

벨기에 - Belgium

칵테일 - Cocktail

아이스티 - Iced tea

생수 - Bottled water, spring water

코코아 - Cocoa

사탕무 - Beet (사탕 - Candy, 무 - Radish)

콩 - Bean

양배추 - Cabbage

무화과 - A fig

꽃양배추 - Cauliflower

가지 - An eggplant

단호박 - Sweet pumpkin (달다 - To be sweet, 호박 - Pumpkin)

대파 - Spring onion, leek

쪽파 - Scallion

순무 - Turnip

모음 - A vowel

자음 - A consonant

나무딸기 - A raspberry (나무 - A tree, 딸기 - A strawberry)

과학자 - Scientist

수의사 - Veterinarian

치마 정장 - Skirt suit

넥타이핀 - Tie pin

호박 - Amber

남성용 야회복 - Dress suit (남성용 - For use of men. 야회 - Ball, evening party. 복 - Clothing)

사진가 - Photographer

음악가 - Musician

댄서 - Dancer

모피코트 - Fur coat

멜빵바지 - Overalls

비옷 - Rain clothes/coat

팔찌 - Bracelet

왕관 - Diadem, crown

반바지 - Shorts

가죽 재킷 - Leather jacket

파카 - Parka

해군 - Sailor, navy

자랑스럽다 - To be proud

노동자 - Worker, laborer

겁나다 - To be scared, frightened

믿음 - Belief

은발 머리 - Grey hair (은 - Silver, 머리 - Hair)

야회용 드레스 - Evening dress (야회 - An evening party, ball, 용 - for (the use of))

턱수염 - Beard (턱 - Jaw, chin)

콧수염 - Moustache (콧 = 코 = Nose)

색소 결핍 - Albino (색소 - Pigment shortage)

드시다 - To eat/drink. (polite version of 먹다/마시다)

연두색 - Light green

수영장 - Swimming pool

적 - Experience (ex. 부산에 가 본 적 있어요? Have you been to Busan?)

도와주다 - To help someone do something, lend a hand

희박한 - Rare (the animal is a Saiga antelope, they’re awesome (and critically endangered))

재료 - Ingredient

매미 - Cicada

곤충 - Insect (Ladybug is 무당벌레)

코뿔소 - Rhinoceros

자리 - A seat

계피 - Cinnamon

헤드셋 - Headset

헤드폰 - Headphones

가치 - Value

곶감 - Dried Persimmon

책장 - Bookshelf

짜장면 - Jjajangmyeon (Chinese noodles)

손님 - Guest

시금치 - Spinach

냉동장치 - Freezer

자물쇠 - A lock

화장지 - Toilet paper, paper towel

거울 - Mirror

약물치료 - Medication

면도칼 - Razor. 면도 - Shaving. 칼 - Knife

치약 - Toothpaste

신도 - Shinto. (A believer = 불교신도 - Buddhist)

목도리 - Scarf

공작 - Peacock

짹짹 - Chirp, tweet (sound a bird makes)

먹이 - Feed, prey

주름 - Wrinkles

스끄럽다 - To be noisy

면도 - Shaving

하누카 - Hanukkah

천칭 - Balance

전갈 - Scorpion

도마뱀 - Lizard

깃발 - A flag / banner

어둡다 - To be dark

캥거루 - Kangaroo

기르다 - To bring up, raise, cultivate

영원 - Newt (eternity)

황소 - Bull

칠면조 - Turkey

비둘기 - Pidgeon / dove

까마귀 - Crow / raven

창턱 - Windowsill

경치 - Landscape, view, scenery

우뢰 - (우레, 천둥) - Thunder

썰다 - To chop

오리너구리 - Platypus (오리 - Duck, 너구리 - Tanuki/Raccoon dog)

가오리 - Stingray

오징어 - Squid

해파리 - Jellyfish

애벌레 - Larva, caterpillar

역 - Station (지하철역 - Subway station)







to anyone who missed it:

blorbo - a favourite character

glup shitto - star wars names are fucking nonesense

eeby deeby - youre going to hell

plinko horse - a horse that was stuck in a plinko board

scrimblo bimblo - super smash bro fans can be very angry when characters aren’t in a game

Me, so I can view the original meme:


People keep tagging this as educational and I don’t know what to do or think about that.

Glossary of Terms

I don’t know if I should be amused or distressed by the realization that someday this post will probably be useful to linguists.


Kansainvälinen naistenpäivä - International Women’s Day
Hyvää naistenpäivää! - Happy Women’s Day!
Maaliskuun kahdeksas - March 8th
Nainen- woman
Tyttö - girl; daughter
Tytär - daughter
Sisko- sister
Tyttöystävä - girlfriend
Vaimo- wife
Äiti- mother
Täti - aunt
Isoäiti - grandmother
Ystävä, kaveri - friend
Työkaveri - colleague 
Kukka - flower
Kukkakimppu- bouquet
Ruusu- rose
Mimosa - mimosa
Lahja - gift, present
Suklaa - chocolate
Oikeus - right
Koulutus - education
Työ - work
Äänestäminen - voting
Syrjintä- discrimination
Tasa-arvo - equality
Rauha - peace
Juhlia - to celebrate


Boldog nőnapot! - Happy Women’s Day!

nemzetközi nőnap - International Women’s Day
nő -woman
asszony- married woman
feleség- wife
hölgy- lady
lány- girl; daughter
kislány- little girl
anya- mother
nagymama- grandmother
nagynéni- aunt
március- March
március nyolcadika - 8 March
egyenjogúság- equality, equal rights
egyenjogúsítás, emancipáció - emancipation
választójog, szavazati jog - right to vote
női jogok - women’s rights
virág- flower
(virág)csokor - bouquet
rózsa- rose
tulipán- tulips
hóvirág- snowdrop
jácint- hyacinth
csokoládé, csoki - chocolate
bonbon- box of chocolates
sütemény, süti - cake, cookies
ajándék - present, gift


I’m doing this as much for myself to review as I am for anyone who might be interested.

Croatian uses traditional Slavic names for the months instead of the Gregorian names for the months.

Here they are:
Jan. – siječanj
Feb. – veljača
Mar. – ožujak
Apr. – travanj
May – svibanj
Jun. – lipanj
Jul. – srpanj
Aug. – kolovoz
Sep. – rujan
Oct. – listopad
Nov. – studeni
Dec. – prosinac

These are all masc. nouns and decline as such. Fun fact: studeni is an adj. so you have to be careful when declining it.

Ex.:u siječnju is “in January” but “in November” is u studenom.


Basic Thai

สวัสดี hello, goodbye (sawat1dii)

ครับ polite male particle (krap3)

ค่ะ polite female particle (ka2)

หวัดดี hi (wat1dii)

สบายดี I’m fine (sabaai dii)

สบายดีไหม? How are you? (sabaai dii mai4)

ผม I (male) (pom4)

ฉัน I (female) (chan4)

แล้ว and (laew3)

คุณ you (kun)

แล้วคุณล่ะ? And you? (laew3 kun la2)

ขอบคุณ thank you (kawp1 kun)

มาก very much (maak2)

ขอบคุณมาก thank you very much (kawp1 kun maak2)

วันนี้อากาศดี the weather is nice today (wan nii3 aagaat1 dii)

อากาศ weather (aagaat1)

ดี good, nice (dii)

นี้ this (nii3)

วัน day (wan)

วันนี้ today (wan nii3)

ร้อน hot (rawn3)

เย็น cool (yen)

หนาว cold (naaow4)

ขอโทษ excuse me (kaw4 toot2)

ผูดภาษาอังกฤษได้ไหม? Can you speak english? (puut2 paasaa4 anggrit1 daai2 mai4)

ผูด to speak (puut2)

ได้ can (daai2)

อังกฤษ English (anggrit1)

ภาษา language (paasaa4)

ภาษาอังกฤษ English language (paasaa4 anggrit1)

ผูกภาษาอังกฤษได้ I can speak English (puut2 paasaa4 anggrit1 daai2)

ไทย Thai (tai)

ผูกภษาไทยได้ I can speak Thai (puut2 paasaa4 tai daai2)

ผูดภาษาไทยไม่ได้ I can’t speak Thai (puut2 paasaa4 tai mai2 daai2)

ผูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม? Can you speak Thai? (puut3 pasaa4 tai daai2 mai4)

ไม่ not (mai2)

ไม่ค่อย barely (mai2 koi2)

ผูดภาษาไทยไม่ค่อยได้ I can barely speak Thai (puut2 paasaa4 tai mai2 koi2 daai2)

อ่าน to read (aan1)

เลย at all (leuy)

อ่านาษาไทยไม่ได้เลย I can’t read Thai at all (aan1 paasaa4 tai mai2 daai2 leuy)

อ่านภาษาไทยไม่ค่อยได้ I can barely read Thai (aan1 paasaa4 tai mai2 koi2 daai2)

นิดหน่อย a little (nit3 noi1)

ผูดภาษาไทยได้นิดหน่อย I can speak a little Thai (puut2 paasaa4 daai2 nit3 noi1)

บ้าง some (baang2)

ผูดภาษาไทยได้บ้าง I can speak some Thai (puut2 paasaa4 tai daai2 baang2)

เก่ง skilled (geng1)

ผูดภาษาอังกฤษเก่ง I speak English well (puut2 paasaa4 anggrit1 geng1)

ผูดภาษาอังกฤษเก่ง you speak English well (puut2 paasaa4 anggrit1 geng1)

ผูดภาษาไทยไม่เก่ง I don’t speak Thai well (puut2 paasaa4 tai mai2 geng2)

มาจบกไหน Where do you come from? (maa jaak1 nai4)

ไหน where (nai4)

มา to come (maa)

จาก from (jaak1)

ประกาศ country (prateht2)

ประกาศไทย Thailand (prateht2 tai)

มาจาก___ I come from ___

อเมริกา America (ameerigaa)

ชี่อ (cheu2) name

ผมชี่อ___ my name is ___ (male) (pom4 cheu2 ___)

ฉันชี่อ___ my name is ___ (female) (chan4 cheu2 ___)

คุณชื่ออะไร What’s your name? (kun cheu2 a rai)

อะัยร what (a rai)

เขา he/she (kow4)

ยินดีที่ได้รู้จัก nice to meet you (yin dii tii2 daai2 ruu3 jak1)

ยนดี pleased (yin dii)

ที่ได้ to be able (tii2 daai2)

รู้จัก to know (ruu3 jak1)

เช่นกัน nice to meet you too (chen2 kan)


I don’t know how I didn’t do this earlier, actually

  • laAbreviatura. Abbreviation
  • elAcento. Accent / Accent mark
  • elAdjetivo. Adjective
  • elAdverbio. Adverb
  • elArtículo. Article
  • el Artículo indefinido/indeterminado. Indefinite article
  • elComparativo. Comparative
  • elComplemento directo. Direct object
  • elComplemento indirecto. Indirect object 
  • elComplemento circunstancial (de tiempo, de lugar, etc). Adverbial of (time, place, etc)
  • laConcordancia. Concordance
  • elCondicional. Conditional
  • laConjugación. Conjugation
  • laConjunción. Conjunction 
  • laConsonante. Consonant
  • laContracción. Contraction
  • elDemostrativo. Demostrative
  • laDesinencia. Suffix, desinence
  • laDiéresis. Diaeresis, dieresis
  • elDiminutivo. Diminutive 
  • elFemenino. Feminine
  • laFrase, la Oración. Sentence, phrase
  • elFuturo. Future tense
  • elGénero. Gender
  • elGerundio. Gerund
  • elImperativo. Imperative 
  • elIndicativo. Indicative 
  • elInfinitivo. Infinitive
  • laInterjección. Interjection
  • elInterrogativo. Interrogative
  • laLocución. Locution, expression
  • elMasculino. Masculine
  • elModo. Mood, mode
  • elNegativo. Negative
  • elNombre. Noun
  • elNombre propio. Proper noun
  • elNúmero. Number
  • laPasiva, el Pasivo. Passive
  • laPersona. Person
  • elPlural. Plural 
  • elPosesivo. Possessive
  • elPredicado. Predicate
  • elPrefijo. Prefix
  • laPreposición. Preposition
  • elPresente. Present
  • elPronombre. Pronoun
  • elSubjuntivo. Subjunctive 
  • elSufijo. Suffix 
  • elSujeto. Subject 
  • elSustantivo. Noun
  • elTiempo. Tense
  • elVerbo. Verb
  • laVocal. Vowel

I will do all verb tenses next^^

my vocab listsmore grammarrequest here

allthingsdutch: DUTCH VOCABULARY: MEDICALNOUNS: a general practitioner - een huisarts a pediatrici




a general practitioner - een huisarts

a pediatrician - een kinderarts

a hospital-een ziekenhuis

a doctor- een dokter

a surgeon - een chirurg

a nurse - een verpleger/verpleegster

an anesthesiologist - een anesthesist

a general surgeon - een algemeen chirurg

a plastic surgeon - een plastisch chirurg

the medicine - het medicijn

the medication - de medicatie

the painkiller - de pijnstiller

the needle - de naald

the infusion - het infuus

the fluid - de vloeistof

the antibiotic(s) - het antibioticum, de antibiotica

the surgery - de operatie

the examination - het onderzoek

the prescription - het voorschrift

the illness - de ziekte

the emergency - het noodgeval

the wound - de wond

the concussion - de hersenschudding

the fracture - de breuk

the tear - de scheur

the accident - het ongeluk

the damage - de schade

the diagnosis - de diagnose


to operate/to perform surgery - opereren

to perform CPR - reanimeren

to heal - genezen

to prescribe - voorschrijven

to examine - onderzoeken

to break (a bone) - (een bot) breken


Call an ambulance! - Bel een ambulance!

Is there a doctor present? - Is er een dokter aanwezig?

We need medical assistance. - We hebben medische bijstand nodig.

This is an emergency. - Dit is een noodgeval.

I’m having surgery next week. - Ik word volgende week geopereerd.

Post link


Happy Fall, my lil’ agaves! Here’s a vocabulary list of transition phrases and expressions to improve the fluidity of your Spanish writing and speaking. I actually have an exam on these phrases next martes,and I thought this would be an excellent vocab list to share with you. The Quizlet deck for this list can be found here. This vocabulary list is from the textbook I’m using this semester for my advanced Spanish comp class: Taller de Escritores.

  • asimismo also, in addition to
  • así/ de ese modo so/ in that way
  • con relación/ respecto a regarding
  • como se puede ver as you/one/we can see
  • además de in addition to
  • por suerte fortunately, luckily
  • desgraciaunfortunately
  • de hecho in fact
  • al igual que like
  • a diferencia de unlike
  • en cambio/ por el contrario in contrast
  • en vez/ lugar de instead of
  • no obstante/ sin embargo however
  • por una parte/ un lado on the one hand
  • por otra (parte)/ otro (lado) on the other hand
  • a causa de because of
  • debido a due to, on account of
  • entonces/ por lo tanto therefore
  • con resultado/ consecuencia as a result
  • por eso/ por ese motivo/ por esa razón for that reason
  • antes de before
  • desde que/ desde entonces since/ since then
  • al mismo tiempo at the same time
  • a partir de starting
  • al final in the end; at/ toward the end
  • en aquel entonces at that time, back then
  • primerofirst
  • después/ luego later, then
  • en primer/ segundo lugar first/ second of all
  • a fin de cuentas in the end, after all
  • en otras palabras/ es decir that is to say
  • después de todo after all
  • en conclusion in conclusion
  • en resumen/ en resumidas cuentas in short
  • en todo caso in any case
  • al fin y al cabo in the end

This post is also published on my Blogger.


cukierek albo psikus - trick or treat

dynia (f.) - pumpkin

czarny kot (m.) - black cat

przesąd (m.) - superstition

strach na wróble (m.) - scarecrow

lampion (m.) - lantern

nawiedzony dom (m.) - haunted house

słodycze (f.,pl.,un.) - candy

strach (m.) - fear

przebranie (n.) / kostium (m.) - costume

zjawa (f.) - phantom

duch (m.) - ghost

bestia (f.) - beast

potwór (m.) - monster

kosmita (m.) - alien

anioł (m.) - angel

nietoperz (m.) - bat

wampir (m.) - vampire

wiedźma (f.) / czarownica (f.) - witch

kościotrup (m.) - skeleton*

mumia (f.) - mummy

ponury żniwiarz (m.) - the Grim Reaper

wróżka (f.) - fairy

pirat (m.) - pirate

diabeł (m.) - devil

ciemność (f.) - darkness

noc (f.) - night

koszmar (m.) - nightmare

krew (f.) - blood

kość (f.) - bone

miotła (f.) - broom

zwłoki (f.,pl.,un.) - corpse

kieł (pl.: kły) (m.) - fang

cmentarz (m.) - cementary

trumna (f.) - coffin

krypta (f.) - crypt

gęsia skórka (f.) - goosebumps

maska (f.) - facemask

eliksir (m.) - potion

krzyk (m.) - scream

pająk (m.) - spider

nagrobek (m.) - tombstone

drążyć - to carve

wywoływać duchy - to call out spirits

bać się - to be scared

umierać - to die

straszyć - to scare

nawiedzać - to haunt

straszny - scary

przerażający - frightening

upiorny - spooky

pełen grozy - eerie

tajemniczy - mysterious

przyprawiający o gęsią skórkę - creepy

koszmarny - ghastly

makabryczny - gruesome

krwawy - bloody, gory

*“kościotrup” is the Halloween-y skeleton, the one inside a body is called “szkielet” (m.)







to anyone who missed it:

blorbo - a favourite character

glup shitto - star wars names are fucking nonesense

eeby deeby - youre going to hell

plinko horse - a horse that was stuck in a plinko board

scrimblo bimblo - super smash bro fans can be very angry when characters aren’t in a game

Me, so I can view the original meme:


People keep tagging this as educational and I don’t know what to do or think about that.

Glossary of Terms

I don’t know if I should be amused or distressed by the realization that someday this post will probably be useful to linguists.

Are there any websites with a glossary of terms used in Rodnovery or Slavic native faith?

If I remember correctly, many websites have glossaries for different concepts for religions. For example, there are several websites for people to understand the terms used in the Asatru religion:

I would like a website that shows terms often used in Rodnovery, whether in Russian, Polish, and English. Thank you!







to anyone who missed it:

blorbo - a favourite character

glup shitto - star wars names are fucking nonesense

eeby deeby - youre going to hell

plinko horse - a horse that was stuck in a plinko board

scrimblo bimblo - super smash bro fans can be very angry when characters aren’t in a game

Me, so I can view the original meme:


People keep tagging this as educational and I don’t know what to do or think about that.

Glossary of Terms

I don’t know if I should be amused or distressed by the realization that someday this post will probably be useful to linguists.

From anti-virus to zero-day, NordVPN highlights cybersec lingo we should all know

From anti-virus to zero-day, NordVPN highlights cybersec lingo we should all know

After many years of covering cybersecurity news there is one thing that is painfully clear – cybersecurity is complex to the point where any conversation about it results in lost stares and confusion.
As much as you or a family might hate cybersecurity, there are certain phrases one should know and understand if you intend on being online in the 2020s.
To that end NordVPN has created…

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