#literally me



sometimes i get in these intensely inspired, hedonistic, academic, poetic moods and i desperately wish i had a group of friends who i could engage in intellectual debauchery with.


i feel attacked.


favorite and most relatable posts from my queen bugeater1101


this unironically


if you want me to consume a new media you MUST catch me at the exact moment when the stars are aligned and the air pressure is equal to the current degree of the sun’s peak against the horizon and all the cosmic energies are perfectly unified (aka my old interest is fading out) or i will nod and say “im adding that to my list!” Knowing theres no chance i will check it out


‘I’M JUST A KID AND LIFE IS A NIGHTMARE’ i scream at the age of 23 as i’m forced to make adult phonecalls


spoilers for a game that came out 15 years ago but i LOVE playing bioshock cause when atlas shows up i go yaaaaaay atlas my friend atlas we’re gonna be friends forever and then. well. and i’m surprised every time inexplicably


redacted has ruined my life im incapable of even existing without my brain being stupid like ‘haha ordering pizza just like in those videos thats so funny’ HELP ME

patamon: Simu Liu feeling like an imposter on the Oscar red carpetpatamon: Simu Liu feeling like an imposter on the Oscar red carpet


Simu Liu feeling like an imposter on the Oscar red carpet

Post link
filmtv:I mean how many more friends does a guy need?filmtv:I mean how many more friends does a guy need?


I mean how many more friends does a guy need?

Post link


i say ‘anyway’ and ‘so like’ to start sentences the entire day as if i were havin the same conversation even though i am speaking to totally different people and the truth is i am having one conversation it is just a constant dialogue with me and the universe and whatever victims it offers me

We do it for the feeling, right?

#ballet    #literally me    #lizard    #how i am    


me: this fic is VIBES ONLY. nothing but the vibes matter, who cares if I specify the setting or year????

also me about the exact same fic: If I do not know the specific model of lantern used in lighthouses that were in operation in the mid 1800′s as well as what type of fuel they burned then this entire story will crumble apart




*vibrating* it’s the cowboy witch poem it’s the cowboy witch poem it’s the cowboy witch poem


ideal career: gay trophy husband
