
Alright you old fuck, this is a pretty old series of illustrations but have some fanart you don’t deAlright you old fuck, this is a pretty old series of illustrations but have some fanart you don’t deAlright you old fuck, this is a pretty old series of illustrations but have some fanart you don’t deAlright you old fuck, this is a pretty old series of illustrations but have some fanart you don’t de

Alright you old fuck, this is a pretty old series of illustrations but have some fanart you don’t deserve because despite being a shitstain you had some good words sometimes.

Captions from Une Charogne, by Charles Baudelaire :

“Rappelez-vous l'objet que nous vîmes, mon âme,
Ce beau matin d'été si doux :

Au détour d'un sentier une charogne infâme
Sur un lit semé de cailloux,


Les formes s'effaçaient et n'étaient plus qu'un rêve,
Une ébauche lente à venir,
Sur la toile oubliée, et que l'artiste achève
Seulement par le souvenir


Oui ! Telle vous serez, ô la reine des grâces,
Après les derniers sacrements,
Quand vous irez, sous l'herbe et les floraisons grasses,
Moisir parmi les ossements.”

It’s a long-ass poem, so i havent done every line, but thats roughly which ones each image is based on. It is also, begrudgingly, my favorite poem, by a dick poet who i named my entire blog after.

Fun fact ! I originally did this as part of @lavendertowne ‘s art challenge thing, where she gave her college assignments as art exercise examples ? Yeah, this was for the “illustrate you favorite poem in four environment-focused panels” one. I also did a few others that i might post later, i don’t know.

Post link

I drew @lavendertowne in chibi form (Might do a series of these for other youtubers!)

Expensive Vs. Cheap Drawing Tablets

LavenderTowne reviews 7 different drawing tablets
