#la luz

Ty Seagall, La Luz, and others brought their warm, sunny West Coast rock to Boston just in time for Ty Seagall, La Luz, and others brought their warm, sunny West Coast rock to Boston just in time for

Ty Seagall,La Luz, and others brought their warm, sunny West Coast rock to Boston just in time for us to realize that summer’s ending and winter is on its way.

In the coming months, we’ll reminisce fondly on this show. Guaranteed.

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¿Qué se hace cuando la luz se apaga y el calor se va?

A veces, se van las ganas de todo y el ánimo se esconde en una madriguera más allá de mi alcance, las ganas se corretean seguidas por el miedo y el suspiro descansa en paz, se me nubla la vista y la mejilla se pone húmeda con algo que ya no reconocía mi cuerpo y estoy ahí, porque al final, solo somos nosotros mismos contra todo lo demás.

“polaroid – un blog alla radio” – S21E30

“polaroid – un blog alla radio” – S21E30

Bentrovate e bentrovati a una nuova puntata del podcast di “polaroid – un blog alla radio”, la trasmissione in onda ogni settimana da Bologna sulle frequenze di NEU Radio. Da Chicago a Parigi, dal Galles alla California, passando anche per la nostra città, ecco a voi la consueta oretta di novità indiepop e indie rock, senza dimenticare gli indispensabili brindisi, insieme a Enzo…

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hardlyartrecords:sourceFP: What’s your worst-nightmare scenario crowd? AS: A crowd full of bros



FP: What’s your worst-nightmare scenario crowd?

AS: A crowd full of bros with their jaws dropped.

SC: Arms crossed, blank stare, tweeting in the front row.

ML: No crowd at all is my worst nightmare. Or one that hates us.

Check our interview with La Luz right here.

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