#lio oak


I’ve watched “Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts” episode 3. In this episode, we get to know another race of mutes – timbercats. They are cats (obviously), who makes everything from wood, uses axes and wear checkered-shirts and knitted hats. The funny moment is that cats are still cats – they play with clews and choke on fur. However, they are quite fierce warriors and they capture the main characters (all four of them) and then debate on either eat them or pet them, then, when Kipo puts on a leash on the pet of timbercats’ missing leader, they decide to give them to Scarlemagne (we and Kipo still have no idea who that is), but then Kipo offers them to cook food – she still hopes that they can work together and find the huge monster-mute who destroyed her home and stole timbercats’ scratching tree. Kipo and her friends cook, then timbercats sing an awesome song about their missing leader. The song is just brilliant! Then they are “poisoned” (with fur) and our team flies. In the night, though, Kipo can’t sleep and decides to save the leader of timbercats – she climbs the highest tree (her father taught her climbing in their cages) and finds Yumyan Hammerpaw (that’s his actual name). He climbed this tree while chasing a butterfly (cats are still cats) The animation of the butterfly is so beautiful! And in general, the animation of this scene with this stunning night sky is amazing! Then Kipo brings the leader in his village and now timbercats are her allies.

Scarlemagne: Are you implying that I occasionally stray from the rulebook?

Lio: I’m implying that you don’t own a copy of the rulebook, and if you do, you’ve certainly never opened it.

Scarlemagne:…Fair point.

Lio: How do you feel about children?

Hugo: They’re okay, I guess. I mean, if I saw one I wouldn’t throw a rock at them.

Lio: Why…Why would you throw a rock at a child?

Hugo: I just said I wouldn’t-

Lio: I have a great memory, name one thing I’ve ever forgotten.

Scarlemagne: Me in a glass cage in the DNA Bur-

Lio: No, that was on purpose. Try again.

Lio: Hugo, stop! This isn’t you, you’ve gone mad with power!
Scarlemagne: Well of course I have.
Scarlemagne: Have you ever tried going mad without power?
Scarlemagne: It’s boring, no one listens to you.

Song: Hugo. We are not mad, we are just disappointed.

Lio: No, we are mad.

Song: Yes, we are. We are livid. But we are going to let this one slide.

Hugo: Thank you.

Lio: No, we’re not.

Song: I am not a mind reader, Lio.

Scarlemagne: My first rule is no one can veto my rules.

Lio: That’s called ‘tyranny,’ and is generally frowned upon.
