#leon scott kennedy


Been rewatching Gilmore Girls lately, so have a Cleon version ✨

Page 4 of Transient Heaven is available on my Patreon ❤️

When you keep getting caught by G-Adults but then you get the flamethrower:

I finally p3’d my Leon in dbd even though I know it’s really not worth anything uwu and it brought back the RE obsession smth fierce

Have some doodles of him in outfits I found when I googled “90s fashion”

Lazy sunday doodle

Bread’s Game Journal 01/21/22: VResident VRevil VRfour.

I finished Resident Evil 4 VR today, and overall, it was a fantastic time. I wrote about this last week already so this post will be brief, but I really have to reiterate how fantastic of a job Capcom and Armature did with this new port of such a classic game. Parts of the game that I was sure would be worked around or presented in some kind of strange third person fashion were routinely fully re-worked to be VR experiences through and through.

Resident Evil 4 drags a little bit near the end, this is something we all know, but I have to say, the VR element really revitalizes a lot of the parts of the final third of the game that grind on re-play. The fight with Krauser, for example, is a bit of an annoying cat and mouse game in the original version, but here, simply by the way you’re seeing the world, it becomes far more thrilling. The Regenaradors were always creepy, but never really that much of a threat once you figured out how to deal with them. Now though? Try turning a corner and seeing one of the Iron Maiden’s directly in your face, complete with that ragged breathing filling your ears with 3D audio, it’s intense!

Even that big Jet Ski escape has more work put into it than you’d ever expect! Hell, I would have forgiven them for skipping over that one, I can’t imagine any game dev would want to design a full VR seadoo section for the twenty seconds it’s active, but they did it! They went above and beyond with this version of the game, and now when I go back to play RE4 as I tend to do once a year, this version is going to be in hot contention with the original as the preferred experience, that’s for sure!

Oh, but they did remove the part where Ashley awkwardly comes onto Leon at the end, only for him to brutally reject her , so maybe actually this is the worst version of the game?

Bread’s Game Journal 01/13/22: VR Himbo Simulator, Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Resident Evil 4 VR

I thought of opening up this post with “Why does Resident Evil 4 Work As Well As It Does?”, but that’s a bad question, because why wouldn’t it? When RE4 VR was announced it was certainly bizarre, a high profile VR port of one of the best games to ever exist? And it’s exclusive to the Facebook VR headset? For a game that gets ported to pretty much everything, why go exclusive on one VR headset now? So naturally, a lot of people assumed the worst about the quality of the actual port.

Those people were wrong, as were any of us who doubted that Capcom could pull this off. Resident Evil 4 VR is an actual triumph of porting an old game into an entirely new medium. Far from awkwardly jamming an old game into a totally new format and letting modders pick up the slack *cough*SkyrimVR*cough*, RE4VR went through a head to toe makeover to fit into VR. That said, it’s still entirely identifiable as RE4, in spite of what I just said. The spirit of the game remains exactly the same, even if the way you’re engaging with it has fundamentally changed the playing field.

The Ganado’s still act exactly the same as you know them too, but now you can react to them differently with the wider range of movement at your command. You have two hands and can dual wield weapons if you like, but that of course trades out your ability to effectively reload. All your weapons are dynamically located in the places you’d expect them to be, and reaching for them based on feel alone becomes second nature.

Instead of the hasty port that we feared, RE4VR has far more in common with Half Life Alyx, which in my eyes, is no small feat. It’s a full game, not a fleeting experience that some people often classify VR as as. It has a sense of immersion and scale that, despite the obviously aged textures and environments, makes the whole experience feel new again. And that’s really saying a lot for a game that’s been ported to almost every console released in the last 17 years.

I know it’s not the most easily accessible game in the world, but if you do have an Oculus/Meta Quest 2, and for some reason you haven’t already bought RE4 VR, you really owe this one to yourself.

Bread’s Game Journal 01/09/22: It’s Weird That I Like VR This Much Right?

Over the last year or so I’ve become a very avid fan of VR gaming. As a medium it has a sense of immersion and a sort of theatricality that traditionally video games just can’t replicate, no matter how hard they tried. Thinking about it though, it’s pretty funny that it’s a medium I’m as into as I am.

Tearing apart VR into the individual base concepts that make it work seems to create a bunch of disparate things that I never really liked. I never thought 3D movies were worth the headache they would invariably give me, and I’ve been a pretty staunch “motion controls usually just make games worse” kind of guy, but both of those things are core to why VR works at all. Maybe the two needed to be combined, maybe it’s because I get to explore the 3D space of my own volition, maybe it’s because motion controls in VR involve the entire body, who knows. All I know is that I love it, and think it might be the actual future of video games in the end.

I received an Oculus Quest 2 for Christmas, and I’ve been going pretty hard on a handful of games for it. Pistol Whip, Until You Fall and Resident Evil 4 VR all fill niches that, a little over a year ago, I never really knew I desperately needed. I can dodge bullets to the beat in Pistol Whip, sword fight monsters in Until You Fall, and finally live out my fantasies of being the world most successful himbo in Resident Evil 4 VR.

VR is something that I’m really not sure it makes sense for me to like this much, but I’m glad I do. I’m glad that all these disparate things could come together in a way that clicks in my brain. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to continue to juggling my guns in RE4 VR, like you just know canonically Leon does constantly.

Killin spooky castle dwellers and hunting for treasure.

Killin spooky castle dwellers and hunting for treasure.

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Yes, I do love blue tones. Just a render I did a while ago for Leon and Claire.

Posing and rendering in Blender Cycles, edits in Photoshop.
All Models and logos © by their respective owner’s! Fanart only!
No copyright infringement intended! I am not making any profit with this picture!
Don’t edit, repost or claim as your own!

This one was fun to do since it had a sort of lighting I barely use and it gave me a chance to play around with the rebuild Vendetta-design.

Posing and rendering in Blender Cycles, edits in Photoshop.
All Models and logos © by their respective owner’s! Fanart only!
No copyright infringement intended! I am not making any profit with this picture!
Don’t edit, repost or claim as your own!

A day too late, but happy new year to all of you out there! And yes, I know this is not really the picture for it, but that is what my render stock had available!

Posing and rendering in Blender Cycles, edits in Photoshop.
All Models and logos © by their respective owner’s! Fanart only!
No copyright infringement intended! I am not making any profit with this picture!
Don’t edit, repost or claim as your own!

Just a concept and a play in Blender since I wanted to test some settings in the compositor for bloom and glow effects.

Posing and rendering in Blender Cycles, edits in Photoshop.
All Models and logos © by their respective owner’s! Fanart only!
No copyright infringement intended! I am not making any profit with this picture!
Don’t edit, repost or claim as your own!

This one was a first initial test for particle hair that I made. Since I don’t post my renders in chronological order, I have used it a few times already but that was actually the first. I’m still working on the shaders so, since I had to flip some stuff afterwards.

Posing and rendering in Blender Cycles, edits in Photoshop.
All Models and logos © by their respective owner’s! Fanart only!
No copyright infringement intended! I am not making any profit with this picture!
Don’t edit, repost or claim as your own!

Some more random Leon-screenshots from Resident Evil 2 Remake.

Screenshots taken in RE2Remake, tools by FransBouma.

Like I mentioned before - I do have a slight blue streak, mostly on Leon and my RE-works. Anyways… have some Leon and Claire.

Posing and rendering in Blender Cycles, edits in Photoshop.
All Models and logos © by their respective owner’s! Fanart only!
No copyright infringement intended! I am not making any profit with this picture!
Don’t edit, repost or claim as your own!

I do realize right now that I have a heavy tendency to pictures with a blue lighting and blue tint. Maybe I should actually think about that in the future and try something else, but don’t be surprised if that blue streak continues for a bit.

Anyways, saw the outfit and found it rather fitting for Leon, so I parked him into it and I definitely like it. As for the picture itself: Maybe he’s scouting the area after an outbreak, looking for information or survivors.

Posing and rendering in Blender Cycles, edits in Photoshop.
All Models and logos © by their respective owner’s! Fanart only!
No copyright infringement intended! I am not making any profit with this picture!
Don’t edit, repost or claim as your own!

Yes, I’m still testing shaders and some other bits and pieces. Improvements on textures and other stuff and I do that step by step, outfit by outfit. Anyways, have some smug looking Leon.

Posing and rendering in Blender Cycles, edits in Photoshop.
All Models and logos © by their respective owner’s! Fanart only!
No copyright infringement intended! I am not making any profit with this picture!
Don’t edit, repost or claim as your own!

Some more screenshots from Leon in Resident Evil 2 Remake.

Tools by Frans Bouma

Two in black/white and two in normal… blue I guess. Leon S. Kennedy in some different stages in Resident Evil 2 Remake. The first one of these four is still my personal favorite.

Screenshots taken in Resident Evil 2 Remake; Tools by Frans Bouma

Don’t edit, repost or claim as your own!
