#learn hungarian



Boldog nőnapot! - Happy Women’s Day!

nemzetközi nőnap - International Women’s Day
nő -woman
asszony- married woman
feleség- wife
hölgy- lady
lány- girl; daughter
kislány- little girl
anya- mother
nagymama- grandmother
nagynéni- aunt
március- March
március nyolcadika - 8 March
egyenjogúság- equality, equal rights
egyenjogúsítás, emancipáció - emancipation
választójog, szavazati jog - right to vote
női jogok - women’s rights
virág- flower
(virág)csokor - bouquet
rózsa- rose
tulipán- tulips
hóvirág- snowdrop
jácint- hyacinth
csokoládé, csoki - chocolate
bonbon- box of chocolates
sütemény, süti - cake, cookies
ajándék - present, gift



If you’re looking to practice a bit and remember your target language better… here are tons of free worksheets/workbooks for 34 languages (Japanese, Spanish, Korean, French, German, Italian, etc, etc.)

It’s the same type of “fill in the blank” workbook across all of their languages but the magic in actually rewriting things over and over is that the words end up sticking. Plus, there are English sections where you’ll have to force yourself to remember and write the word/phrase in the target language - which is even better for your memory (called active recall - forcing yourself to remember).  I’m personally a big fan of this approach and I’d do similar to pass vocab quizzes in my HS & uni language classes.

If you’re interested, give these a go.

Literal translation:
Trouble does not go alone. 

It would be like saying “trouble comes in twos,” meaning that if one thing goes wrong, something else is destined to, too. 

Person 1: Nem hiszem el hogy ez is eltört! - I can’t believe this broke too!
Person 2: Hááááat, a baj nem jár egyedül. Bocsika. - Well, trouble comes in twos. Sowee. 
