#long black hair

Madame KyraDisciplinarianDuesseldorf, Germanywww.madamekyra.de

Madame Kyra


Duesseldorf, Germany


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1. Ofärgat Ronja Rövardotter-hår.

2. Tadaaa, färgat Ronja Rövardotter-hår i ametist-ton. Valde inte det svartaste svarta, korpsvart, vantablack men till hösten tänker jag mig det som en fin kontrast. Stor planer, ni hör va. Fräknar och ögonfransarna i filter nr 2 tänkte jag testa att göra verklighet utav. Borde man även testa en gardin-lugg? Är verkligen inte för det där med att styla hår så man vill inte måla in sig i ett hörn.

”Tuffa” beslut. Sagt sarkastiskt. Beslut kan man återkomma till på söndag. Vet inte vad jag ska tycka om Sveriges beslut i NATO-frågan, även fast det känns högst troligt. Men inget är sagt just i detta nu. Invasion ifrån ryssarna har dock simulerats i ett SVT-program innan Ryssland startade kriget i Ukraina. Och dom svar som gavs var inte tydliga nog. Snarare märker man att det finns ingen tydlighet. Den ena säger si den andra så. Si säger sammanfattande att man kan ge upp i kriget typ och den andra (vilket kommer ifrån militären och ÄR den enda sanningen) om att alla uppgifter om att Sverige ger upp ska ses som falska. Vi kommer aldrig att ge upp.

Nä, ska inte fastna med tankarna nu, så lätt hänt en regnig kväll. Måste sova och dagen har varit lång. Längre än lidandet i Passion Of The Christ. Min telefon ville skriva Christian haha. Godnatt



Based on fanon I was starting to think Katniss’s hair was not straight, because we know she isn’t white, but this jumped out at me. Now I know where I got my original visual from which included straight hair. I honestly got the sense that Seam folks were descendants of indigenous tribes.

Another clue on K’s hair being straight. I didn’t picture it as being glossy pin straight but maybe that’s wrong. Why else would she describe the braids as silky?

ETA: yep, was wrong

@lovely-tothe-bone - Can we collaborate on meta? :) You keep pipping me to the post (pun intended :P) on things I’ve come across awhile back and mean to bring up but just don’t have the time or energy to pounce on fast enough.

I’ve always envisioned Katniss as having straight black hair that lends silky rather than coarse, especially once she has access to Capitol products. That said, she describes the braids her mother plaits as “silky” but in the reaping prep remarks (emphasis mine)I scrub off the dirt and sweat from the woods and even wash my hair. Which implies that 

a) it’s a big deal for Katniss to wash her hair (which makes sense if fuel for heating water is scarce and her hair is long) and 

b) Katniss’s hair is silky even when she washes it for the first time in days/weeks, probably using lye soap or something equally unglamorous/stripping.

So what really splits my head open is the fact that she wears her hair in ringlets- at least TWICE!! - in Catching Fire

My hair is pinned back from my face and falling down my back in a shower of ringlets. (p. 58)

Creamy lace and pink roses and ringlets. (from the wedding photo shoot, p. 166)

I’ve known a few girls with straight silky hair and it won’t hold curl whatsoever - sometimes won’t even take a perm! I won’t deny the Capitol’s scientific advancements but…they can make sleek straight silky hair into RINGLETS?!?

I figured some of you may not have a Pixiv, so here~ Have a teaser. :3For those of you who may be wo

I figured some of you may not have a Pixiv, so here~ Have a teaser. :3

For those of you who may be wondering, yes~ she’s my OC… in development. She doesn’t have a name yet. (;´Д`)

Once again, here’s the link to the full image:


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