#spy x family manga



— to you, we will always return

Just finished re-reading Spy x Family and the newest chapter still hasn’t failed to made me cry.

Honestly it does make me want to write an assessment of how Loid might reveal his true name. I was also inspired by this lovely fan art as well.

I’ll probably will start writing about it tomorrow.

Anya reassuring her parents by patting their heads will always be cute!


One of my favorite things about Loid is that he reads the all of the Spy Wars manga for literally for no other reason than to be informed on what his daughter enjoys




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Anya’s Uncles/Auntie

“Seemingly Cold but Surprisingly soft” Auntie

“Fun Playmate” Uncle

“I’d argue with a 6 y/o IDGAF” Uncle

Manga spoilers cause as soon as I caught up to the anime I went. I’m not full yet and read all the Manga like some type of demon possessed.

I guess I’m one of the few who don’t really care about Damien (in the pairing way with Anya since she shows 0 interest.) But I do end up caring about him in the sense that his father is a really fucked up guy.

Wanna know who I’m ready to see. My little fucked up man Yor brother. He comes in like a fanfic writer like time to share one bed- KISS IN FRONT OF ME TO PROVE YOU ARE IN LOVE!!

That shits gonna break tumblr I legit can’t wait for this little fucked up man

k-illua: Anya vs Anya in Damian’s POV: ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ - Damian Desmond’s edik-illua: Anya vs Anya in Damian’s POV: ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ - Damian Desmond’s edik-illua: Anya vs Anya in Damian’s POV: ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ - Damian Desmond’s edi


Anya vs Anya in Damian’s POV: 
‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ - Damian Desmond’s edition 

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idk if it’s the atla fan in me, but when i read the manga for sxf i imagined becky’s voice to sound like azulas


World class spy-detective

SPY x FAMILY || EP. 5 ° CH. 6

‘Papa! Everything’s been so much fun since I left the orphanage. Because of you Papa. I’m going to work real hard at school.’

‘Are you now? Well then, I’ll just say… Congratulations.’

SPY x FAMILY || CH. 5 ° EP. 4

‘A spy never relies upon anyone but himself, and a spy never plans for any outcome but the worst. That said, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to feel just a tiny bit—’

SPY x FAMILY || EP. 6 ° CH. 8

You hit… a boy?’

And not just a boy, but Desmond’s son?!’

A demerit on orientation day… and her relationship with Damian is already shot.’

SPY x FAMILY || EP. 3 ° CH. 3

“Well, I suppose if she saw us that way… then we’ve made progress. Barely one percent of the way, but… progress.”

SPY x FAMILY || EP. 2 ° CH. 2

“For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health… I pledge myself to you.”


So, we know that Twilight works for WISE on behalf of Westalis. What about Thorn Princess, is she affiliated with a specific nation? Do we know?

Okay so spoilers for the Manga obviously and I might mix some analysis/thoughts

Yor works for “The Garden” a paramilitary entity affiliated to Ostania.

So far we’ve met two other members, The Director who is another assassin and seemingly slighter higher rank than Yor or at least seems so far to be moreless like a mentor at times and The Shopkeeper which is the guy that asigns her her missions.

So far we haven’t seen any of our three principal organizations interact (SSS, Garden and WISE) but they seemingly also work for World Peace or as Shopkeeper had put it “So the world can remain a beautiful place” which means they could be in a place similar to Wise not outright being enemies but favouring their country peace over other stuff albeit slightly.

This means that while yes SSS, Wise and Garden all form an enemy triangle it also means their objectives align to some extent and I wouldn’t be surprised if Wise and Garden do have similar ends, which means Twilight and Thorn Princess might or not be enemies depending on their circumstances, which also mean they could be allies, the most impediment we’ve seen is their organizations leaning towards their respective countries and that Wise seems to work way more with information and perception while Garden leans towards the more gruesome, violent missions which funnily enough also compliments them (SSS has both things, however SSS being affiliated directly under the government makes it inherently corrupted and putting first their country over the others)

If you haven’t read the manga then I recommend it since we’re still pretty far away from seeing Yor’s actively take on her job on the anime.
