#kotobuki reiji

pov: reiji steps back after putting on the earrings for you“you look beautiful, my darling.”

pov: reiji steps back after putting on the earrings for you

“you look beautiful, my darling.”

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Congrats to Mr. Kotobuki for his new song release!!

Title: I Stole It

Original Comic:here



Pairing: Kotobuki Reiji/Nanami Haruki, Mikaze Ai/Nanami Haruka

Artist’s Comments: It’s Kiss Day so! I’m sorry that I reuploaded it! ::Thank you very much for the tags and bookmark comments~!



Reiji: Ran-Ran keeps a picture of me in his wallet. He said whenever he faces an obstacle, he looks at it and the problem disappears.

Reiji: I thought it was really sweet until he said “because what problem could possibly be bigger than you?”


Reiji: It’s time to turn Kotobuki Bentos into a real business!

Otoya: What do you mean? Like, carry a briefcase, and wear a tie, and pay taxes?

Tokiya: Wait, have you not been paying your taxes?

Ai: I handle our accounting.

Cecil: Someone wrote a mean comment about me! What do I do?

Masato:Report them.

Ai: You have a few options: hunt them down, frame them for a crime they didn’t commit-

Reiji: -Put a curse on them, write about them on a bathroom wall…

Tokiya: Write a novel, name one of the characters after them, then kill them gruesomely.

Camus: I’m partial to laxatives in tea.

Syo: Y-you all need to calm down.

Reiji: How did none of you heard what I just said?

Ranmaru: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.

Camus: I got distracted about halfway through.

Ai: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.


Camus: [Screams louder to assert dominance]

Reiji: Shouldn’t we do something?!

Ai, observing: No, I want to see who wins this.

Reiji: I’m 10 times funnier and sexier than you.

Ai: 10 times 0 is still 0 though.

Reiji: Jokes on you, I can’t do math.

Tokiya: I’m stressed.

Otoya: I’m depressed.

Syo: I’m oppressed.

Haruka: I’m possessed.

Camus: I’m obsessed.

Ai: I’m impressed.

Reiji: I’m chicken breast.


Reiji: …I just wanted to join in.

Reiji: You know, there’s a lot of misconceptions about consequences.

Reiji: People only focus on the negative ones and forget that there can be positive consequences to your actions.

Reiji: Those type of consequences are what I base my choices off of.

Reiji: So you may say, “Rei-chan you just lost your arm,” but I would say I just lost 10 pounds-

Ai:Please stop talking.

Ai: Let’s see the results. Hmm, it says you’ve gained weight.

Reiji: Probably because of that bagel.

Ai: …You also got high blood pressure, liver disease, heart disease, inflammation, and among other things.

Reiji: It was an ‘everything’ bagel…

Otoya: What’s the hardest thing to say?

Ren: I was wrong.

Tokiya: I need help.

Ranmaru: I’m sorry.

Ai: Worcestershire sauce.

Reiji: I’m incredibly fast at math.

Ai: Calculate 30x17.


Ai: That’s not even close.

Reiji: But it was fast.
