#ling qi


Xi:How do I say I asked him to have a future with me in the least gayest way possible to my traditional family?

Congress said the next stimulus check will be a single Ling Qi poster.

New chapter be like twf when boo comes back and compliments you but the period cramps start.

Siming: “Jinghua, didn’t you say that you can help settle arguments? Why aren’t you doing that?”

Jinghua: “Well Xi did say it would be best if I don’t get involved?”

Also Jinghua: *grabs a guy’s shirt* LISTEN HERE YOU PUNK!

When your partner has been the most affectionate and intimate solely with you, who also declared love for you, made love to you and asked you not to take another, yet still call themselves single. 

*Inside Xi’s mind* WHO’S SINGLE NOW!!

Store clerk: “Uh sir, you need a mask to enter this store.”

Xiren: “But I am wearing one?”

Store clerk: “A uh, face mask.”

Xiren: “I am wearing one though?”

Store clerk: *sighs* “A face covering, you know? Like what I’m wearing?”

Xiren: “Right…”

When you are cuddling your bf and you feel it pop up


Geeeeeez, that was hard! >< The last time I had such troubles with a chapter was with Zhangxuan’s physics lecture! Me and Elena from Ling Qi group basically did the panels together, one by one, so that took some time. But at least everything is correct.

So, Jue is definitely dead (really reminds me of that time in Winx comics when Will destroyed Phobos spirit). Now question is, is this the end of Jinghua’s rampage or definitely not? Xi, wake up!! We all know you are not dead, stop pretending! Wake up and turn Jinghua back to normal!!

If you like my Ling Qi translations, you can buy me a Kofi ;) I know that pandemic isn’t really a good time to ask for donations but if you can, toss a coin to your translator!

The link is on my profile and the doc file! For finding the doc file, go to my profile on Tumblr desktop and click on “Ling Qi translations” - you will find the link with all translations there. Thanks for coming <3

Okay and now we know that Jue’s body is still alive because Jinghua smashed only his soul. I know it sounds cruel but i think it would be better if he could destroy this crazy, sadistic kid entirely - no one would ever asked or looked for Jue again anyways (except probably for Dr.Sen). Uh, sadly his empty body will now acts only as another evidence of Jinghua berserk-demon mode… I don’t want them to punish him(/ω\) 


https://youtu.be/lr6WRHsTq7w SCEAMS! I hope a sub group will pick it up when it comes out!

I’m on cloud 9! I still can’t believe we’ll be able to see and to hear it VERY SOON!!

【一日为灵,终生为影】♡ ♡ ♡


“Let’s make love, right here right now!”


Yeah and then Ping Zi gave us this Jinghua kitten


Just found these while browsing for Ling Qi content✨

Yes, you can find more beautiful Ling Qi/Spiritpact official content on the author’s page on  Weibo.com  User: @瓶瓶君


This chapter was pretty darn sexy! And another kiss to add to the counter! ❤️

I wonder if the knives have ended though… or are they just hiding beneath the sexiness?

Another chapter added to my fav. Jinghua reached here the absolute of physical affection (so far!). I can’t express how I love seeing him so confident! 
