

Lonnie: You know what your problem is?

Catra: Really hoping you’ll tell me.

Lonnie: You think you’re better than us. You always have, even when we were kids. But the truth is, you’re just as messed up as the rest of us. We’re all you have… And you know it.

Catra: I don't think I’m better than you, Lonnie; I know I am. I’ve done unimaginable things. Things you couldn’t even comprehend.

saccharinerose: I memed. Drawing K/yle drowning in the background was very cathartic ☺️(original)


I memed.
Drawing K/yle drowning in the background was very cathartic ☺️


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cleaning up the rest of my cards the deck is available on kickstarter!https://www.kickstarter.com/pr

cleaning up the rest of my cards

the deck is available on kickstarter!

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the boyfriends have the imp baby thE BOYFRIENDS HAVE THE IMP BABY

Lonnie as She-Ra for a kofi!

Lonnie as She-Ra for a kofi!

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artofkace: Scorpia/lonnie (sconnie??) for a ko-fi request!! they cute :D


Scorpia/lonnie (sconnie??) for a ko-fi request!! they cute :D

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Underrated Sconnie Moments❤️

Feat. Baffled Rogelio and Kyle


These four share one braincell and Lonnie has it 90% of the time

Lonnie deserves more love!!!! and I’m def not saying that bc she’s my type

Lonnie deserves more love!!!! and I’m def not saying that bc she’s my type

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Snippets of Catra’s devotion through the ages…I got some young teen Catradora prompts aeons aSnippets of Catra’s devotion through the ages…I got some young teen Catradora prompts aeons aSnippets of Catra’s devotion through the ages…I got some young teen Catradora prompts aeons aSnippets of Catra’s devotion through the ages…I got some young teen Catradora prompts aeons a

Snippets of Catra’s devotion through the ages…

I got some young teen Catradora prompts aeons ago, so I give you this.

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Pretty self indulgent stuff. Lonnie when he’s older and depressed until Jason comes back, then he’s just older and a little stressed. He loves having his best friend but boy is it rough sometimes.

Headcanon? canon? at least in my canon Batman cuts Jason’s throat with a Batarang during their confrontation with the Joker in under the red hood, making him go mute at least until the Lazarus pit heals things up again.

This Lonnie Machin (Anarky) is an optimist at heart always wanting believe the best in people. (a bit of a cinnamon roll) But god does life test him, hell people test him too damn much, including Jason. Though no one is quicker at getting on his nerves than Tim Drake. Lonnie absolutely hates Tim and what he stands for. He doesn’t think there needs to be any more robins after Jason much less have some snobby rich kid pretend to be his friend and lecture him about what’s right and wrong.
