#kipo oak



Drawing Purple Characters I like (Part 4/7)


kakusu-shipping:Make the content you want to see in the world even if Hugo is impossible to draw.kakusu-shipping:Make the content you want to see in the world even if Hugo is impossible to draw.kakusu-shipping:Make the content you want to see in the world even if Hugo is impossible to draw.


Make the content you want to see in the world even if Hugo is impossible to draw.

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Took part in Kipo’s birthday challenge on Insta and here’s the result! I already miss this show

I’ve watched “Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts” episode 3. In this episode, we get to know another race of mutes – timbercats. They are cats (obviously), who makes everything from wood, uses axes and wear checkered-shirts and knitted hats. The funny moment is that cats are still cats – they play with clews and choke on fur. However, they are quite fierce warriors and they capture the main characters (all four of them) and then debate on either eat them or pet them, then, when Kipo puts on a leash on the pet of timbercats’ missing leader, they decide to give them to Scarlemagne (we and Kipo still have no idea who that is), but then Kipo offers them to cook food – she still hopes that they can work together and find the huge monster-mute who destroyed her home and stole timbercats’ scratching tree. Kipo and her friends cook, then timbercats sing an awesome song about their missing leader. The song is just brilliant! Then they are “poisoned” (with fur) and our team flies. In the night, though, Kipo can’t sleep and decides to save the leader of timbercats – she climbs the highest tree (her father taught her climbing in their cages) and finds Yumyan Hammerpaw (that’s his actual name). He climbed this tree while chasing a butterfly (cats are still cats) The animation of the butterfly is so beautiful! And in general, the animation of this scene with this stunning night sky is amazing! Then Kipo brings the leader in his village and now timbercats are her allies.

I’ve watched “Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts” episode 2. In the second episode we got introduced to another one of main characters (at least I hope, this guy will stick around for some time) – a nice, easy-going boy, who lives with a “mute” – an insect, who goes through his ontogenesis (larva, “teenage”, small insect, big insect) very fast. The boy’s called Benson and the insect’s name is Dave. Wolf doesn’t trust them (Spoilers!) and on the one hand, they saved girls from the frogs, on the other hand when their help was declined, they just stole Wolf’s weapon. Though, then they returned it and then frogs caught Benson and Dave. Kipo and Wolf managed to run away, but then Kipo persuaded her companion, that they should save their new acquaintances. So, they let frogs catch them, meet the frog boss and then since they brought some mega-bunny fur with them, a mega-bunny mama came and so, all our character ran away, Dave highjacked/negotiated with a dragonfly, so they flew through the “Skyscraper Ridge” and came to the entrance to the bunker and found nobody there. Kipo believes that her people probably just moved somewhere. Dave ad Benson want to go with her to the Buro and Wolf says that her work – bringing Kipo home – isn’t done, so she’s joining the search again. Benson is a little bit like Baby-driver – he’s searching for the perfect song for important moments and actions scenes.

Time to find a new cartoon series, I decided to start with something short (and hopefully sweet). So, I’ve watched “Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts” episode 1. Heard that it has some good representation, cool visual and soundtrack. Well, I enjoyed it: the plot is pretty simple, some apocalypse (or whatever) happens in 2020 (seems realistic) and now everybody lives underground, only rogues and mutated animals live on the surface. An underground girl (everybody calls her “burrow girl”) ends up there after some earthquake and now tries to find her way back home. She meets a lot of odd animals, including a blue pig “with an extra pair of everything”, a mega bunny and a gang of frogs wearing suits (they are like the mafia). She also meets a girl (certainly younger than Kipo herself) – she’s tough and severe but decides to help Kipo because without her she just won’t survive. I enjoyed this episode, the soundtrack sure is cool and the visual pretty unusual, I hope to get more information about the world a little more in the later episodes.

tamymew:I MAY have watched all 30 episodes of kipo and the age of the wonderbeasts in the last 24


I MAY have watched all 30 episodes of kipo and the age of the wonderbeasts in the last 24 hours

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I wish I got to see more of grown up them

Kipo: Hugo isn’t wrong very often.

Wolf: But he’s annoying all the time.

Scarlemagne: Kipo, I would do anything for you.

Kipo: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.

Scarlemagne: Absolutely not.

Emilia: How did you find my hideout?

Kipo: With the combined efforts of mutes, humans, and friendship we were able to successfully track—

Scarlemagne: We put ‘bitch’ into a GPS and it brought us here.

Wolf: Kipo?

Hugo: You love us, right?

Kipo: …

Kipo: Normally, I would say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.

Wolf: You need them to think you’re stronger than you really are.

Kipo: That’s what you do.

Wolf: Me? Oh no. My power is no illusion.

Wolf: I can fucking demolish you.

Kipo: *hugs Scarlemagne*


Scarlemagne: Do it again.


Scarlemagne, while holding Kipo: I am not nice. 

Black history month six fanarts

Wolf from kipo and the age of wonderbeasts

Wolf is one of my favorite characters. I love characters that are tough and strong but at the same time is kind and a cool friend. Her backstory is pretty sad but i love how she was a badass and wears the animal skin of the one who betrayed her in a world full of animals??! Like thats a badass kid

Half transformed Kipo is where it’s at

You ALL know Kipo’s the type to say stuff like this
