#love live incorrect quotes


Yohane : I am perhaps already the undead, hauling my body around this mortal realm, haunted by the souls of the damned and the hungry who feast on my muscles and bones until I shall be dragged to hell once more.

Kanan :

Kanan : …once again, I don’t know where that is on a 1-10 pain scale.

Mari : Anybody got any crayons and glitter gel pens so I can color in my Ph.D?

Kasumi : I’d eat moldy bread for ¥1000.

Emma, concerned : Why would you do that to yourself??

Kasumi : Throwing up is quick, easy, and free, a thousand yen is a thousand yen, and bread is bread.

Kanata : I have been informed by Mia that “Country Roads” is not actually the American national anthem

Dia : What are you doing on my doorstep at 2 in the morning?!

Hanamaru : Kanan said that if we are breaking any laws I should be with you, zura

Dia : *sighs* What laws are we breaking now?

Hanamaru : I..want..to download movies and music off the Internet?

Dia :*deep breath* *looks at Hanamaru* *gives up* Come on in, I’ll show you how to do it

Hanayo : Aw this chocolate bar costs 500 yen, I only have 200 on me :(

Nico : Oh there’s actually a way to get a discount!

Hanayo : Really?

Nico : Yeah watch this *takes the chocolate bar and leaves the store*

Shizuku : I feel horrible.

Setsuna : Wanna go set cars on fire? I have some gasoline.

Shizuku : As much as it would cheer me up to commit a felony, I have to say no.
