

Ok gays be honest:

How many types of tea are in your cupboard right now?

Beloved Monsters is my current, partially explored series of oil portraits exploring the sympathies of sexual and gender minorities and neurodiverse cyborgs with the archetypes of storied and feared mythical creatures. Kickstarter selling catalogs, prints and originals to cover models, supplies, my labor, printing and exhibition costs, runs through June, all or nothing, back what you can and share widely! ‍♀️‍♀️‍♂️‍♀️‍♀️

I marched in the Montreal Pride March yesterday

Inside the Landmark, Long Overdue Study on Chest Binding“Based on our preliminary analysis, fo

Inside the Landmark, Long Overdue Study on Chest Binding

“Based on our preliminary analysis, for most participants, binding was a positive experience and led to improvements in mood and self-esteem, minimized gender dysphoria, anxiety, and depression, and helped them to feel in control of their bodies. In fact, some reported that a positive impact on emotional and behavioral health makes the physical discomfort of binding worth it.”

This is being called the first medical research study on chest binding. Great news that research is focusing on something that impacts the daily lives of many queer and trans people!

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Influential Medical Journal Devotes Series To Transgender Health IssuesThe Lancet has published a sp

Influential Medical Journal Devotes Series To Transgender Health Issues

The Lancet has published a special supplement on Transgender Health, which includes advice for health care professionals as well as calls for greater public health action towards stronger anti-discrimination policies policies, more gender-inclusive schools, bans on “conversion” therapies, increased access to affirming health care and surgery, as well as direction for further academic study, including prioritizing research in Asia,the Middle East, and Africa, and assessing the interplay between gender affirming therapies and interventions for chronic disease (e.g. in the case of diabetes).

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