

*All verbs below are in original form(dictionary form).

존재하다 : to exist

선언하다 : to declare, proclaim

목격하다 : to witness

제안하다 : to suggest

조언하다 : to advise

개입하다 : to intervene

헌신하다 : to devote

축하하다 : to congratulate

환영하다 : to welcome

접근하다 : to approach

투자하다 : to invest

개선하다 : to improve

응원하다 : to cheer, support

설명하다 : to explain

오해하다 : to misunderstand, misconceive

해결하다 : to resolve

조절하다 : to adjust

계획하다 : to plan

보호하다 : to protect

조사하다 : to investigate

확인하다 : to check, verify, confirm

출발하다 : to depart, set off, start

도착하다 : to arrive, reach

설득하다 : to persuade

양보하다 : to yield, give way

희생하다 : to sacrifice

쟁취하다 : to achieve, win

야기하다 : to cause, bring about

실수하다 : to make a mistake

긍정하다 : to affirm

부정하다 : to deny

생산하다 : to produce

소비하다 : to consume, spend

인정하다 : to admit

소유하다 : to own, possess

봉사하다 : to serve, do volunteer work

유지하다 : to maintain

보조하다 : to assist

인용하다 : to quote, cite

대표하다 : to represent

선택하다 : to choose, select

거절하다 : to reject, refuse

촉진하다 : to promote, accelerate, boost

요구하다 : to demand, ask

사과하다 : to apologize

추측하다 : to guess, suppose

간섭하다 : to interfere

낭독하다 : to read aloud

관찰하다 : to observe

추구하다 : to pursue, seek

Written and edited by Admin Yu

대학교 - University 

*Uni (the abbreviation of University)

캠퍼스 - Campus

도서관 - Library

학생 식당 - School Cafeteria

학생 기숙사 - student dormitory / a residential hall for students

학비 - school expenses

시간표 - Timetable 

장학금 - Scholarship

교과서 - Textbook

학점 - Credit (이수단위)

        - Grade(성적)

동아리 - Club

명문대학 - Prestigious university

단과대학 - College

전문대학 - Junior college

대학원 - Graduate school

학사 - College graduate

석사 - Master 

박사 - Doctorate

종강 - Finish a course

전공 - Major

학과 - Department

이력서 - Resume

학생회 - Student council

교수 - Professor

학기 - Semester

- Written by Admin Hee

- Edited by Admin Yu

안녕하세요 여러분! Today I have a new kind of lesson for you all: it’s about Hanja! If you don’t know what Hanja is, it’s “Chinese characters borrowed from Chinese and incorporated into the Korean language with Korean pronunciation,” according to Korean Wiki Project. Korean words that feature the same borrowed character often have a shared meaning of some sort, which is why Hanja is good to know! If you know the meaning of one word with a character, you might be able to figure out another word with the same character without even using a dictionary! 

To start this series of lessons, I wanted to start with the character 최; I got an ask about some words starting with it and thought it’d be helpful to make a short lesson about it :) I’m also going to post this on my Instagram soon as well, so go check it out there too! Let’s start!


I hope this short list of words has been helpful – let me know what you think and if you’d like to see more of these! Maybe in the future I can break down the entire word – instead of just explaining what 최 means, for instance, I can explain what 애 means too, for example. Lmk your thought! See you in the next lesson! 다음에 또 봐요!

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안녕하세요 여러분! Hey everyone! Today I have a lesson with a grammar structure you hear pretty often and it yet another way to say “because” in Korean lol. I also made a post on my Instagram about this structure, so go check that out as well! Let’s start!

Here’s the formula for this structure:

  • [verb stem] + 느라고 + [rest of sentence]
  • Note that this can only be used with verbs, not adjectives.
  • I believe the -고 can be dropped with no difference in meaning.

-느라고 is used to explain a reason for a consequence, and this consequence is usually negative. It can also be used in contexts when your doing one action prevents you from doing the other. Let’s look at some examples:

  • 공부하느라고 밤 새웠어요. = I stayed up all night studying.
  • Here, you’re explaining what caused you to stay up all night, which was studying.
  • 숙제를 하느라고 파티에 못 갔어요. = I couldn’t go to the party because I was busy doing homework. 
  • The consequence of your doing homework is not not being able to go to the party. One action, doing homework, prevented you from doing the other, which is going to the party.

Let’s see some more examples!

  • 늦잠을 자느라고 수업에 못 갔어요. = I didn’t go to class because I overslept.
  • 운동하느라고 전화를 못 받았어요. = I was exercising, so I couldn’t pick up your phone call.
  • 일하느라고 바빴어요. = I was busy working.
  • 요리하느라고 힘들었어요. = I was exhausted after cooking. 
  • 야근하느라고 집에 늦게 왔어요. = I came home late because I was working overtime.

That’s about it for this lesson! Hope it was helpful! See you in the next one! 다음에 또 봐요!

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  • Check out myKo-Fi to support this blog and my studies! Thank you for your generosity!

안녕하세요 여러분! I have another Insta post I wanted to share with y’all! I have a regular lesson about -(으)면 되다 and -(으)면 안 되다 that I made a while back, but I feel like this post is a little more accurate and captures its nuance better. So that’s why I’m posting it here too! I hope it’s helpful!


Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram by clicking the link below! Hope this is helpful :) See you in the next lesson! 다음에 또 봐요!

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안녕하세요 여러분! Hey everyone! I got a request for a vocab list about K-pop fandom-related words, so here it is! This is a combination of words you might use as a fan and some words related to being an idol. I hope it’s helpful :) Let’s start!


  • 가사 = lyrics
  • 가수 = singer
  • 그룹 = group
  • (메인, 리드) 댄서 = (main, lead) dancer
  • 리더 = leader
  • (메인, 리드) 래퍼 = rapper
  • 막내 = the youngest member of a group
  • (메인, 리드) 보컬 = vocal
  • 노래 = song
  • 뮤직비디오 = music video
  • 뮤비 is short for this.
  • 멤버 = member
  • 비주얼 = visual
  • 밴드 = band
  • 안무 = choreography
  • 안무 연습 = dance practice
  • 아이돌 = idol
  • 연습생 = trainee
  • 응원봉 = lightstick
  • 인터뷰 = interview
  • 앨범 = album
  • (제일) 좋아하는 멤버 = bias
  • 제일 좋아하는 멤버 literally means “favorite member” or “member you like the most.” I often just see 좋아하는 멤버 to mean the same thing, even though it literally means “member that you like.”
  • 컴백 = comeback
  • 콘서트 = concert
  • 콘서트티켓 = concert ticket
  • 케이팝 = K-pop
  • 포토카드 / 포카 = photocard
  • = fan
  • 팬사인회 = fan signing event
  • 팬클럽 = fan club


  • 덕질하다 = to be a die-hard fan of; to be really into
  • 노래하다 = to sing
  • 노래를 부르다 is another word for “to sing”
  • 데뷔하다 = to debut
  • 녹음하다 = to record
  • 연습하다 = to practice
  • 응원하다 = to cheer on; to support
  • 촬영하다 = to shoot; to film
  • 춤을추다 = to dance
  • 컴백하다 = to have a comeback

That’s about it for this list! 제일 좋아하는 밴드가 뭐예요? 코멘트 하세요! What is your favorite band? Leave a comment! See you in the next lesson! 다음에 또 봐요!

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  • Check out myKo-Fi to support this blog and my studies! Thank you for your generosity!

안녕하세요 여러분! I got a request to do some possible questions and answers that you might come across if you’re auditioning to be a K-pop idol! I’m not entirely familiar with the audition process or what kinds of questions might be asked of you, but here’s a list based on what I found online. I think that in order to answer these questions in Korean, you should be familiar with beginner/upper-beginner and some intermediate grammar structures and vocabulary. Check out my masterlist linked below to find some lessons that might help you answer them! I hope this is helpful for any aspiring idols! Let’s start!

Questions / 질문

  • 이름이 뭐예요? = What is your name?
  • 어디에서 왔어요? = Where are you from?
  • 어디에 살아요? = Where do you live?
  • 몇 살이세요? = How old are you?
  • 학교에 어디 다녀요? = Where do you go to school?
  • 학교에 어디 다녔어요? = Where did you go to school? 
  • 무슨 언어를 하세요? = What languages do you speak?
  • 노래한 지 얼마나 됐어요? = How long have you been singing for?
  • 춤을 춘 지 얼마나 됐어요? = How long have you been dancing for?
  • 랩을 한 지 얼마나 됐어요? = How long have you been rapping for?
  • 무슨 악기를 하세요? = What instruments do you play?
  • 왜 아이돌 되고 싶으세요? = Why do you want to be an idol?
  • 가장 좋아하는 가수/밴드 누구예요? = Who is your favorite singer/band?
  • 취미가 뭐예요? = What are your hobbies?

Answers / 대답

  • 안녕하세요, 제 이름은 [name]입니다. = Hello, my name is [name].
  • 저는 [country]에서 왔어요. / 저는 [country] 사람입니다. = I am from [country].
  • 저는 [place]에 살고 있습니다. = I live in [place].
  • 저는 [#]살입니다. = I am [#] years old.
  • Use native Korean numbers when saying your age.
  • 저는 [school’s name]에 다녀요. = I go to [school’s name].
  • 저는 [school’s name]에 다녔어요. = I went to [school’s name].
  • 저는 [language 1], [language 2]하고 [language 3] 합니다. = I speak [language 1], [language 2], and [language 3].
  • 저는 노래한 지 [amount of time] 됐어요. = I have been singing for [amount of time].
  • 저는 춤을 춘 지 [amount of time] 됐습니다. = I have been dancing for [amount of time].
  • 저는 랩을 한 지 [amount of time] 됐습니다. = I have been rapping for [amount of time].
  • 저는 [year]년부터 노래했습니다 / 춤을 췄습니다 / 랩을 했습니다. = I have been singing/dancing/rapping since [year].
  • 저는 [instrument] 연주합니다. = I play [instrument].
  • [reason] 아이돌 되고 싶습니다. = I want to become an idol because [reason].
  • 가장 좋아하는 가수는/그룹은 [name]입니다. = My favorite singer/group is [name].
  • 제 취미는 [hobby]하고 [hobby] 입니다. = My hobbies are [hobby] and [hobby].

That’s about it for this list! Best of luck to you all :) See you in the next lesson! 다음에 또 봐요!

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안녕하세요 여러분! Hey everyone! I got another request for a K-pop breakdown, so here it is! This one was pretty tricky for me to break down, but I hope it all makes sense anyways! If you have a song you’d like to see me break down, let me know and I’ll try to fulfill it!

You can listen to this song here! I used lyricstranslate.com’s really good translations and Naver Dictionary to help me out. As usual, I linked my full-length lessons about the grammar structures mentioned if you want to learn more about them! Let’s start!


휘하고 멋지게 솟구치는 눈은 / 이별에 손짓인 듯 부서지는 / 밤으로 가득한 고요를 본다

The snow that soars up majestically with a whoosh / Sees the silence full of night / That is shattered by our goodbye as if it were a gesture

  • 휘하다 -> I can’t find a related translation for this word on Naver Dictionary, but just going off the translations from lyricstranslate, it means “with a whoosh.”
  • 멋지다 can mean anything from “nice” to “awesome” to “charming.” 
  • [adjective stem] + 게 turns that adjective into an adverb.
  • -고is attached to stems to mean “and.” So 휘하고 멋지게 means “with a whoosh and majestically.”
  • 솟구치다 = soar; gush; surge
  • 눈 = snow
  • [verb] + 는 + [noun] = [noun] that [verbs] -> This is how you describe nouns with verbs in the present tense. 
  • -은 is a topic particle that shows that 눈 is the topic of the sentence. More about particles here!
  • 이별 = farewell; goodbye
  • 에 = is a location particle meaning “to” or “in.” In this context, however, it means “by,” as in “shattered by.”
  • 손짓 = hand gesture
  • [noun] + 인듯 = as if it is [noun]
  • 부서지다 = break; be broken; be shattered
  • 밤 = night
  • 가득하다 = full [of smth]
  • -(으)로 in this context means “with” or “of,” as in “filled with night” or “full of night.”
  • 고요 = silence
  • 보다 = to see
  • [verb stem] + ㄴ/는다 or [adjective stem] + 다 is known as the plain style or narrative form. This type of speech doesn’t really have a formality level. You see it a lot in books and newspapers where there’s not really a specific formality level you’re using. It can also be used with those who you would speak informally to.

돌아보는 여운이 안타깝다 / 숨을 쉰다 눈이 온다 / 인사한다 잠이 든다

The afterglow is full of regret / Breathing, snowing / Greeting, falling asleep

  • 돌아보다 = to look back
  • 여운 = resonance; lingering feeling; echo
  • I think 돌아보는 여운 literally means “the resonance I looked back on” or something like that.
  • 안타깝다 = regrettable; sad
  • 숨을 쉬다 = to breathe
  • 눈이 오다 = to snow (literally “snow comes”)
  • 인사하다 = to greet
  • 잠이 들다 = to fall asleep
  • When conjugated into the plain style, the ㄹ gets dropped and replaced with -ㄴ다 because it’s irregular.

떠나간다 / 떠나간다 / 남은 것은 이제 없다

Leaving / Leaving / Now there’s nothing left

  • 떠나가다 = to leave
  • 남다 = to remain; to be left
  • 남은 것 = what’s left; the things that remain
  • 이제 = now
  • 없다 = to not be there; to not exist; to not have

그대가 웃는 걸 보면서 나도 웃는다 / 발자국에 아쉬움 꾹 묻어둔 채로

As I look at you smile, I smile too / Burying my regret in my footprints

  • 그대 = You -> this is a more romantic way of saying “you” that you would say to your partner.
  • 웃다 = to smile; to laugh
  • 웃는 걸 refers to the fact that you’re smiling. The action of you smiling is turned into a noun, and that is what the speaker is looking at.
  • [verb stem] + (으)면서 means “as one [does verb]” and is used for when two actions are done simultaneously.
  • 나 = I (informal)
  • -도 = too
  • 발자국 = footprints
  • 아쉽다 = be a shame; be a pity
  • 아쉬움 is the noun form of 아쉽다 courtesy of -ㅁ nominalization. 
  • 꾹 = firmly; completely
  • 묻어두다 = hide; bury; conceal
  • -ㄴ 채로 describes the state that something is in as an action is being done. In this case, the speaker is smiling with her heart buried – her heart is in the state of being buried as she is smiling.

That’s all for this breakdown – I hope it was helpful! See you in the next lesson! 다음에 또 봐요!

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안녕하세요! Hey everyone! Here is yet another breakdown request fulfilled! If you have a song you’d like to see me break down, let me know and I’ll try to fulfill your request!

You can listen to this song here! I used Genius’s translationsandNaver Dictionary to help me out with this breakdown! I also linked my full-length lessons about the grammar structures featured in this song if you want to learn more about them. Let’s start!


사랑 촌스런 그 감정 / 근데 내 가슴이 뛰어 / 왜 나 이래 나? 

Love, that old-fashioned feeling / But why is my heart racing? / What’s wrong with me? 

  • 사랑 = love
  • 촌스런 -> from 촌스럽다, meaning “old-fashioned”
  • 그 = that (must be placed before a noun)
  • 감정 = feeling
  • 근데 can usually be translated as “but” – it is sometimes used to draw attention to a different topic or something contrasting to what is currently being spoken about.
  • 내 = my (informal)
  • 가슴 = heart; chest
  • -이 is a subject particle – more about particles here!
  • 뛰다 = to run; to jump 
  • 왜 = why
  • 이래 comes from 이렇다, meaning “to be like this” or “to do this.” This line literally means “why am I like this?” but can also mean “what’s wrong with me?”

나도 모르게 when you call my name / 가슴 아프게 나의 심장이 쿵쿵

Unknowingly, when you call my name / Heartbreakingly, my heart is pounding

  • 나 = I/me (informal)
  • -도 = too/even (depending on context)
  • 모르다 = to not know
  • Adding-게 to a verb or adjective stem turns it into an adverb. 나도 모르게 means “unknowingly” or, more literally, “without me even knowing.”
  • 아프다 = to be sick; to hurt
  • 나의 = another way to say “my.” -의 is a possessive marker.
  • 심장 = heart -> This refers more to the heart, while 가슴 can mean either “heart” or “chest.”
  • 쿵쿵 is an onomatopoeia and is supposed to mimic the sound of a heartbeat.

내 뜻대로 되지 않아 / 흔한 filter조차 없어

It’s not going my way / I don’t even have any trendy filter

  • 내 = my (informal)
  • 뜻 = meaning
  • -대로 = according to [smth]; as [smth]
  • 되다has a few different meanings. In this case, it’s a little hard to translate directly, but I would say it means “to go” (as in to go a certain way) or “to be done” (as in something is done some way). 
  • -지 않다= not / does not 
  • More literally, I think this line means “It’s not going according to my meaning.” As with a lot of K-pop lyrics (and Korean in general), it’s best to focus on the meaning rather than the literal English translation, so don’t worry too much if the translation sounds odd!
  • 흔하다, according to Naver Dictionary, means “common” or “commonplace.” Not quite sure why Genius translated it as “trendy,” but I guess if something is trendy, it becomes common because everyone is using it. 
  • [noun] + 조차 =  even [noun]
  • 없다 = to not be there / to not have

That’s about it for this breakdown! I hope it was helpful :) See you in the next lesson! 다음에 또 봐요!

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안녕하세요! Hello again everyone! I have yet another breakdown that was requested! If there’s a song you want to see broken down, let me know and I’ll try to fulfill your request!

You can listen to this song here! I used colorcodedlyrics.comandNaver Dictionary to help me translate these lyrics! I also linked my full-length lessons about the grammar structures featured in this song if you want to learn more about them. Let’s start!


거울 속에 마주친 얼굴이 어색해서 / 습관처럼 조용히 눈을 감아 / 밤이 되면 서둘러 내일로 가고 싶어 

The face in the mirror is awkward / So like a habit I quietly close my eyes / When the night comes I want to hurry up and go to tomorrow

  • 거울 = Mirror
  • 속에 = Inside
  • 마주치다 = to meet (usually refers to eyes meeting)
  • 얼굴 = face
  • -ㄴ/은allows you to describe nouns with that verb in the past tense. So 마주친 얼굴 literally means “the face that I met.”
  • -이 is a subject particle – more about particles here!
  • 어색하다 = awkward
  • -아/어서 means “so” or “because.” 어색해서 means “because it’s awkward” or “it’s awkward, so…”
  • 습관 = habit
  • [noun] + 처럼 = like [noun]
  • 조용하다 = quiet; 조용히 = quietly 
  • 눈 = eye(s)
  • 감다 = to close (when talking about eyes)
  • 밤 = night
  • 되다 = to become (밤이 되다 literally means “to become night”)
  • -(으)면 = if/when
  • 서두르다 = to rush; to hurry
  • 내일 = tomorrow
  • -(으)로in this context means “to” or “towards.”
  • 가다 = to go
  • [verb stem] + 고 싶다 = I want to [verb]

설렘으로 차오르던 나의 숨소리와 / 머리 위로 선선히 부는 바람 / 파도가 되어 어디로든 / 달려가고 싶어 / 작은 두려움 아래 천천히 두 눈을 뜨면

My breath that rose up with excitement / And the wind that blows coolly above my head / I want to become a wave / And run anywhere / When I slowly open my eyes under the small fears

  • 설렘 = excitement; thrill
  • Here, -(으)로 means “with”
  • 차오르다 = to rise up
  • 나의 = my (informal) -> 나 means “I,” while -의 is a possessive marker.
  • 숨소리 = breath -> refers to the sound of breath
  • [verb stem] + 던is another way to describe a noun with a verb. It is used for actions that you used to do repeatedly in the past or that you did but did not complete. 
  • -와 = and
  • 머리 = head
  • 위로 = above; top
  • 선선히 = coolly
  • 불다 = blow
  • 불다’s stem ends in ㄹ, which gets dropped when you want it to describe a noun.
  • 바람 = wind
  • 파도 = wave
  • 어디로든 = anywhere
  • 달려가다 = to run
  • 작다 = small
  • 두려움 = fear -> noun form of the verb 두렵다, meaning “afraid”
  • 아래 = below; bottom
  • 천천히 = slowly
  • 두 = two (this is the word for “two” that you put before a noun)
  • 뜨다 = to open (eyes)

휩쓸려 길을 잃어도 자유로와 / 더이상 날 가두는 / 어둠에 눈 감지 않아 / 두 번 다시 날 모른 척 하지 않아

I’m free even when I’m swept away and get lost / I won’t close my eyes / in the darkness that traps me anymore / I won’t pretend to not know who I am again

That’s about it for this breakdown! Hope it was helpful and fun to read! See you in the next lesson! 다음에 또 봐요! 

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감수하다 = to endure, to suffer without any protest


~을/를 감수하다


고통을 감수하다 = to endure anguish

책임을 감수하다 = to bear the responsibility

비난을 감수하다 = to endure the criticism

볼이익을 감수하다 = to endure the disadvantages


많은 고통을 감수한 결과 오늘의 성공을 이루었다.

I achieved success today after enduring much pain.

내가 잘못을 저지른 이상 어떠한 비난이라도 감수하겠다.

As I have done wrong, I will endure all criticism and more.

감다 = to wind, to wrap, to rewind

Usage 1

~을/를 NOUN에 감다

~을/를 NOUN으로/로 감다

그는 다친 발목에 붕대를 칭칭 감고 있었다.

He was wrapping his injured ankle in bandages.

Usage 2

~을/를 NOUN에 감다

~을/를 NOUN으로/로 감다

두 사감은 서로의 허리에 팔을 감고 걸었다.

The 2 people wrapped their arms around each other’s waists as they walked.

그녀는 두 팔로 그의 목을 감았다.

She wrapped her arms around his neck.

Usage 3

~을/를 감다

비디오는 다 보시면 치음으로 감아서 반납해 주세요.

If you are finished watching the video, please rewind and then return it.

테이프를 처음으로 다시 감았나요?

Did you rewind the tape back to the beginning?


두르다 = to wrap


풀다 = to unravel, to unwind

가리다 = differentiate, be picky, be shy, be potty-trained


~을/를 가리다

1. To choose one option out of many different options

수많은 추품작 중에서 입상작을 10점만 가리는 것은 여간 어려운 일이 아니었다.

It was an extremely hard task to choose only 10 works out of all works entered.

말 좀 가려서 하세요.

Please be more careful about what you say.

2. To like only what you want to like and ignoring what you don’t like

음식을 가리지 말고 골고루 먹어라.

Do not be a picky eater and try to eat various types of food.

3. To choose to disassociate from strangers due to shyness

아이가 낯을 가려 엄마한테만 안긴다.

The child is shy and will only stay in its mother’s arms.

4. When a child is potty-trained and knows how to go to the bathroom alone

우리 조카는 두 살밖에 안됐는데 대소변을 다 가린다.

My niece is only two years old but has already been potty-trained.

 가리다 = cover

To obscure something so that it is not visible or not penetrable.


~을/를 가리다


나는 너무 무서워서 손으로 두 눈을 가려 버렸다.

I was so scared that I covered my eyes with my hands.

그는 모자고 얼굴을 가리고 나무 그늘에서 낮잠을 자고 있었다.

That person covered their face with their hat and slept underneath the shade of a tree.


짙은 안개가 내 시야를 가렸다.

The dense fog obscured my view.

어머니의 임종 소식에 눈물이 앞을 가렸다.

Tears covered my eyes as I heard the news of my mother’s death.

산 정상이 구름에 가려 있다.

Clouds cover the top of the mountain.

앞사람에 가려서 화면이 잘 안 보인다.

The person in front of me is blocking the screen so I can’t see well.

가르다 = divide, cut with a blade, split

To separate into different parts, cut something by using a blade, or divide or cut something by forcing it apart.

Usage 1

~을/를 ~으로/로 가르다

Examples 1

아이들이 편을 셋으로 갈라서 놀이를 했다.

The children decided to divide into three different teams and played.

나는 머리를 왼쪽으로 갈라.

I part my hair to the left.

Usage 2

~을/를 ~으로/로 가르다

Examples 2

생선의 배를 가르고 내장을 뺐다.

The fish’s stomach was cut in order to take out the innards.

사과를 둘로 가르다.

He slices the apple in two.

Usage 3

~을/를 가르다

Examples 3

화살이 과녁을 향하여 바람을 가르고 날아갔다.

The arrow split the air as it flew towards the target.

가라앉다= sink, settle, go under, subside

When an object floating on water sinks to the bottom or when wind or water currents become calmer.


~에 가라앉다

~으로/로 가라앉다


배가 가라앉다

Ship sinks

열이 가라앉다

Fever goes down

흥분이 가라앉다

Excitement dies down


배는 큰 바위에 부딪힌 후 물 밑으로 가라앉았다.

After the ship ran into a large boulder, it sank to the bottom of the water.

경기 내내 계속되는 응원 열기 속에서 관중들의 흥분은 가라앉을 줄 몰랐다.

Even while cheering with fervor throughout the entire game, there was no sign of calming the audience’s excitement.

발목의 부기가 가라앉았다.

The swelling of my ankle has subsided.

배가 바다 밑으로 가라앉았다.

The boat sank to the bottom of the sea.

흥분이 쉽게 가라앉지 않았다.

The excitement didn’t calm down easily.

폭풍은 곧 가라앉을 것이다.

The storm will soon subside.

Vocabulary Focus

  • 바닷가 = seaside
  • 길가 = roadside
  • 강가 = riverside
  • 가게 = store
  • 과일가게 = fruit store
  • 구멍가게 = hole-in-the-wall store**
  • 가다 = to go
  • 걸어가다 = to go by walking
  • 들어가다 = to enter/go in

**구멍가게 is rarely used and has lowly/humble connotations so 작은 가게 is preferred usually

Grammar Highlights

~고 Connector

  1. Basically indicates that 1 action occurs and then another
  2. Adding 나서 after ~고 stresses doing one action after the previously mentioned action
  3. Connects similar ideas
  4. Connects adjectives
  5. 1st verb connected to ~고 is only conjugated if (1) when 1 action occurs after another with considerable time between the 2 actions and the 1st action leads to the 2nd action’s possibility; and (2) when connecting clauses with similar ideas happened in the past with no real indication of action order
  6. Using 는/은 can compare 2 nouns in ~고 sentences
  7. ~고 싶다 is connected to verbs to mean “I want to…” – remember 싶다 conjugates as an adjective
  8. ~고 있다 denotes being in the process of getting into a state or position literally right now (i.e. 나는 앉고 있어 “I am literally in the process of bending my knees to sit down” vs. 나는 앉아 있어 “I am sitting”)


저 과일가게에서 딸기를 사고 딸기는 간식으로 먹어요.

제 친구는 이 작은 가게에 들어가고 싶지만 문이 잠겨 있어요.

저는 바닷가를 걷고 있어요.

길가에서 제 차가 고장나 연기를 피웠어요.

우리는 강가를 걸은뒤 낚시를 할 거예요.

우리는 강가를 걸은뒤 낚시를 할 거예요.

저는 과일가게에서 쇼핑을 하고 나서 집으로 갈 거예요.

당신이 열심히 공부한다면 좋은 대학에 들어갈 거예요.

저는 돈이 많지 않아 구멍가게에서 식료품을 사고 싶어요.

저는 방학 동안 바닷가에 갔고 강가에 갔어요.

저는 열심히 공부했고 교직에 들어갔어요.


Family - 가족

Grandfather - 할아버지

Grandmother - 할머니

Father - 아버지

Mother -어머니

Younger brother - 남동생

Younger sister - 여동생

Son - 아들

Daughter - 딸

Husband - 남편

Wife - 아내

Younger sibling - 동생

(from a male perspective)

Older brother -형

Older sister - 누나

(from a female perspective)

Older brother - 오빠

Older sister - 언니

Interrogative pronouns

Who - 누구

Who - 누가 (누구+가(subject marker))

What - 무슨

Personal pronouns

My - 나의 / 내 /제

Our - 우리


This person - 이분

That person - 그분

That person - 저분

Other helpful vocabulary words:

Company - 회사

To work for / to go to - 다니다

Flower - 꽃

Rose - 장미

Library - 도서관

Morning - 아침

Nurse - 간호사

Counting unit for people - 명

College student - 대학생

To love - 사랑하다

to be right - 맞다

Really - 정말

Photograph - 사진

To be pretty - 예쁘다

To marry - 결혼하다

Last year - 작년


Hi, it’s been a long time since I posted here and decided to be active again. As of the moment, I can’t think of any korean related lesson to post. Any suggestions? :)
