do that yet here we are!” You raised your voice as you paced again.

“Open your fucking eyes, it’s so obvious I’m in love with you!” JJ yelled back, causing you to flinch, his breath smelled of alcohol. Your eyes suddenly fell to the ground, afraid to look at him without breaking down.

“You need to leave,” your voice wavered, “you need to leave and not come back. You can’t look at me. You can’t speak my name. You can’t have anything to do with me, Maybank. We’re fucking done.” You breathed out, feeling as though you had a boulder crushing your body.

“Y/N. I made you a promise that I’d love you, please let me keep going with that promise.” JJ begged, his eyes burning harshly with tears. “You broke your promise, you can’t come back from that.”

JJ let out a sigh as his head slumped down, forcing his legs to walk out the front door, and out of your life.

Memory over.

“Look, this isn’t a guilt trip: I just genuinely want to know if you dislike me so I can stop bothering you.” JJ said, fidgeting with his fingers. You sighed as you swirled the straw around the milkshake. “I don’t dislike you as a human, I fucking despise what you did to me.” You admitted.

“I’ve changed Y/N. I haven’t been with any other girl, I haven’t spoken with that other girl since then. Please just give me a break. I’ve been busy trying so fucking hard. I’m doing the best I can. Please, please don’t ask more of me.” JJ frowned, his leg now anxiously tapping.

You let out a scoff, but you couldn’t lie to yourself. You missed being with JJ, you missed him so damn much, but you didn’t want to admit it. Your eyes flickered to your friend who was standing up and giving Steve a kiss on the cheek. 

Their date was over, but you and JJ sat firmly in the booth. “Let me just drive you home like the good days, just hear me out.” JJ begged. You cracked your knuckles, a habit you gained after the break up. “Fine. But so help me Maybank if you fuck it up you will never, I repeat ever come speak to me again.” JJ let out a breath of relief and thanked you.

You couldn’t help but feel the tiniest bit of luck when he offered, glad that you chose to walk to the diner. You two sat in silence for a bit of the ride before JJ turned on the radio. 'Wonderwall’ by Oasis played through the sound system, memories of this song hitting you in the face like a brick.

JJ began to obnoxiously shout the lyrics like he would when you guys went on drives together. He would roll the windows down, blast the volume and just let it all out.  At first you were annoyed with the boy, but as soon as he nudged you with his elbow you began shouting the lyrics as well. At that moment, things felt normal. Like nothing bad happened between them, and that scared you shitless.

When the song ended, JJ turned down the volume and began to speak, “you know, I never took your school photo out of my wallet. It’s still there. And every night after… we broke up, I would just look at it and cry. Because I drank and I ended up losing the best thing I ever got in life. And believe me I know drinking is no excuse for what I did. I lost the one person that understood me more than my other friends, than myself. And I fucked it all up. And I know I can’t take back what I did. Saying sorry won’t change the hurt I made you feel. But I want you to know I’m truly trying my best to be a different person than who I was before.” His voice was shaking as he found it hard to look at the road.

“I can try to forgive you Maybank, but that night has been burned into my memory. And it’s gonna take a lot of time before I can forget it.” You mumbled, looking out the window watching the trees zoom by.

“I’d wait 100 years if it meant that you would talk to me again.” JJ muttered as he pulled into your driveway. “Do you.. want to come in? And like, catch up?” You wanted to punch yourself in the face for your offer, but again you couldn’t deny how much you missed him.

JJ was shocked at your words, his mouth slightly open as he nodded his head. You walked into your house and to your luck, nobody was home.

You guys sat in your room, silence filling the air once again. You walked over to a picture frame on the desk and picked it up. The picture was of JJ after he had fallen asleep with his head in your llap. “Remember this night?” You asked as he looked over your shoulder.

“Yeah. I came over to make cupcakes for John B’s birthday but we ended up just throwing flour and eggs at each other.” JJ laughed loudly, remembering how he would find flour in his hair and ears for days after. “Then we sat on the couch and you laid your head in my lap. I played with your hair until you fell asleep and you snored so loud.” You smiled at the memory.

“God I fucked up.” He whispered. “Yeah. Yeah you did. When you sat across from me in the booth I wanted to flip my shit. I wanted to go off on you and say something like, 'oh fuck off you piece of shit. You think I care about you? That I give a damn about your feelings? Fuck off.’ I wanted to hurt you like you hurt me.” You confessed. 

“Damn Y/N. I- I don’t even know what to say.” JJ said as you faced him. You couldn’t help but stare at his lips, the lips you craved so desperately. You hated yourself for this. You hated yourself for making this move, but you leaned in anyway and kissed him. You were taken back at your actions, but your knees nearly buckled at his touch.

JJ gently held the side of your face as he pulled back. “I don’t want to hurt you.” He said, his words echoing in your head. “I’m desperate. And I’m pretty sure you are too. This is a one time thing until you gain my trust back. But for now, just shut up and have sex with me.”

Sunshine- JJ Maybank

( not my gif!)

hi girl i was hoping you’d be interested in doing another jj x reader? Where JJ finds her hidden, having a panic attack and it takes a little bit to calm her down? 52, 84, 92, 125 , 152 were the numbers I picked but if there’s too many or you can’t make them all work, you can pick whichever.

Word count: 1,552 

Summary: JJ finds you having a panic attack and is right by your side to help you calm down.


52. “Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”

84. “Take your medicine.”

92. “I feel like I can’t breathe.”

125. “Don’t do anything stupid, I’m gonna help you.”

152. “It happened again.”

17 years. 17 years of constant arguments between your parents that ended with screaming and cussing. 17 years of flinching everytime a door slammed. 17 years of wondering if it would end with violence or a drunk mother and/or father. 

There was one person who stayed by your side those entire 17 years, your best friend JJ Maybank. JJ was your neighbor since you two were in diapers, becoming his best friend after he asked you if you would like to go to the local playground to go collect bugs for his insect tank. He was always there for you no matter what the issue was, whether it be a boy who broke your heart, your parents arguing, hell even if you had cramps he would be over in a minute with snacks and medicine for the pain.

JJ knew you more than you knew yourself; he knew when you were stressed, he knew when you haven’t eaten, he knew if you needed to leave a situation, he always knew if you didn’t take your medication. He was always on top of you with your medication for your anxiety. Everyday at 3 p.m. and he wasn’t with you, he would call or text you to make sure you took the pills.

He was the reason you were still alive and functioning, the reason you were still smiling even with everything you were facing. He was there right by your side holding your hand when you went to your first therapy session. He was there for you when you had your first panic attack. JJ was the ray of sunshine in the tunnel of darkness that suffocated you.

It was 5 in the morning when you first heard the shouts of your parents. Their screams echoed through the halls, slamming against the sound of the closed bathroom door. You sat in the bathtub, knees pulled up to your chest as you rested your head on your arms. You rocked back and forth softly trying to catch your breath as it felt like the walls were closing in.

Squeezing your eyes shut, you clamped your hands over your ears as you heard a harsh slapping sound and a broken cry escape your mother’s lips. The feeling of a cement block slowly felt like it was pushing on your chest, making it feel like your throat closed up with each breath you took. “It’s okay, I’m okay.” You quietly repeated to yourself, trying to trick yourself into believing it.

You opened your eyes, quickly shutting them again when you saw black splotches in the air; like when you rub your eyes too hard and you see the white spots in the back of your mind. You were too focused on trying to calm yourself down, you didn’t notice the door slamming twice signaling that both your parents left you alone in the house. 

JJ was out in his backyard hearing the whole thing, eyes trained on your house praying that you were okay. As soon as he saw your parents storm out the front door he hopped over his fence and ran straight  into your house. Panic was written on his face as he checked every room in the house, not seeing any sign of you. He checked your bedroom to see messed up sheets and your prescription medication on your night stand. 

He ran to the bathroom directly across the hall to hear your broken whimpers coming from inside. He didn’t want to burst into the room, knowing that would only make your panic attack worse. He gently knocked on the door, feeling panicked when you didn’t answer in any way. He opened the door to see an empty bathroom, but he quickly realized you were sitting in the bathtub. Pulling the curtain back, his heart shattered seeing you in such a distressed state.

You popped your head up at the sound of the curtain moving, afraid your parents found you there. You instantly felt a wave of relief rush through your body, but you still felt like you were frozen in fear. “I feel like I can’t breathe.” You stuttered, still feeling the crushing weight on your chest. He quickly got down on his knees to become face to face with you. He slowly reached his hand out and held onto your shoulders, waiting for you to allow him to hug you. 

You turned your body towards him and that’s when he knew he could hug you. He wrapped his arm around your waist, the other holding the back of your head; entangling itself in your hair. Tucking your face into the crook of your neck, you felt as if you could slowly start to breathe again. “It happened again.” You mumbled, attempting to stop your body from shaking. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before slowly pulling back. 

Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.“ He pressed his forehead against yours, placing your hand on his chest, right on top of his heart. "Follow my breathing, okay? In… out… in… out… there we go, sunshine.” You repeated his actions, feeling your lungs inhale the air properly. The heavy weight was no longer on your chest, leaving a small aching feeling.

Don’t do anything stupid, I’m gonna help you,“ he said, "I’ll be right back.” You swallowed harshly, realizing how dry your mouth had gotten. You wiped away the stray tears with the back of your hand and blew your nose with toilet paper before JJ came back with your pill bottle and a glass of water.

Take your medicine.” He instructed, passing you a pill into your hand. You sighed loudly before looking up at JJ. He gave you a look you knew all too well. It was the ‘Please take this before I have to forcefully cram it down your throat’ look that he’s been giving you since you first got the prescription. You tossed the pill into your mouth, quickly chugging the glass of water. You fanned yourself with your hands, body feeling hot from feeling so claustrophobic.

“Hot?” He asked, sitting on the lid of the toilet. You nodded your head, running your hand through your hair to push it out of your face. “You trust me?” He asked you as he stood up. You nodded your head, “of course.” “Okay, just sit there but scoot forwards.” You obeyed him as scooted towards the front of the tub, your eyelids feeling heavy. 

JJ slowly turned the faucet on and plugged the tub, allowing it to begin to fill with cold water. You instantly relaxed at the cool touch, softly grinning as you saw JJ take his shoes off before stepping into the tub behind you. You reached forward and shut the water off once it reached up to your thighs. JJ rested against the back wall, allowing you to lay yourself between his legs, your back pressed against his chest. His arms reached around your front as he looped his fingers on top of yours. Your body shivered as he pressed a soft kiss to the back of your neck.

“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.” He started softly singing, earning a soft giggle from you. “You make me happy when skies are gray.” You sang with him, letting the feeling of happiness overcome your emotions. “You never know dear, how much I love you.” You tilted your head back against his chest, fluttering your eyes shut as he pecked your forehead. “Please don’t take my sunshine away." 

You could feel your heartbeat find a steady pace once again as you surrounded yourself in JJ’s touch. He rested his cheek on the top of your head, smiling to himself as he heard you sigh in relief. "You okay princess?” He whispered into your ear, triggering a patch of goosebumps to appear on your arms. 

“Is it okay if I go get us some dry clothes?” You nodded your head as JJ carefully exited the tub, grabbing a towel to dry his lower half off. You stretched your body out in the tub, letting the cool water splash against your torso. JJ went to your closet, immediately taking his extra clothes he leaves there for nights like this one. He picked out shorts and a shirt for you to sleep in, hoping it would be comfortable enough for you. 

He walked back towards the bathroom, passing you a towel and your dry clothes. You two faced away from each other as you both quickly changed out of your clothes. You giggled as JJ almost fell over trying to put his shorts on, hearing him grunt in annoyance at his action. 

Being too lazy to put your clothes in the washer, you left your clothes in the bathtub along with JJ’s. You led him to your room, closing the door before you threw yourself onto your bed. JJ turned the bedroom lights off before joining you in bed, carefully tucking the sheets around your body. You faced him, your eyes slowly shutting as JJ held the side of your face, his thumb delicately skimming your cheek. 

“Goodnight, sunshine.” You mumbled, angling your head to kiss the palm of his hand. He smiled at you with an adoring look in his eyes, “goodnight, princess.”

Hospital Nights- JJ Maybank

(Not my gif!)


“Can you do a prompt for JJ, where the store that he works at gets robbed and the robber shoots him and all the characters have to cope with the fact that JJ might die. I understand if you don’t want to xx

Word count: 3,305

Warnings: blood, hospitals, shootings, guns, hospitals, cursing, sadness

I cried writing this one too

It was like any other day for JJ Maybank, he worked at a local retail store. He told you he wanted to pick up as many shifts as he could so he could spoil you. You told him that he didn’t need to shower you with things; just being with him made you happy enough. You kissed JJ and told him to have a good day before he left for work. Little did you guys know that everything was about to change. 

It was a relaxing Tuesday morning, the store had a few customers in it. JJ and his coworker Amy stood behind the register as a man in a black sweatshirt and jeans walked in. "Good morning!” His coworker greeted the man who acknowledged them with a nod.

The man strolled down the isles slowly, one hand in his pocket and one hand picking up random object’s. He picked up a bag of chips and soda before walking up to the counter and placing it down. JJ was about to check him out before he pulled out a loaded pistol.

JJ’s eyes widened in fear, “give me everything you have in both registers.” The man demanded, customers that were near immediately ran out of the store and out to safety. 

JJ held both hands up in surrender as the man made his way around the counter, his gun trained straight on Amy. “Okay, okay. I’m getting the money now.” JJ said as he opened one of the registers. 

“Man hurry up!” The robber yelled as he suddenly began to fidget in his stance. JJ pulled out the cash and wrapped a rubber band around it. He made his way to the other register and opened it. 

Instead of reaching for the money inside, he reached below the counter and grabbed a metal pipe that was stored there in case something like this were to happen. In what felt like a millisecond, JJ knocked the guy on the side of the head with the pipe. 

“Amy, go!” JJ yelled as she jumped over the counter and out of the store, running around the building to see a couple cowering. “We called the police as soon as we left!” The woman said in tears, still terrified. Amy couldn’t catch her breath, she was mortified of what would happen;  from a distance, sirens could be heard. 

The robber groaned in pain as JJ tackled him to the ground, the gun flying across the floor. The two fought, JJ on top of the man, throwing punches at his face. The robber headbutted him, knocking him off as he scrambled for the gun.

Before JJ could process it, a loud shot filled the air and there was a sharp pain in his lower chest. Everything went in slow motion as another shot rang out, this time the bullet going into him under his peck.

JJ fell to the floor as he cried out in pain, curling up in a ball as his clothes began to soak in his own blood. The robber stared wide eyed at what he had done, but simply grabbed the money and ran out of the store, only to be stopped with a baton to the knee by the cops. Amy heard the gunshots go off, her heart dropping when she saw the robber only had bruises.

She ran in and saw JJ lying helplessly on the floor, clutching his wounds, his sobs filled her ears as she fell to her knees, her hands keeping pressure on his wounds. “Hey hey hey you’re gonna be okay. Help! Somebody fucking help him!” Amy screamed out as medics ran into the room with a stretcher. 

The medics carefully picked the injured boy off of the ground and placed him onto the stretcher. Amy looked down at her hands, her head feeling dizzy when she saw the blood covering every inch of them. 

“Y/N.” JJ mumbled as he was lifted into the ambulance. “She’ll be right there when you wake up Maybank!” Amy screamed out to him as she cried. Police officers came up to the girl and had to ask her questions about the events that had happened. She couldn’t properly form sentences, her mouth had gotten dry and she felt as if she was going to be nauseous.

“I have to get his girlfriend down to the hospital. Please.” Was the only words she could get out. The officers nodded as they finished their notes. “You can borrow his phone to make the call. You okay to drive?”

Amy blankly nodded as she was given the phone, her fingers dialing your number. It rang for a few seconds before you picked up. 


"Y/N you need to get down to the hospital right now.” Amy rasped as she anxiously tapped her foot. “Why? What happened? Are you okay?”

“JJ got shot.” Was all Amy could say. You stopped breathing for a second as you felt like everything stopped. Your face got pale, your brother noticed as he gathered around you. “What-what?” You asked, your voice hoarse and your eyes stinging with tears. 

“We got robbed and he got shot twice in the chest. Please just meet me there.” You hung up the phone and let out a few shaky breaths before releasing the tears. You grabbed your keys and left your brother in the house without another word.

You sped down the empty roads, your foot pressed hard on the gas pedal and never eased up. You didn’t want to believe it, you didn’t want it to be real. Letting out loud cries, you pulled into the parking lot. You ran into the hospital, frantically looking for Amy. 

You found the blonde sitting in a chair by herself in the corner. She stood up and ran up to you, embracing you in a tight hug. “What the fuck happened, where is he? How bad is it? Are you okay?” Your mouth spewed out all these questions before Amy could process a single one. Amy was still struck with fear as she took a deep breath.

“He’s in surgery now. A guy came in to rob us and JJ hit him with a metal pipe and he told me to leave. And I did. Y/N, I left him. If I didn’t leave him maybe he wouldn’t have been shot, maybe I would’ve-” Amy suddenly began rambling, thinking that this was her fault. 

You held her shoulders tightly, “Amy, this was not your fault, okay? You did what you had to do, it’s your natural reaction to leave when something like this happens. It is not your fault.” You reassured her as more tears streamed down her face.

You and Amy held each other as they cried into each other’s shoulders. You sniffed as you pulled back, “I gotta call our family.” Amy nodded and got back to her seat in the corner.

You left the hospital and stood outside, trying to see if the fresh air would help you catch your breath. Your hands shook as you carefully dialed John B’s number, knowing the Pogues were at his house. It rang for a bit before John B picked up, “Pogue residence." 

"Hey, could you put me on speaker?” You asked.

“Y/N! Where are you? Are you with JJ? You guys were supposed to be here an hour ago.” JB questioned as his friends gathered around him and his phone.

“I’m at the hospital. JJ got shot.” Your heart twisted as you spoke those words. The line went silent for a few seconds. “Guys?”

“We’re heading over now.” And with that, he hung up. 

You sat in your seat anxiously next to Amy as you waited for the group of Pogues  to come. Your emotions were everywhere, your eyes were puffy, nose a bright shade of red, lips chapped. You had lost your appetite, energy, and your happiness.

Pope, Kie, and John B ran in and saw the two girls, traumatized. They slowly walked up to them, “how bad is it?” Pope asked, his lip quivering.

“He’s in surgery now.” Amy said as you stared blankly at the floor. You wanted to speak, but you couldn’t find the right words to say. Nobody knew what to say. They all just sat there in silence, but all supporting each other with hugs and hand holding.

_____2 hours later_____

A doctor with a clipboard and papers walked out into the waiting room. “JJ Maybank?” She called out as the group of teens collectively stood up. She raised her eyebrows, “who’s the main one?”

Everyone turned their eyes to you. You stepped forward, feeling sick once again. “The surgery was completed and they successfully removed both bullets. He is resting now, however he is unconscious due to the fact that the one of the bullets was close to a major artery and he lost quite a bit of blood. You can see him whenever you’d like, we just ask one at a time.” The doctor spoke, you took in her words feeling blessed knowing that it was a success.

You let the others see him first, only to be able to see him last before you had to go home. You wanted to stay the rest of the day with him until the hospital didn’t allow visitors anymore. You sat in the uncomfortable chair as you picked at your nails. Your mind had a million thoughts running around and you couldn’t process any of them.

After what seemed like a lifetime, it was finally your turn to see him. Kie walked up to you and quickly threw her arms around you, allowing you to cry into each other’s necks. Pope and John B joined you guys, all being there to support each other. “Will you be okay if we head back to the chateau?” Kie asked, breaking the group hug. You nodded your head and wiped the tears on the back of your hand. John B gave you a quick peck on the forehead, “you can come over whenever you need, we’ll be right there for you.”

You nodded your head and gave Pope a hug before you watched your loved ones walk out the door. You turned around and began to make way to his room. Your legs suddenly felt as if they would crumble from underneath you.

You stood in front of the door, hand on the door knob shaking as you heard the sound of the beeping monitor. You took a deep breath before slowly opening the door. You covered your mouth with your hand as more tears flooded your eyes at the sight of JJ.

He had bruises on his face, his lower lip inflamed along with his left eye. He had a tube up his nose and in his mouth to help with his breathing. He was patched up, spots of his blood stood out from the white gauze wrapped around the wounds.

You sat in the chair next to him, your mouth gaping as you took in the sight of him. You slowly reached across the bed and lightly held onto his hand, afraid to hurt him anymore. “Oh God.” You sobbed out as you saw how pale his skin was.

You pressed a delicate kiss to his hand, holding it to your lips for a few seconds before taking it away, still holding it. Scooting the chair towards the bed, you rubbed your thumb across his knuckles. Your fingers softly ran through his hair. “I love you so much. God, I never thought this would happen. You know, even after fighting off Kooks and going on a treasure hunt.” You spoke as you sniffled, struggling to breathe. “The amount of times you have saved my dumbass. I wish I was there to save yours.” You mumbled. 

You sat there for hours, afraid to leave his side. At times you would get a call or text from your friends, checking in on you and asking for updates. You rested your head on the side of the bed, eyes fluttering shut. You had gotten an hour worth of rest before you were woken up by the sound of the monitor. Looking up to see that there was a flat line. You choked on air as you swung the door open and screamed out, “I need a doctor in here now!" 

You muffled your cries with your hands as doctors and nurses ran into the room. One nurse had to pull you out as you begged them to let you stay. "Hun. You need to go home and get some sleep. We’ll call you tomorrow as soon as we allow visitors.” The nurse calmly spoke as your knees buckled beneath you.

You fell to the ground as the nurse held you in her arms. “Please save him.” You begged as you remained on the cold white floor; the nurse couldn’t make promises she couldn’t keep.


You drove yourself to John B’s, your ears ringing as your chest hurt from heaving so hard. Your eyes were sore from crying and your voice was raspy. 

You walked through the front door to see Kie and Pope fast asleep on the couch, you could only assume John B was asleep in his bed. You snuck out through the backdoor and made way to the hammocks. Your fingers skimmed the fabric before you sat down, shimmying into the pillows. Turning your head, you pictured JJ next to you with his arm around your shoulder. 

Blinking, his image disappeared before your eyes; only causing your heart to ache more. You sat in silence, listening to the crickets as they chirped in the distance. Too focused on the sounds, you nearly fell to the floor as John B appeared to your side. You clasped your hand over your heart as he let out an apologetic laugh.

He took the spot next to you as you both stared at the moonlight reflecting off the waters. “He’s gonna be okay, he’s a strong motherfucker.” He reassured you, rubbing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. You exhaled as the picture of him in that hospital bed reappeared in your head. “I love him, John B I can’t lose him.” You stated, voice just above a whisper. 

“He loves you too. You know, recently he brought up the thought of marrying you.” Your head snapped towards your friend with your eyes wide. “What?” He realized what he said when it was too late, “ah shit I didn’t mean to actually say that.” You shook your head, “no, no it’s okay. What did he say about it?”

He turned to face you, tucking his legs criss crossed underneath him. “He said he loves waking up in bed with you by his side, it helps him smile everyday and helps get him out of bed. He’s thought about if you two would have kids, you guys would make little bedtime stories of the Pogues adventures together, but you know, kid friendly. How he can’t wait for you to have his last name, there was one time I caught him mumbling Y/N Maybank in his sleep.” Your cheeks turned a bright pink as John B told you everything, only realizing how much you’re in love with this boy.

“You mean the world to him Y/n, before he met you he used to just sleep around, smoke way more, sometimes drank till he passed out. But since he met you he’s changed in the best way possible. Hell, he even started wearing his seatbelt when he drove.” Wiping your tears on the back of your hand you grinned to yourself. “I’m so unbelievably in love with him.” John B flashed you a bright smile, glad two of his best friends found love within each other.

“You know he would want you to get some sleep, right?” You exhaled and stepped out of the hammock. “I hate when you’re right.” You muttered before offering a hand out to him. He stood up and walked back into his house, tiptoeing around Pope and Kie. You two stood in front of JJ’s room, he wrapped his arms around you, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “Goodnight Y/N.” He whispered. “Goodnight John B.”

You entered his room and shut the door, taking in the smell of his cologne that drifted through the air. You sat at the desk placed in the corner of his room, staring at the photos of you two that scattered his wall. You picked up a wallet sized picture of JJ kissing your cheek on your third date with him. Your whole body felt so drained it felt difficult to even breathe. You traced the shapes of the photo with your finger, “please be alive." 


5 days later

Everyone had visited JJ in the hospital except his own father. Hell, even Kie and Pope’s family visited him. You were contemplating going to his dad and screaming at him, but Pope had to physically hold you back from doing that. You brought a new bouquet of flowers everyday, giving the old ones to  the nurses and doctors that worked there. 

You sat on the left side of the bed, holding his hand with your eyes fluttering shut every now and then due to your lack of sleep. You wanted to scream, you wanted to cry, but you were numb and felt like a drained battery.

Your head snapped up when you suddenly felt JJ’s hand squeeze yours. You gasped as you nearly jumped from your chair. "Baby?” You asked softly. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open as he took a deep inhale of air. Your senses awakened as you let out a sigh of relief, a large grin displayed on your face. 

“Y/N?” His mumbled, his voice scratchy. You found the control next to his bed and found the button for a doctor to come to the room immediately. You pressed a kiss to his hand as he held onto yours. “Hey baby. Hey, I’m right here, it’s okay.” You soothed him as you smiled at your boyfriend. 

Doctors rushed in, pushing you out of the room saying they needed to check his vitals and see how stable he was. You sat outside the door against the wall, knees pulled up to your chest with your arms resting on your knees. You tilted your head up and closed your eyes, feeling beyond lucky that he was responsive. 

After about twenty minutes, the doctor left the room to speak with you. “He’s very lucky, 1 more inch and that bullet would’ve hit a major artery. We want him to stay here just for a couple days to make sure he’s healing properly. After that he’s free to go home whenever.” You nodded your head and thanked him as he walked away. 

You entered back into his room, standing next to the bed. “Come here, princess.” He mumbled as you bent down towards him, gently holding the non injured side of his face. He kissed you passionately, fingers intertwined in your hair. He carefully scooted over and patted the empty side of the bed for you.

You hesitantly got in next to him, being careful to avoid his wounds. You rested your head on his shoulder as he kissed your forehead. “I’ve missed you, so fucking much.” You muttered as you finally felt at peace being by his side again. “You can’t get rid of me that easily Y/L/N,” He joked as he pressed his lips to your hand, “You’re stuck with me forever.” He continued.

You remembered the conversation you had with John B a few nights before. “Sounds perfect to me.” He gave you that heart stopping grin of his before planting another kiss on your lip.

Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head)- Rafe Cameron

(Not my gif, credit to the owner!)

Summary: Based on Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head) by Powfu and Beabadoobe

Word count: 3,181

Warnings: (Lung) Cancer, hospitalization, cursing, sadness, mentions of death, death.

I sobbed writing this I’m not gonna lie

Don’t stay awake for too long, don’t go to bed. I’ll make a cup of coffee for your head, I’ll get you up and going out of bed.

Rafe Cameron sat there in the doctor’s office, his eyes glazed over and his jaw slacked as the doctor stared at him with a pitied look. Six words repeated in his mind, ‘you have stage four lung cancer’. He was only 22, how did this happen so soon? 

He rubbed his hands over his face vigorously, cracking his knuckles after he stopped. “How long do I have?” “Some people don’t survive more than 12 months, and if you’re lucky, the latest I’ve seen is 5 years but that’s with every single treatment."  He flared his nostrils as he held back his tears, he wanted to be around one person and one person only; you. 

Rafe showed up at your door after his appointment, a bouquet of rose’s in his hand and a card in the other. You grinned at his kind gesture, your heart swelling with joy. He thought he would have to plaster a smile on his face, but the moment he saw you, a genuine smile appeared on his face. For the slightest moment, he forgot that he was dying.

You two spent the night together, cuddling and watching movies. Rafe held you close to him, his fingers skimming every part of your body, wanting to relish the feeling of you under his fingers. He checked the time and realized it was 3 in the morning and he was still awake. 

You shifted in your spot before turning your body to face his, your hand reaching up and combing his blonde locks out of his face. "Don’t stay awake for too long baby, you need rest.” You mumbled, half asleep. “I know, I know. I just have a bad headache.” He lied. Truth is, he wanted to stay awake and just admire how you looked next to him, curled up in his chest, allowing him to see your natural beauty.

“I’ll make you a cup of coffee in the morning and I have plenty of ibuprofen to share.” You grinned, pressing a delicate kiss to his neck. “Goodnight, my love.” He whispered as he kissed your forehead in return, watching you fall back into your sleep.

I don’t wanna fall asleep, I don’t wanna pass away. I’ve been thinking of our future 'cause I’ll never see those days.

Rafe rubbed his eyes with his hands as he yawned, today was his third day without sleeping. He told you that he just kept waking up in the middle of the night but eventually he did go back to sleep. You believed him, offering any help to find resolutions but he politely denied them.

Truth was, everytime he fell asleep he had dreams about your future with him. The most recent one he had was of you two, married with two children. You two had moved out of the Outer Banks, wanting a new start. In this dream, he survived the cancer so he wanted a fresh start. Away from the toxic memories he had from that town.

It pained him every time he had a thought about your future, at least what he wanted your future with him to be. He wanted to make you so happy, he wanted to be the reason you woke up every morning and vice versa. You were his everything, and it killed him to know that soon it would come to an end.

I don’t know why this has happened but I probably deserve it. I tried to do my best but you know that I’m not perfect.

You sat down on the couch, legs criss crossed as Rafe paced back and forth in front of you. He was mumbling to himself as you sat there confused, trying to calm down the nerves you knew he had. You didn’t know what was going on which only worried you.

“Rafe, baby just sit next to me and talk to me.” He sat down next to you, his elbows resting on his knees, terrified to look you in the eyes. You scooted closer to him and grabbed one of his hands, “breathe.” Was all you said before he closed his eyes, deeply inhaling and exhaling for a few seconds before turning and looking at you.

You could finally see how scared he was, he looked like he hadn’t slept, his eyes were pink and watery, the bags under his eyes were a light purple. You turned your body to face him, “Rafe, what’s wrong?” He turned to you, mirroring the way you were sitting. “I have stage four lung cancer." 

His words felt like you fell face first in cement from a fifty foot drop. "W-what?” You stuttered, your voice just above a whisper. He nodded his head as he watched your eyes release tears. Your mouth fell open but you quickly covered it with your hand. You tried to speak but the only sound you could make was a gasping sound, like a fish out of water.

“I have maybe 12 months to live.” Your mouth was dry, your heart felt like it was somehow racing and stopping at the same time. Your world felt like it fell out of space and shattered. You wanted to know how long he knew, but it didn’t matter. Moral of the story was that you wanted him to live a good life for as long as he lived, and that’s what you were gonna do. 

You didn’t say anything, you simply crawled to him and straddled his lap. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he held your waist, allowing you two to cry into each other’s necks. He held you like if he were to let go, you would disappear forever.

“I got you Rafe, I got you.“ Your hand reached up and entangled itself in his hair, gently massaging it. "Why did this have to happen? Right when I was finally feeling happy.” He screamed into your neck. 

“I don’t hunny. I don’t know.” You whispered.

I’ve been praying for forgiveness, you’ve been praying for my health. When I leave this Earth, hoping you’ll find someone else.

Rafe turned his head to look at you, making sure you were fast asleep before he slowly got out of bed. Replacing his body with a pillow, he snuck out of the room and outside of your house.

He made his way to the backyard and sat down on the grass, laying back as he looked up at the stars. He took a deep breath before speaking out loud. “Hi, uh- God. I don’t know how this works, I don’t know how to pray or even if you’re up there, but if you are I need you to hear what I have to say.”

A star above him shined brighter for a split second before disappearing behind a cloud. “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for the disrespectful and disgusting teenager I was. I’m sorry for all the horrible things I did to my body. I’m sorry for the crimes I committed and never got caught. I admit to everything I have done wrong, I understand why you’re taking it out on me. But please, leave Y/N out of this. She is the light of my life, the reason I was able to find happiness. Please don’t take my actions out on her, make her fall out of love with me or something. Just…just something to ease her pain. Please.”

Rafe was out at the grocery store, leaving you plenty of time to head over to the neighborhood church. You walked out of your car with sunglasses on so people couldn’t see your red and watery eyes. You excused yourself as you shimmied through a small group of people.

You walked into the chapel and sat down in one of the pews. You removed your sunglasses before looking up at the front of the room. You let out a puff of air before speaking out loud. “Hi, God. I really don’t know what I’m doing or why I’m even trying to talk to you. But I just, I’m so desperate and I just need your help. Please, please help Rafe. Help him at least live longer than a year, he wasn’t the best person when he was a teenager, you know that. But he’s changed into a whole new person, he knows how he was before and he hates it now. Please help him recover through this, help him pull through because I need him here. He was the one I was supposed to marry, the one who would be the father of my children, the one to help give me my happy ending. Please.”

When I leave this Earth hoping you’ll find someone else, 'cause yeah, we’re still young there’s so much we haven’t done.

You shook your head at Rafe’s words as you wiped your tears away with your hands. “No, there’s no way.” You cried out. He grabbed both your wrists and made you look at him. “Y/N, you have to listen to me. I don’t want you to grieve or mourn, I want you to keep going. Find a new love, I don’t want you to be alone. You need to find a new love, start a new story with them. Please baby, I beg you." 

You squeezed your eyes closed, your throat felt like it was slowly shutting. Your heart felt like it had been stabbed after hearing his words. You knew he had a point, you knew you couldn’t mourn over him the rest of your life, but just hearing it so soon pained you more than you could ever imagine. 

Getting married, start a family, watch your husband with his son. I wish it could be me but I won’t make it off this bed.

Another night where Rafe couldn’t sleep, this being his 6th one in a row. He looked at you while you slept and admired the way the moonlight entered the window. The way the light cascaded down your face, highlighting some of your facial features. 

He slept maybe an hour, however he had a dream that woke him up. He dreamed that you got married to another man, watching as he took care of your son. He felt his heart pang with pain knowing that would be the harsh reality they would soon have to face. 

It felt like his body was there, he knew he was there, but it felt like his soul was floating out of him as he watched you be happy with a random stranger. He watched as you scooped your son up in your arms, spinning around as he let out cheerful giggles.

Rafe watched your husband who looked just as happy as you did. He hated that you were happy with someone else, but he knew you would be in good hands with your husband. He just had to pray that you’ll meet someone who loves you just as much as he did.

I hope I go to heaven so I see you once again. My life was kinda short but I got so many blessings. Happy you were mine, it sucks that it’s all ending.

Rafe had spent the next few months trying to make up for some of the shitty things he did in his teen years. He’s been donating to the pour, volunteering at local shelters and soup kitchens, randomly picking garbage up from the highway. He was trying to do anything and everything to make sure he could go to heaven.

He had no clue if heaven or hell were real, but if they do exist he would do anything he could to make sure he got into heaven. After he dies, he knew that was his one chance to see you again. He knew one day he would wake up on the other side and you would be there, running to him to give him the hug both of you had been desperately craving.

I’m happy that you’re here with me, I’m sorry if I tear up. When me and you were younger, you would always make me cheer up.

You softly knocked on the hospital room door, walking through the doorway with a tray of cafeteria food. "Hey baby, I brought you a sandwich and blue jello.” He smiled at you, “my favorite.” He subtly laughed before coughing harshly. You rushed over to his side and placed the tray down, grabbing one of the napkins to wipe away the small drops of blood that escaped his mouth.

“I got you baby, it’s okay.” You mumbled, passing him a glass of water as his coughing died down. You sat down in the seat next to him, watching him poke his sandwich before taking a small bite out of it. He sighed before dropping the sandwich back onto the plate, his eyes already crying. He sniffled as he covered his face with his hands, ashamed to be in the spot he was in right now.

You reached forward and grabbed onto his hand, rubbing his knuckles with your thumb as he tightened his grip. “I’m so sorry.” He whispered. You shook your head trying to fight back your tears. “Don’t apologize baby, I’m right here.” “And I’m so fucking happy you are." 

You held his hand, looking down at his fingers as you played with them. "Remember back in 8th grade when I got into a really bad argument with my dad after he married Rose? I was so angry and upset, and I ran right to your house. But you were right there to help me, you cheered me up in a matter of seconds of me being with you. That was one of the first times I truly knew how happy you made me.” He recalled the memory, thinking about it like it was yesterday.

Taking goofy videos while walking through the park. You would jump into my arms every time you heard a bark.

You pulled up your snapchat and pressed record. You and Rafe decided to go to the local park to just go on the playground equipment. There was nobody around, even if there was when you were with him you felt like you two were the only ones there.

You recorded the video as Rafe pushed you on the swing set, you turned the camera to face you, zooming in on the large smile on his face. You pumped your legs up, accidentally kicking him in the stomach. The video got the whole thing and his reaction. You jumped off the swing and turned around to see him hunched over and groaning. 

“Oh my god, I am so sorry!” You quickly apologized, trying to help him stand up straight. He laughed loudly, his bright smile never left his face. “That was so fucking funny!” You joined him in laughing, enjoying the moment. He held you closely by the waist as you held his elbows. “God, I am so in love with you.” He muttered before pressing a soft kiss to your lips. 

Okay shut up that was one time and it was a dare!” You defended yourself, jokingly pushing his shoulder. He brought up the story about how you ran down the block fully naked one night in senior year. Your laugh stopped the moment you heard a loud bark echoing in the distance. 

Your hand quickly reached down to grab his as your head turned in different directions to see where the sound came from. Rafe stopped walking and stood in front of you. “Hey, hey it’s okay. It was just a dog.” You nodded your head before letting out a shaky breath.

His free hand reached up and held the side of your face, “I got you Y/N. I won’t let anything hurt you.”

Cuddle in your sheets, sing me sound asleep. And sneak out through your kitchen at exactly 1:03. 

You hushed Rafe as he whispered to you. Rafe had been your boyfriend for the last 2 months, however you hadn’t told your parents about him yet which meant sneaking around if you wanted to be with him. You figured out a way to sneak him into your house without your parents knowing.

He tiptoed into your room before flinging himself onto your bed. He wasted no time in wrapping himself in your sheets, his arms wide open waiting for you to join him. You laid down next to him, watching as he looked at you with puppy eyes and his bottom lip pouting. “Which song tonight?” He thought for a minute, “Fix You by Coldplay." 

You shifted in your spot so Rafe could rest his head on your chest, your hand reached yo to play with his hair. "When you try your best but you don’t succeed…” you quietly sang to him. You continued until you heard his soft snores escape his lips. You shut your eyes and allowed yourself to fall asleep with him.

You were woken up by the feeling of his lips against yours, mumbling 'wake up’ against them. “I’m awake.” You muttered, rubbing your eyes. “I gotta head home."  You nodded before flinging the sheets off of your body. You held his hand in yours before quietly opening your bedroom door. You led him down the halls and to your garage door. 

He spun you around so you could face him, his hands finding your waist as you roped your arms around his neck. "See you tomorrow?” He questioned, “absolutely.” You leaned forwards and kissed him softly, your lips hovering over his for a second. 

“Goodnight handsome.”

Soon you’ll be alone, sorry that you have to lose me.

It’s been 12 months, Rafe was admitted into the hospital at the beginning of month 11. It happened when Rafe broke into a coughing spit that ended up with him spitting up splatters of blood. You weren’t ready when that happened, you knew that that was the beginning of his end and that terrified you.

“Y/N?” He whispered, you sat up from your seat and stood next to him. “Yeah baby?” “Can you kiss me?” Your heart clenched at how soft his voice was. “It would be my honor.” You grinned as he let out a weak laugh. Leaning down you cupped the side of his face and passionately kissed him. 

You pulled away from him, not even knowing about the tears that rolled down your face. “My eyelids feel heavy.” He admitted, knowing this might be his last day. You held the side of his face, watching as his eyes slowly fell shut and his heart monitor slowed down. “No no, Rafe look at me. Keep your eyes open.” You begged.

“I love you Y/F/N Y/L/N, forever and always.” He whispered before his eyes fell shut. The room went silent except for the sound of the monitor flat lining, fear running through your veins. “Doctor!”

Magic Touch- JJ Maybank

(Not my gif, credit to the owner!)

Summary: After JJ finds out a secret you’ve been keeping for a long time, he’s right by your side to help take care of you. 

Word count: 1,822

Warnings: verbal and physical abuse/violence, mentions of blood, cursing.

You tiptoed through your bedroom window, not trying to attract your mother as you packed your bag to spend the week at John B’s. Your mother was just like JJ’s father, always smuggling or doing drugs, drinking until they’re unconscious, or just passed out on the couch for days on end.

Your mother was never supportive of you, you worked everyday and your mother didn’t even have a job. She would take her anger out on you everytime she remembered your dad wasn’t in the picture. If you said or did something she didn’t like, she would verbally and physically tell you how she felt about it.

No one in the Pogue friend group knew about your struggles at home. Every time you showed up with a new cut or bruise, you always managed to find a new excuse on what happened. You figured you would have to tell them at some point, you just didn’t know it would have to be so soon.

You snuck around in your room, packing bathing suits and clothes. Bagging some more essentials you would need just in case. Scanning your room, you quietly zipped your bag shut before opening and closing your bedroom door. Turning around you froze in your tracks to see your mother standing there with her arms crossed.

“Are you staying at that Josh B’s house?” Her mother slurred, nearly falling over from just standing there. “His name is John B, and yes I am.” You stated, your tone firm even though your legs were shaking. You threw your backpack over your shoulders and walked by your mom

“Is that JJ boy going to be there too?” You ignored her question as you kept your focus on the front door. You had your hand on the doorknob before she shouted at you, “he’s just gonna use you!”

Your jaw clenched as you bit your tongue. Turning around to face her you felt anger bubbling from the center of your chest. “JJ is not going to ‘use’ me. You don’t even know him so keep his name out of your mouth.” You stepped back after you spoke, not knowing just how harsh your tone sounded.

“Your father would be ashamed of you,” she started, “you look just like him. And I fucking hate that, you know why? Because he should be here, and not you. Everytime I look at you, you make me wanna scream!” She spat, her voice was laced with venom and pure hatred.

“I wish you were the one who left and not him.” You raised your voice back at your mother whose eyes were widened with fury. Before you could even process what happened, your mother grabbed the nearest empty beer bottle and chucked it at you.

You let out a cry of pain as you felt a sharp blow right above your right eyebrow. You stood there in fear as your fingers reached up to touch the area that had been hit. You lowered your hand to see a small drop of blood on your finger. You flicked the drop of blood away as you quickly swung the front door open. The moment you stepped out of the house, you slammed the door shut and just ran as fast as you could to John B’s

Tears threatened to spill from your eyes, feeling mentally drained from those 5 minutes near your mother. You were tired, tired of both the physical and emotional pain every time you were in that house. You wanted to get as far away from there as possible. Your wound went numb as the summer breeze hit it. You were too focused on your legs running to focus on the pain.

Finally running up the driveway to John B’s house, you stopped at the front door as you bent over to catch your breath. Calming yourself down, you walked inside to find it was empty. You threw your bag onto the couch and headed into the backyard to see your friends fishing. “Hi guys!” You greeted them with a forced smile as you walked up to them.

“Hey Y/N! Wait, what happened?” Kie asked from the spot she was sitting in. You immediately turned back around and headed back into the house, only to be followed by JJ who dropped his fishing rod. You picked up your pace, knowing he was following you to find out what happened. You ran into the bathroom with him close behind you. Closing the bathroom door on him, you took a look at the small gash on your face.

“Y/N, if you don’t open this door right now I will break it down, and you know I will.” JJ demanded from the other side of the door. You sighed as you slowly opened the door, watching his face drop in horror and sadness as he saw the wound. “Y/N…” he stepped forward, entering the bathroom with you.

He quickly closed the door behind them as you stared at the cut in the mirror once more. A mixture of sadness and anger bubbled in his veins as he took in the sight of your wound, along with the look of sadness on your face. “Let’s get you cleaned up, buttercup.” JJ said, pushing his feelings away as to not upset you anymore then you already were. 

Before you could protest, he easily picked you up by the waist and sat you down on the sink counter. He stood between your legs, his arm reaching behind your head to grab a washcloth and a bar of soap.

Your eyes watched his hands as he lathered the washcloth with soap and water before carefully rubbing the cut. You flinched at the painful tingling sensation, backing away from his hand for a moment. “I know, I know, I’m sorry.” JJ whispered, his heart aching as she held onto his non busy hand. 

“Who did this to you?” He knew the answer since you had explained to him that you had to go home, but he didn’t want to believe it. You took a deep breath, your eyes focused on the bathroom floor. “It was your mom, wasn’t it?” He whispered after a moment of silence. You flickered your eyes up to meet his, and that’s when he knew his assumptions were correct.

“Y/N, princess… How long has this been going on for?” He asked, tucking a piece of loose hair behind your ear. “Pretty much since we moved here. After my dad just left, she always got mad and constantly told me I reminded her of him. How she wants him here instead of me. It started out verbal but then things just kind of… escalated.” You opened up, your voice just above a whisper.

“Why didn’t you tell us sooner? Why didn’t you tell me?” He was hurt that you had known him your entire life, but never told him about it. “I don’t want people thinking I’m asking for attention or lying. And I didn’t want to be a burden, I mean you guys have your own issues to deal with, I didn’t want to add onto it.”

He gently held the bottom of your chin in between his thumb and index finger. “Princess, listen to me. You aren’t and never will be a burden or any of us, and you never will be. Especially with stuff like this. I mean, I would’ve let you stay over more often if I knew. I know for a fucking fact John B or Kie would. And Pope will always be there for you, whether a shoulder to cry on or someone who will make you laugh. We’re your family, Y/n, we’re here for you.” JJ couldn’t help but feel like a hypocrite for saying these words when he was going through the same things with his father.

“I don’t want to talk about it with them right now, especially with John B’s dad still possibly out there. I just want us to focus on him.” You bit down on your bottom lip, trying to control your shaky breath.

You had always been a tough girl in JJ’s eyes. You could take a joke, you weren’t afraid to fight your own battles, you knew how to stand up for yourself and your friends. It broke his heart to see you so beaten up, both mentally and physically.

JJ entangled his hand through your hair and pulled you towards him, resting your head on his chest. You inhaled deeply before breaking down into tears, your body trembling against his. His other hand held your back, tracing small shapes onto your skin in an attempt to calm you down.

“Shh. It’s okay baby, I got you. You’re safe with us.” He softly hummed a soft tune in your ear as you clutched onto the fabric of his shirt. “You’re okay. I’m right here.” He held you tightly in his arms as he heard you slowly calm down. You slowly pulled away from him, wiping your nose with a tissue.

“There we go, princess.” He held your face in his hands and gently wiped away the trails of tears with his thumbs. You placed your hands on top of his and held them in their position. His eyes trailed down to your lips, wondering what they would feel like pressed against his.

He softly cleared his throat, his eyes dropping to the ground as he released you. “Let’s get you patched up.” Your cheeks turned a light pink as you shyly grinned as his back was turned. He reached behind you again to grab a box of bandaids. He quickly ripped one open and placed it on your wound, gently pressing the sides down to make it stay in place. He leaned forward and pressed a delicate kiss to the covered up wound, pulling back to see a soft grin on your lips.

You hopped off the counter and stood on your tiptoes, one hand using his shoulder to keep balance the other placed on the side of his cheek. You pressed a kiss to the left cheek, both of their heartbeats picking up speed. You got back onto your feet, your face warming up as he returned the kind gesture to you. 

As he pulled away, you two made eye contact realizing both of you wanted the same thing. “Can I-” he started, “kiss me.” You mumbled. His hands snaked their way around your waist as yours wrapped around his neck. His lips gently and carefully danced with yours, as if you were a glass doll and one wrong move would break you.

Pulling back, he rested his forehead against yours. “It feels better already.” You grinned, pressing your lips against his one more time. He opened the bathroom door, his arm still around your waist. “I got the magic touch. That’s not the only thing I could touch though.”


The Blip pt 2. - JJ Maybank

(Not my gif, credit to the owner!)

Hi lovely! I was wondering if you could write a The Blip part 2 with prompts: 10, 15, 31, and 57? Thanks

Summary: You and JJ spend the day together after his return from the blip.

Word count: 1,446

Warnings: cursing


10. “You’ve always felt like home.”

15. “I’ve waited for this moment for a long time.”

31. “This is the part where you ask me out and I say yes.“

57. “How could I ever forget about you?”

You woke up, finally feeling like you had gotten enough sleep for the first time in years, because you had. The feeling of having JJ by your side was something you couldn’t describe. You felt a new level of security with him, like nothing bad could ever happen to you when he was near. 

Attempting to stretch your arms out, you quickly realized that his hand was intertwined with yours, restricting you from pushing your arms out. Tilting your head up to look at him, his eyes were shut and his mouth slightly open. The way the light hit his face highlighted his facial features beautifully. You smiled to yourself as you felt him hold you closer to him.

He inhaled softly before his eyelids slowly fluttered open. "Morning.” Your heart raced at the sound of his morning voice, you had never imagined it to sound so raspy. Running your hand through his messy hair, he unknowingly leaned into your touch. “Morning sleepy, get your ass up we’re going to the beach.” You grinned, throwing the sheets off of him. You approached your window and opened the blinds, a groan coming from the bed. 

“Come on J, you’ve been gone 5 years, you need some sunshine.” He slowly dragged himself out of your bed and went to the bathroom to change. Your mind was full of questions and thoughts about this whole situation. You were finally old enough to possibly date JJ, but does he still see you as that young girl he used to babysit? 

You quickly threw on your bathing before he returned to the room. “I’m gonna go to my house to get my stuff, I’ll be right back.” “Do you want me to come with you?” He immediately shook his head, “no, no it’s okay I got it. You just… just stay here.” He was about to leave your house before you held him back. 

“If you want to bring clothes for the week, you’re welcome to stay. If- if you want.” You mumbled the last three words, this time your cheeks turned pink. He took a deep breath and leaned over, giving you a small kiss on your cheek. You tried to hide your grin as he left your room. Not being able to contain your smile anymore, you exhaled a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. 

You nodded your head in contentment, trying to ignore the butterflies JJ released in your stomach. After you packed your bag, you sat there in silence, waiting for JJ to return. You rubbed your bottom lip hoping JJ was doing okay with his father. You hadn’t heard any yelling or anything breaking so you just hoped for the best. JJ opened up about his home life with his father once, one night when it was really bad. You couldn’t help but ask where he got the black eye and bruise from, knowing he didn’t get it in a fight with a Kook.

It took him a while to admit it, but he slowly did open up to you about it, it was easier knowing that sometimes you went through the same thing. It killed him that you went through the same thing, he wanted to do anything and everything he could to make you feel safe. 

JJ returned in a matter of 5 minutes and swung his bag over his shoulders, running his hands through his hair. “Everything okay?” You asked. He nodded, “he was passed out on the couch, just like he was 5 years ago. But yeah, I’m okay. Let’s get to the beach.” He sniffled. “You wanna drive?” You asked him, dangling the car keys in your hand. He held his hands out and did a grabbing motion, like a child with a lollipop in front of his face.

He quickly nodded his head as you tossed him your car keys. He skipped to your car before stopping in his tracks before looking at you. Tilting your head he answered your questioning look, “it’s so weird to know this is your car and that you drive.” You jokingly rolled your eyes before getting into the passenger’s seat.

In a small moment, JJ left your house and sped down the roads of the Outer Banks, not caring how fast he was going as he drove with the windows down and the music blasting. ‘Are You Bored Yet?’ by The Wallows came on, your hand immediately reached forward to turn it up. You stuck your head out the window as you belted the lyrics, letting the cool air run through your hair. You missed JJ turning his head to look at you, admiring the way the wind easily flew through your hair. How the sound of your laugh sounded better than the music itself.

The drive to the beach was short, but it gave you both enough time to sing a few songs together. He parked in a spot and looked at how the restaurants and shops around the beach haven’t changed at all. He grinned as he turned the engine off and heard the sound of the waves crashing onto the land.

“God, I missed this.” He grinned, jumping out of the car and grabbing his bag. You joined him as he waited in his spot with his hand extending out for you to grab. Intertwining your hand with his, you took him to your favorite spot where not a lot of people go. It was a quiet spot by a pushed over lifeguard post. 

You laid out your largest towel and pulled out snacks and drinks for you two to share. JJ stripped down to his bathing suit and ran straight to the water, letting out cheerful shouts and cries of joys as he dove into an upcoming wave. You quickly took your clothes off as you adjusted your bottoms before running to join him in the water.

You two spent hours trying to swim out as far as you could, doing handstands, diving into waves, you name it you guys did it. The two of you ran back up to the sand and plopped yourselves onto the towel. “This no doubt is the best day of my life. I’m so glad to be back home.” JJ grinned, throwing his arm around your shoulder as he admired the way the sun reflected off the waves.

“I’m glad! And I’m really glad you’re back J, you’ve always felt like home to me.” You grinned, passing him a water bottle before you realized what your last sentence was. “Oh really?” Your cheeks blushed brightly, and he could sell it wasn’t just because of your sunburn. You rested your head on his shoulder as he held you close to him. 

“This is gonna sound really dumb,” you started, “but I couldn’t sleep right after you disappeared. I hated that I didn’t know where you were, I hated that I had to grow up with you, I hated that I got so scared that you would forget about me.” You admitted, feeling like a weight was lifted off your chest. He moved his body to turn and face you, he had confusion written all over his face.

“Wait, I’m sorry you think I would forget you? How could I ever forget about you?” You shrugged your shoulders as you stuck your hands in the sand. “Because I was only your 13 year old neighbor that you took care of." 

"You were, but now it’s just- I don’t know, different. Seeing you grown up and how beautiful you are.” You chuckled at his words, seeing how flustered he got after saying it. “You think I’m beautiful?” You tucked a piece of wet hair behind your ear, watching as he leaned in closer to you. “I do." 

You finally looked him in the eyes and decided to be bold, "you know, this is the part where you ask me out and I say yes.” He grinned at you before leaning in and giving your lips a slight peck. The small touch made goosebumps rise onto your arms. He pushed your hair out of your face and rested his forehead against yours. “I’ve waited for that moment for a long time.” He laughed, pulling back from you.

“I’d assume so, now I wanna know more about your crush on me you had and still have.” You shoved JJ backwards and into the sand, jumping to your feet and running towards that water. “Ohhhh you’re gonna get it!” He said, picking up sand in his hands and throwing it to your wet back. You felt the impact hit you as you were launched forwards into the waves.

Bruises- JJ Maybank

Request: hi❤ I was wondering if u could do the scene where the pogues see JJ’s bruises?

Word count: 2,455

Warnings: mentions of physical and verbal abuse.

“We gotta be done before my scholarship interview in the morning.” Pope explained to you and Kie as he pulled up to the back of the Chateau. “Okay, well, we gotta focus.”

“It’s gonna be fine. We got John B and JJ inside the well, and me up top. You, Y/N, and Sarah will be outside transporting.” Pope recalled the plan, exiting the truck.

They headed to the back of his vehicle, opening the back to grab their supplies. “That tin can hold up to like, 200-300 pounds.”

“Thanks.” Kie praised him as she unlatched the hinge. 

“Uh, what for?”

“For stranding us. You know, making us make up.” Kie softly grinned as you stood next to her. 

“Seriously Pope, you’re like the super glue for this group.” You complimented. “What makes you think that was me?”

Before Kie could respond, lines full of lights turned on, confusing the trio. A loud buzzing sound leading them towards the backyard.

“What the hell?” 

You guys walked into the area, colored and festive lights hung everywhere. Inflatable palm trees chilled in the corner. JJ sat in a shiny new hot tub, popping a bottle of champagne open.

“JJ?” you asked as you walked up to the front of the hot tub. “What did you do, JJ” Pope asked in disbelief. 

“I got a jet going straight in my butt right now. Y’all should get in immediately, you hear me? Salud!” JJ cheered to no one as he poured out a glass, only to drink straight from the bottle.

“How much did this cost?” Pope asked, already knowing the answer.

“Uh… well, with the generator, the petrol, and oh, hey, express delivery… pretty much all of it, yeah.” JJ’s words were slurred, clearly intoxicated.

Pope’s jaw fell open, “all of it?”

“Yeah, all of it.” JJ confirmed, pushing his sunglasses up. “You spent all the money in one day?”

“Yeah, burned a hole right through my pocket. But I mean like, come one guys, like, look at this! Finest in jet-based massage therapy, that’s what they told me.” JJ grinned at his actions. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, watching him take another drink from the bottle.

JJ noticed the look on your face, “Y/N, what? Can’t a man have a little luxury in his life? Come on,” he flung his sunglasses off, “all this scrimpin’ and scrapin’. I mean like… guys, we- you only live once, right? Enough of this emotional shit. Get in the Cat’s Ass. Come on.” 

“In the what?” Kie asked softly.

“In the Cat’s Ass. That’s what I named her.” JJ giggled to himself as he let the jets hit the back of his muscles. 

“Oh, hey, yo, I almost forgot.” He leaned over and pressed a button, a disco ball lighting up and spinning around.

“Yeah, that’s right, I know. Disco mode. That’s right baby!” He cheered in excitement.

“Are you kidding me? You could have paid for restitution!” Pope raised his voice. “Or literally given it to any charity!” Kie snapped. “Guys…” You started, seeing the pain in JJ’s eyes. 

“Or better yet you could’ve helped us buy supplies to get the rest of the gold out of the well!” Pope continued as JJ rubbed his eyes.

“Okay well you know what? I didn’t do that.” JJ yelled back as he stood up from his spot, revealing the new red and purple marks that littered his chest. You gasped, covering your mouth with your hands.

“I got a hot tub! For my friends. I got a hot tub for my friends. You know what? No, screw friends. I got a hot tub for my family!” JJ cried out, his voice wavering. “I got this for you.” He pointed to the champagne bottle that was already half empty.

Your eyes welled up with tears, noticing just how broken JJ Maybank was. “Guys, look what I did for you! Alright? Look at this!”

“JJ…” your voice cracked, “no, you, you both stop being emotional. It’s fine, okay?”

You marched up the steps of the hot tub, stopping at the first step, “come on Y/N, just get in.” You pulled the boy into your arms as you both cried against each other. His head rested on your stomach as you leaned your head down to rest on top of his.

“I just couldn’t do it.” JJ sobbed, his body shaking from the pain. He tightened his grip around your waist as you held him in your arms. One hand rubbed his shoulder while the other softly held onto the back of his head. 

“I can’t take him anymore!” He screamed into your chest, “I was gonna kill him.” 

“It’s okay baby, I got you. You’re safe with us.” you whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. Kie and Pope joined you on the steps, wrapping the boy in a group hug. “I just wanna do the right thing.” He admitted, letting out a heartbreaking sob.

“We know.” Kie reassured him, “we know.”

One by one the friends let go of him, "you guys can finish up whatever you were doing, I’ll take care of him.” JJ refused to let go of your waist as your fingers softly rubbed his scalp.

‘I got this.’ You mouthed, your friends nodding their heads in acknowledgment. The two walked away to continue their plans, you slowly lifted JJ’s head up to look at you.

“Hey JJ, let’s get you out of here, is that okay?” You spoke softly. He nodded his head, slowly releasing you. You held his hand as you eased him out of the hot tub and down the steps.

“Stay right here, I’m gonna grab a towel.” JJ muttered a gentle 'okay’. Sniffing to clear his sinuses. Running inside the house, you yanked a towel off the bathroom rack and headed back outside.

You wrapped it around his waist before leading him inside by his hand. Entering the bedroom, you picked out a pair of boxers and shorts for him to change into. “Do you think you can change into this without my help?” You asked him, holding out the clothes.

JJ nodded his head as he stumbled across the hall into the bathroom. You stood on the outside of the door, harshly biting down on your tongue. You’ve never seen JJ so broken, so hurt, and you wished you had known he was dealing with this.

You felt guilt and anger for not knowing about this sooner. Whenever JJ appeared with a new bruise or cut, he always told her that he got into a brawl with a Kook. He lied to you for 7 years, you never caught on which killed you on the inside.

After a few minutes, JJ opened the door with the towel in his hands, and changed into dry clothes. “Can we go lay down?” He questioned, his words still slurred. “Yeah, of course hunny.”

He walked into the bedroom and sighed. Without thinking he plopped himself onto the bed, letting out a cry of pain as the bed hit his bruises.

Biting your bottom lip you asked, “do you want me to get you an ice pack?” He nodded his head, resting his hands on his eyes. Heading into the kitchen, you grabbed an ice tray, dumping some ice cubes out into a ziplock bag.

You walked back into the room, shutting the door quietly. JJ praised you as you handed him the bag of ice. He placed it on the biggest bruise he had. “Can you- can you stay with me? And play with my hair because honestly it makes me feel safe.” He admitted, not even processing what he was saying.

You sat down next to him, allowing him to rest his head in your lap. Your fingers found your way to his hair, letting them run through and massage his scalp. You sat in silence before he spoke up. “I really, really like you Y/N. Like Really.” He emphasized the final 'really’.

“I really, really like you too JJ.” You spoke the truth. “You know, these last few days have been crazy as fuck. You know you’ve been there. But the amount of times I almost lost you scared the shit out of me.” He confessed, his hand reaching up to place itself on your leg.

“And-and when we almost got shot at Crains, my soul nearly left my body. I want to keep you safe.” Your eyebrows furrowed together as you listened to his words.

“But I’m a fuck up and I don’t wanna ruin your life. I mean my own dad doesn’t want me, why would you?” His voice cracked. You reached your hand down towards his face to make him look at you.

“Hey, don’t say that JJ. You have made my life so much better in every single way possible. You show you care about me. You let me smoke with you so we both forget about our problems together. You taught me more shit about fishing than I knew. You can call me the worst names possible, but it doesn’t bother me because I do the same to you. It scares me how much I like you because in a snap you could be gone. Hell, when you got arrested I couldn’t sleep the night of.” You rambled on, realizing that maybe you had more than a silly crush on him. 

“You’re cute when you ramble.” He muttered, grinning at the sound of your laugh, yawning loudly afterwards. “You ready to sleep hun?” You asked, a nod answering the question. You shifted a bit, laying down as he rested his head on your chest. You kissed the side of his head, feeling his arm around your waist slowly tighten its grip.


You woke up, and checked the clock reading the time, '9:36’. Turning your head, you saw JJ still passed out, his snoring filling the room. Carefully getting out of the bed, you walked outside into the backyard and headed straight to the hammock. 

You sat alone peacefully, the smell of the waters filled the air, the sounds of birds chirping softly echoed, and the feeling of a cool breeze skimmed your tan skin, sunglasses covering your eyes from the sun. Footsteps came up from behind you, a figure plopped itself down next to you.

A groan emitted from JJ’s mouth, shutting his eyes from the blinding sunlight. “How’s the hangover?” You asked, handing over the sun glasses. “Feels like I have forks jammed in my head. Thanks.” He grabbed the sunglasses, quickly putting them on.

“Do you remember anything from last night?” You asked, fiddling with your thumbs. “Uhhh, I remember almost falling into the bathtub when I was changing. And then- oh…” he trailed off remembering parts of the conversation you had.

The two sat in silence again as JJ rested his hand on your thigh. “I wish I could’ve stopped that from happening.” You broke the silence, your voice wavering at the image in your head of his bruises.

JJ shook his head, “No, no you-you do enough for me. I feel like I don’t deserve you.” He whispered the last part. Your heart clenched at his confession. “JJ, you are the best part of my life.” Your hand cupped his, looking at the boy who lifted up the sunglasses.

“I want to be able to take you on dates and treat you like a princess and buy you everything you could ever want. But I’m a Pogue, that could never happen.” He clenched his jaw, knowing deep down you deserve someone who could give you anything you wanted.

“JJ, I’m literally a Pogue too. I don’t care if you don’t have money because guess what? I don’t either. That doesn’t change the fact that I love you. Just being with you makes me feel safe.”

JJ’s mouth slightly fell open, allowing those three words to sink in. You realized what you had said before it was too late. Your facial expressions matched his as you quickly looked down at your hands. They sat there, trying to process the words you just said.

Stress flooded through your body as you waited for his response, only to continue to sit in silence. “I know that was just kinda thrown at you but please just be my best friend right now and not the guy I just confessed my love to.” You spoke up, killing the silence.

“I don’t want to be your best friend.” He started, instantly making your heart drop into your stomach. “What?” You whispered, continuing to crack your knuckles.

“I don’t want to be your best friend. I want to be your boyfriend. I want to take you out on dates. I want to do those weird face masks with you. I want to do any cliché shit you want to do. I want to do anything and everything with you. I want you to be my girlfriend so whenever we go to parties I can be like, 'this is my girlfriend’ and show you off. I want more than just being best friends.” He said, reaching over with his hand to hold the bottom of your chin.

JJ looked down at your lips before glancing back up to your eyes. Your heart rate picked up, “kiss me.” You assured him, turning to face him. Your eyes fluttered shut as you both leaned in, connecting your lips gently. JJ grinned into the passionate kiss, not being able to handle the butterflies in his stomach. 

You pulled back to catch your breaths, resting your foreheads against each other before you returned to your original position. He slung his arm around your shoulder, leaving you space to rest your head on his chest. You beamed as he used his index finger to rub up and down on your arm.

“Remember back in freshman year during homecoming, I asked you to dance with me to 'The Night We Met’?” JJ tilted his head down towards you, locking eyes. You nodded your head in response. “John B and Pope hyped me up for at least an hour to encourage me to ask you. And when you had your head on my chest and I just held you, it felt like we were the only two people alive. And I loved that feeling, I don’t want it to ever go away." 

Your smile got wider, remembering the moment as if it were yesterday. "It won’t.” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head before falling back into a comfortable silence.

“Just making sure… we are dating right?” JJ spoke up earning a chuckle from you. “Yes. Yes we are.”

Falling For U- John B

Request: hi! Can u do an imagine based on Falling for U by Peachy! And Mxmtoon with prompts 8, 10, and 19? Tysm!!!

Summary: based on Falling For U by Peachy! And Mxmtoon

Word count: 2,371


8. “You make me feel safe.”

10. “You’ve always felt like home.”

19. “I just want this. I want you.”

I was hangin’ with you and then I realized. I didn’t think it was true, I was surprised, when I found out I’ve fallen for you.

John B had invited you over for a private surf lesson after you had told him you’ve never been. You had just moved to the Outer Banks last year, only recently meeting the Pogue and the rest of his friends. From the moment you met him you were drawn to him. Not for his attractive looks, but for his personality.

You had just met him, but he was always right by your side and ready to help you out through anything you were going through. He had a heart of gold and you adored the boy for that.

You first practiced your movements in the sand, rowing your arms front and back as if you were paddling to a wave. “And… jump up!” John B instructed. He stood by the side of the board, ready to catch you if you slipped. You lifted yourself up and jumped into position, John B’s hand holding yours to help you catch your balance.

“Nicely done Y/L/N. Now let’s see if you can actually do it in the water.” JB led you to the waves, guiding you on how far to go out. He scanned the waves trying to find one for you. He pointed his index finger to an incoming wave as it slowly began to rise, you looked at him with a look of fear.“You got this. I’ll be right here to help you out.” He reassured you. 

You exhaled, “if I drown it’s your fault.” He sent you a sly grin before saying, “don’t worry I know CPR.” You jokingly rolled your eyes while ignoring the butterflies you got in your stomach. You faced the wave as you paddled towards it, a tint of pink covered your cheeks as John B whooped and cheered from behind you. “And… jump!” You immediately popped up into position, almost surfing the whole wave before falling into the water.

You popped your head back above water to John B paddling towards you with your board next to him. “You okay?” He asked, pulling you back up onto your board. You wiped the water off of your face before nodding, getting ready to paddle again to a slightly larger wave. “Y/n/n you don’t have to surf today, this was just supposed to be a practice.” He reminded you. You were absolutely determined to get this. “I got this.” You winked at him before paddling to the wave.

JB let you take this one, watching you jump up into position in time. “Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!” You laughed as you skimmed through the wave. John B applauded you as the wave died down revealing pure shock on your face. “And the Pogue princess has done it ladies and gentlemen!” He yelled into his cupped hands as you made it to shore. 

You waited for him to get to you before jumping into his arms. You wrapped yours around his neck as he held you by the waist, spinning you around in glee. “You fucking did it! Holy shit!” He grinned as he put you down. You jumped up and down in excitement. “I know! JJ better watch his back I’m coming up to him.” You mumbled, earning a chuckle from him.

“I believe this calls for a celebratory drink.” JB held his hand out for you to grab, you gave him a weary look. His glance dropped to his extended hand, his fingers slightly wiggling. You giggled quietly before intertwining your hands together. This time the butterflies were stronger than ever. You slowly pieced together that you were developing feelings for your best friend, which you were not ready to admit. 

I didn’t wanna believe my feelings for you. I didn’t wanna believe that I could lose you if I told you just how I felt.

“I’m really scared Kie.” You admitted, clutching onto one of her pillows on her bed. She sat in front of you and held both of your shoulders, “don’t be Y/N! John B won’t be phased if he finds out you like him. Plus even if he knows that’s not gonna change anything.” “That’s not what JJ told me.” Kie furrowed her eyebrows at you before remembering past events.

JJ told you about the time John B dated a close friend of 5 years for a while but once they broke up they never spoke again. You refused to tell John B how you felt because you were terrified of rejection. You were terrified of him not feeling the same way, or pitying you for not feeling the same way. Then things become awkward and the whole friendship is ruined.

“That was years ago! He’s matured a lot now and from the way he looks at you I’m guessing he feels the same as you.” You buried your face into the pillow and groaned into the cushion. “Don’t do that. Don’t give me that.” You sighed, clutching onto the pillow. “Don’t give you what?” She asked. “Don’t give me hope.” Kie reassuringly rubbed your back, “It’ll all fall into place soon hun, just try to give it time.”

“Dude when you see her your face turns pink. You’re all like, "oh Y/N! Let me show you what true love is!” JJ exaggerated, putting his hand on his forehead before dramatically flipping his hair. “Shut up man.” John B grumbled from behind the steering wheel.

“Honestly dude I don’t know what’s got you so afraid. Just tell her and don’t be a pussy.” JJ said to him. “Okay well what if I tell her and she’s like, ‘what the fuck I just became friends with this dude.’ And she like, never talks to me again. What happens then?" 

JJ rolled his eyes at his over dramatic friend, "JB I love you, you know this but either man up and tell her or watch her fall in love with someone else. Your choice man.” John B slouched in his seat, realizing his friend had a point. 

But I can’t help it, I’m falling for you. And I can’t quit it 'cause I’m stuck on you. 

John B covered your eyes with his hands as he led you into the backyard. Today was your birthday and while the rest of the Pogues took you out for dinner, John b stayed at his house to set up his backyard with festive lights and decorations. He remembered the first time you met him, you had gone on and on about how you wanted to go to a paper lantern festival. Since there were none at the time, he managed to find a lantern to give to you. He had set up the hammocks with a soft blanket and comfortable pillows. He saved up to buy cute fairy lights girls used to decorate their rooms. 

“And… surprise!” JB uncovered your eyes and watched your face contort into pure joy. “John B…” you trailed off, getting teary eyed. “Is it too cliche? Damn it I shouldn’t have listened to Kie.” He muttered under his breath. You quickly turned to him and hugged him, shaking your head. “No, no it’s beautiful.” He held you in his arms before excusing himself.

He walked inside and returned with the lantern, a lighter, and a sharpie. You covered your mouth with your hands, watching him walk up to you with a dorky smile. “I know this isn’t a festival, but it’s the closest thing I could find.” He handed you the marker allowing you to write whatever you want. This was your chance to slowly start to tell him how you feel.

 You effortlessly wrote, 'JB+(your first and last initials)’ you looked back up to him to see his smile even wider than before. “Is this okay?” He nodded his head, “it’s perfect."  He held the other side of the lantern as you lit the bottom. "One, two, three.” You two sent it off into the air, watching it slowly rise into the night sky.

John B wrapped his arms around your frame, resting his chin on your shoulder as you watched the lantern float above them. Your heart felt like it skipped beats constantly whenever he was near you. You got butterflies in your stomach whenever your name left his mouth. Everything you did with him just felt comfortable and safe.

And it might be pathetic and you might be skeptical but I just want to be with you.

You unknowingly cuddled yourself into John B’s chest. You two were laying on the couch, you were fast asleep in his arms. He couldn’t help but admire you as you slept. How your eyelashes just looked naturally long when they were shut. How every now and then your nose would twitch. Your eyes would sometimes flutter when you dreamed. Today was a day where you had a dream about John B.

He furrowed his eyebrows as a quiet, “John B.” and a giggle escaped your lips. You were dreaming about you two traveling the world together after finding the gold. He took you everywhere you wanted to see, always looking at you when you were looking at the view. 

John B didn’t move for a minute, afraid that he would wake you. He watched as your nose twitched nestling your head onto his chest. He held you in his arms, his thumb gently rubbing up and down on your arm. Hesitating for a moment, he tipped his head down and kissed your forehead. He couldn’t hold his smile back as you grinned at the feeling. Your mind was telling you that happened in the dream, but in reality John B was slowly realizing just how strong his feelings are for you.

Please tell me, boy can you get a clue? Or come through 'cause I just want to be with you.

“No, JJ you don’t get it. I try to give him a hint that I like him but it just flies over his head.” You vented, hitting your head on the steering wheel. JJ lifted your head up off the wheel and against the headrest. “Y/N, John B is the most oblivious person all of us know. If you want to tell him you like him, you have to just say it.” He emphasized the 'have’. 

You groaned and turned your head to him. “Can’t you just do it for me?” You covered your face. “Sorry buttercup, it’s better if it comes from you. I’ll help keep Kie and Pope away from you guys but you have to be the one to tell him.” You exhaled loudly, nodding your head.

I’m scared of telling you how I feel. Maybe it’s better if I just try to conceal the truth. For me and for you. But I’m still stuck on you. I’m still falling for you, for you.

You paced in your room, waiting for John B to arrive at your house. Tonight was the night you were gonna admit how you felt about him. You stopped in your tracks as you heard a delicate tapping outside your window. Unlatching the lock, you let him step through the opening before closing it again.

He stood there as you paced back and forth again, making him sit down on the edge of the house bed. “Okay. Okay so, I have to say something and I just need you to wait until I’m done before you say anything.” You instructed him, earning a nod as a response.

“I like you. I like you a lot and it genuinely scares me. To the point where I went to JJ for advice because I couldn’t figure out what to do. I was scared because my brain just tells me there’s no possible way you would like me back. That if I told you how I felt you would think it’s weird or you would look at me differently and I don’t want that, I don’t want things to change in a bad way. But I wanted to say this because you just, you make me feel safe. You make me feel like I’m worth it. You give me these butterflies that leave the hair on my body standing up. I’m always with you because you’ve always felt like home. I could be skydiving with no parachute but I wouldn’t care because as long as I’m with you, I’m happy. Okay, now I’m just rambling but that’s it." 

You stopped panting, biting your nails as John B sat there trying to process everything you said. He had a dumb smile on his face as he looked up at you. "What? What? Was that too much? Did I just mess everything between us up?” You panicked.

He stood up from his spot and walked towards you. You couldn’t help but feel small and vulnerable as you slowly backed away from him. He cornered you against the wall, his breath fanning your lips. “You like me?” He quietly whispered, trying to make sure he heard that right before he made the next move.

“I really do.” You mumbled, your chest heaving from your heart rate picking up. His hand raised up and cupped the side of your face. He watched as your eyes fluttered shut, melting into his touch. “I won’t do anything until you tell me it’s okay." 

You opened your eyes to look at his brown ones. "Kiss me.” You reassured him. He dipped his head down and connected your lips to his. He exhaled in relief as he was finally able to kiss you. Something he’s been wanting to do for a while now. Now he was the one with butterflies. The pad of his thumb rubbed your cheek bone as you pulled away from him. “Do you want this?” You asked, pointing your finger between you two

“I’m falling for you, I’ve been falling for you. I just want this. I want you.” He whispered, pushing a stray piece of hair out of your face. Your face turned a light pink as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

Lazy Day- Topper Thorton

Request:Hiii, could i request a topper x reader with prompt 30 and 51? Thanks babes :)

Summary: You and Topper decide to spend some more time together after a lazy day. 

Word count: 1,895

Warnings: SMUT! oral sex (male and female), thigh riding, tiny choking kink, un protected sex (wrap it before you tap it fellas!)

Topper Thornton held you close in his arms as the sunlight entered through your curtains, blinding his sight. It was only 3 in the afternoon but you two decided to stay in and cuddle with each other. He groaned in pain as you woke up to his noises. As soon as you opened your eyes, you yelped in pain as the brightness took over your vision. 

“Here.” Topper clamped his hand over your eyes, shielding the light. “Is this okay?” He asked as he held his hand in place. “It would’ve been okay if you didn’t poke me in the eye.” You laughed as you removed his hand to rub your eye.

You sat up in the bed and stretched, your bones emitting a loud popping sound. Topper went into the bathroom as you changed into normal clothes. Instead of finding a normal pair of shorts, you grabbed a clean pair of your boyfriend’s boxers and lazily threw them on. You slid on a large plain grey t-shirt that fell loose around your thighs.

Walking to the kitchen, you began grabbing bowls to eat cereal. Standing on your tip-toes, you reached your arm up high in an attempt to grab hold of the Cinnamon Toast Crunch. “Is that my underwear?” Topper spoke from behind you, pressing against you to reach up for the box of cereal.

He helped you get it down, but still stood behind you as he wrapped his arms around your waist, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.

“Today was such an easy day but I feel like I’ve been awake since 2 a.m.” you mumbled, your body shivering as Topper pressed delicate kisses to the side of your neck. His hands lifted up under your shirt, his fingertips skimming your skin. 

 He nipped at your neck, “You know I never got to tell you this, but you look hot in my boxers and shirt.” Topper smirked at you. “Alright Thorton, keep it in your pants.” Laughing you stepped away from him and headed into the bathroom leaving him missing your touch. 

You did what you had to do and stood in front of the mirror. Your fingers ran through your hair to smooth down any fly aways. You and Topper had been dating for exactly 1 year.  But no matter how long you two were together, you would do little things to try to fix your appearance. Whether it was to fix your hair or maybe even applying mascara, you wanted to look good mostly for yourself. Topper was always by your side hyping you up. He would always tap your hands when he saw you fixing something, always telling you that you look perfect in every way.

You walked out of the bathroom and back into the living room. The two resumed their cuddles, Topper spooning your body. Everything was quiet, the only sound heard was the audio coming from the TV. You sighed in content as you slowly shut your eyes. “I feel like I should be tired, but I also feel like I could run a marathon. Okay that’s a lie I can’t run for shit but you get the idea.” Topper mumbled in your ear as he held you closer to him.

“You know, if you can’t sleep we could have sex.” You joked to the boy, who actually took it seriously. As soon as those words left your mouth he released you and began to pull his pants down. He flung the article of clothing across the floor, pulling you into his lap. His hands found their place on your ass, gently rubbing your skin. 

“You know I was joking, right?” You grinned as he started to guide you to grind on his clothes cock. You threw your head back only for Topper to grab the bottom of your chin to kiss you. Your lips danced together, practically molding the moment they touched. The kiss got heated quickly as his tongue slid across your bottom lip before trying to fight for dominance with yours. 

The pupils in his blue eyes grew as he watched you grind against him, his eyes staying locked on your facial expressions. His hands slid up from your ass to the hem of your shirt. He wasted no time in nearly ripping it off of your body. He froze in his spot as his eyes scanned over the navy blue lace bra you were wearing. “Wanna take this upstairs?” He asked, licking his lips in anticipation.

You exhaled while nodding your head. He jumped to his feet, wrapping his arms around you as you linked your legs around his waist. He easily carried you up into his bedroom, carefully placing you down onto your feet. He sat up against the headboard, patting his thigh signaling you to come over to him. 

You straddled his thigh, feeling him lightly tense under your touch. Wrapping your arms around his neck, his hand found the small of your back, tracing small circles on your skin. You slowly began to rock your hips back and forth against his thigh, “there we go, princess. You like getting off on my thigh?” He smugly asked, his hands finding your ass once again.

You nodded your head, not being able to trust your voice. You knew if you spoke, a moan would slip out. Topper knew this was a weakness you had so he wanted to use it to his advantage. “Use your words, princess.” You bit your lip harshly, “I love it.” You let out a quiet moan, feeling the fabric of his boxers rub your clit. 

“Don’t stop baby, you’re almost there."he mumbled, his hands reaching up and undoing your bra. He immediately cupped your breasts, his mouth finding your left nipple. You couldn’t hold back your moan as his tongue swirled around your nipple. You spend up the rate of your grinding, your hands entangling themselves in his hair. In a swift motion, Topper was hovering over you. "If you’re gonna cum, it’s either gonna be on my tongue, my fingers, or my cock.”

He peppered kisses on your stomach, teasingly pulling his boxers off of you. He gently blew on your core, watching you squirm under the feeling. His tongue laid flat on your folds before diving in quickly. His hands quickly pinned your thighs down knowing you would wanna shut your legs.

Your eyes fluttered shut, “Topper.” You moaned, grinding your core against his tongue. He moaned against you, the vibrations sending a new sensation up your spine. He pulled away from you, his thumb collecting your juices. He leaned forward towards your face, “taste yourself.” You held onto his wrist as your lips wrapped around his digit. His mouth fell open as he watched you swirl your tongue around it. “Good girl.” He praised.

You tugged on his boxers, signaling you wanted them off. He quickly slid them off, sitting back in his position against the headrest. You positioned yourself between his legs watching as his cock sprang up, a shade of red with precum leaking from the tip.

Wrapped your hand around the base, he thrusted into your touch. “Hey, hey, easy tiger.” You giggled as your thumb swirled on his tip. You smeared the precum around, dragging it down the base. You watched entertained as Topper nearly crumbled underneath your touch. 

“Princess, you should put that pretty little mouth to another use instead of talking.” Topper panted, one of his hands collecting your hair in a fist. Obeying his subtle words, you took him into your mouth. “Oh shit Y/N, your tongue feels so good.” He groaned.

You flattened your tongue on his shaft, bobbing your head up and down. Your hand pumped the area where your mouth couldn’t reach. You moaned against him as you heard him mutter a string of curse words. Topper bunched your hair in his hand, trying to resist the urge of pushing your head down onto him. 

“If you keep going I’m gonna cum.” Your eyes watered as you forced your head all the way down, your nose touching his pelvis. He let out an almost pornographic moan as you repeated the action over and over. He lifted your head up, watching as strings of saliva reached from your mouth to his cock. Giving his tip one last lick, he leaned forward, his hand wrapping around your throat.

“I know what I said before, but I want you to cum on my dick before anything else.” Topper ordered, pulling you into a passionate kiss. He tasted himself on your lips, which for some reason turned him on even more. He positioned you onto your back, his tip teasing your folds as he rubbed himself against you. “Jesus, Top can you just-” he silenced you as he harshly slammed himself into your entrance without warning. You let out a loud moan as you bit your lip, your mouth falling open at the impact. 

“Fuck Topper!” You cried out, watching his facial expressions as he hovered over you. Your nails raked down Topper’s back, no doubt leaving bright red scratch marks. Topper pulled all the way out before slamming himself back into you, the sounds of your skins slapping together being the only sound in the room. To Topper, the sound of their actions and your moans were music to his. Hearing you praise him, telling him his cock feels so good made him feel like he was on top of the world when really he was just on top of you. 

“You’re so fucking tight. You feel so good.” He groaned, his head dipping down to kiss your lips. Your mouth fell open in bliss allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth. “You’re all mine Y/N. No one can fuck you like I can.” He grunted in your ear. Your legs started to shake as your eyes fluttered shut. Not only was the physical touch a turn on for you, but hearing Topper be dominant made your core ache. 

His one free hand latched onto your throat, giving it a squeeze before he ran his thumb across your bottom lip. “That’s my good girl. Taking my cock like a champion, feeling every single inch of me.” His hands roamed your body, pinching your nipple between his fingers as you became a moaning mess. One of his hands intertwined your fingers as he pinned one of your hands above your head. 

“I’m almost there baby.” You said. Topper’s thrusts became quick and sloppy. “Cum in me.” Topper moaned into your ear as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling you closer to him. “Together?” He asked, resting his forehead against yours. “Together.” You arched your back as you released yourself around him. You felt Topper’s member stop moving as he released himself in you. Topper hissed loudly as you clenched around him, drawing the sinful pleasure to an end. 

He slowly pulled himself out of you, watching his cum drop from your core. A shiver was sent through your body from the loss of touch. Topper fell to your side, bringing you into his arms. You rested your forehead against his chest as the two of you caught your breaths. “I love you, Y/N.” You peppered soft kisses to his neck, “I love you too, Top.”

Taken- JJ Maybank

Request: hi ! I was wondering if you’d be interested in doing 111, 131 & 160 with jj - his best friend gets kidnapped by the two dudes who were looking for the compass at john b’s place & he has to find a way to get her back?

(Not my gif, credit to the owner!)

Summary: You’ve been taken by the square groupers and JJ is anxious to get you back.

Word count: 2,484

Warnings: Kidnapping, violence, crying, fear, abuse, cursing, mentions of bruises and blood, angst and fluff.


111. “I’ll kill you, you sick bastard. I’ll kill you, you’re a fucking monster who deserves to die.”

131: “If I wanted you dead, this room would be a lot quieter.”

160: “Stop fighting!”

“Hey, has anyone heard from Y/N? I tried calling her to invite her to come surfing with us but she never picked up or texted me back.” JJ said to the Pogues, walking back to John B’s from the beach. His friends checked their phones, all of them shaking their heads.

“I mean you know her, she’s either asleep or painting something outside. But we gotta go get her anyway if we’re gonna go eat at The Wreck.” John B suggested already walking to his van. JJ sat in the back of the van, an odd feeling in his stomach. Pushing back the feeling, he relaxed into the seat.

A quick five minute drive went by before they arrived at your house. Your car was still in the driveway, your parents not home due to them working. They walked through the front door, they stopped in their steps as they took in the sight in front of them.

The couch and dining room table was flipped over, papers and small objects scattered the floor. There was a hole in the wall next to the front door. Broken plates and bowls were shattered all over the kitchen floor. JJ ran down the hallway into your room to see it completely destroyed as well. 

Photos of you and the Pogues were torn apart, your bed was flipped to the side, some clothes were splayed on the floor. JJ stood there like a deer caught in headlights. Pope, John B, and Kie joined his side, all of their jaws fell open. “Holy shit.” Pope muttered. JJ walked towards your dresser to see a poorly handwritten note.

‘This is your warning.’ JJ slammed his fists down against the wood, “damn it! God fucking damn it!” He yelled, his face now red with anger and fear. The Square Groupers had gotten to you, kidnapping you to warn John B and his friends that they were not messing around. 

JJ fell to his knees, his hands picking up a ripped up picture of the Pogues, all of them were smiling and genuinely happy. Now, if you took a look at someone in the group, everybody looked desperate and broken.


You woke up, your mind groggy and your body ached in pain. The last thing you remember was a rag being smacked over your mouth before darkness took over. You attempted to push the hair out of your face, however the tight feeling of a rope was wrapped around your wrists. You turned your head, noticing the dark and abandoned room you were sitting in.

Your mind felt like a static TV, it was functioning however you couldn’t focus on anything. Fear flooded your veins as you connected the dots, remembering the square groupers attacked you in your house. You groaned out in pain, the sound being muffled by a piece of duct tape covering your mouth. Heavy footsteps marched down a small staircase, one of the men walking up to you with a water bottle in his hand.

“If I take this off of you are you gonna scream?” You shook your head no. In this short period of time, you had the option of fighting against a man whose way stronger than you, or doing what you’re told in hopes that they don’t kill you regardless. The man titled the water bottle up towards your lips, your body melting as the liquid hit your tongue.

“Alright. Tell me what you know about the compass.” “I don’t know.” You lied through your teeth. “I said what do you know about the compass?” He raised his voice, making you flinch for a moment. “I said, I don’t fucking know!” You fought back however you resisted, making him furious. He hooked his arm back before his fist collided with the side of your face.

You yelped in pain, panting as your mouth began to taste the metallic trait of blood. He crouched down to your level. “You know, if I wanted you dead, this room would be a lot quieter.” He taped over your mouth and marched back upstairs, leaving you to pray that The Pogues would come find you.


JJ paced back and forth in the Chateau, his hands pulling on his hair from stress. "Jesus christ, they took her. They just marched right in and took her. I swear to god if they lay a single hand on her I’m gonna-” “JJ!” Kie shouted at the boy who immediately stopped in his place.

“Stop thinking about how she got taken and help us find a way to get her back.” John B placed his hands on the blonds shoulders, “we’re gonna find her." 

"We could try telling Peterkin.” JB offered, Pope and JJ immediately shooting the idea down. “You never fucking trust cops, are you kidding me?” JJ snapped. “Okay well what the hell do you want us to do? Wait around until her dead body washes up on shore?” John B raised his voice, getting in his friends face.

“Don’t even say that shit dude. Don’t even bring it up.” JJ stepped forward before Kie stepped between the two Pogues. “Jesus, stop fighting! When we were in her house we couldn’t find her phone, right? Pope, do you think you could try to find her location?" 

Pope nodded his head, instructing that he would need strong wifi and a good computer. JJ recommended the hotel he works at as a busboy, a kook hotel that had one of the strongest connections in the Outer Banks. 


Your eyes struggled to remain open, both men had walked down stairs to try to interrogate you. However, you remained silent which only aggravated the men even more which forced them to throw punch after punch at your body.

It had been about three days since your kidnapping, the three days felt like four months. Your eyes felt heavy, your mouth was dry but the only thing you could taste was pure metal. Your ribs and chest ached, only imagining how many bruises littered your skin. Your wrists no doubt had rope burn due to every move you made.

You slugged in your seat as you heard footsteps trample down the wooden steps. You closed your eyes and automatically assumed it was the men. "Holy shit, guys she’s down here!” Your eyes snapped open to see Pope running towards you. JJ stopped at the foot of the stairs, taking in every detail he saw.

He saw all the dark bruises, the small cuts, the irritation of your wrists, your eyes were red and had dark bags, Tears welded your eyes as you exhaled, the tape trapping your actual breath. Pope reached down and began to unite your legs. John B and Kie joined Pope to help untie the ropes and help you walk.

JJ heard the sound of footsteps above him, signaling that the square groupers were home. He sped upstairs, ready to kill the men who did this to you. You told John B to follow him, Kie and Pope telling him they would help you up the steps. Kie gently pulled the tape off your mouth allowing you to gasp, finally able to breathe normally.

The two helped you stand up, your legs nearly went numb after the blood began to flow back down. Step by step, they led you up back stairs to see one of the square groupers knocked unconscious on the floor. JJ was on top of the other one, beating his face in one punch at a time.

JJ threw a hooked punch directly to the side of his face, grunting with each action he did. Blood covered his knuckles as his face was red from pure anger. “I’ll kill you, you sick bastard. I’ll kill you, you’re a fucking monster who deserves to die. You never put your hands on a lady.“ 

John B ripped JJ off of the grouper, telling him that was enough. JJ took one last look at the man before spitting on his face, "and that was your warning to never mess with a pogue.” His eyes switched to see you in between Pope and Kie, their arms around your waist as yours were splayed around their shoulders.

He walked up towards you, “is it okay if I pick you up?” You nodded your head as he crouched down into position. Carefully, he picked you up bridal style. “Is this okay?” He whispered before you agreed. He carefully walked out of the house and into John B’s van.

JJ carefully sat you down on the seat, allowing you to get comfortable. The drive was silent, no one knowing what to say that wouldn’t upset you. Every bump the van hit caused your aches to hurt. JJ who was sitting across from you, reached forward and held your hand. Without looking away from the window, you gently squeezed his hand.

As soon as you returned to the Chateau, JJ was by your side and ready to carry you. You told him you would be able to walk, but as soon as you took one step your knees almost buckled. JJ and Pope were right by your side to help you stand.

They led you into the house and carefully let go of you, standing back as you stepped in place trying to regain feeling in your legs. “Do you need anything?” John B asked, handing you a bottle of water. You quickly uncapped it and chugged the liquid, panting as you crumpled the bottle in your hand.

“Some food and a shower would be nice. Maybe some sleep.” You said before throwing the bottle away. “I can go to the Wreck to get us food.” John B offered. “I’ll come with.” Pope stepped up. “And I’ll go to your house and pack some things for you to take here.” Kie said. Your heart melted at your friend’s offers. “You guys are the best.”

John B initiated a group hug, everyone careful on where their hands were. The trio left the house, leaving JJ and you alone. “Do- do you think you could sit in the bathroom with me? I don’t really wanna be alone.” You whispered, your cheeks lightly pink at your question. Without hesitation JJ agreed.

You walked into the bathroom, JJ behind you as he closed the door. Without you having to ask, he turned around to face the door, allowing you to change out of your dirty clothes. Turning on the water, you stepped in and allowed the cool water to hit your skin. You nearly cried at the feeling as the droplets hit your skin.

You raised your hands up to run through your hair, immediately hissing in pain as you stretched your torso. “Are you okay?” JJ asked from the other side of the curtain. The boy sat on the lid of the toilet, patiently waiting if you needed any help or you fell. “I- I uh can’t reach my hair without it hurting.” You said.

JJ went silent for a moment, “do you need help?” You muttered a soft 'yeah’. “Do you care if-” you quickly interrupted him. “JJ you’ve been my best friend for 9 years, I don’t care if you see my body." 

JJ stripped down to his boxers before stepping through the curtain. His cheeks flushed a light pink as he switched his gaze up to the ceiling. You turned around and faced away from the water. JJ lathered your hair with shampoo and conditioner, his fingers giving you a soft scalp massage.

You melted into his touch, nearly moaning at how good the feeling of soap on your skin made you feel. He stood aside and let the water hit your head, carefully running his fingers through your hair he rinsed the conditioner out. "And you are all clean,” he started turning the shower off, “you can dry off and I’ll get you a pair of clothes you can borrow.” You thanked him as he carefully slid by you, still avoiding looking at your nude body.

You slowly reached out and grabbed the towel, carefully wrapping it around yourself. JJ quickly returned with a set of his shorts and an old band shirt. Allowing you to hold onto him to balance yourself, you slipped on the shorts. “I think I can get it over my arms.” You said, your arms out directly in front of you. He helped you slide it on, his eyes continued to avoid your naked chest.

JJ had always been there for you from the day you met. From shoving the 5th grade bully into the wood chips because he laughed at you, to asking you to freshman homecoming after the boy you liked got asked by another girl. He would bring you food or snacks whenever you were on your period. He was the one who took the time to teach you how to surf. He was your best friend and you were his and nothing could separate you two.

JJ led you to his room and watched as you carefully laid down in the bed. You let out a moan of pleasure at the feeling of the soft fabric pressing against your skin. “Can you hold me?” You whispered avoiding eye contact with him. “Of course Y/N, I didn’t plan on leaving you alone.” JJ went around the bed to lay next to you.

His arm carefully rested at the top of your thighs, the only area near your waist that wasn’t hurt. You snuggled into his chest, melting into his touch as he held you close to him. Soft sobs escaped your lips as your body shook in it’s spot. “Shhh. It’s okay. I’m right here.” He whispered, stroking the back of your head.

“I’m so sorry we didn’t find you sooner.” He mumbled to the top of your head. “Don’t apologize J, you guys found me. You guys saved my life.” You said, slowly pulling away to look at him. He placed a soft kiss to your forehead. His stare landed at the dark black eye you had gotten. “But you got hurt.” He whispered, his fingers holding the bottom of your chin to get a better look.

You held him by the wrist, “but I’m alive. I’m right here J.” He shifted closer towards you, holding you in his arms where you were supposed to be. For the first time in 2 nights you were both able to close your eyes and feel at peace. “Get some rest Y/N, I’ll wake you up when the food is here.” He pressed another soft kiss to your forehead before you shut your eyes.

Snuggling closer to him, you placed a soft kiss to his neck and rested your forehead in the middle of his chest. “I love you.” He smiled. resting his cheek on the top of your head. “I love you too.”

Where Were You in the Morning?- John B pt 4

Summary: Based on ‘Where Were You in the Morning’ by Shawn Mendes.

Word count: 1,252

Warnings: None

You paced in your bedroom. 'Why did I leave him? I felt something there, but I was a little bitch and left.’ You thought to yourself, combing your hands through your hair, noticing you were still in his clothes. 

You took a look at yourself in the mirror, suddenly feeling disgusted with your  actions. You had walked out on one night stands before, but in this case it felt as though you had a 300 pound weight on your chest. 

You never expected to care so much about someone, especially someone you had just met. You changed out of his clothes and folded them neatly, placing them on the bed. Staring at the items of clothing, you were unaware about how you would get them back to him.

You nervously nibbled on your bottom lip, until you realized there was only one thing you could do. Pulling out a notepad, you took a pen and wrote 'I’m so sorry. Whenever you’re ready please text me.

Y/N xxx-xxx-xxxx"

Closing your eyes, you tried to remember where his house was. After getting a mental image of which way John B drove, you realized his house should be close to yours. You hopped into the car with the pile of clothes in the passenger’s seat. You gripped the steering wheel, knuckles turning a shade of white for a moment. You backed out of the driveway, and headed to his house, sitting in silence, but your thoughts louder than ever.

'I can’t believe I just left him like that’

'He deserves so much better’

'Im such a whore. I’m disgusting.’

'But I’m also just another girl who got passed along.’

'He was so different from the others, why?’

Your thoughts wondered to imagining what it would be like to be in a relationship with John B, how much of an amazing person he is. 'He could treat me right. In that one night I got him, I felt much more than a physical connection. He understands me, solely from taking one look in my eyes. He welcomed me into his life so easily, like it was the easiest decision he has ever made.’

You squeezed a small tear drop out of your eye, quickly wiping it as you approached his house. Parking the car, you placed his folded clothes on his front step. You made a fist and was about to knock on the door, but abruptly stopped. 

Backing away from the door, you took one last look before heading back into the car. As you sat in the driver’s seat, you slammed your head on the wheel, accidently honking the horn. Jumping from the noise, you turned on the car and drove away. Slowly watching his house leave your vision.


*1 week later*

John B turned around in his bed, and saw the blonde girl he had met last night at a Kegger. His eyes stared at the back of her head, not satisfied with how things went. 'She doesn’t compare to Y/N, why did I even bother trying?’ This was his 4th time trying to get over you, but something about you kept drawing him back.

'Y/N.’ That was the only thought on his mind as he stared at the unknown girl. You left his clothes at the doorstep with your number, and he has been so tempted to text you. Tell you that he couldn’t get you off his fucking mind. Fuck it. He reached behind him, grabbing his phone.

“Meet me at this park at 3 p.m. Keep walking till you get to the lake, there’s one bench next to a rose bush. I’ll see you there- John B”

He sighed, running his hands through his hair. The mystery girl shuffled, turning herself around to look at him. “Thank you for last night.” She flirtatiously smiled at the attractive brunette.

“You’re welcome.” Was all he said before getting out of bed.


Your heart raced as you stared at the text. 'Am I ready to talk to John B face to face? Even if I wasn’t, I can’t just leave him, again.’ It was 1:30, giving you plenty of time to get ready. Never have you ever been this anxious to see somebody. 

You showered for a bit taking your time thinking about what you would say to him, how to explain how you felt. Why you left him like that. You wished you didn’t, he was the best guy you had ever come across, and you lost him because you were too worried about your own feelings.


You sat down at the bench, waiting for John B. Your leg began to shake as you got anxious, your stomach felt empty even though you had eaten before. Your heart was racing, hands were shaking, you felt like you were on the verge of throwing them. Rustling of leaves behind you made your nerves worse.

Faster than you knew it, the familiar scent of his cologne filled the space next to you. You didn’t look at each other, instead simply stared at the lake in front of you two. 

For a few minutes, the only thing that could be heard between you was the sound of the wind, the bushes rustling, and birds tweeting every now and then. “I’m so sorry.” Your breath hitched. “Leaving you there was one of the shittiest things I’ve ever done." 

"Do you know how much it hurt? Thinking that maybe we could’ve been more than a one night stand?” John B sighed, looking at you out of the corner of his eye. 

“I was scared of falling for you. I know that sounds so fucking stupid but please let me explain.” For the first time, John B turned his head towards you, looking right into your eyes. You didn’t want to blink, starting into his eyes was so intimidating. 

“I get so attached to it easily. With everyone I get attached to, they end up leaving me, hurting me. It’s been that way since my childhood. It was like a lesson, every time I tried, I would get hurt. I’m afraid to let people in because the more I let in, the more it will hurt when they leave.”

“I would never hurt you.” John B mumbled to her, his thumbs fiddling together. “I know that now. And when, when we were in bed, even before that, I felt this connection with you and that scared me. Because it was so easy to feel something with you, I knew that this feeling wouldn’t last and you would leave. When I woke up and you had your arm around me, everything felt so right. It was like a dream I didn’t want to wake up from." 

John B reached over and held onto your hand. "When I woke up and you weren’t there, I felt like I wasn’t enough for you. I tried to stop thinking about you, I really did. So many nights I tried to find someone new, but they didn’t compare to you, Y/N. I didn’t feel anything next to those girls. But when I was with you something in my mind felt complete. I honestly don’t know why but you’re one of the only girls I have spoken to that haven’t just used me for games or to get what they want." 

"What does this make us?” You asked, looking down at your locked hands.

“I don’t know yet, but I would like to find out." 

It’s ok

Pairing:JJ Maybank x fem!reader

Summary: JJ comes to your house for comfort after he gets beaten by his dad

Word count: 967

Warnings: angst/fluff ,mentions of abuse

Authors Note: i really hope you enjoy this and please send feedback <3


(not my gif, credit to owner)

You just came back from a long day hanging out with the pouges at the chateau. You had already done your night routine and were in bed on your phone ready to go to bed. But you heard a little knock coming from your window. You sat up confused at who would be knocking at your window in the middle of the night.

You stood up from your bed and walked to your window. You saw JJ looking through your window, waiting for you to open your window and let him in. Despite it being dark outside, you can clearly see the blood and bruises covering his face. You were shocked and confused at what happened to his face. You opened the window and stepped back to let him come through. Once he was inside, he turned to you and looked anywhere but into your eyes. You look at his face and see his eyes getting teary.

“What happened, JJ?” You grabbed his face with both of your hands and forcing him to look at you.

“M-My dad,” He said hesitantly while leaning his head closer to your hand and holding your hand that was placed on your cheek. “He got fired today and took it out on me.”

“Oh, baby.” You wiped the tear that fell from his cheek with your thumb. “It’s gonna be ok.”

“I just had to see you. You make me feel better just by being around you.”

That made you smile. You couldn’t help but wrap your arms over his neck and give him a hug. You felt his arms go around your waist and squeeze you tight.

“You know you can always come to me no matter what. Right?” You say as you push your face into his neck and give it a small kiss.

“Yea, I know.”

You pull away from his grip and put your hands back on his face. You then give him a soft kiss on his lips. You pull away from his lips and rest your forehead on his.

“You know I love you right.” You whisper. “So much.”

“I know. I love you too.”

You pull away from his touch and grab his hand. You pull him to your bathroom and push him down to sit on the toilet seat that was next to the sink. You went and grab the first aid kit and a small cloth from under the sink. You turned on the faucet and put the cloth under it to wet the cloth. You turn off the water and squeezed the cloth to make sure it wasn’t to wet. You went back to JJ and put the cloth up to his face and drab it to clean on the dry blood. After cleaning all the blood off of his face, you turned back to the sink and set the cloth down, and opened the first aid kit. You grabbed the smallest band-aid and opened it. You turned back to JJ and put the band-aid on the biggest cut he had on his face, which wasn’t too big but big enough for a band-aid. You then throw the trash in the trash can and put the first aid kit back under the sink.

You grabbed JJ’s hand once again and helped him stand up. You look and him one final time before turning you back to him and walking to your connected bedroom.

You walk to your bed and lay down in it. He gets the hint that you want him to stay and join you in bed. He takes off his shirt and his pants. You see more bruises on his chest and below his ribcage. He can tell you saw the bruises through the darkness by the worried look on your face.

“Oh JJ, baby.” You gently reached over and gently touched the bruises on his lower ribs. You looked at his chest with tears in your eyes.

“Hey, it’s ok.”

“No, JJ it’s not ok. How can you keep letting him do this to you?”

“What else am I suppose to do?” He sits on the bed right where your feet are.

“Move out and live with me or John B.”

“You know I can’t do that. CSS will find out and take me away. Away from you and I can’t do that.” He grabs your hand that was placed on your lap. “I just have to wait a couple more years until I’m 18 and can leave. Promise I’ll be okay.”

You squeeze his hand and give him a small smile. He lets go of your hand and more to the opposite side of the bed. He lefts the blanket and puts his legs under it. He lays next to you and puts his arm under your head. You move closer to him, nudge your nose into his neck and put your arm over his waist. You lightly brush your hand over his whole chest and trace his abs. He put his hand, that wasn’t under you, over your cheek and looking at you in awe while rubbing his thumb over your cheekbone.

“You know i love you so much and you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.” He said with a smile on his face. “I have never met someone like you that cares so much.”

“I love you too, and I am so happy that I met you and I get to call you my boyfriend.”

You look back at him with a loving smile on your face. You two look at each other for a couple more seconds. You then put your head on his chest and your leg mix with his. He gives you a kiss on your forehead and closes his eyes, thinking of his future with you.


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