#little nightmares artwork


I just found this old comic in my saved gallery on ibis paint i dont know why i abandoned it. It looks good. Im gonna finish it now

Posting a filler and sneakpeek for my LN2 anniversary post For those that don’t know; the anniversary is on the 11th c: I’m aiming to get this done before that!

So for now, you guys get to admire The Teacher in all her wrinkly glory

Aren’t you tired of running?

Aren’t you tired of hiding?

The North Wind is such an interesting character despite there being so little information on him.

However, I took it into hands to try and smack a human form on him! This design IS loosely based off of a design previously made by @wdcee!

Enjoy this evil bird man.

Now now Northwind, it’s not very nice to use a child and her abilities to search for things.

Sketch I decided to slap some color on c: Northwind’s using Seer here as a ‘guiding eye’ to assist him in finding Six and Mono. Uh oh.

Animatic I was making a year ago but ultimately abandoned because I got too self conscious about it maybe being cringy.

I found it back and blew some fresh air into it; enjoy!

The song is Pitiful Children from the Be More Chill musical!

Finished my little Six made out of clay!

She’s super grimy and bloody since this is supposed to be her right after the ending of Little Nightmares 1, yknow, after her shenanigans >_>

Someone’s not exactly thrilled to be promoted to the new ‘Lady of the Maw’

I’m fighting art block atm, so I’m sorry if posts are scarce!! But have this sketch for now of Six
