
I’ve been super into making slime recently so I figured it was time to pull out the slime candy ヽ(´▽I’ve been super into making slime recently so I figured it was time to pull out the slime candy ヽ(´▽

I’ve been super into making slime recently so I figured it was time to pull out the slime candy ヽ(´▽`)/
This is called Henshin Slime and I purchased it from Candysan. It’s a candy kit loosely inspired by Neri ame, an old school Japanese candy.
The kit was very easy to put together! You add water with the provided measuring cup then add a yellow powder first, then a blue powder and mix it up! Once the blue powder is mixed in it becomes super thick and stretchy so you can use the popsicle sticks to play with it. It’s actually super fun and I spent a good 10 minutes stretching and pulling the slime candy ( ´∀`)
It was super fun to eat too! The flavour was ramune which is not bad, but the fun part was the texture. It was chewy, almost like melted gummy candy! I thought it would have the same marshmallow texture as nerunerune, but nope! This was so much better!
Honestly this was a super fun kit that I would reccomend to anyone! Hopefully with how popular slime is, this will become more accessible in the states!
Do you like slime?

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Happy Fourth of July everyone! Since most people are outside barbecuing for real, I figured it was fHappy Fourth of July everyone! Since most people are outside barbecuing for real, I figured it was fHappy Fourth of July everyone! Since most people are outside barbecuing for real, I figured it was f

Happy Fourth of July everyone!
Since most people are outside barbecuing for real, I figured it was finally time to try a kit I’ve been sitting on for some time
The Kracie hamburger diy kit
This offers a diy snack that’s not candy! It’s supposed to be savory! I needed to try!
But before I could eat it, I had to make it.
These instructions were harder to understand than normal. I actually used google translate and I watched tutorials to make sure I did everything right.
First I made the fries which had a weird texture but otherwise seemed normal ish
Then it came time to make the burger. It was at this point I began to think I had made a mistake in making this. The meat smelled aweful, like artificial beef
, onions, and something sour. Just trust me when I say it was bad.
But I pressed on.
The bread didn’t have much odd to it and it smelled like buttered rolls. Another win.
Microwaved both seemed fine. Or as fine as a hamburger and bun made from unknown powder could be.
The cheese was mixed and flattened which seemed odd, but honestly i grew up on kraft singles so fake cheese dosent weird me out that much ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Last was the soda which bubbles and fizzed and was very fun!
Finally I just assembled the burgers and it was time for the taste test!
How was it…
It was…
Actually kind of good ٩( ᐛ )و
It was actually savory which is diffrent and neat. The fries were potato like. They had the taste and texture of mashed potatoes that had been cooked long enough to make solid fry shapes. Not something I’d eat everyday but still not bad.
The soda was cola and overly sweet making it taste like melted cola gummies which I loved! And the fizzing is always neato
And the burgers were good! The buns were sweet and delicious, the cheese didn’t add much flavour and the burger itself actually reminded me of some very good vegan hamburgers in taste and the texture just wasn’t bad at all like some kits are! I even liked the ketchup which for me is a feat since I usually don’t like anything with Tomatos.
This was a really fun kit to put together and the actual tastes was one of the best. If you can get your hands on one I would absolutly reccomend it!
I hope you all have a fun holiday and please be safe!

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