

Kozume Kenma

 『クロ おれにバレーボール教えてくれてありがとう!』 ❤️They are connected~ 


They are connected~ 

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kenma would send this tiktok to you as a joke and gets surprised when you also jokingly text back “let’s do the bite of ‘87 together ;)”. because he didn’t expect you to actually understand and remember the stuff he told you when he ranted about the game lore at random times of the day. it makes his heart flutter a little but he’d never tell you that.

kenma explains the fnaf lore to you while you’re lying in each others arms

happy birthday to kenma ✨

i was a little worried about what everyone would think of this since it’s a little bit different, but i guess it doesn’t really matter since i like it a lot, and that’s all that i should focus on :))

y’all remember that one bit in the training arc chapters?? the apathy crew?? no yeah?? well.. what iy’all remember that one bit in the training arc chapters?? the apathy crew?? no yeah?? well.. what iy’all remember that one bit in the training arc chapters?? the apathy crew?? no yeah?? well.. what iy’all remember that one bit in the training arc chapters?? the apathy crew?? no yeah?? well.. what i

y’all remember that one bit in the training arc chapters?? the apathy crew?? no yeah?? well.. what if… that. but in timeskip @_@

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