#like a lot of it


Halfway: Chapter XV

Craig and Kenny make a shocking discovery in the guard tower, and last-minute plans are made out of desperation.

We’re at the final stretch lads. I’ve been nervous to wrap this up just because it’s been such a huge part of my life and the ending is probably not going to please everyone- I have decided I need to just post anyway and go with my gut! I hope you like what my gut has to offer.

(Heed the fic tags. You’ve been warned.)

Kenny met up with him a few blocks away from his house, the truck rumbling as quietly as it could manage in the late twilight that blanketed them in magenta. “We’re gonna leave the truck behind us, else the engine’ll alert ‘em right away,” he explained, which Craig agreed with after some thought. Making a quick getaway would be more difficult on foot, but perhaps they could manage. Hopefully his lack of exercise and proper nutrition would miraculously subside, when faced with certain death otherwise.

By the time they made it to the base of the hill which raised the makeshift border above them, it was nearly completely dark. There was just enough light for Craig to make everything out, but also just enough darkness to make it difficult to do so. It was the perfect condition for attempting to sneak around without night vision. Then, Kenny reached into his jacket pocket, and pulled out a small firecracker.

The implications hit Craig slowly. He smacked at Kenny’s arm before words could reach him. “Don’t fucking do it, dumbass,” he hissed, “you’ll get yourself killed.”

“Do you know a better fuckin’ option?” Kenny challenged, his brow furrowed and his eyes scarier than Craig had noticed prior. There was almost a glow to them, something strange and ultraviolet and menacing that had him cringing beyond his control.

“Just be careful,” he offered weakly, and Kenny nodded, once.

Continue on AO3 here!
