#loss of pet


My Heart Is Breaking…

Yesterday mine and my fiancé’s eldest dog (6years old) suddenly collapsed on her walk…She has problems with her back right leg but we never thought that it would get so bad she’d collapse.

After taking our new puppy for her vaccinations we took our eldest to get checked out…only to be told it’s either her spine or brain and it would cost thousands to even find out what happened…then more money for whatever treatment…if it’s even possible to treat.

After taking her home to see if she improves for today and she has not. She is in no pain and she is eating, drinking and sleeping but she can’t walk…I have done enough research and experienced enough life to know she has likely had a stroke and lost her ability to walk.

However as much as it could be that, without tests we can’t know and we can not afford it. And before anyone says don’t get a dog if you can’t afford it…shut up.

We have money to take care of dogs in a general way, if they get injured out on a walk or need anything like that but who buys a dog expecting them to have a stroke or anything that going to cost more than £10,000 and in this country having that kind of money is rare. I am not rich, I am a normal woman with enough money to survive this crappy world.

So…my heart is breaking because I want to save my baby girl but I cant. She may be a dog to most people but these dogs..they’re my kids and right now I am losing my eldest child.

Today we may have to put her down because the only thing she can’t do is walk. She’s eating, her tails waggling and she’s drinking but without the ability to walk (which with money we could fix) she can’t use the toilet.

So to my baby girl I am so sorry mummy and daddy can’t do more. I would do anything to keep her alive and help her…I love you Bonnie.❤️


[Image description: A semi realistic, semi stylized digital painting of a black and white cat, the titular Noel, sitting on a floating island of dandelions beneath a streetlamp. Noel has his left paw raised and is looking at the viewer with a smile. He is wearing a blue collar and looks happy. Description end]

This is the portrait I hoped I wouldn’t have to paint for a long time. I lost Noel in May so here is a tribute to him. Desktop and mobile corrected versions above.
