#kurdt kobain


MTV Unplugged in New YorkbyNIRVANAwas released on this day in 1994. Although the DVD versions came out way later (November 20, 2007) I included them on this picture to show my full Unplugged collection (so far).

I prefer the audio of the DVD, because it’s longer and includes gems like this by Kurt:

“You want us to play Nine Inch Nails songs?”

Read more jokes here: https://www.livenirvana.com/tourhistory/banter/1993/t_11-18-93b.php

Sliverwas released on this day in 1990 on @subpop.

12" black vinyl // CD // 7" clear pink vinyl // 7" lime green vinyl // 7" black vinyl signed by Dan Peters(Mudhoney) who played drums on Sliver // 7" silver vinyl.

Live at Reading SHM-CD & DVD set. Japan, 2009

IN UTERO Universal Music Group reissue variatons.Made in Germany by EDC (Entertainment Distribution

IN UTEROUniversal Music Group reissue variatons.
Made in Germany by EDC (Entertainment Distribution Company GmbH). Both were released in or after 2005.

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Kurt Cobain: “going deep in the deepness” #1 Chiron aspects to planets

Kurt’s natal chart (referring to Chiron aspects):

Pluto in the 12th house opposite Chiron in the 7th house

Chiron in the 7th house conjunct Saturn in the 7th house

Chiron in the 7th house conjunct Venus in the 7th house

Pluto in Virgo ♍, Chiron in Pisces ♓, Venus in Pisces ♓, Saturn in Pisces ♓.

I’ve always been very interested in getting to know people’s depths, and I believe this guided me to astrology from a young age, but beyond that, I like to understand people in the most natural way for them to express themselves. each person has a personality center, a way of expressing themselves. some will express their striking features through writing, others through speech, others through painting, others through music. and when I want to know more about someone, I try to align myself with what the person demonstrates so that I can understand her/him within their universe, not mine.

keeping that in mind, from the moment I started to know Nirvana, around my 14 years old, I became very interested in the band. i’m passionate about music. and if I fall in love with music and love meeting people, especially those who accept and embrace their complexity (because we are all complex), when I discovered Nirvana’s songs I was very happy and wanted to know more about the deep nuance that the lyrics and melody have.

so I went after the lead singer of the grunge rock band (some consider it a punk rock band). little by little I discovered that most of the lyrics came from Kurt’s mind and heart. not necessarily as HIS feelings and HIS thoughts, because I feel that Kurt was like many Pisces - maybe not all of them, but many: when they want, when they have such an intention, they can translate collective feelings.and sometimes they get lost and don’t know how to differentiate what is theirs and what is the other’s. but in the end, they end up feeling as if they were their own feelings.

I briefly told my story. I’ve always admired Kurt Cobain. and I know that not everyone would understand this, perhaps because of a limited view that being sincere, visceral and sometimes getting lost in life is synonymous with pure transgression, and that transgressions necessarily represent something bad, that we can’t understand any of this and that people that “transgress” morals and norms are necessarily“strange”, or “crazy”, without exceptions. well, I’m far from sharing this thought, and Kurt’s chart is quite interesting to me, I admire him a lot and I don’t consider myself a fan, because sometimes fanaticism blinds us and i don’t like it.

anyway, so I’m going to do a deep reading of his chart in the next posts. I’m interested in finally putting into words, through astrology, the things I’ve seen and felt for so many years through his music - in melody and lyrics.

I’ll talk about the lack of the fire element in his natal chart, excess of water, lack of the air element, aspects that caught my attention in his natal chart. I’ll talk about his synastry with Courtney, his own chart as a whole etc etc.



pluto in 12th house opposite chiron in 7th house

chiron in 7th house conj saturn in 7th house

chiron in 7th house conj venus in 7th house

such aspects were selected after an analysis of Kurt Cobain’s natal chart. when looking at his chart, I noticed some very disharmonious aspects with the wounded healer Chiron, which could have meant a lot of pain in the area of ​​relationships with people, especially romantic ones. that’s because Kurt’s Chiron was in the 7th house and in Pisces, signifying deep pain with issues of empathy, connection, feeling misunderstood, and pain in love relationships.

chiron in the 7th house generally means:

- pain with romantic relationships

- feeling that you will never be truly loved

- a lot of hurt in the course of a relationship

This implies that being hurt by someone he was romantically dating definitely hurt more than in other relationships. people who have this placement also tend to experience pain around love even if they are not in a relationship. this can occur through the parents’ experience, parents from an early age would have passed an image of love as something very painful and with little happiness. divorce is something these natives may have to experience with their parents, and in Kurt’s case, that’s exactly what happened.

“Well, I had a good childhood, until the divorce, then out of nowhere my whole world changed. I became antisocial and started to understand that reality and my surroundings had nothing to offer me” - Kurt Cobain [interview]

7th house also relates to persona, the public, the other, otherness. represents the moment in which we meet people in different social dynamics and we are led to interact with them. therefore, this placement also brings a deep pain in the way people seem to see you. it could be that Kurt felt a deep fear of not being accepted by others, fearing not being loved, being insecure about it. this fear, which must have been increased by the strong presence of Pisces in his chart, may have led him to accept relationship dynamics that are not very healthy for his emotional. (by the way, I’ll go over some of the many Plutonic aspects of his synastry with Courtney later in another post).

this becomes evident when I go into the aspects that Chiron makes to other planets, some in the same sign (Pisces) and house (7th house) that Chiron is in.

Chiron in 7th house opposite Pluto in 12th house

Those who have pluto in the 12th house tend to experience profound situations that test the limits of their empathy and understanding capacities. experiences involving collective issues, poorly understood subjects, hidden feelings, thinking about the oppressed, feeling lost and without direction, etc. experiences that also touch on karmic issues, on deeper annoyances, of the unconscious mind. issues such as past thought patterns, soul pains not yet taken care of. all of this can be a frequent thing for those who have this placement.

Having said that, as we look at Pluto in Virgo in the 12th house as opposed to chiron in Pisces in the 7th, we see that the chiron and pluto issues conflict. So Kurt probably couldn’t feel good enough dealing with and having to face the issues of relating to someone and not feeling fully valued, of loving people and empathizing with them, but not being able to accept and understand what they were doing, their way of living, of dealing with life.

in other words, this deep wound of Chiron is touched when Kurt comes into contact with collective experiences, he feels the collective unconscious very intensely, many of his song lyrics are not simply about feelings he had with himself about himself, but also about life. the complex and deep issues we all experience but tend to talk about less and pay less attention to, he felt viscerally in his skin.

and this led him to understand (but not necessarily justify) situations that people would probably not even be able to think about, such as the sensations that arise in people who are isolated in schools, who are bullied, and who can later come to do something, even if it is wrong, but that comes to light because of a feeling they have from the past - unresolved. Pisces and 12th house represents have a greater contact with subjects incomprehensible by others, subjects that are little touched because people have barriers to think about.


Serve the Servants: song about Kurt’s more personal issues, in the interview I’ve already posted above, he actually mentions that this is one of the first more personal songs he’s ever written. I would say Serve the Servants is Kurt’s expression of Mars in Scorpio over his Chiron in the 7th house.That legendary divorce is such a bore” “There’s nothing I could say that I haven’t thought before”.

Scentless apprentice brings up an issue of exclusion, which I see not only as an exclusion of a person from a group like school, but something bigger, a social exclusion, a person who “doesn’t smell like butter like most babies”. He seems to be talking about a person who had to learn from a young age not to have the pleasures of life because he was “born without a scent” and is therefore a “smellless apprentice”.

Heart Shaped-Box. I feel a criticism towards mother figures or toxic and abusive relationships. I say this because he quotes umbilical cord and says over and over again, in a sarcastic tone, that he is indebted to that person who feels she/he has given great advice. It’s as if someone is there demanding him for having done something for him. Words he uses: “trap”, “heart-shaped box”, which makes it seem that from the outside such a person is loving, even for him, but this is a trap to suck him.

Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle. One of the songs I love most, in which Kurt writes as a way of rebelling and denouncing what happened in Seattle with actress Frances Farmer, who was considered a person “incapable” of working in the movie industry just because she didn’t agreeing with what was imposed by her, and for getting involved with drinking and drugs. In addition, she was subjected to very degrading treatment in hospices and psychiatric hospitals. This song involves personal humiliation, people criticizing escape routes that artists seek as if they were judges, and Kurt criticizes that with empathy and putting himself in her shoes. Psychological issues, asylums and inhumane treatment are also issues that come to the fore with this song.

I once read in a youtube comment someone saying something that sums up a lot of Chiron in Pisces: “Kurt always made me feel like I needed to hug him while at the same I felt like he was hugging me when I needed it”. this thing of healing people’s pain, but never being able to heal your own is very much a characteristic of Chiron in Pisces.

Pluto governs the issues of the unconscious, fears, shame, feelings that people disapprove of (anger, insecurities, fears) our extreme behaviors, defense mechanisms and especially something I talk about a lot here: PROJECTION. Pluto indicates where we are projecting ourselves, in which dynamics we feel the energies around us impact our unconscious, creating fears, feelings of incapacity, lack, etc.

In Kurt’s case, Pluto in the 12th house makes his inner life even more active. Being in opposition to Chiron in the 7th, Kurt felt ashamed of his unstable condition. this lack of a stable family impacted the way he felt placed in the world, belonged in the world and even understood.

I remember feeling ashamed for some reason. I was ashamed of my parents. I couldn’t reach my friends at school because I desperately wanted to have the classic, you know, typical family. Mom and Dad. safety”.- Kurt Cobain (in the interview video)

in this interview so many things of chiron in 7th house opposite pluto in 12th house are evident.

probably at the time, prejudice against divorce was still very high, and that’s why being the son of divorced parents made him feel out of the curve.

for Pisceans, and I speak for myself, the feeling of being out of the world (as well as other sensations), such as not fulfilling what others desperately expect from you etc etc., brings a very great awareness that impacts our mind and this can be a boon or a misfortune. if a person doesn’t have a tendency to be more earthly or to reflect more on things in a rational way, he/she will be so impacted for most of his/her life.

Chiron in 7th house conjunct Saturn in 7th house

this is a rather complicated aspect considering the nature and meaning of Saturn and Chiron.

both bring challenges for us, with different connotations, but they do.

Saturn even tends to be more concrete, earthy, which allows us to have a certain north of what should be done (which won’t always happen, taking into account, for example, if Saturn is in a water sign like Cancer and Pisces, since in these things tend to be more complicated).

however,Chiron is always very difficult to deal with. first that, although the wound is evident, it’s difficult for people to admit to themselves that they are going through it. Chiron ends up being part of our unconsciousness, demanding more self-knowledge to be brought to the surface. the issues are felt and suffered, but the all their life people don’t know how to name it, they don’t have the proper awareness of the subject. it only comes after they become conscious through their self-knowledge.

in Kurt’s case, this aspect added to the feeling that relationships weren’t for him.

Chiron in 7th house conjunct Venus in 7th house

this aspect ends up having an even closer contact with love relationships, so that chiron’s frustrations in the 7th are felt directly in love relationships. the wounded healer asteroid Chiron and Venus are united and unfortunately this union is not a positive one.

naturally, Chiron conjunct Venus aspect tends to bring difficulties if we take into account that, despite the more “neutral” nature that the conjunction tends to have, depending on the planets/asteroids/astrological points, the interaction can be quite disharmonious.

Chiron and Venus in conjunction bring difficulties to feel loved, the person feels that no matter how much he/she loves, the love will never be the same way he/she wants or even shows for the other.yo
