#lets go outside


where at all possible imma need the queers to interact w their community offline instead of thinking the internet houses the entirety of us. just…learm some history. watch some documentaries, read some books, hear from some elders. Even connect w the local community online (like over video call) in a way that exposes you to more of the community and culture than just bumblr.co so everyone has a more rounded understanding. the offline queer community is beautiful and the niche discourses over miniscule stuff you see online is not a reflection of how the community is as a whole.

it used to be that if someone thought you were also queer, they’d ask “are you family?” and we need to revive that energy as much as possible. no more interrogating people about their identities, just the solidarity that built our community.

Hiking in Mount Diablo State Park was one of the goals for last year. So on an early foggy morning wHiking in Mount Diablo State Park was one of the goals for last year. So on an early foggy morning wHiking in Mount Diablo State Park was one of the goals for last year. So on an early foggy morning wHiking in Mount Diablo State Park was one of the goals for last year. So on an early foggy morning wHiking in Mount Diablo State Park was one of the goals for last year. So on an early foggy morning wHiking in Mount Diablo State Park was one of the goals for last year. So on an early foggy morning w

Hiking in Mount Diablo State Park was one of the goals for last year. So on an early foggy morning we made the drive down to the park and bundled up and hiked the Eagle Peak Trail. While the views along the trail were gorgeous, the view from the top of the peak was a bit hard to see with all the fog. But we did complete the over 2000 foot elevation gain in the seven miles and I was able to check this off my goals list. I loved seeing all the frost on the leaves lining the trail in the early morning and the bits of fog still lingering in the valley.

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