#its so important


where at all possible imma need the queers to interact w their community offline instead of thinking the internet houses the entirety of us. just…learm some history. watch some documentaries, read some books, hear from some elders. Even connect w the local community online (like over video call) in a way that exposes you to more of the community and culture than just bumblr.co so everyone has a more rounded understanding. the offline queer community is beautiful and the niche discourses over miniscule stuff you see online is not a reflection of how the community is as a whole.

it used to be that if someone thought you were also queer, they’d ask “are you family?” and we need to revive that energy as much as possible. no more interrogating people about their identities, just the solidarity that built our community.


I just can’t get over how healthyrapunzel and eugene’s relationship is in before ever after ??????

  • eugene being 100% open about his feelings with no hesitation. little boys seeing this swashbuckling hero being emotionally vulnerable is so important.
  • both of them admitting when they’re wrong without making excuses. they explain themselves for communication purposes, but they don’t hesitate to apologize and mean it.
  • just the pure trustbetween the two of them and the fact that rapunzel wanted to tell eugene everything and only didn’t to protect cassandra and respect her privacy
  • and she doesn’t get mad at eugene for wanting to know what’s going on!! she knows he cares and she doesn’t make him feel guilty for that, she just thanks him for understanding and asks him to be patient with her
  • eugene!!! not pushing her even though it bothers him that she won’t tell him!!! he tells her that it bothers him but he still doesn’t blame her, he doesn’t try to guilt her into it. he explains how he feels but he insists that it’s okay for her to take her time.
  • just how much they communicate with each other in general??? all their “this is how I feel” conversations when so many fictional relationships are built on lack of communication for conflict????
  • “you’re my best friend”
  • they just want each other to be happy and have everything they want and i’m cryin

i just love that kids get to see this supportive and healthy relationship where they communicate with each other instead of two people who fight all the time for comedy like I see in so many shows ???? it’s so good and important bye

update: Have been rewatching Star Trek TOS.

Every time Spock calls Kirk ‘Jim’ I cry.
