#lgbtq historical fiction


Dates Volume 3 has been nominated for an Ignatz award!

We’re both so profoundly honored and proud of all our contributors. They poured their hearts into their stories and illustrations and made this book something that can stand alongside those other incredible names.

Voting for this award is open to the public, and ends on the 9th, so if you’ve enjoyed our tales of joyous historical queerness, maybe click this link to be sent a ballot! And if you haven’t checked it out yet you can do so here.

And of course thank you to everyone who backed this book on Kickstarter and helped bring it to life.

Much love,

Zora and Cat

Dates 3: Inks!Inks are the second-to-last checkin we schedule out for our artists, and just like penDates 3: Inks!Inks are the second-to-last checkin we schedule out for our artists, and just like penDates 3: Inks!Inks are the second-to-last checkin we schedule out for our artists, and just like penDates 3: Inks!Inks are the second-to-last checkin we schedule out for our artists, and just like pen

Dates 3: Inks!

Inks are the second-to-last checkin we schedule out for our artists, and just like pencils and thumbnails, everyone does them differently. Some folks make really heavy use of spot blacks (Sonia and Sparklenaut, the first and fourth images), and others mostly just outline shapes and plan on doing the bulk of their rendering with tones. Regardless, inks are when we see pages start to really firm up and settle into their final form, which is always super exciting for us as editors!

The pages above are from stories by (in order): @sonialiaoart,@ametalias,@fawnprinceling, and @sparklenautarts&@basaliskwrites

You can see some Dates 3 thumbnailsandpencils in our process tag, and dig into our contributor feature thread on twitter to find the final versions of some of these pages! And, since there are just 10 days left in the campaign:

Go back Dates: An Anthology of Queer Historical Fiction, Volume 3 on Kickstarter now!

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