#life after divorce


That moment when someone asks you how you are and you smile and say “Really, really well.” but secretly you’re dying inside.

single life update

Intentionally undefined relationship with multi-racial, polysexual, aromantic man still going strong. Asked for a drawer in December and got it. It’s fully stocked with anything I may need while at his house. I adore him. The feeling seems to be mutual.

Interest in Latina trans*woman still strong but we have moved to a friendship I’d prefer not to fuck up by trying to have a relationship with. Especially since she is significantly younger than me.

Now in casual relationship with male presenting, non-binary, polyamorous person I’ve seen four times. He’s fun and quirky and a little bit naive and kind of adorable.

Chosen not to look or date anyone else for a while. Two steady relationships, regardless of definition are all I can manage with my schedule.

I love that my life now includes saying “I’m headed to Planned Parenthood to pick up expired condoms for a sex ed class at my church.”
