#loki x stephen strange


My Incorrect Universe #85

*At a Bar*

*Bartender watching Loki, Bucky and Stephen taking turns and using really bad pick up lines on me as I scoff at every one of them*

Bartender *to me*: are these men bothering you?

Me *sighing*: yes, yes they are. But they’re my husbands so i pretty much signed up for this.


Bucky *leaning on the counter ready with the 30th pick up line of the night as the other two lean behind him*: Hey are you an Avenger?Because I think we should assemble. Our place, tomorrow maybe?

Me *placing my gun on the counter without even glancing at them*: 10…….

Loki: Ten pm? Oh darling that’s really kin-

Strange: How about all nigh-

Me: 9……

Winterstrangefrost : OH FUCK I’M SORRY-

Me: *cocks gun*

Winterstrangefrost: *Runs through a portal Stephen created while screaming*
