
Sister Fate. I love the Sanguine ink from Sennelier, it truly looks like blood;) #inktober #inktober

Sister Fate. I love the Sanguine ink from Sennelier, it truly looks like blood;)
#inktober #inktober2018 #thread #fate #thefates #fatesisters #inkdrawing #life #cut #end #lifespan #moira #mythology #humanfate #sennelier #sennelierink #sanguine #gold #scissors

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I’m looking around at the world’s oldest dog/horse/cat/etc. and keep seeing the same thing.

“This [insert animal] lived for this many years - equaling 200 human years!!!”

1) I think that should be dog/horse/cat years, not “human years”. 12 months is a human year. A 10 year old dog is 10 human years, but ~70 dogyears.

Moving on.

2) Please just move on from the idea of thinking that the lifespan of animals can be neatly calculated from human lifespans. Our life cycles are completely different. The “1 human year is 7 dog years” is only a very rough guide, it’s not a translation.

If it were real, then yes, the world’s oldest dog would have lived just over “200 dog years” (29.5 years). Obviously that doesn’t make sense. (Also, since dogs at the age of 1 are sexually mature teenagers, not puppies, it would make more sense to say year 1 is like 14 dog years, while after that, it’s 7 per year…)

Parrots for example. Large parrots can live for over 80 years, possibly 100, like humans. But they are sexually mature at the age of two, and mentally mature adults, at the age of 8-10 (speculative, I don’t have sources on this - it’s a lot earlier than the human adulthood at 20-25 anyway).

While we are sexually mature at roughly 14 years.
So you see, we obviously cannot compare the two life cycles.

In contrast, our closest ape relatives are sexually mature just a little earlier than humans, or the same time (orangutans seem the closest), yet with modern care and medicine, they top out at around 62 years - only half the maximum lifespan of humans.

So those were two pet peeves of mine.

It’s not “human years”, and you can’t directly compare human and non-human lifespans and life cycles.

currentsinbiology: Why Red Coral and Other Deep Sea Animals Can Live Over 500 Years If you were a re


Why Red Coral and Other Deep Sea Animals Can Live Over 500 Years

If you were a red coral, you’d have enough time to fulfill several bucket lists before you died. Though it’s hard to figure out what you’d put on them.

The red coral, which can live for five hundred years, is one of several marine species that make human lifespans look like a blink of the eye by comparison. In a new study, scientists have honed in on what enables some of these marine species to live for hundreds of years.

The stability of the deep sea environment likely helps deep-dwelling species live longer.

Staying put has its merits as well.

“Being sessile seems to correlate with at least the potential for longevity in marine animals as well as terrestrial plants,” Doak says.

Another factor, Monterro-Serra notes, is that these sessile species are clonal. They “form a colony of multiple units that are genetically identical, called polyps in the case of corals and gorgonians.”

Read more by selecting link above.

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Tina Aumont as Anna in Lifespan (Alexander (Sandy) Whitelaw, 1975).Tina Aumont as Anna in Lifespan (Alexander (Sandy) Whitelaw, 1975).

Tina Aumont as Anna in Lifespan (Alexander (Sandy) Whitelaw, 1975).

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Why Sitting Too Much Can Kill You!

Many of us work hard to take care of our bodies by eating healthy and exercising, but new research says that it might not be enough! Laci reports on a new study that says that the amount of time we spend sitting is killing us!

viaDNews Channel.

#science    #health    #physiology    #lifespan    #sitting    