#lol omg




In 2006 AOL search logs got leaked and it was the funniest day in the history of the internet



#lol omg    


Incorrect Quotes: Supernatural//The Incredibles

“Greater good? I’m your wife! I’M THE GREATEST GOOD YOU’RE EVER GONNA GET”

 Didn’t care for the new LOL OMG Winter Chill, Camp Cutie doll, so I did a redesign. Pretty ha

Didn’t care for the new LOL OMG Winter Chill, Camp Cutie doll, so I did a redesign. Pretty happy with it, she matches her little sister more now I think!

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Chillax, my favorite LOL OMG doll <3

Chillax, my favorite LOL OMG doll <3

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Cool Lev has adopted mini Poo-chi

Also im so happy that barbie sized clothes fit Lev so well! I can experiment with more outfits for him :3

I find the barbie extra car to be the most obnoxious and ridiculous vehicle i’ve ever seen. And yet i absolutly ADORE IT! Its cute, over the top and fun. Plus i had a couple of not so great days, so i decided to treat myself

k-illua: Anya vs Anya in Damian’s POV: ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ - Damian Desmond’s edik-illua: Anya vs Anya in Damian’s POV: ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ - Damian Desmond’s edik-illua: Anya vs Anya in Damian’s POV: ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ - Damian Desmond’s edi


Anya vs Anya in Damian’s POV: 
‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ - Damian Desmond’s edition 

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I opened Miss Glam.

She fucking confetti bombed me.

Nobody warned me she had spring loaded fucking confetti inside the box. As soon as I opened the box it popped and confetti went everywhere!

At least it’s just paper but damn mga, what the fuck?

Do you want parents to lynch you?

A lot ended up on the floor as well as a bit over my foot as pictured. I was like “what?”

But yeah, three little spring fucking loaded boxes of confetti. Be warned!

I don’t only collect Bratz, this is a pretty diverse doll environment … where everyone loves donuts


This is the first doll photo taken with my new DSLR I’ve been using my phone camera for…pretty much 2 years at this point Here’s to a future of better quality pictures!





when i was in 3rd grade there was this girl named sydney who was really nice but everyone thought she was weird cause she was obsessed with horses and were kinda mean to her but anyways she let me borrow her aragon books an i could only read like 5 pages of that shit cause it was so boring, and she was like, i know you didnt read my aragon book, i mirror watched you last night and since then ive been absolutely fucking terrified

same year we had a zoo field trip, she and her mom offered to take me so i felt like i had to repay her so  i stole a fuck ton of snacks from everyones lunches while they were feeding the elephants then i asked her mom if we could eat in the canopy zone away from everyone else and i gave them all the snacks & her mom was like “are you a mischievous spirit that my daughter has befriended ??” i was like no im a third grader … right after that they moved. i think its my fault

They probably watch you occasionally to this day

she fucking better she said she would protect me from imps

Buying skater boy doll to get me thru not having a job


ed and mary meeting.

ed and mary becoming besties.

ed and mary shooting the shit about stede.

ed, eventually: ha ha yeah. crazy how good he is at sex though, right?? [big exhale] i mean, fuck, he wears me out sometimes y'know.

mary: i……….uh…that was not…? my experience??…..but i’m happy for you?????

Arcane is so good!

I’m going to draw a lot of fanarts

(especially Caitlyn&Vi)
