#kuai liang



Happy holidays! Have some


Here’s (most of) the Mk fellas! I had to leave a few out because I ended up very tired after writing this. I might add them tomorrow.


Johnny Cage

“Hey babe~ Ready to kiss a superstar?”

  • He’s been trying get you under the Mistletoe all. Night. (Not so subtlety either…)
  • He’s really loud about it too.
  • He was also definitely the one who put it up in the firstplace
  • The moment your lips touch his, he’s a completely different person. He’s absolutely flustered, and can barely hold a sentence. That won’t stop him from clinging to you the rest of the night however.

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my commission art is here


Oh No.

Kuai Liang/F!reader

This one is technically a WIP but I’m posting it as a two-parter so I can convince myself to finish the second part because of how short this fic is.

TWS!: unplanned pregnancy, chosing whether or not to keep the pregnancy, anxiety.


“Shit.” Shit. Shit shit shit. Dear gods- what were you going to do? Why was this fucking happining? Why was it fucking hapining now? 

You didn’t know what to do. What could you do? You couldn’t exactly ignore something like this. The pregnancy test feels frigid in your hands, the panic in your chest near unbearable. All of this is so… unexpected. You and Kuai hadn’t even talked about kids yet. Hell, he had just defeated Sektor! He had just become grandmaster! This is all so much in so little time…

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OOOO I FORGOT THIS EXISTED!!!! currently squirreling away some time to finish this lol.

Google docs please stop fucking auto correcting Kuai Liang to Kauai Liang, he is literally the furthest thing from a tropical island


three sketches involving young versions of Bi-Han and Kuai Liang. the first is Bi-Han carrying Kuai on his back, the second is the two of them building a snowman that vaguely resembles the mk deception outfit for Sub-Zero, with three points at the top of its head and extra snow at the neck to act as fluff. The last is Bi-Han sitting criss-cross with an older man wearing that same get up that inspired the snowman. He's displaying a simple ball of ice resting in his hands that Bi-Han's attempting to emulate while Kuai Liang looks on peering over the older man's shoulder.ALT

I like to hope that things got to be at least a little normal for them when they were first brought to the Lin Kuei

three sketches involving young versions of Bi-Han and Kuai Liang. the first is Bi-Han carrying Kuai on his back, the second is the two of them building a snowman that vaguely resembles the mk deception outfit for Sub-Zero, with three points at the top of its head and extra snow at the neck to act as fluff. The last is Bi-Han sitting criss-cross with an older man wearing that same get up that inspired the snowman. He's displaying a simple ball of ice resting in his hands that Bi-Han's attempting to emulate while Kuai Liang looks on peering over the older man's shoulder.ALT

I like to hope that things got to be at least a little normal for them when they were first brought to the Lin Kuei


boyliking is a full time job, and brother, I’m doing overtime
