

lonnie, running towards duke: here’s a handmade friendship bracelet for u!

duke, pointing: u didn’t make that, the girl scout u stole that from is crying right over there!

lonnie, picking duke up: i also got u thin mints!!!

 Inktober 2020 // Day 29 // Shoes   

Inktober 2020 // Day 29 // Shoes   

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still experimenting with art style, here’s the family. Decided that Jason during his robin years deserves a friend, he’s Lonnie Machin (Anarky) another streetkid. There’s also Talia who is Bruce’s main love here.

I really love the pairing of Jason Todd and Rose Wilson. Where Rose would be flirty, silly, and spontaneous and Jason is just in awe of her as he soaks it in and lets it give him the confidence to be comfortable with the mask off sometimes.

I think Jason would start off being fascinated with her not knowing he’s already got the slightest bit of a crush developing when he sees her kick ass for the first time. He has a lot of fun following her into trouble and just trails her like a lost puppy.

Rose starts off just hanging around him for the kicks because there’s no one else her age for her to interact with and this mostly stoic mysterious boy seems to like following her around and reacts to her teasing. However eventually she’d come to find him really earnest and cute.

Here Rose is just a big trouble maker with no regards for consequences. While Jason is mentally a clean slate, who’s shy of his appearance and curious of everything.

Pretty self indulgent stuff. Lonnie when he’s older and depressed until Jason comes back, then he’s just older and a little stressed. He loves having his best friend but boy is it rough sometimes.

Headcanon? canon? at least in my canon Batman cuts Jason’s throat with a Batarang during their confrontation with the Joker in under the red hood, making him go mute at least until the Lazarus pit heals things up again.

This Lonnie Machin (Anarky) is an optimist at heart always wanting believe the best in people. (a bit of a cinnamon roll) But god does life test him, hell people test him too damn much, including Jason. Though no one is quicker at getting on his nerves than Tim Drake. Lonnie absolutely hates Tim and what he stands for. He doesn’t think there needs to be any more robins after Jason much less have some snobby rich kid pretend to be his friend and lecture him about what’s right and wrong.

Jason: How much did you pay in respects?
Lonnie: Too fucking much, an entire 87 cents and a bottle cap!
Jason: A whole bottle cap! Musta been one helluva fire

I just love the idea of Jason Todd (Robin/Red hood) being best friends since childhood with Lonnie Machin (Anarky) living and hanging out in Park Row helping each other survive and get up to schemes. They would just be adorable little troublemakers as kids.
