#kim jungeun

• •  KIM, JUNGEUN  ▸  990210  ▸  UNI. STUDENT  • • A KT HOPEFUL ON THE RISE.the carousel never stops

• •  KIM, JUNGEUN  ▸  990210  ▸  UNI. STUDENT  • •

the carousel never stops turning.



I HAVE BEEN  ▸ ▸ ▸  at that second star to the right.
I AM  ▸ ▸ ▸  finding myself.
I WILL BE  ▸ ▸ ▸  my own star.

▸ ▸ ▸ WHO AM I.

• • (` she’s quietly prepared herself for the moment the camera began to roll, but her eyes still lit up with an alarm sounding off at the back of her head the moment she saw that infamous red light; knowing what this meant, the girl took a bow) hello, my name is kim jungeun. (` good thing she learned how to stop introducing herself as her other name, juliet– which was the other name her friends love to call her since last halloween) I’m from this very place, seoul, and I… actually hope everyone’s dressing warmly– it’s like the coldest week I’ve witnessed in a while. (` jungeun wrapped her arms around herself, holding back a shiver.)

▸ ▸ ▸ WHY AM I HERE.

• • okay, uh… (` it took her a few seconds to think of an answer to this question and it seemed like she was searching for her words when she finally did) there’s a lot of room for growth and I’m here to grow. I aspire to be a… brighter version of myself. I want to… beam, be the beacon of light for the ones I love.



• • • ROOKIES! is a closed, literate KRP that follows the triumphs and heartaches of original characters living in Seoul and trying to find their way in the competitive world of K-Pop. From the struggles of training to the moment they finally debut and beyond, ROOKIES! takes you on the journey from starry-eyed dreamer to idol star. THINK YOU’VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES TO MAKE IT TO THE TOP?  • • •

Post link

[Naver] 220518 | “Queendom 2” 3rd round vocal unit behind the scenes - Kim Lip

[] 220515 | Orbit Japan blog - Kim Lip

Hello I know I haven’t posted in a long time but I thought now would be a great time to post this message.

I know this is quite a sensitive topic but I would appreciate if all my followers of this blog would spread this message.

Recently on the News there has been a lot of talk about a possible nuclear war that could happen in East Asia. Many people who will be travelling to South Korea,Studying in South Korea,Moving to South Korea, are scared of what might occour in the upcoming months and even years. 

Since I have been studying Korean for so long and watching a lot of South Korean news I have seen a huge pattern over the past 8 years regarding North Korea and South Korea.

I and my other friends (who are in fact from South Korea) really think that western media and main stream media are over reacting to what is really happening.

If we look at the activity within South Korea today, we can still see that live is continuing as normal, and people living in South Korea, whether it be foreigners or actual citizens are still going to work, taking their kids to school, getting married to Koreans or other foreigners. 

Why is this? because this has all happened before, in fact a lot of times already.

About 3 years ago North Korea issued a warning that all foreigners should evacuate South Korea because there would be a war. Did the war happen?…No

Did foreigners evacuate? No…well not that I know of.

Yes North Korea has fired a missile over Japan, but North Korea are not stupid.

North Korea know that if they go to war that South Korea, Japan, and the USA would beat them before the can even say 시발. (Sorry for my cussing).

If we look at the whole of East Asia all countries except China, and North Korea. (Russia is not apart of East Asia) are all democratic societies

The end of North Korea would mean that China would be the only communist country in the whole of East Asia and people may start demanding democracy within China. Of course China does not want this so they will continue to stop North Korea from going to war.

If the peninsula went to war that would means huge refugee problem for China.

China really do not want this at all, so therefore they would stop North Korea from even dropping a nuclear bomb over South Korea.

So please do not be worried about what you hear on the media. America and other western media have discussed the likely hood of war in East Asia for many many years so please do not pay attention.

If you want true facts go ask South Korean people, or watch South Korean Tv.

This is my own conclusion and my own thought, I wrote this to calm the minds of people who are planning to live in South Korea in the future, or wish to travel to Korea, or even thinking about studying in South Korea in the near future.

Thanks for reading.

- Taebin Kang.
