#little nightmares


[AU] Little Nightmares: Dark Fate PART 10


PLOT TWIST HAHAHAHA and you thinking you were RK, you little fools ;)

First of all, I know you guys wanted to see more about Mono and his friends, but I didn’t put much emphasis as there wasn’t going to be anything important after his conversation with Wendy and I was too scared to screw up too much. So I decided to speed things up a little bit.

I hope you enjoyed, like, comment and share if you want the comics to continue give a little support on Ko-fi (I gave an interesting warning there).

[AU] Little Nightmares: Dark Fate PART 9

A somewhat quiet chapter to prepare for the psychological horror of Part 10. Part 9 focuses a bit on Mono’s feelings towards Six and introducing “new” characters in the Dark Fate universe. The characters are: Wendy/Spoon (remembering that Wendy is a made-up name), Lollipop boy, Todd/Toddler, Ghost and Lily (a good bullie). Thank you so much for reading it, I hope you enjoyed it! Like, comment, share and don’t forget to support Ko-fi for more parts.

[AU] Little Nightmares: Dark Fate Part 8

OW OW, I BACK AFTER A LONG time, what’s up guys? I arrived with another part of this blessed comic that everyone was waiting for, I apologize for the delay. It just came out of the oven and it’s still pretty hot; like, comment, share and stop by my Ko-fi if possible!

PS: This name will be VERYimportant…

Bog girl as her name implies spends most of her time in the muddy swamps and knows how to get around, so here she’s guiding “The Captain” through one of the mud swamps. There were likely hidden depths in the nasty mire and Bog Girl was surprisingly skilled in figuring out where it was safe to step whenever she goes wading in deep mud… However, Bog Girl is surprised to see the Captain promptly wading through the bog as if it was just water…

Bog Girl is my OC

The Captain belongs to @ask-the-captains-crew

Question to @ask-the-captains-crew: Does the Captain not mind getting dirty sometimes?


@luckykdp7 also wanted to know how The Ghost would react to meeting The Bog Girl

The Ghost is pretty confused by the small child and her leech friends. Yet there is something that is familiar. Perhaps she remembers when she too was a small child?

I also imagine the children don’t much care for The Ghost using her powers to make them hover in the air.


As stated previously, a friend and I have been replaying Little Nightmares 2 lately (Which I must say definitely has to be one of my absolute favorite horror games ever), and I ended up making a little sona/OC cause why not lol.

For now, Imma just call her Nine.

~★Reblogs greatly appreciated!★~

~ღ*Do Not Repost*ღ~


@luckykdp7 asked if The Captain would like to meet The Bog Girl.

Well, Captain hates the leeches and would probably squish the leeches. She likes the child, but sometimes it really doesn’t pay to have a strong sense of smell. Perhaps a bath? And then Captain might be more open to the child.

~Stinky child is stinky! She’s super cute though! Thank you for the ask!!!~

 「リトルナイトメア」「LITTLENIGHTMARES」より Twitter【@VerNanainai 】



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