#legolas biggest fan


My Incorrect Universe #86

*When I still lived at Rivendell and “absolutely despised” the caterpillar browed bitch *

Me, standing in front of Thranduil holding a dagger : does this make me look threatening? are you threatened?

Thranduil,raising an eyebrow : absolutely not

Me,cornering him against the wall, menacing: what do you feel now?

Thranduil, breathing heavily : very aroused

*After getting married to the carterpillar browed beautiful man*

Me, backing up my husband into a wall : How are we feeling right now ?

Thranduil, kissing my forehead softly: Abosulutely in love. I would not even feel bad if you stab me because you probably did it for a reason and that is okay I will always love you. 

Me, on the verge of crying: Goddammit I’m gonna- I’m gonna punch you with my lips

Legolas, across the corridor with a camera I brought him from my world and a tad bit watery eyed : Disgusting. I AM TAKING A PICTURE
