
Languages that use “ciao” or a similar version descended from Italian as a greeting or an informal g

Languages that use “ciao” or a similar version descended from Italian as a greeting or an informal goobye

Present in: Portuguese (tchau), Spanish from Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica, Catalan, Sicilian, Maltese, Venetian, Lombard, Romansh, German (tschau), Swiss German, every Slavic language except Polish and Belarussian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian (tsau), Greek, Albanian (qao), Romanian (ceau), Hungarian (csaó), Somali, Amharic, Tigrinya, Malaysian. The Vietnamese “chào” is not related to Italian, so it’s unmarked there. 

Edit: the map only includes those languages that use ‘ciao’ as the most common informal way of greeting/goodbye, not as part of slang, argots or people who use it just to sound cool. For example, in Portuguese, Maltese or Latvian it has surpassed the older forms of saying goodbye in informal situations for all social classes. 

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amandaonwriting:We all need to do our writing apprenticeships. We all have to make a living while


We all need to do our writing apprenticeships. We all have to make a living while we write our books. Have you considered trying one of these writing jobs?

From The Write Life Magazine

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My grandfather doesn’t use the word “calories” when talking about food…he uses the word “value” instead. I was eating fruit for lunch and he said “if you’re going for a run later you need something more valuable”. I sat there for a while just thinking about the way he said that. Change out a negative word with a positive one and you’ll see start seeing positive change.

Idk I have never thought of calories as a negative term. It’s just a useful way to describe the energy content food has.

Also high cal doesn’t necessarily mean valueable, so that word doesn’t seem to make sense when talking about food.

Pericellular~ adj.

Surrounding a cell.

Knockkneed~ adj.

having the knees abnormally close together, and the ankles spread apart

Finickity~ adj.

Fastidious and fussy; difficult to please; exacting, especially about details; meticulous and particular.

Uxoricide~ n.

One who murders his or her wife.

Soucouyant~ n.

A night witch who sucks people’s blood, sheds her skin, and can turn herself into a ball of fire and fly.

Reremouse~ n.

A bat (flying mammal)

Iconism~ n.

The formation of a figure, representation, or semblance; a delineation or description.

Extralogical~ adj.

Outside of the domain of logic.

Clape~ n.

A bird, the flicker.

Asternal~ adj.

Not sternal; said of ribs that do not join the sternum.

Tectorial~ adj.

serving to cover something

Semiflexible~ adj.

Partially flexible (and partially rigid)

Reutilize~ v.

To use or utilize something again, or for another purpose

Nondeclared~ adj.

Not declared.

Disinhabited~ adj.


Onium~ n.

any cation derived by the addition of a proton to the hydride of any element of the nitrogen, chalcogen or halogen families

Nonpermitted~ adj.


Noncontender~ n.

One who is not a viable contender.
