

Insectblr, what should i feed my ladybugs? I have been giving them raisins socked in water, and they seemed to be ok until 2 days ago when one killed another ladybug and began eating it.

Should i try to find aphids? I cant exactly go into other people’s garden to try to see if they have an infected plant and my building doesn’t have that much of plants.

If they are craving protein is there like a supplement i can give to them?

Childhood goblin story #1

There were many times in my childhood where goblin instincts really shined through, and this is one of those times.

When I was in around 3rd grade, my friend and I got one of those little tiny water bottles, dumped out all the water, and then filled it with ladybugs. Like, easily around 100 ladybugs. We sprinkled some grass in there cuz duh and then poked some holes in the lid.

Now, of course we couldn’t let our little friends go, so we decided one of us would have to take this tiny water bottle home and keep these ladybugs. Little goblin me decided of course ~I~ should take them home. So I did.

I hid them ever so carefully in my backpack and took home my new little friends. When I got home, I ran right upstairs to my room, shut the door, and took out the tiny water bottle from my backpack. Naturally, my tiny goblin hands could not resist the temptation of holding these sweet darlings, so I open the lid and get like three of them out of there. I set them carefully on my bed and watch them crawl around.

After a while, it was time to catch them.

So I tried catching each one in my hand, but they kept getting away and crawling under stuff and I couldn’t manage to catch them!! Ahhh!!! I ended up catching them all except for one, which I just accepted the fact that there would just be a lady bug flying around my room and that there’s nothing I could do about it.

The next day I brought the water bottle back to my friend because I couldn’t handle the responsibility of being a parent to 100 little babies. We released them back to the earth, where they belonged. Also my mom never found out about them because hehehe I was a sneaky little goblin child

The end
